December 2022 – Bible quiz

Focus on: Giving what? And celebrating what?


Starting notes: please remember, this isn’t for showing off, but for encouraging and growing our covenant relationship with Jesus, love for His Word, and fellowship with those who also love His Word (the Bible). Amen? Okay, let’s begin. Shall we?


Q1: What Jewish feast did fulfill when He put on a human body and walk among humans?

> Clues: John 1:14, Leviticus 23

Answer: _____________________________________ (Jewish feast)


Q2: What does God say gives great gain?

> Clues: 1 Timothy 6:6

Answer: ______________________________________


Q3: What is the source of enthusiasm of the people around you for December 25th? Good? Or bad?

> Clues (various answers): Ephesians 5:16-26

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


Q4: According to God, what is covetousness?

> Clues: Colossians 3:5, Exodus 20:17

Answer: _____________________________________


Q5: What does God say about giving? Does God reward giving “christmas gifts” as giving?

> Clues: Luke 14:12-14

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


Q6: What should be our focus in all things?

> Clues: Matthew 6:33

Answer: _____________________________________


Q7: Is there a right way to celebrate the Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year)?

> Clues: Jeremiah 10:2,

Answer: _____________________________________


Q8: Does it reduce Jesus’ authority over you to visualize Him as a baby every year?

> Clues:

Answer: _____________________________________


Q9: Who does God say blinds the minds and hearts of those around us?

> Clues: Ephesians 2:2-8, John 10:10, John 8:44

Answer: _____________________________________


Q10: What does God say about “christmas trees”?2022-Bible-quiz-June-banner.jpg

> Clues: Jeremiah 10:3-5, Exodus 20

Answers: _____________________________________