September 2022 – Bible quiz

Focus on: Biblical Pastors and Biblical churches


Starting notes: please remember, this isn’t for showing off, but for encouraging and growing our covenant relationship with Jesus, love for His Word, and fellowship with those who also love His Word (the Bible). Amen? Okay, let’s begin. Shall we?


Starting thought: many so-called pastors today are not picked by God but are fighting God. How can we discern the wolves from the pastors? These verses help make that more clear.


Q1: Who picks Biblical pastors, God or seminaries?

> Clues: 1 Peter 2:5-8; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Titus 1:5-11

Answer: _____________________________________


Q2: If a pastor is not saved, is he a “pastor”? What are God’s qualifications of a “pastor”?

> Clues: 1 Timothy 3:13, Titus 1:7,9; 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-11

Answer: ______________________________________


Q3: How does God define a “church”? Can religious corporations honestly be called “churches”?

> Clues: Romans 12:3-9; 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,

Answer: _____________________________________; b _ _ y, or g _ _ _ e _ _ _ g; N_!


Q4: Does God allow a woman to be “pastor”? Does God limit ladies from all positions in church?

> Clues: 1 Timothy 2:12; Acts 21:8-9, Romans 16:1-4, Romans 16:13, 2 Timothy 1:3-5

Answer: _____________________________________; N _; N _! (read those examples)


Q5: What causes God to completely revoke the title of pastor from a man? Examples?

> Clues: Matthew 6:24, Mark 8:34-38, 2 Peter 2:1-3, Jude 1:11-19, 3 John 1:9-11, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34,

Answer: _____________________________________


Q6: According to God, who is above the title and category of pastor?

> Clues: 4 categories: Ephesians 4:15, Eph 5:23, Colossian 1:18, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

Answer: J _ _ _ s, a _ _ s _ _ _ s, p r _ _ _ _ t s, and e _ _ _ g _ _ s t s


Q7: When a so-called “pastor” refuses to teach God’s Word, what does he choose instead?

> Clues: 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 4:1-5

Answer: _____________________________________; one word: m y _ _ s, s t _ r _ _ s


Q8: What text and what text alone is a Biblical pastor supposed to use?

> Clues: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12-13

Answer: _____________________________________; one word: B _ _ _ e


Q9: What causes a “pastor” to go astray?

> Clues: James 1:12-16, 1Tim 6:6-12, 1Tim 3:1-13, Titus 1

Answer: _________________; s _ n, l _ _ t, m _ _ _ y2022-Bible-quiz-June-banner.jpg


Q10: What do we call a fallen “pastor”?

> Clue: Matthew 7:15, 1 Timothy 1:18-20

Answers: _______________; w _ _ f, a p _ _ t _ t e