July 2023 – Bible quiz

Focus on: What is freedom?


Starting notes: please remember, this isn’t for showing off, but for encouraging and growing our covenant relationship with Jesus, love for His Word, and fellowship with those who also love His Word (the Bible). Amen? Okay, let’s begin. Shall we?


>> Fireworks question in banner is: Which are you choosing: tree of life, or eternal flames?


Q1: Who is the first one in Scripture who talked about freedom?

> Clues: Genesis 3:1-5, and verse 15

Answer: ______________________________________


Q2: What happened to those who believed what this individual said?

> Clues: Genesis 3, Romans 5:12

Answer: ______________________________________


Q3: What is the foundation of true freedom?

> Clues: Proverbs 1:7, 9:10

Answer: ______________________________________


Q4: What happens to those who commit sin in this life? What does Jesus offer instead?

> Clues: John 8:34-36

Answer: ______________________________________


Q5: Describe a few details about what fake freedom looks like.

> Clues: Romans 1:18-32, see also fake freedom vs fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:16-25

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Q6: What does Jesus say happens when people chase fake freedom instead of holy purity?

> Clues: Matthew 24:11-14

Answer: _____________________________________


Q7: Jesus described two masters, who are they?

> Clues: Matthew 6:24, see also Matthew 6:19-23

Answer: _____________________________________


Q8: What two heart-directions does God thru Paul explain in Romans 6?

> Clues: Romans 6:15-23, see also Romans 8:1-18

Answer: _____________________________________


2022-Bible-quiz-June-banner.jpgQ9: What contrast did Jesus give between Himself and satan?

> Clues: John 10:10-11, see also John 6:14

Answer: _____________________________________


Q10: How can we find freedom from sins?

> Clues: 1 John 1:9

Answers: _____________________________________