March 2023 – Bible quiz

Focus on: Spring, and Second Chances


Starting notes: please remember, this isn’t for showing off, but for encouraging and growing our covenant relationship with Jesus, love for His Word, and fellowship with those who also love His Word (the Bible). Amen? Okay, let’s begin. Shall we?


Q1: Except for those who hardened their hearts, how often does God offer us a chance of grace?

> Clues: Lamentations 3:22-23

Answer: ______________________________________


Q2: Which day of the year does God offer salvation, repentance and forgiveness?

> Clues: Hebrews 3:7, Hebrews 4:7

Answer: ______________________________________


Q3: What does God trade sin for when we come to Him in repentance?

> Clues: Isaiah 1:18-19

Answer: ______________________________________


Q4: Is God so hard to talk to or find, you need to talk to the “pope” or his earthly mom?

> Clues: Psalm 145:18-19; Matthew 4:24-25, Matthew 9:10, Matthew 15:30-31; >Matthew 23:9

Answer: _____________________________________


Q5: How do we find God?

> Clues: Isaiah 55:6-7; Jeremiah 29:13-14; Matthew 7:7-11;

Answer: ______________________________________


Q6: What do we do if we lack wisdom?

> Clues: James 1:5-7; 1 John 5:13

Answer: _____________________________________


Q7: Karma is the fake of what God calls sowing and reaping. What are the 2 categories?

> Clues: Galatians 5:16-25; Galatians 6:7-9

Answer: _____________________________________


Q8: What two foundations did Jesus name contrasting those who obey Him and those who don’t?

> Clues: Matthew 7:21-29; (see also John 14:15-24)

Answer: _____________________________________


2022-Bible-quiz-June-banner.jpgQ9: What types of soils did the seeds land on?

> Clues: Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8

Answer: _____________________________________


Q10: In the parable of the soils, which soil are you?

> Clues: Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8

Answers: _____________________________________