

Erwin Lutzer is a Jesuit Nazi – Extended Report  


Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry...”(1 Timothy 4:1-3a)


That is an exact description of Catholic Jesuit priests and teachers. Billy Graham was an evil ecumenical leader to bring the “Protestant” churches under the Pope. We know why the Billy Graham library would be selling Erwin Lutzer’s The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. Lutzer is a protégé of Billy Graham and both are Jesuit Doctors of Catholic Law. But why would Friends of Israel be selling Lutzer’s book Hitler’s Cross? We thought Ralph Gower’s (recommended by John MacArthur of Grace To You) anti-Israel propaganda was bad which is why we wrote a report on it; but Lutzer’s anti-Israel propaganda is far worse. Why are our Christian Israeli brothers and sisters or Messianic believers not writing this indictment against a Nazi in our midst? They know Israeli history and struggles for survival better than we do, presumably. Are they all infiltrated by closet satanists who stifle human responses to known needs of their brothers of Israel? Is that why they have not responded? How can we help Christian ministries stop supporting Nazis and Jesuits who are leading much of the leadership partnerships between Israel and America right now? How can we stop a Jesuit-led war against our Muslim neighbors in America turning our land into a death zone and detention center for Christians and Israelis and those Muslims who are interested in Christianity and are uncooperative with the Jesuit partnership between the extremists of Islam, Kabbalah, and Catholicism? How can we stop the Jesuit war-machine that wants to make a Middle East Holocaust/Armageddon right now by generating hostility against rogue states who have not yet submitted to the international murder fund program? This is one way to how you do it – you write point-by-point reports on the bad fruit of a well-known bad tree who is creating the “moral necessity” motives for war.


That word reich is best translated as ‘empire’ or ‘kingdom’. To the German ear it has almost a sacred tone. How well I remember my parents, German-speaking people who emigrated to Canada, teaching us the Lord’s Prayer: Dein Reich komme, dein Wille geshehe… For the Nazis that word reich would come to express the mystical and eternal German kingdom.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 24) It’s like when young satanists come up to us and ask us if we’ve hailed satan today. “…we have all the power we need to do God’s will, but we do not have absolute power over our enemy. We cannot demolish his kingdom; we cannot prescribe the boundaries of his power.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66) As you will discover, Lutzer’s assaults against God just keep going. When Lutzer says the words “our enemy”, he is talking about God. He says “we cannot demolish his kingdom” and “we cannot prescribe the boundaries of his power.” Which is why he has to explain that you don’t just stand idly and say “This is the will of God” because otherwise it would be obvious that his followers are a Jesuit and want the evil to happen, so they have to pretend to fight the devil alongside us who suffer under his plans. R. C. Sproul, when he wrote the foreword to God’s Devil said this exact same thing. “It is the best treatment of the person and work of the enemy I have ever read.” Sproul, being at the heights of doctrinal “knowledge” and mythic subtlety, is intentionally using the title from a book about God. “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit” by R. A. Torrey.


Talk to Jewish people today, and many of them will tell you that there are no advantages to being chosen. The non-chosen, for all of their trials, have appeared to be more blessed. The chosen appear to be the cursed. With the honor of being singled out by God for blessing has come centuries of tears and persecution. And, as we shall see, there is more to come.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 100) Why does Lutzer agree with the Pope’s trying to take authority over Israel calling it the “Holy Land” as if Islam and the Catholic Pope both have a right to the land rather than Israel? ”SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT   Let’s back up for a moment and get some historical context: In the seventh century, Muslim invaders entered the Holy Land unprovoked to capture Christian lands. First they conquered Syria. Then, because the Holy Land was largely unprotected, the Muslim forces were able to capture it without much resistance.” (Shadow Crescent Page 101) Why does Lutzer agree with usurper Jesuit Nazi Donald Trump giving away part of Jerusalem to Saudi Arabia and splitting Jerusalem in three parts? “I say this not because I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim, but to call attention to the fact that even the greatest political and religious power in all human history will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth.” (Shadow Crescent Page 144) Obviously, that could be read as saying he does not believe Antichrist will be Muslim, but read it again and read these books and you will discover Lutzer meant it the second way it could be interpreted “I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim”. Lutzer believes Israel and Islam with be equally to blame for Antichrist. “My preference is to believe that while the church will be raptured before the tribulation begins, there will be a remnant (primarily Jews) who will be saved during the tribulation period… Satan can no longer accuse those who have been acquitted by God, thanks to the sacrifice of Christ. Every just accusation is now silenced.” (God’s Devil Page 214-217) Lutzer believes the Catholic “church” is the only “church” that should be allowed to survive. “We discussed various ways Christians could respond. Then I said, ‘I guess we will also have to prepare the next generation for martyrdom… we will have to teach them how to die for the faith.’ Sam then pointed his finger at me and said, ‘That is exactly what God has called you to do. Train your people to become martyrs!’” (Shadow Crescent Page 164) Lutzer believes it is his “call” to prepare American Christians and Hebrews for martyrdom because he knows we won’t participate in leadership-level InterMyth Dialogue with Islam to find the lowest common denominator between the two in A Common Word Between Us. So Lutzer is preaching the second half of the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions (which he attended) theme “Unite or Perish”. The Muslim repeat of the Nazi conundrum can only operate because Nazi Jesuits control the information. Abuse thrives only with the ignorance of its victims who do not know how to get help from others who should help. And so as we figure out the Nazi Jesuit program, the solution is actually pretty simple to start – denounce all Jesuit Nazi propaganda as loudly as possible and kick out the Jesuits out of our community. The next phases are more about rebuilding community and calling out all of the evil myths we can find.


And this time, the Jesuits are disguising themselves as Muslims to conquer Protestant America back under Rome. It was the Catholic “church” that helped Muhammad make up Islam, not Gabriel. At least two Catholic priests mentored Muhammad. And it was St. Augustine who arranged all of the pieces in the Middle East and Africa through Pontifical Councils for the rise of an opposition to Rome that could oppress the Hebrews where Rome could not reach. And Muslims revere visions of “Gabriel” (supposedly gave the Quran “revelations”) and “Mary” (through Fatima whose prophecy was a Catholic attack on Russia). They both have prayer beads. They both “worship” around an idol in the center of their courtyard (Vatican City). They both include many satanic mystery religion ideas much the same as Catholics and Kabbalah. They are both a counterfeit “kingdom of God”. They both oppress and attack Israelis (Holy Wars). They both conquer land and impose their empire as a political ideology hiding behind religion to protect them (Holy Roman Empire). They both have a “conservative” side and a “mystic/satanic” side (like Catholics versus Jesuits). They alter the Scriptures given to us by God (Quran and Catholic Vatinus B and Sinaticus A manuscripts among so many). They hide truth from common people by means of foreign language (Arabic and Latin). They both have priests (Imams) who control the politics/laws and public information levels. They both infiltrate by stealth satanic planning into Christian and Israeli networks to divide and conquer (like Jesuits) as well as to destroy from within. Muslims respect the Pope and will not conquer cathedrals or territory they are not allowed to as we show also from Lutzer’s own words in regard to Constantinople. And Muslims partner with and share secrets between their local leaderships historically. Even during Caliphates, Muslims had a dhimma pact with Catholics in their territories to be higher class citizens wherever their territory existed as Lutzer also explains. There are so many similarities we have not even touched. But you get the point. And most importantly, Muslims will not recognize people who have faith in Jesus nor Israelis among their people and will not allow their records to even show the existence of Christians or Israelis in their midst, since they consider themselves over both – as the replacement to both. ”When Lina Joy, a Malay woman, wanted to have her conversion to Christianity recognized by the Malaysian courts, the Arabic media network Al-Jazeera suggested that ‘if Malaysia allows conversions to Christianity this could trigger off “mass conversions” from Islam.’ No doubt it would! After several years of legal battles, Lina Joy was denied her request that she be identified as a Christian on her ID card.” (Shadow Crescent Page 72) “Islam regards itself as the most complete and final religion, with Christianity and Judaism in its early roots. After all, Abraham is regarded as the father of all three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muslims believe that Judaism and Christianity had been abrogated and had become corrupted, and that if these religions were purified, all Jews and Christians would become Muslims. Muhammad himself taught that Abraham was actually a Muslim rather than a Jew (Sura 3:67). In the Quran, it is said the disciples identified themselves as Muslims (Sura 3:52; 5:111). Because Islam would ultimately triumph over all other religions (Sura 48:28), and it had superseded Judaism and Christianity, ‘it would no longer be acceptable for Jews – or Christians – to follow their old religion; they had to acknowledge Muhammad, and become Muslims too, like everyone else.’ A question I have often pondered is this: Why has Islam been able to obliterate the church in a way that Communism has not?  (Shadow Crescent Page 68)


Notice that last line where Erwin Lutzer actually thinks Islam does supersede faith in Jesus. The Pope does the same thing historically trying to wipe us out and delete us from Europe…    …and now America. The Jesuit Catholic operation with Muslim Brotherhood in America is quite literally an Inquisition. The Holy Office of Inquisition was inherited from the Dominican order to the Jesuit order. And now they are bringing the Inquisition to America which is not even Catholic. But they have so many Jesuits and Catholics in power in America now by infiltration that they intend to wipe us out of America or force us to be Catholic and have the world believe that non-Catholic “Christianity” disappeared. Specifically, Chicago is their first target because of Dwight Moody’s community friends and so they are already infiltrating The Moody Church with Muslims as Lutzer explains his baptizing of “converts” who do not want their name known as being Christian, and they are overthrowing Moody Bible Institute with Jesuits to become Catholic. They believe that would wipe out Dwight Moody’s gospel work. They aren’t very honest! There are far more Christians and Hebrews in Chicago than there are Jesuits, so they have no authority to do this, because God recognizes the Christians authority. They already deeply damaged Moody’s hometown schools in Northfield-Mount Hermon as our reports shows of Muslims Student Association, and Interfaith Council and chaplain, and United Nations student programs with Qatar and Jesuit Georgetown University and Catholic Thomas Aquinas College and Thomas Aquinas-based C. S. Lewis Institute sharing their property now along with so many similar problems.


Notice the upside-down cross on the Pope’s chair as we show in our banner for this article. It’s made to be a sword – meaning “In Hoc Signo Vinces” or “In This Sign Conquer” from Constantine in the 300s AD and the Crusades and Holy Wars. That exact phrase is still written on the Knights Templar logo and the “IHS" on the Jesuit logo up there shows they are conquering “In Hoc Signo”. The Pope has turned the cross upside down to push for a “crown” by means of conquering while using reverse victimhood and martyrdom as a disguise. Lutzer accuses Jesus for that “confusion of swords”. Lutzer says somewhere in one of his books that God knows we must suffer before we can reign with Jesus and that there can be no crown without a cross. But Lutzer secretly means an upside down cross – a sword. And by “suffer”, Lutzer means reverse victimhood – Jesuits killing and then Jesuits playing the victim as they did in World War 2. We did not explain as much of this reverse victimhood as we would like to, so you will have to look it up for yourself, but Lutzer discusses both Nazis and Muslims playing reverse victimhood as a distraction from fact that the Catholics reverse victimhood also – but it sounds along the lines of “Don’t you feel sorry for us rulers having to figure out how to settle all of the troubles you peasants have”. And Lutzer and Jesuits want to feel they are “victims” of God’s standards of right and wrong that keep them in check and limit much of their catastrophic abuses. ”Because he sees only individual catastrophes he no longer sees the basic, cardinal catastrophe behind them all.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 196 – quoting Helmut Thielicke) That is an admission of guilt that it is the Jesuit General operating with the Pope to play “god” and “the devil” and sending orders through the Cardinals. But Helmut Thielicke was trying to blame God if you see the rest of the quote. You might find it helpful to see our articles on these other related topics: Erwin Lutzer Profile, Jesuit Erwin Lutzer’s Reunited “Church” to Stop the Final Reich (Part 1), and God’s Holy Mountain.


This report below is based on thorough reading of three books by Erwin Lutzer which we dog-eared and marked on as we read through and then again. There are no words to describe the hurt and tears at moments when we figured out some of what was being said by Lutzer. We already knew his Jesuit background before reading, which is why we bought the books. But it is just beyond what we are used to. And that’s saying something because we’ve talked to many “atheists” and skeptics on the streets of America and online trying to share the gospel with them. So prepare yourself, if you are a Christian. It is not fun at all to read it, let alone to notice the connotations we realized were throughout. We reduced all of the many marked quotes down to specifically the most obviously wrong ones. And when we say wrong – we mean making God the brains behind “the devil” and making the study of the devil “theology” – stuff that was fairly obvious. And then came the task of assembling them in some pattern of thought that showed Lutzer’s barely hidden messages that point to extreme chaos and overthrow of The Moody Church by Muslims along with all of the city of Chicago and all of America with this dangerous Jesuit program. They need this program to turn the world upside down and have the devil be “god” and God be “the devil”. But Lutzer has disguised his evil thoughts as political commentary, because we realized by the time we reached our final argument that Lutzer sees the Roman Catholic system as “god” and anarchy and many other political systems as “the devil”. And Lutzer wants to hide behind politics to disguise his hate speech against Christians, literally threatening that we all die under Islam in America.


We knew we needed God’s Devil because R. C. Sproul’s dangerous network is right next to us down in Orlando which we have called Retarded Theological Seminary for a long time. Even if you were a graduate of RTS and had a good experience, you would understand what we mean if you encountered what we’ve seen and heard. They work so ridiculously hard to make up lies that sound truthful in order to make a name for themselves. And Sproul is a partner with Joel Hunter who we know about quite thoroughly at a close distance. The current Moody Church “pastor” Ed Stetzer even sat in Joel Hunter’s classes there and more recently in 2008 co-taught with Joel there. And when Joel Hunter was disgraced because he chose to welcome the homosexual network to act “Christian” in his “church”, it was a former Moody Church evangelism and singles pastor who replaced him – Matt Heard. The purchase of Hitler’s Cross (which was the first book we got of Lutzer’s) was more of an interest in what Lutzer thought the direction of the church was. We had no idea he would say that God is a battleship that can’t be taken down by a peashooter. So when we wrote that report, it was overwhelming and had too many diverse topics to put in one report.


And finally, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent is just startling to the senses. It is so perverse in its retelling of history, in its commanding the martyrdom concept over Christians, in its preaching of Islam constantly while straining to draw sly comparisons to Jesus’ followers as “extremists” to open the way for more future slander to be built on top of it in the years to come. The foreword was written by Samuel Naaman who we know to be involved in interreligious dialogue with Muslims and Hindus. But the Insider Movement of Islam was really telling, because this is exactly what Naaman’s Hindu ministries director Anil Yesudas has been involved in this reshaping of Hindu culture to create Hindu Christians, so that it made sense that Naaman and Lutzer also partner with reshaping Muslim culture to create Muslim Christians as Lutzer explains on page 123. The other half of that movement called Crislam was made popular by Rick Warren through A Common Word Between Us, which says that Muslims and Christians love “God” and love their neighbor as the starting grounds for dialogue/partnership. Joel Hunter in Orlando takes this to a new level with United Nations partnerships for New World Order (for example FEMA clergy “interfaith” chaplains in prisons) and with Council on American Islamic Relations for shariah law and with interreligious dialogue in Doha, Qatar with the headquarters of U.S. CentComm, etc.


IMPORTANT WARNINGS #1 When you first read these books of Erwin Lutzer, your first response in your brain is to think that there’s no way a pastor would say these kinds of things, so you think you misunderstood what he said. We have studied these three books thoroughly, this really is what he is saying which is why Lutzer had to leave The Moody Church because he was getting caught for all of this. Obviously, when you see our article title, it could seem “easier” to some of you to assume that we are taking Lutzer’s words out of context. But if you care about your neighbors and friends and family, and if you are learning to care for all the people of the world (rather than American selfish comforts) – read his books for yourself and do the research to see for yourself. The three books are – Hitler’s Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote The Nazi Agenda, God’s Devil: The Incredible Story of How Satan’s Rebellion Serves God’s Purposes, and The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent: An Informed Response to Islam’s War With Christianity.

IMPORTANT WARNINGS #2 When you see what we are showing about Erwin Lutzer, warn all of your friends who have heard about him. Or share this report with them. We all want him to be rejected and ostracized from the church, so he quits selling books and evil lies and giving speeches to recruit more false “pastors”. To any unbelievers who may read this: Do not dare do any harm to Erwin Lutzer or any other Jesuits or Nazis based on what we are exposing here. With this warning, we are speaking especially to followers of Alex Jones, militia, Jesuits, Anti-fascism (Antifa), Pre-crime investigators, False flag actors/activists, Psychologists, Communists, White Supremacists, CIA, DHS, FEMA, military police, Black Robed Regiment, etc. We intend no harm against him either, though no doubt he would like to pretend that these words hurt him. In his book, he does pretend that truth is slander, so we show his words on that later. God will never condone us killing anybody and we have agreed to trust God to protect us against the worst harms intended against us. These conversations must happen without violence. Even the record of Scriptures show that God never has us kill at any time during the Tribulation or at the end of the Tribulation. God will never have us kill anybody. Jesus Himself said – as Erwin Lutzer also notices – “When the Roman soldiers approached the Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Him, the apostle Peter drew his sword. Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘Put your sword back in its place… for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ (Matthew 26:52).” (The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent Page 103 – which we shorten to Shadow Crescent throughout). We do not want to die, and we do not want to kill anyone. We love even those who choose to be our enemies, even if there is no way to help them out of the Jesuit oaths they have chosen. God says a warning very clearly about these end-times that are upon us – “He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.” Revelation 13:10. We need everyone to be aware of these judgments that God will arrange on those who kill or lead into captivity in detention camps. These are necessary rules so that the people can decide for themselves and not be forced into one side or another – not forced to follow God and not forced to pledge their eternal soul to the devil. As we said even during and at the end of the Tribulation, only Jesus will execute His judgments as He decides. We never do any killing even then. In fact, we are not even on earth from the time of Revelation 4:1 (which Christians call the rapture) until the verses we are about to show you, where we ride in on white horses behind Jesus. Read Revelation 19:11-15, 20 “Now I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in Heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God… Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.” Revelation 19:11-15, 20. So now let’s back up to our time right now. We believe that God will judge these Jesuits in the spiritual discussions in God’s court in Heaven and then expose the facts on earth to help us silence their evil and catch whatever crimes have already been committed – which are many. And we believe that as righteous judges find a voice in America (not through the Jesuit-controlled legal system but mostly through preaching the Word of God and Truth/Jesus), God will reshape American government which is ruled by the people through a Constitution (it is not ruled by the usurper Nazi Corporate “neo-conservative” criminal oligarchy) to bring justice based on real evidence of crimes committed. But they have escape hatches, as always, for their Jesuits. There are two plots of land with hundreds of acres available to the Jesuits in Iraq (110 acre blast-proof bunker) and in Paraguay both coordinated by George W. Bush because of the attack of September 11, which two of his brothers participated in besides himself and Donald Trump and others in the planning and implementing of it. But in spite of their escape hatches, whatever justice does happen should not be based on personal opinion or based on past criminal deeds done by the same organization or based on membership or statements alone as if to know thoughts and judge by “pre-crime” investigations. You can see this principle another way - this is the real reason why the devil has not yet been judged in the Lake of Fire yet – because people have not finished the indictments against the devil and the case is not clearly settled on all categories that must be brought about him before the Great White Throne judgment of God. But Lutzer already knows this, so it is just excuses for evil when he says God should have already judged the devil. God gave the authority over earth to man – that is where we need to work together to find what is right and judge what is evil – all of it, or it keeps coming back. God doesn’t want that and you and I don’t want that. Or do you? You need to repent of sin and give your life to Jesus and learn to fear God’s judgment before you will be able to understand spiritual discussions like this. To believers who may read this: As always, the elite rulers would love to just do a carefully controlled military tribunal and pardon or give immunity to many of the minds behind this evil program. Let us study well, so that we know how to investigate well and prove who are the criminals rather than hope it will all turn out justly as all of America’s legal system from Supreme Court on down is currently controlled by Jesuits. Lutzer knows this quite well, which is why he encourages his readers to join it. Lutzer also knows that history and education are “written by the victor” which is in Rome and writes through her Jesuits, so he encourages his readers to join that also.

IMPORTANT WARNINGS #3 Many conclusions Lutzer makes are evil. We have tried our best to refute the evil lies along the way. And we start with powerful Scriptures to guard your heart before you start into reading this demonic propaganda. You have been warned; this information and conversation is very evil and involves some of the deepest works and plans of satan against God. It contains fierce and disturbing accusations against God, Israel, and honest followers of Jesus Christ. These are messages you would only expect from well-known atheists like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens. But in truth, these men were quoting the rhetoric and philosophy of the Jesuits who hold the deepest secrets and mystery religions and rewritten history to dominate the world under a revived Roman Empire.


Let your love for God be without hypocrisy if you join in exposing Erwin Lutzer’s lies.

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9) Until Christians give full attention to godly community-building and resisting the devil’s interests in our life, we are not able to catch the visible signs of hypocrisy in others. And when we reach that point of dealing with sins in our own life to then see hypocrisy in others, we have to work to turn our heart away from even the deception and traps of this world so that we see clearly to help our brother remove a speck from his eye. And when we see this clearly, we can see who is a brother and who is not based on the fruit of their life and be able to insist on repentance or else know that they must be turned out of the church as an unbeliever who refuses to obey Christ (Matthew 18:17). And then there are problems we need to see that are way beyond this to where a false teacher has spent his entire life in “Christian” pulpits promoting the devil’s work while convincing everyone that he is the wisest of “Christians”. No doubt many have caught Erwin Lutzer’s hypocrisy and sin, but we wish more Christians at Moody Church had written clear rebukes of his doctrines from demons by now. No doubt there are believers who caught many of these things which is why Lutzer had to leave, to step up to his higher assignment in the Jesuit program to overthrow America and the international gospel work being done through our country. This one is going to hurt as it gets pulled out of the church, because it was allowed to establish more roots than many. And we pray that our brothers and sisters who know the voice of Jesus will hear well and go point-by-point to rip out the weeds in your own thoughts, so that we are all producing good fruit and clearing Christ’s name of such horrible blasphemy. Bad fruit is not hard to recognize, but Christians are far too reluctant to point out a bad tree and warn people to stay away.


Stopping the Jesuits’ false American “Tribulation”.

So this is how God will hopefully allow us to stop the false Tribulation they have planned for America under Muslim and Jesuit mafia, promoting their magic tricks and eugenics. If you write indictments against Nazis you can find who are master-minding this operation and leading Christians to fall for World War 3. If you expose the extremists who always turn honest people against one another as the elite powers keep secretly gaining control over the world’s resources and economics. You expose the military operations and partnerships being done in secret to create psychological operations that then turn into a World War 3. You connect genuinely kind people with their neighbors toward friendly community in spite of vast disagreements and differences of lifestyle choices, for the sake of reaching them for the gospel, and for the sake of rebuilding networks who can watch for terrorists who are trying to incite war on American soil, or trying to incite global war. When you expose the eugenics and slow-death programs of the elites and United Nations being forced on the people – where the Nazi “human hygiene” and “population reduction” programs are already all in place in the Nazi-run medical systems. The murder medical hospitals are ever-increasing in size, money, and power. You expose their work of creating world-wide famine through destroying crops with chemtrails and extreme weather modification, and through genetic modification of foods to make them harmful or even deadly, and they are dismantling of the farm communities, under agri-business power-house mega-corporations so they can determine whether food will be produced and whether it will be sent to a particular region during war-time. We should all stop these Jesuit evil deeds, and stop them from pretending we are in the Tribulation.


We should all expose the Federal Emergency Management Agency training pastors through the Billy Graham Cove Retreat center to use the Quran, Talmud, and Bible (which Lutzer does) to calm the masses in times of crisis, so the people will be compliant with government orders such. Lutzer is one of those FEMA clergy preparing all Christians to die as martyrs under a Muslim take-over of America. We should all expose the Freemason and Jesuit and Catholic take-over of nearly every Christian leadership position nation-wide or even world-wide in their attempt to destroy the Christian opposition to the Anti-Christ program being built under Vatican networks world-wide. There are no doubt many more similar tasks that must be done as well before this false Tribulation is shut down. And God has many who are doing these tasks even many who have not yet believed in Christ, but their conscience and heart are not content with the evils they are being asked to participate in. But only a Christian community expressing the love of Christ and the gospel and clearly pointing to each work of the devil and lies of the devil. Faithful Christians are able to stop the hateful threats of secret Jesuits causing confusion in our country.


Being faithful requires diligent spiritual growth by faith. Prepare yourself before continuing by reading these Scriptures.

It takes one piece at a time being faithful with what God has given us. Being faithful in our time by not chasing the world’s pleasures. Ephesians 5:11-17 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says, ‘Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.’ See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:11-17.


Being faithful with our thoughts by not entertaining ourselves with evil and propaganda that confuses us about what God’s will is. 1 John 2:12-20 “I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children because you have known the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one. Do not love the world or the things in the world. IF anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy one, and you know all things.” 1 John 2:12-20.


Being faithful to deal with our own desires that entice us toward sin every day. James 1:12-18 “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.” James 1:12-18.


Being faithful to listen to the Holy Spirit. John 16:5-14 “But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are you going?’ But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” John 16:5-14).


Being faithful to learn the Truth from Jesus and then figure out how to share it with people around us daily. 2 Timothy 4:1-4 “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Timothy 4:1-4. Being faithful to purify our church and throw out wolves or leave a church that is completely overthrown and occupied by mostly unbelieving individuals. 1 Peter 4:1-3a “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles…” 1 Peter 4:1-3a


But only after exposing/rebuking the false church and pastor as best as possible. Jude 1:10-25 “But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.’ These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.” Jude 1:10-25


Then start a godly fellowship to study the Bible with you. Acts 2:43-47 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:43-47


Being faithful to complete our maturing process through Christ and not through climbing the wall some other way by Jesuit exercises and similar lesser tricks of being mentored by Freemasons or Jesuits.

2 Peter 1:1-12 “Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth.” 2 Peter 1:1-12


Being faithful to know how to prepare ourselves for the spiritual warfare that does not happen visibly but happens in our hearts and thoughts and conversations with God to root out selfish desires and sin and evil pursuits and worldly confusions and motives. Ephesians 6:10-20 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints – and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20


This preparation we do is so that we can live righteous and holy in our conduct and be able to judge between right and wrong in the world around us knowing that we have learned and chosen to agree with God’s Truth to overcome the devil’s lies and lofty pride and usurping of authority.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6


Being faithful to welcome persecutions and trials as chastening from the Lord to build us up in love and good works by the Holy Spirit and to put to death the thoughts of the sinful flesh that are in us.

Revelation 3:15-20 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and unclothed – I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your unclothedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:15-20. 


And keeping our heart especially close to those who are suffering persecution worse than we are.

Hebrews 13:1-3 “Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also. Hebrews 13:1-3


And to enjoy the fellowship and joy in the presence of God living in us and in our brothers and sisters who are walking rightly with us even though they may be in other places and circumstances.

1 John 1:1-4 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of Life – the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us – that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:1-4


If you are going to read Lutzer’s books that cleverly promote Jesuits and anti-Israel propaganda, we sincerely suggest that you spend time in prayer and Bible study and make sure your heart is close to be able to hear God’s voice as you try to determine right from wrong while reading his books.


Important religious history and use of language

Jesuits: The Jesuits have accumulated the most sinister of anti-God accusations and myths all throughout history into this Vatican religious order, the “Society of Jesus”. These myths were collected largely from Pergamum, Turkey which for centuries was the seat of Satan’s mystery religions that had been built up since the tower of Babel (even Jesus called it Satan’s throne in his letter addressed to them) and from Alexandria, Egypt which was a Greek center of philosophy and an early think-tank of “Jewish”, Eastern, and “Christian” mystics. But when the Jesuit order began they went world-wide and recorded and preserved every single false religion they could locate and incorporated it in their database to control. Their strategy as the highest satanic order in the world is to find a way to accuse God and God’s people for literally every evil in existence on planet earth. And secondly, to create the disguises for the worst evil-doers in the world to make it seem like they have clean motives and honest facts and programs; it is motive-laundering. Jesuits are known to always be the experts to absolve any king or royalty from the worst crimes every committed. This is the real mafia power of the world, which is why the Jesuits have literally been condemned and banished from more than fifty countries and major cities since their founding in 1534. They are the paramilitary wing of the Catholic “Church” to bring the whole world into submission under the Pope and anti-christ world government.


Nazism/Fascism: Nazism/Fascism particularly sums up so many of these Jesuit agendas. It is the reverse of morality but it is designed to act like collective human morality all supposedly following their best understanding of “God” while really being a “bad guy” totalitarian dictatorship that seems to represent God for everyone to hate on. That repulsion to the Fascist extreme legalism/over-regulation of every micro-detail about life creates an automatic rebellion against the evils/hypocrisy of the false “God” or “church” that is thought to be the basis for the oppressive over-regulation (such as the Roman Catholic or Baptist “church) as an excuse for why turning against “God” is a “moral necessity”. In other words, they want you to think God is cruel and impossible to please so you will rebel in every way possible – they know this especially works on young people. So this system is used to indicate for future world government as to why there must be a system that is not built on the harsh and contradicting fundamental rules of Catholicism, Judaism (the modern Kabbalist reinvention not the Old Testament Judaism), or Islam. Furthermore, Fascism is an imaginary political extremism created to highlight an equally imaginary opposite that supposedly represents the devil’s program – Communism. No doubt someone will pick apart this description, but for Christians, this is really important to understand and it is not inaccurate to reality of how it is implemented.


Communism/Atheism: Communism is supposed to be an extreme form of atheism though God points out accurately that there is not a single person on earth who does not know about Him through His built in attributes in nature and in our conscience. But they actually pretend there is such a thing as “not knowing whether God exists”. The purpose of this belief is to form a collective inhuman non-morality and trying to control humans without any moral guidance at all supposedly following their best understanding of “lack of God” while really being a “bad guy” totalitarian dictatorship that seems to represent the devil for everyone to hate on. That repulsion to the Communist extreme sabotage/uncaring nature of every micro-detail agitated by sneaky spying, deception, and hostile networking creates an automatic rebellion against the evils/hypocrisy of the “not God” system trying to act like there is a “god” in the form of the devil. This is then used as an excuse to why there must be a form of morality that is a collective belief in doing good for your neighbor with incentives to do so. This description is not grounded in our experience since we have not grown up around Communism, but we know the spiritual basis behind the idea and see how it gets used.



Argument #1: Erwin Lutzer is a Jesuit. Jesuits were the Nazis.

Erwin Lutzer is a Jesuit as evidenced by his admission to completing a doctorate in philosophy with the Jesuits at Loyola which dissertation was completed in these three books Hitler’s Cross, God’s Devil, and The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent. This is why Erwin Lutzer was presented an honorary doctor of law degree from Jesuit-led Simon Greenleaf School of Law. Simon Greenleaf School of Law which was previously attached to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School led by Kabbalist Freemason Jesuit Charles Feinberg’s two sons John and Paul.


Jesuits are Nazis as the engineers of the World War 2 Nazi crisis, the Nazi propagandists, the Nazi training program, the “anti-Nazi” cover-up agents and espionage networks, the Nazi and Ustashi murderers, the Jesuit heads of states for redistricting, the Jesuit and Nazi designers of the concordats and treaty which produced the United Nations and Nazi “rehabilitation” programs, etc. Most Americans never realized that all of those programs were Jesuits. Hitler’s Vice-chancellor later who later became the Pope’s secret chamberlain and Berlin’s Catholic nuncio Monsignor Pacelli – these two arranged the ReichskonkordatPacelli shortly became Pope Pius XII. The Vatican’s Monsignor Tiso provided Aushwitz’s first gas chambers and crematoria furnaces. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuhrer of the SS, Gestapo, and German police forces was nephew of the Jesuit Canon in the Court of Bavaria. The younger Himmler had the Jesuit General Count Halke von Ledochowski’s assisting in designing the Nazi SS and his uncle Jesuit Father Himmler served as one of its superior officers. Furthermore, most of the top posts of the Nazi SS Central Security Service were Catholic Jesuit priests in SS uniform which is why Cardinal Ratzinger and many other Catholic leaders were members/officers. Ratzinger, you may recall, is the disgraced Pope Benedict XVI who was involved in covering up child-abuse scandals and also his history was found out partially. But he was replaced by Jesuit Pope Francis from the network of Argentinian Jesuits that also produced Billy Graham’s 50-year friend and partner Luis Palau who is a friend and partner of Erwin Lutzer on board of directors with Erwin and other similar cooperation. This Argentinian network also hid Adolf Eichmann who designed the “Final Solution” to kill and scatter as many Hebrews out of Europe as possible. It was the Zentrum Catholic party that largely put Hitler into office in the first place. Cardinal Suhard archbishop of France was personally thanked by Pope Piux XII for his role during the occupation. Jesuit Father Michael Coughlin provided the American Nazi propaganda on the radio in New York.


Mein Kampf was written by Jesuit Father Staempfle and given to Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler in jail. The Pope’s Secretary of State advised Jesuit Archbishop Stepinac of Croatia and Slovenia in 1942 “to establish more cordial and sincere relations with the ‘Oustachi’ authorities” and the Pope’s personal Jesuit friend R. P. Marcone represented in Zagreb and photographed himself with Ante Pavelitch who delivered to Italy the mass of valuables stolen from the more than 500,000 massacred and 300,000 deported Serbians and Jews removed to create the Catholic state of Croatia. Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop in Austria signed “Und Heil Hitler” with his own hand and urged the Catholic Youth to prepare to merge with Germany and the Chancellor of Austria was Jesuit Monsignor Seipel. Hitler’s partner in crime Benito Mussolini of Italy signed the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican to create its own sovereign City-State no longer under Italian government. Father Tacchi Venturi was Secretary of the Jesuits as well as Mussolini’s confessor. Otto von Bismark, the Chancellor of Germany during the First World War was the first Protestant ever honored with the “Order of Christ” from the Catholic “Church”, and the Pope himself recommended to the Zentrum Catholic party to support Bismark’s military endeaveors. The Jesuit order has been expelled more than fifty-six times from major countries and a few smaller ones since their founding in Spain in 1534. (Information largely referenced from The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris written around 1960 in French and translated in 1975 by Jack Chick Publications.



Argument #2: Jesuits are ultra-Montanists - “universalists” – “post-millennialists” – “kingdom-dominionists”. Jesuits rule Christendom – the Roman Catholic networks as a counterfeit “kingdom of God”. Nazis also pretended to build a counterfeit “kingdom of God”. Lutzer quotes someone saying that Islam is “really a political ideology that uses religion to protect and support it.” (Shadow Crescent Page 140) By this, Lutzer admits that he knows the Vatican is a political ideology that uses religion to protect and support it.


(Quotes are in dark bold font with the Book and Page reference afterward)

The final part of that quote is “Without the protection of religion it might not even survive.” Jesuit priests can absolve anyone of anything. That is their expertise. Jesuits are an evil army trying to impersonate Jesus while doing evil. They are experts at motive-laundering to cover or pretend to cleanse the worst crimes of European royalty. That is what they call Christendom – royalty acting as kings on behalf of the Roman Catholics. The Jesuit program eventually had to replace the royalty because it was too obvious that they were ruled by the Roman Catholics. Thus “democracy” (acts more like oligarchy) was born in Jesuit-led France where the headquarters of the Jesuits is, because the work of the Jesuits was too subversive to be workable. Erwin Lutzer says, “Thus, the conflict between God’s will and the ‘kingdoms of this world’ is still going on today.” (God’s Devil Page 155) Lutzer says, “The citizens of Jericho saw it quite differently: they were terrified of the Israelites and were puzzled as to why they did not come and claim their inheritance forty years earlier.” (God’s Devil Page 23) Lutzer believes in Israel-Replacement doctrines (usually called Church Replacement) so Lutzer is applying this statement forward onto the Catholic Pope, not to Israelis. Lutzer says the Antichrist will “counterfeit Christianity at every point” (God’s Devil Page 215) by which he admits to knowing that the Vatican is that system. The Pope is the “Vicar of Christ” meaning representative in the place of Christ. Lutzer says, “Regardless of how we understand Peter’s relationship to the church, 1 Corinthians 3:11 makes it clear that Christ is the foundation upon which the church is built.” (Shadow Crescent Page 90) Lutzer is trying to imply that it’s okay to believe that Peter was the first Pope. Lutzer says “Hitler asked the German nation to suffer with him, and the Third Reich would last for a thousand years.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 218) and that “he parodied the Lord’s Prayer, promising that under him a new kingdom would come on earth and that his would be ‘the power and the glory. Amen.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 77) ”The church had to choose between a Christ who was Lord over a shrinking ‘spiritual sphere’ and a Christ who was ‘Lord over all.’” (Hitler’s Cross page 169) Lutzer knows it was to force Christians under the Pope or else be blamed for secular state-power taking over.



Argument #3: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer says the devil’s counterfeit “kingdom of God” plans are really God’s plans. Lutzer says God does not care about the gospel saving people from sins. Therefore, Lutzer attempts to make “God” responsible for the Nazi program. Lutzer wants to believe that if “God” is evil, everything is permissible. Lutzer’s “God” is the devil.

Lutzer makes the devil out to be God’s controlled opposition suggesting that God placed the “unrighteousness” that was “found in a being that moments before had been perfect.” Lutzer says of the devil “Please note that his desire was to be like God, not unlike Him.” (God’s Devil Page 36) Lutzer within five sentences slowly upscales the devil’s work as always within “God’s express permission”, with “consent and approval of God”, depends on “God’s counsel and purposes”, doing “God’s will in the world” and “the bidding of the Almighty”, and “under God’s direction and pleasure” (God’s Devil Page 124) Lutzer says Jesus had to “meet all of God’s requirements” and “satisfy His own demands” as if to make God’s salvation self-fulfilling. Lutzer suggest equally that the devil “is incapable of repentance” because God simply chose that, saying that “repentance is a gift from God” and “Christ bore only the sin of human beings, not angelic beings”. (God’s Devil Page 42) Lutzer says “The question is not how many souls are saved; nor is it the number who were willing to suffer for their faith” saying “God always wins, even when He appears to lose” as if to say God only cares about getting “glory” (Hitler’s Cross Page 196) Lutzer says that there is no “pocket of resistance that the gospel cannot overcome” and that God “has the key to every family and every heart” and that “If a door is closed, then let us boldly affirm that Christ has willed it closed for reasons unknown to us.” (God’s Devil Pages 156-158) “What is our role in helping people ‘see the light’? The answer is to share the good news of the gospel with them. Paul says that this message is ‘the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes’ (Romans 1:16). We must rely on the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot; Christ assured us that those who were given to Him by the Father would indeed come to Him and be received (John 6:35).” (God’s Devil Page 127) Lutzer says that God has the devil “take some thoughts out of their minds” (God’s Devil Page 126) to keep them from the gospel.


Now that we know that Satan is limited by God’s power, we might think that God would confine his role to relatively few battles on earth: an occasional burst of flurry here, an attack there. Many people are startled to discover that Satan is allowed to cause spiritual blindness throughout the world in the minds of those who will not embrace the good news of the gospel. Interestingly, Paul wrote that our gospel is veiled to those who are perishing, ‘in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God’ (2 Corinthians 4:4). If that doesn’t convince you that Satan is allowed to stifle the ability of the unsaved to hear the gospel, then consider the words of Christ. He said the Word of God is like a seed planted on different kinds of soils. One of these soils is so hard that the seed cannot penetrate at all. Here is Christ’s explanation: ‘These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them’ (Mark 4:15). He can take some thoughts out of their minds! What is God’s purpose in this work of the enemy? It is to affirm that all of us serve a god of some kind. If we are not united with the true God through Christ, we will be blinded by the false god, Satan. We must walk in the light or be overcome by the darkness. Those who harden their hearts find them to be doubly hardened. This blindness, however, is subject to the will and purposes of God. In the case of those who believe, God overcomes their blindness with the light of the gospel, and there is nothing the devil can do about it. A thousand devils cannot keep a soul from believing in Christ if God has chosen to grant such a one the gift of life.” (God’s Devil Page 126)


But we have already learned that when he serves his own purposes, the serpent is in reality serving God’s purposes. God has His plan that is being worked out, part of which includes the judgment and fate of the unconverted. Let us affirm with confidence that Satan cannot dictate to God, but God always dictates to him. To be God’s instrument of judgment in the lives of the unconverted is to serve God. And when we remember that Satan himself will be judged for what he does, though he does it with God’s permission, we are reminded even here that Satan loses even when he appears to win. Sometimes God chooses the scene of our battles with Satan. Does Satan wish to tempt Job to discredit the faith of this man of God? He must come to God to receive permission. In fact, it is God who brings up the subject of Job’s piety as He and Satan were having what just might be a regular briefing. ‘Have you considered My servant Job?’ God asks, ‘that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?’ (Job 1:8) After an extended discussion regarding Job’s possible motives for obedience, God gives Satan permission to afflict Job, but only within specific parameters.” (God’s Devil Page 128) But Lutzer pretends God just does this to anybody and everybody. The reality is that Job had a closer communication with God around the same time as Abraham and possibly could have inherited God’s promises if Abraham chose not to.


Lutzer says God chose which “elect angels” (God’s Devil Page 44-45) would not fall with Satan and chose which humans would not follow Antichrist (God’s Devil Page 213), which Lutzer sees as a loophole in God’s judgment to be exploited (we’ll explain later). Lutzer says that “atheists” (like himself apparently since he does not believe in the true God – In Romans 1, God explains that everyone knows there is One True God they just refuse to obey what is right), possess a “credible form of morality” (Shadow Crescent Page 129) but that they do not have salvation or eternal life. Lutzer believes in the Fascist Nazi version of the atheist axiom saying, “Dostoyevsky was right: If God does not exist, everything is permissible.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 44) Lutzer’s Nazi version of that atheist axiom is “If God is evil, everything is permissible”. Lutzer says “humans can form sentences, conveying conceptual ideas and speaking of abstract ideas, such as God” (God’s Devil Page 51). Lutzer says “Notice carefully that the title of this chapter is not: ‘God or Hitler: Who Was in Charge?’; but rather it is ‘God and Hitler.’ God had His part – He was doing the delegating. Hitler and Satan were doing their part – they were doing the destroying.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66) Lutzer implies God made a mistake by not “putting a fence around the tree” of knowledge of good and evil and that “The tree was not a bad tree, nor did it produce bad fruit” to accuse God of deceptively causing Adam and Eve to sin so He could be their Savior. “There were no emergency counsels in heaven when Adam and Eve sinned… no need to devise a strategy that was not already meticulously in place.” (God’s Devil Page 65) Lutzer says that everything is through Him and for Him, even “Angels, good and evil – through Him and for Him.”(God’s Devil Page 66) As if to say that Adam and Eve were torn by God’s hypocrisy, Lutzer says Adam and Eve’s “soul separated from itself” (God’s Devil Page 63).


Lutzer asks “Are the New Agers right in saying that man actually gained through the fall? Was this indeed a fall upward? New Agers teach that the serpent and the woman are the redeemers because their act brought about man’s enlightenment. It was, after all, the fruit of the tree that gave them this special knowledge which had been hidden from them.” (God’s Devil Page 56) About the devil, Lutzer says, “If it is true, as the New Agers teach, that whatever the mind can believe the mind can achieve, Lucifer is to be commended for his ambition.” (God’s Devil Page 35) Lutzer even speaks directly for the devil saying “God is deceiving you! He is hiding the real reason He does not want you to eat of the so-called forbidden tree… He wants the glory, not because it is rightfully His, but because He does not want what is best for humanity!” (God’s Devil Page 53) “One angry person said to me, ‘If there is a God, he must be the devil!’ Again, let us be honest enough to admit that we have all wrestled with such thoughts… Such anger is understandable but destructive. Anger toward God is futile, wasted energy. No one who vents his or her anger at God wins. We may not like what He does, but since He doesn’t ask us how to run His universe, we hurt only ourselves. You can’t sink a battleship with a peashooter. (Hitler’s Cross Page 69)



Argument #4: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer calls to prepare the American “Protestant Church” to die in “martyrdom” under Islam. Lutzer avoids preaching the gospel at many important points. Lutzer instead defends the Pope and Roman Catholic counterfeit “kingdom of God” as the Jesuit oath says. Lutzer quotes other people to say that the non-Catholics are like the “useless servant who is thrown into the darkness” by Jesus and that they are the “false church of Antichrist”.


Lutzer talks with Sam Solomon about how to respond to Islamic influence in America: “We discussed various ways Christians could respond. Then I said, ‘I guess we will also have to prepare the next generation for martyrdom… we will have to teach them how to die for the faith.’ Sam then pointed his finger at me and said, ‘That is exactly what God has called you to do. Train your people to become martyrs!’” (Shadow Crescent Page 164) We would love to put quotes on this next part, but it is actually a lack of quotes that we noticed – places where the gospel should have been preached and was not. We provide just a few of these examples of what was said instead of preaching the gospel at these moments. “Death is both a process and a crisis. As a process, death began the moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit. When this process was complete it would end in a crisis. Their souls would be separate from their bodies.” (God’s Devil Page 62) “Adam and Eve had a firstborn son which filled their lives with hope… this gift of God would dash their dreams to the ground… God accepted Abel’s offering, taken from among the flocks; He rejected Cain’s offering, which was the fruit of the ground. Perhaps the difference lay in the character of the offering. An offering of blood was accepted, whereas the offering from the fruit of the ground was rejected. If this is so, then Cain and Abel must have received explicit instructions from God about the kind of offering that was required. Perhaps they did, but we don’t know for sure” (God’s Devil Page 85-86) “Abraham faced the most excruciating temptation in history when he was asked to offer Isaac on the altar… Just think of the fresh ideas of God that flooded his soul.” (God’s Devil Page 161-162) “Our Muslim friends tell us that the victory of Islam over Christianity in these once-Christian lands proves the superiority of Muhammad over Jesus… The church walls had long since caved in, but the mosque appeared in good repair and was being used as a school. Dozens of children surrounded our tour bus with their shining faces and beautiful brown eyes. They wanted to welcome us as Americans and have their pictures taken with us. Their image was indelibly burned on my mind as I realized that these precious young ones were being reared as devotees of Islam. All of them, I’m sure, will eventually hear about Jesus because He is mentioned many times in the Quran, but they will know Jesus only as a mere prophet and not as the Savior who came to rescue us from our sins. Standing there, I realized that the One who said He could open doors that could not be shut… the Lord Jesus Himself – appeared to have found the door firmly shut in His face in Philadelphia. The church of the open door had become the church of the door slammed shut.” (Shadow Crescent Page 25-26) As to the solution to defeat under Islam, Lutzer points to the Pope. Lutzer is an evil mocker.


Meanwhile, Emperor Constantine XI did all he could to recruit help to resist the assault that he knew was coming upon Constantinople. But thanks to disagreements of one kind or another, even the Pope was deaf to his pleas. Within the enormous walls of the city were about 50,000 people who had no other option but to hold on to their faith in God and the church… The Byzantine emperor gave a speech to his subjects, telling them they had to be ready to face death and sacrifice themselves without fear… then he rode away into battle, and was never seen again.” (Shadow Crescent Page 45) You might think that’s the real story unless you know Vatican history of tactics. Most certainly this emperor was trying to persuade his subjects to re-conform to the Papal standards and they refused which is why there were multiple attempts and retreats from overthrowing the Byzantine capital. So then, the Emperor told them to die strongly, and rode off to disappear and abandon them “to their just fate” as Lutzer calls it, and rejoined the Catholic cause somewhere else. So that is the real reason why Lutzer says the Pope turned a deaf ear. Most non-Catholics do not read Catholic apologetic books, but if you did, you would see over and again that Catholics think they are centered around Christ’s life, death, cross, word, and church authority and that the “Protestants” or non-Catholics are centered around a pastor or themselves. “Some time ago I read a book that told the story of how England went from being a largely Christian country that sent missionaries around the world to becoming the largely post-Christian, atheistic country it is today. I remember the author made the remark that during the transition period, the gospel was still preached, but it was so bedecked with flowers that no one could see it” (Shadow Crescent Page 110) “At a time when we need to engage our culture with the one message that has any hope of transforming it, many Christians have set aside the power of the gospel and replaced it with man-made programs, strategies, and gimmicks intended to attract the lost.” (Shadow Crescent Page 111) “To put it differently, might they have been able to survive longer if they had been more committed to a New Testament form of Christianity that was not intimidated by the threat of oppression and martyrdom?” (Shadow Crescent page 115) Do you hear how Lutzer thinks you could survive longer? Yep, you guessed it – submit to the Pope. He sees Catholics as the “New Testament form of Christianity” that is not “intimidated by the threat of oppression and martyrdom?


A friend of mine who works in national security says that some Muslims view Americans as ‘physically weak, morally soft, and lacking in principled courage.’ We should be grateful for all those who are on the front lines of our security forces, for they have thwarted many a terrorist threat. However, our security forces are not designed to deal with the spiritual conflict that a growing secularism and Islamic presence poses in Europe and America… Only the church possesses moral and spiritual resources to stand against the rising tide of secularism and false religions that are engulfing us. Very likely the next generation will be even more overwhelmed, unless the levees remain strong and unyielding. I write this book for the current generation of Christians in America, but I am more deeply concerned for the generation that will follow us. Our children and grandchildren will most assuredly fight battles that we’ve only heard about in other parts of the world but have never had to confront. The legal and social restrictions to prohibit us from exercising our faith are growing continuously, and the battle will only intensify in the years ahead. The day of casual Christianity is rapidly coming to a close, and the call for Christians to display courage is becoming more pressing than ever.” (Shadow Crescent Page 15-16) Lutzer is good friends with our enemy, the Council on Foreign Relations. He is helping to distract us, so we don’t arrest the Rockefellers, George Bush family, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations, Federal Emergency Management Agency, etc. who are bringing in trained Arabs and protecting their meeting hideouts so they can get organized to fight the USA citizens.



Important religious history and use of language

Anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism is said to be secret or even open media-propaganda level of hostility against Jews/Israel. This is a Freemason and Jesuit trick wording. Anti-Shemitism refers back to Shem, Ham, and Japheth whose families scattered across the world after their languages were all mixed up at the Tower of Babel which was the first attempt at world-government which quickly was ruled by cruel oppressors. After they scattered, Europe was almost entirely dwelled by descendants of Shem until some of the later empires and other factors caused some slow migration of other peoples. Anti-Shemitism is not anti-Israel as it sounds, since Israel was only one branch of the descendants of Eber (Hebrews). Israel was the name given to Jacob when God chose to carry on the lineage of his family to become a great nation for righteousness and truth and justice and prophecy in the earth from God Himself. Israel was the eleventh generation after Shem. Fun fact that is also helpful for understanding this: did you know that the genealogies in Genesis 11:10-26 and Abraham’s and Isaac’s years until Jacob was born can be added together to exactly 452 years. We have such exact history because Israelis have preserved it for us. So you can see how many generations and how much time passed before Israel was one branch of this family and it is extremely deceptive to suggest that this family Israel who lived in the Middle East until well after the Babylonian Empire (around 700 A.D. they went into captivity in Assyria and Babylon in the Middle East still) could now somehow represent all of Europe’s descendants of Shem. So Antisemitism is actually equivalent to saying anti-European with a sadistic bent on figuring out how it could be possible to blame Israel – God’s chosen people – for quite literally all of the world’s evils through European Colonialism over the whole world, slavery against many in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America and Crusades and wars for empire-building, etc. You get the point. These were the works of the Holy Roman Empire and its kings, and it is wrong to blame Israelis or Christians for these crimes since this empire oppressed or dominated over both groups for most of those centuries right up to the present (though secretly now under the Vatican II). Even Islam created among the Arabs (who are rebellious brothers of Israel through Esau and Ishmael – brothers of Jacob and Isaac) was designed by the Vatican for Vatican opposition to Israel. And they get rolled in under the term Anti-Shemitism also because they are descendants of Shem also, and then they intermarried with rebellious families from Ham who built and ruled Babel.


What is not the real problem?

The world hates being dominated by foreigners and “Europeans”/ “Shemites” seem to occupy much of the most recent methods of perpetuating it. The term Anti-Semitism sounds simple enough because it has been used long enough, loud enough, and often enough that the people believe it. But it is a Nazi lie; and that lesson was difficult to figure out and is going to be painful to unwork. But even the Nazi part of that is a lie, since Germans are one of the larger families in Europe that are not from Shem, but from Ham apparently. Don’t start hating on Hamites now; that won’t help answer the real source of these lies.  Germans were the most non-Catholic and pro-Israel favorable territory in Europe sometimes, so that is why they were chosen as the seat of the Holy Roman Empire to dominate that region. So it is unfair to blame them for the very recent attack against Jews as a stand-alone problem. I guess we should add Italians into the discussion too since Rome is in Italy and we could be accused of being anti-Italian. We will just say that, again, Italy was the center of Roman Empire and therefore attracted powerful bullies from around the world and Italians were only one part of that though they now pretend that every Pope is always Italian as if that were the problem. So now they put in an Argentinian/Spanish Jesuit Pope Francis and Pope Benedict is apparently German (served as an SS officer). It is not an Italian problem either. It’s not an Arab or Muslim problem either; they can be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus as many are. It is possible some are even Israeli. And even many Muslims themselves are not hostile to Israel and are really just frustrated with the oppression of their own system and don’t want to be targeted by America for “nation rebuilding” – as if Americans have the solutions. While secretly America is just establishing “democracy” oligarchies across the world that can be controlled by the United Nations and International Monetary (Murder) Fund controlling/ directing all resources including “human resources” subtly. It is not even a “white” supremacy problem, since even “whiteness” is a lie since it is melanin levels partly based on genetics and mostly based on location to the equator. Furthermore, living in the “North” does not make you an oppressor or treat those in the “South” or who are “Black” or darker toned as an “other”. These are all distractions from the real problem (other than the oligarchies subject). We really hope you all can see this clearly now or sometime quickly in the near future. Even Erwin Lutzer and American Jesuits are not the majority of the real problem though they are definitely participants in it.


The real problem: The real problem is the accumulation of satanic myths that have been used throughout history to conquer and dominate over the peoples of the world – having been accumulated in one place – in the vault of the Vatican in Rome. They hold the “key to every family and every heart” as Lutzer says of “god” but really meaning the Vatican. That is the real problem; the ability to use world history against the victims again and again which Lutzer says is because demons accumulate family history by focusing one demon per family. But that is only one-quarter of the problem combined with the historic records of how to repeat these evils is only half of the problem. The other half of the problem is the ability for criminals to use governments and spiritual “moral” justifications to act as bullies over humans – which many refer to as the marriage of Church and State or “theocracy” which should actually be called “Pope-crazy”. They control the information and every time truth comes out it disappears shortly thereafter, because they run the show. And they distract with lies and oppressive economics and abusive social problems against the actual heartful God-fearing caring people who would normally be allowed to keep them under watchful eye and use words of Truth to correct evil where we see it. They are the gang-stalking network. They do not have honest leadership and any oversight committee would be looking too closely and would not see what the real problem is.


The solution: Even non-believers assist the process of truth because they hate being dominated always by evil. But when the leaders of Truth by Jesus’ ordination are confused or blocked out from knowing what the problems are or from being allowed to assist, then problems accumulate. Christians have been distracted and sent into new denominations or parachurch efforts or overseas in tightly-controlled mission organizations every single time God raises one up – which is still partly good since the gospel is getting out but it is so seriously muddied that it is difficult to make progress. All of this effort is really so that Christians don’t look at the larger picture of the strategies being employed by the devil. This is what failed in the country of Germany. The Jesuits collapsed the program in on everyone before Christians reached a level of information about what was happening. The information available was difficult to decipher and perhaps there were not Christians who were diligent and pure enough in their lifestyle to understand quickly enough. That takes a community, so they had to intentionally keep us divided and confused and distracted on all of the wrong problems so there could be no collective community of Israelis and true followers of Christ building community together toward what is right. The devil fears that level of knowledge which is why he used the Roman Empire/ Vatican to suppress knowledge for so many centuries until the Bible was printed in a language other than Latin and in words understandable and learned by the poor citizens without oversight by priests who wanted it only to be interpreted how they allowed. And he especially fears that level of knowledge combined with respected community setting a right example as the nation of Israel has been at times throughout history. The Muslim repeat of the Nazi conundrum can only operate because Nazi Jesuits control the information. Abuse thrives only with the ignorance of its victims who do not know how to get help from others who should help. And so as we figure out the Nazi Jesuit program, the solution is actually pretty simple to start – denounce all Jesuit Nazi propaganda as loudly as possible and kick out the Jesuits. The next phases are more hidden.


Now to the subject of Jesuits: Most of the blame goes on the designers of that program – the inheritors of the Holy Office of the Inquisition – the Society of Jesuits in Paris, France founded in Spain spread throughout South America and partnered through Italy with every government world-wide even if only silently. The World War 2 program was planned well in advance since before World War 1 was enacted, and was arranged to scare Israelis and Christians throughout the world and threaten anyone who would help them. But actually both sides were funded by Rothschilds as elite royalty family working for the Vatican and of course again claiming to be “Jews”. Even after World War 2, the Hegelian Dialectic continued attempting to bring the world into a two-party system toward eventually maybe a one-world party system. The ongoing “Cold War” between “Dictatorships” and “Democracy” and between “Atheism” and “Judeo-Christianity” is actually just the enactment of a 1960s agreement that America and Russia would act as opposing military powers to then require demilitarization of all other countries and force them under one-world central banking/economics. The only network powerful enough to pull this off is Rome; and if you search World War 2 history you will discover giant strategies of the Vatican to become a city-state-power (Lateran Treaty) and to recapture Russia and all of Europe in one sweep. Rome even partnered with Hitler directly in the Reichskonkordat and by having Pope Pius XXIII’s future secret chamberlain Right Reverend Franz Von Papen become Hitler’s Vice-Chancellor – besides dozens of other similar partnerships. German Nazism acted as a “victim” of a pre-planned economic oppression by the Rothschilds (Sabbataean Vatican agents) who led European central banking and helped cause the world-wide economic depression in 1929 that made Hitler’s recovery strategy a heroic national sensation. Rothschilds banking also funded both Allied and Axis war machines in World War 2 if you research that history. Their Rockefeller partners in America (including George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott) captured massive wealth in the process also through many disturbing avenues and then America absorbed and adopted the Nazi strategy at an extraordinarily slow implementation scale so as to not be noticed. But this plan was already in the works since 1913 in American and through the eugenics and Nazi culture among the elites in America, but then America actually brought many Nazis over after their reputations were “cleared”. And thus they carefully scraped the sectors of information and ideologies into neat piles that could be controlled by world empires each hiding the secret facts from the other that would unlock the prison box of controlled thoughts.


Jesuits, not Jews, control Russia: The Vatican prophesied ahead of time in 1942 that they would regain control over Russia in World War 2 a fact which Pope Pius XII verified in 1951. They used the Fatima prophecy (spread around the world as Notre Dame through the Holy Cross Order) that the Russian Orthodox “Christianity” would join the European battle and sabotage their own country into cruel dictatorships. Jesuits played the devil and “god” side of the equation tactfully using Communism versus Nazism and blaming communism somehow on Israel since supposedly Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin were “Jews”. And Hitler blamed his need to rescue Germany on Jews through a dozen different accusations. Russia’s monarchy was closely inter-related with other royalty in Britain and Germany. So it was easy to get them to play the games that all royalty does. All sides are controlled by the Vatican though they would like to pretend to only control the “democracy” side and blame “communism” on the Bolshevik “Jews”. All sides are controlled by the Vatican though they would like to pretend to only control the “democracy” side and blame “communism” on the Bolshevik “Jews”. It was Jesuits claiming to be Jews who overthrew Russian power to create the Communist world dominator opposite America’s Nazi “democracy” international programs to eventually force the entire world into a “Two-State Solution” and then a “One World Government” under and Antichrist against Israel.


Jesuits are against Israel: Anti-“Semitism” of the Nazis pretended to stand opposite from “Zionism” as the two supposed imperialistic powers of the world attempting to make Jews out to be conniving master-minds of totalitarian “democracy” used as oligarchy. They did this to relabel the longing of all Israelis to return again to their homeland starting in the mid-1800s into a supposedly dark plot to conquer the world through demographics and economics and religious domination. The reason for this is that they understand that the reconnection in Israel means that God’s righteousness is going to set up a kingdom on earth, which they can’t stand the thought of and refuse to be ruled by Jesus. Therefore they are laying the thought-processes that they think could lead people back out of Christ’s kingdom after He establishes it in Jerusalem. But the lawless men who support rebellion and sin and evil against God also want to rule the earth, so the devil will still set up his false kingdom even before God will be able to establish His Kingdom. That will be this Jesuit Catholic revived Roman Empire as prophesied by God’s prophet Daniel.


Argument #5: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer reinvents the Holocaust as God’s judgment against Israel. Lutzer says the reason God could kill an innocent Jesus on behalf of guilty sinners is because Jesus was not innocent. Lutzer says the reason “God” is so dangerous is because he hides behind satan as a person would catch a mouse by hiding and use a mouse trap. Lutzer calls Israel the land of “Hades”. Lutzer makes God responsible for the Tribulation as yet another “final holocaust”. Hitler believed “Providence” agreed with his evils against Jews. Lutzer agrees that “Providence” was God an entire 41 times in sixteen pages. Lutzer makes God a Nazi. Lutzer protests liberal theologians saying “the God of the Old Testament was a cruel God whereas the God of the New is loving and kind and would never send anyone to Hell” by saying “Just look at the Holocaust!” Lutzer makes abortion in America into a Holocaust that should be “stopped” by “Christians”. There is an important reason a Jesuit would do this – prominent Jesuit Catholics are pretending to lead the “pro-life” political movement in attempt to sound pro-life like us to cover their ridiculously long track record of mass-murder, Inquisitions, and Crusades. It is one of the last few tricks they hope could drag us back to Rome. Lucifer sold his soul to be “god” on earth.


At the end of the day, we are all sinners in need of a Savior who ‘gave Himself for us’ that we might be redeemed. The Jews were judged in the Holocaust, but so was Nazi Germany, which exalted a man in the place of God, and so was the church that gave the world the Reformation, then sank into the abyss of human aggrandizement.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 124) Lutzer further makes the analogy of the Jews dying as Christ had to die for sins. “Unfortunately, only a few German Christians saw the Jews as their brothers and sisters; only a few saw them as Christ; only a few stood against the devils of hell that were unleashed by a satanic leader. A delegate to the 1950 Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany declared, ‘In every train which carried Jews to their death camps in the East, at least one Christian should have been a voluntary passenger.’ Those who preserved their lives lost their honor. And in the end God used persecution to force His people to clarify their mission. There were reasons why the church was paralyzed, unable to find the strength to act.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 125) Seriously, how HORRID is that contorted answer!! It shows extreme hostility against Israelis and against Christ. Notice how Lutzer says the church is still floundering around trying to understand its mission as if to say that even Jesus didn’t get it right (but the Catholic Church did – is implied) and was having to correct His mistakes and even die to atone for that mistake. “Liberal theologians have often criticized the biblical teaching that Christ died for sinners by saying that it would be immoral for God to punish an innocent person on behalf of a guilty one. The answer, however, is that Christ was not innocent.” (God’s Devil Page 109)


For example later we will show that Lutzer blames Jesus for causing Peter – as if he were the first Pope – to be confused about the use of the sword to protect Christianity. “Yes, the Savior was reigning even in Nazi Germany! The biblical doctrine of Divine Providence gave Christians such as Pastor Busch the confidence to believe that the suffering of the German church was not in vain. If we understand God’s Providence correctly, we will be convinced that, for God’s people, no suffering is ever meaningless. Those who could see the overruling hand of God, even in Nazism, had the courage to withstand the persecution…  Join me on a tour that begins with a series of incidents that confirm Hitler’s preoccupation with the doctrine of Fate, of Providence, and ends with the conviction that God rules ‘all things by the counsel of His own will.’… Listen to his [Hitler’s] interpretation of his initial failure: ‘We knew that we were carrying out the will of Providence, and we were being guided by a higher power… Fate meant well with us. It did not permit an action to succeed which, if it had succeeded, would in the end have inevitably crashed as a result of the movement’s inner immaturity in those days and its deficient organizational and intellectual foundation.’ YOUR RESPONSES TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE [page 68] There are three possible responses to God’s providence. First, there is atheism… The second response is anger – vindictive anger against God…  A third option in the presence of the God who rules our cruel world is awe. In light of the fact that God is so terrifying, because He has permitted all kinds of atrocities to take place in His universe, we should be motivated to prepare to meet Him one-on-one after death. No wonder we read that it is a ‘fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.’ Liberal theologians have promoted foolish theories teaching that the God of the Old Testament was a cruel God, whereas the God of the New is loving and kind and would never send anyone to hell. We can answer them by saying, ‘Just look at the Holocaust!’” (Hitler’s Cross Pages 48 and 68; See all of 48-71)


Lutzer says that “behind the visible rulers of the world is the invisible God of the universe.” (Shadow Crescent Page 92) “Just so, the invisible Christ comes to shield us from Satan’s power.“ (God’s Devil Page 118) “If we could see the devil himself in the midst of every sin, we would be more prudent, for while sin attracts us, the devil repels us. He is dangerous simply because he is invisible. He would not be as seductive if he were to suddenly appear.“ (God’s Devil Page 190) “One single act of disobedience can trap us. The mouse usually does not have the luxury of having a series of experiences with traps before it is caught. Just once might be enough.” (God’s Devil Page 181) Now watch carefully this next sequence, because Lutzer works really hard to make God sound like the devil and to say that they use the same tactics. Speaking of satan’s falling into where Lutzer pretends God set a trap for him, Lutzer says, “Yet here in a realm beyond our grasp, a glorious creature chose to take a cosmic gamble that would backfire. He tripped a series of dominoes whose interrelationships were unknown to him.” (God’s Devil Page 27) “This serpent was likely a beautiful creature, not the detestable beast that slithers on the ground. Far from being afraid of this creature, Eve found herself attracted to it. She thought, of course, that she was simply fascinated by an animal and did not know that she was being captivated by an invisible being who sought her destruction. Satan has continued to use the same strategy throughout history. He did not come to King David and say, ‘David, I hate you and have a nasty plan for your life… I want to destroy you, your family, and your kingdom. You have to cooperate and commit adultery with Bathsheba as the first step in the series of dominoes.’ Satan never shows us the consequences of psychedelic drugs or alcohol. He skillfully hides the results of pornography, immorality, and dishonesty. Nor does he show us the final state of those who hold to wrong beliefs about the Bible, Christ, and salvation. His strategy is to give people what they want but to make sure they eventually get what he wants them to have. You usually don’t try to catch a mouse without a trap. A mousetrap is important because you can use it in your stead to catch your victim while you remain out of view. A trap can hold out the promise of food and fulfillment while keeping the consequences concealed. The mice see only the cheese and do not understand the wire and the powerful spring… Yet behind the trap is the trapper, and behind the lie is the liar.” (God’s Devil Page 51-52) Lutzer is saying that God uses the devil as a mouse trap to trap you into following God. What kind of thought-process is that? Lutzer thinks following the devil leads to following God? No these are opposing positions of thought against one another – from God and from the devil. There are never in agreement even when the devil is forced to comply with not committing as much horrible activity as he would want – which is always. 

Okay, now back to the Holocaust distortions:

Now before you read this next one, be aware that it IS NOT in the book about Hitler, but rather in the book about Islam supposedly about to repeat what happened in Germany against the Christians in America this time. This book is full of Holocaust references, but not about Jews in World War 2 but rather “Holocausts” and “genocide” against the church. Notice that the use of Scripture actually even switches Islam as the murderers to instead pointing to the Jews as causing the next “Holocaust” persecution of the church, as if Lutzer thinks Jews will do this to us. It sure feels like it’s what is being said. And as we add the other quotes, we think you will see what we are feeling here. Further notice that the use of this passage as Lutzer does implies that the Jews in the Holocaust were not spared by God because of some wrongdoing. It is Lutzer’s italics emphasis here, not ours. “Those who didn’t would ‘immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace’ (Daniel 3:6). But Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, replied, ‘If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up’ (verses 17-18). How should we respond when we are stripped of our freedoms? How should we react when we are commanded to do something that goes against our conscience, or more pointedly, requires us to disobey God?... Jesus never promised we would live in countries with freedom of conscience. What He did promise us is that He would walk with us through whatever fire we are expected to endure. He gave His disciples candid instructions about the soon-to-come companionship of the Holy Spirit, and then He followed with this warning: ‘All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them’ (John 16:1-4). Jesus warned His followers of persecution, even to the point of death. Even so, we are called to remain faithful.” (Shadow Crescent Page 76-77) That is what the Pope and Lutzer want to do to Christians.


IMPORTANT WARNING: these quotes are rather graphic.

“When trains filled with Armenians being deported to death camps crossed a bridge, mothers would throw their infants out the windows into the water below, preferring to spare their little ones from the more horrible fate that surely awaited them at the death camps. A Greek Christian, Stylianos T. Ayanoglou, an eyewitness to some of the tragedies, reported, ‘I remember the screams and the smell of burning flesh as hundreds of Armenians were crowded into a building, which was then set on fire. I had witnessed cartloads of bodies, charred or half-burned, being dumped into the river near my home in Adana.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 86)

The Turkish soldiers sealed off the Armenian portion of Smyrna and began to ransack homes and businesses and brutally massacre the inhabitants. They placed barrels of petroleum inside buildings, then took bundles of rags dipped in petroleum and threw them through the windows, using these to set fire to the city… One eyewitness wrote, ‘Nothing – no words – can describe the awful effect of the city… One appalling mass of flames, the water front covered with dark masses of despairing humanity.’… As the fire blazed, they fled toward the sea, hoping to escape the approaching flames. But there was no place to go… Understandably, most terrified people preferred to drown rather than be burned alive.” (Shadow Crescent Page 88) This is what the Jesuit Nazis, the Catholic Church, and the Muslim Mullah’s wish they could do to Israel – push them into the sea in a mass of despairing flesh trapped between death by being burned alive and death by being drowned in the sea as Iranian officials have repeated. In reference to Smyrna, Lutzer quotes Jesus’ prophecy in Revelation 2:10 as verification that Jesus is responsible for this “Holocaust” also. “The fact of God’s sovereignty and His perfect plan to bring glory to Himself even through the evil schemes of men must be the cornerstone of any plausible explanation of the kind of persecution and slaughter that took place in Smyrna. God has a much larger purpose that we will not understand on this side of heaven. And we, as His children, do not live by human explanations, but place our full trust in His promises.” (Shadow Crescent Page 92-93) When Lutzer says “God” has a much larger purpose he means the Pope. But Lutzer quotes Jesus as if this were related. The ten days prophecy was ten seasons of persecution under Roman emperors from AD70 to AD313 approximately. “Second, note that Jesus possesses sovereign control over the extent of the suffering that the believers in Smyrna would face. He said, ‘You will suffer persecution for ten days.’ We don’t know what is meant by ‘ten days’ – was Jesus talking about ten literal days, or ten periods of persecution? Are the ten days symbolic of a longer period? Regardless of how we’re to understand the phrase ‘ten days,’ the point He was making is this: All the powers of hell combined could not extend the persecution to eleven days! Jesus has His hand on the thermostat.“ (Shadow Crescent Page 91, the emphasis on the word “eleven” is Lutzer’s) Let’s deal with this for a second, because this is super evil. Lutzer knows Premillennial doctrine that has the right understanding of the prophecy – ten periods of persecution under ten evil emperors from around 70AD to 313AD. These evil plots in the 1400s and 1900s were to suggest that God kills Catholics in Holocausts, a sadistic horrible diversion tactic from the fact that Rome literally has committed mass-murder and genocide constantly in history even in World War 1 and World War 2 as you saw only a small part of the power structure behind that in Argument #1.


In this quote the “Gates of Hades” is a reference to Hell as if prevailing over the Armenian Church. “I bring up Smyrna’s past not to focus so much on the atrocities committed by the Turkish army, but to raise an important question: Where was God when all this took place? After all, didn’t Jesus promise that He would build His church and ‘the gates of Hades will not overcome it’ (Matthew 16:18)? Does the utter devastation that occurred in Smyrna mean that Jesus failed to protect His church? Some would say that seems to be the case.”(Shadow Crescent Page 89)

Here Lutzer calls Israel “Hades” saying that Jesus being crucified outside of Jerusalem is what Jews would have understood by the phrase “gates of Hades”. “And the Jews of Jesus’ day would have understood ‘the gates of Hades’ to refer to the physical death of Jesus. In other words, the Lord was telling His disciples that His death would not prevent His church from being built.”(Shadow Crescent Page 90)

Here again is Lutzer talking about Hell/ Hades but again attributes it to Israel as Hades prevailing over Jesus in an hour when “darkness reigns”.


And when the rich man died, he went to Hades, where he suffered torment (Luke 16:19-31). What you see of people here on earth is deceptive; only in eternity will we see where people really stand. Only then will we know who the real winners and losers are. Christianity makes no claim that faith in God will produce victory over one’s enemies in this world. As an example, we need look no further than to Christ, who submitted Himself to those who sought to kill Him. He knew that when they succeeded, they would celebrate their victory. But that was not the end of the story. When Jesus’ enemies came to get him, He calmly told them, ‘This is your hour – when darkness reigns’ (Luke 22:53). In effect, Jesus said, ‘Today you win.’… Justice will be done, even though we think it is centuries overdue. Eternity will bring to light all that was craftily hidden on earth. Victory in this world is no proof of victory in the next.” (Shadow Crescent Page 143-144) This is even worse when added to other phrases about darkness reigning – a reference to Hitler’s regime. ” It was a time, says one, ‘when the power of darkness was greater than the power of light.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 189) “That is not to say that we always avail ourselves of the assets that are ours as Christians. I have known my share of failure in battling the Prince of Darkness.” (God’s Devil Page 24)


Finally, on this topic of Holocaust distortions, there is one last Catholic Vatican agenda to distort the Holocaust that is just beyond reason. But they think it is their only hope to be thought of as pro-life again after so much death and torture and Crusades and Inquisitions. So they had to try to reinvent themselves as pro-life even though it is largely angry rebellion of the Catholic young people and priests that causes these kinds of evils also. There is well documented history of priests impregnating nuns in disgusting interaction between monasteries and convents because of their horrible rules about not marrying which God warned about through Paul to Timothy in his letter 1 Timothy 4. And there is well-documented evidence of mass graves of murdered newborn babies in order to hide the evidence. But in America, they are still pretending it’s not their leaders who do and cause that culture and then try to be the moral compass for life by convincing Christians to protest abortion clinics while the Catholics stand alongside them praying to Mary for the souls of the dead. And somehow they have turned this into a “Holocaust” trying to make Protestants responsible for not stopping mothers from killing their own children. We have no idea by what means they presume we should be doing that, but we can assure you that it would be wrong. Lutzer’s strategy of one Christian on every train doesn’t work here. It is a wrecked divisive non-community that assists this behavior. Even the protests are largely condemning rather than teaching and correcting the young women who are doing these things under coercion of family members who refuse to be caught being religious leadership or semi-religious community spokespeople but have young adult children who are having inappropriate relations with people they are not married to. These things are irrefutable evidence that they are not religious and certainly not Christian leadership in most of these “churches” and “communities". Instead they are bullies of a political system of the Catholic “Church” and her Freemason clones ruling over American society and cities while using religion as a cover for vice – without which the entire system would collapse.

When we no longer protect the weakest among us, we display a heartlessness that grieves the heart of God. We must repent of our own silent ‘holocaust’ in which five thousand tiny victims lose their lives every day.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 120) NOTE: if you investigate into the subject, you discover that the statistics are intentionally conflated/exaggerated by extrapolation and supposed usage.



Argument #6: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer tries to assist the improving/ repainting of Martin Luther’s and Lutheran church’s reputations explaining away part of their anti-Israel hate speech and Freemason clergy pledge to Hitler. Lutzer knows that the Lutheran Freemasons follow Jesuit orders. Lutzer says non-Catholics are vulnerable to Islam. Lutzer blames all non-Catholics for this weakness as if we are all descendant from Martin Luther’s Reformation. Lutzer tries to make non-Catholics the illegitimate side of the “church”. Lutzer tries to make non-Catholics more guilty for the Holocaust than even the Nazis, SS, Gestapo. If by “church” he meant Jesuits, it would have been correct, but Lutzer shows beyond escape and beyond repair that he chooses to do anything necessary to cover for Jesuits.


First we start with the actually very evil and satanic quotes of Martin Luther and Lutheran actions during the Nazi Reich, followed by Lutzer’s attempt to repaint him. This first one is mostly Lutzer talking as usual trying to figure out how to make God out to be the devil trying to wipe out Israel by an Antichrist because supposedly God’s first iteration failed and He had to switch to Christianity and then later to Islam – we show this further at a later point. Notice that Lutzer calls Luther (hmm… same name?? Lutzer and Luther – both German) “the Great Reformer” saying that “he uncovered the gospel” that had been buried under years of dust and darkness under the Catholics, but Lutzer won’t admit that last part about the Catholics. “Hitler was held, figuratively speaking, in Satan’s hands, but Satan, for all of his evil, is always held in God’s hands. Luther reminded us that even the Devil is God’s Devil… Regardless of your theological viewpoint, you will have to agree that the Holocaust would not have happened if God had not chosen to permit it… Even though evil is contrary to God’s nature – and contrary to His revealed Word – God permits it nevertheless. Obviously, the Almighty does that to achieve an ultimate objectiveIf you are unconvinced, remember that someday another will arise who will revive Hitler’s agendaHe will persecute Israel, trying desperately to wipe out the Jewish state… Antichrist’s authority is given to him by Satan, but Satan’s authority is given to him by God. The reason God can predict that Antichrist’s authority will last only forty-two months is because this evil man’s influence depends on God’s will. What has been ‘given to him’ will also be taken away. He could not rule unless it had ‘been given him from heaven’ (John 3:27)… Persecution always divides the sheep from the goats; it either drives people into the arms of God or abandons them to their just fate. God was doing more in Nazi Germany than we will ever realize.“ (Hitler’s Cross Page 63-65)

Hitler surprised Protestants by insisting that his personal friend Ludwig Mueller be elected Reich bishop. Obviously there was immediate opposition to this intrusion of the state into the “spiritual sphere.” The Lutherans were divided… The ‘German Christians’ who were also known as ‘The Faith Movement’ supported Hitler’s candidate… Meanwhile the ‘German Christians’ completed a new church constitution that was recognized by the Reichstag on July 14, 1933. Their slogan was ‘One State, One People, One Church.’ They endorsed Hitler’s ‘positive Christianity,’ saying, as did Hermann Gruner, ‘Hitler is the way of the Spirit and the will of God for the German people to enter the Church of Christ.’ These Christians adorned their altars with Nazi flags and had their congregations join in the Nazi salute… They confirmed Ludwig Muller as their bishop and dismissed current general superintendents in order to replace them with those who were loyal to the National Socialist agenda. They adopted what is known as the Aryan Clause, which barred those who were of Jewish blood from the pulpits of Germany.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 155-157)


But what about Luther himself? William Shirer, in his classic ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, calls the Great Reformer a ‘passionate anti-Semite.’ Luther called the Jews ‘venomous,’ ‘bitter worms,’ and ‘disgusting vermin.’ In 1543, near the end of his life, he wrote three tracts against the Jews. Throughout four centuries, his words have often been quoted by Jews as proof that Christ could not be their friend. Listen to Luther’s advice as to how to treat them: ‘First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and Christendom… Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed… Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them. Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb. Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews… Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping.’ Luther, how could you? In Mein Kampf, Hitler commended Luther as a great reformer who was worthy to be classified with Frederick the Great and Richard Wagner. But unfortunately Hitler did not admire Luther because he uncovered the gospel and proclaimed salvation through Christ alone by faith alone. Rather, he saw him as a man of courage who withstood the church and, no doubt as one who hated the Jews.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 106)


The reformer Martin Luther, for all of his blustering comments about Jews and Turks of his day, repeatedly emphasized that no person should go to war under the banner of the cross.” (Shadow Crescent Page 103)

In 1521, when Martin Luther declared at the Diet of Worms, ‘My conscience is taken captive by God’s Word… [and] to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us,’ he introduced the revolutionary idea that in matters of religion, people should be free to follow their own conscience. And although it took many years before this principle was fully realized in Europe, it came to fruition because brave people, such as Luther, insisted that following God was more important than obeying the laws of men.” (Shadow Crescent Page 71)

Led by the bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), they walked to a nearby synagogue for a joint ceremony to commemorate the declaration of repudiation. ‘We share in the guilt of those who, bearing the name Martin Luther, slandered and defamed the Jewish people… Whether [it is we] ourselves speaking and killing or standing silent while others vilified and killed, we crucify our Lord anew,’ the pastor said.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 109)

Martin Luther, though often quoted, was nevertheless not remembered as the man who preached a divine Christ who could reconcile totally depraved sinners to an infinitely holy God. The cross of Luther’s Christ did not comfortably blend in with the swastika.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 136)


Whether the church in America will be up to the challenge of facing these assaults remains to be seen. If we smugly believe that our churches will survive, we have to only look to history to learn that many churches in different parts of the world proved incapable of resisting similar assaults, particularly those from Islam. In this book, we will remind ourselves that thousands of churches in Asia Minor, the Middle East, and North Africa – at one time vibrant bastions of Christianity – are mosques today.” (Shadow Crescent Page 17) Lutzer ignores that the US Constitution is a covenant between Holy God and the USA.

Might God use Islam to bring judgment against the Western church? What might American churches look like in the next 25 to 50 years? This book serves as an open letter to Christians in the West. I write with a passion that we would wake up to the fact that our future might be in peril.” (Shadow Crescent Page 36)


So when we see how Islam is spreading through the West today, we might complain as Habakkuk did and say, ‘Lord, how can this be? In Muslim countries, those who convert from Islam to Christianity are imprisoned or killed. And Islam denies Jesus’ deity and His crucifixion. Then there are the terrorists who strap bombs to themselves and blow up marketplaces, wedding receptions, and hotels. How can you allow Islam to prevail?’ And yet we need to remember that, as happened with Israel, God could be trying to get the attention of Western Europe and America. We have thousands of churches; we have Bibles available for everyone to read; we have an abundance of Christian television and radio; we have Christian books that address every imaginable need; we have conferences and seminars and retreats galore. And above all, we have the freedom to preach the gospel, to witness to our friends, and to live for Christ. And yet the church isn’t all it could be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 142) By “God”, Lutzer actually means the Jesuit General.


‘Christianity in Germany bears a greater responsibility before God than the National Socialists, the SS and the Gestapo.’ So said Martin Niemoller during a lecture in Switzerland in 1946. If it is true that the strength of the church is determined by its impact in society, Niemoller just might have been right.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 243)



Argument #7: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer tries to repaint the reputation of the Knights Templar, Pope, and Catholic Crusaders in “Holy Wars” attacks on the “Holy Land” Jerusalem and Israel calling it “Christian lands”. Lutzer says Heinrich Himmler followed the Teutonic Knights’ strategies and communicated with a dead German King for the founding of the SS, Gestapo, and German police when actually it was Jesuit exercises and partnership with the Jesuit General Ledochowski which Lutzer hides. Lutzer tries to blame Jesus and Peter – as if he were the first Pope – for the confusion behind the use of the sword to defend the counterfeit “kingdom of God”. Notice the upside-down cross on the Pope’s chair as we show in our banner for this article. It’s made to be a sword – meaning “In Hoc Signo Vinces” or “In This Sign Conquer”. That exact phrase is still written on the Knights Templar logo and the “IHS" on the Jesuit logo up there shows they are conquering “In Hoc Signo”. The Pope has turned the cross upside down to push for a “crown” by means of conquering. Lutzer accuses Jesus for that “confusion of swords”. Lutzer says somewhere in one of his books that God knows we must suffer before we can reign with Jesus and that there can be no crown without a cross. But Lutzer secretly means an unpside down cross – a sword. And by “suffer”, Lutzer means reverse victimhood – Jesuits killing and then Jesuits playing the victim as they did in World War 2. Lutzer tries to make Jesus guilty for the Crusades and thereby for World War 2 and for Islam. Lutzer calls the Quran “the word, or sword, of Islam” pointing to the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God”. Lutzer calls God the “cardinal catastrophe behind them all” to blame all of the Pope’s Crusades and Inquisitions on Jesus. Lutzer tries to make the Quran equal to the Bible.


In this same manner, Lutzer blames anyone other than the Pope. He rightly blames the soldiers - “untrained soldiers bent on mayhem and revenge” and that they violated the principles that were to be upheld by the Crusaders and ended up besmirching the name of Christ. Lutzer says “Obviously, many of the Crusaders were not true Christians who understood the New Testament doctrine of salvation.” But Lutzer refuses to say that this about the Pope – that all of this was evidence that the Pope was unsaved. Lutzer instead says that the Pope just got confused on which sword to use the “sword of the Word” or the “sword of steel” and that he had buried the gospel amid political and religious agendas.. Lutzer blames this on Jesus and on Peter – as if he were the first Pope. “When the Roman soldiers approached the Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Him, the apostle Peter drew his sword. Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘Put your sword back in its place… for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ (Matthew 26:52). This confusion of swords – relying upon a sword of steel rather than the sword of the Spirit – has bedeviled the Christian church over the course of its history. To join the army of one’s country was legitimate for matters of state, but to fight in a so-called ‘holy war’ is a discredit to Christ.” (Shadow Crescent Page 101-103) Jesus said those two swords among his disciples were to fulfill prophecy about Himself being a trouble-maker and possible “threat” to Rome. And Jesus rebuked Peter for actually using it because that is not what they were for and should not have been used – so Jesus healed the man’s ear and put a stop to that. So Lutzer is complaining that it’s God’s fault, and that the Pope learned this mistake from Peter. But Lutzer knows quite clearly that one who commits murder is not the same as one who catches the murderer with facts in a court of law and puts him to death to protect other related victims or future victims as God’s law for Israel (not America) will be in the future again. Interestingly, notice how Lutzer also blames God for Islam’s sword (as we’ve already shown) again here in this clever word trick to make the Quran sound like and equal to the Word of God: “Peace exists only insofar as non-Muslims submit to the word, or sword, of Islam. Until then, there is no peace.’” (Shadow Cross Page 192) Lutzer says somewhere in one of his books that God knows we must suffer before we can reign with him and that there can be no crown without a cross. But Lutzer secretly means an unpside down cross – a sword.


Lutzer calls these Crusades of the “Holy Land” a term used to allow Catholics and Muslims to pretend that it belongs to the two of them rather than to God and His chosen people Israel. Lutzer knows that the future plan as explained in the “Road Map to Peace” is for the Vatican to oversee peace relations in Jerusalem between a split city toward Islam, “Christianity”, and “Kabbalah”. He knows that Israel always wanted to move back to their land and since the Roman Empire fell, Israelis started to move back and befriended whoever was in the land including Christians and tried to reclaim it since it was their land. But the Catholics hated this and sent Islam to do her deeds of murder since Rome herself could not rightly go down there to steal the land – since she had “dissolved” without the support of Europeans who refused to back her and her good relations with Eastern Catholics had dissolved also. Notice that the Christians in Jerusalem were willing to convert to Islam when forced to, which is why Rome hated them, because that meant they also could have been converted to Judaism since Rome had only produced cultural Christians who were not Christians. But Rome also knew there were real Christians in Israel who loved Israel and wanted them to be allowed to live in their homeland “Eretz Israel”.


Lutzer partly admits to knowing all of this by quoting this “expert”: “Robert Spencer, a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law, explains what followed: ‘In the Holy Land, the conquest of Jerusalem in 638 stood at the beginning of centuries of Muslim aggression; Christians in the Holy Land faced an escalating spiral of persecution… Brutal subordination and violence became the rule of the day for Christians in the Holy Land… Early in the ninth century the persecutions grew so severe that large numbers of Christians fled for Constantinople and other Christian cities… [I]n 1004, the sixth Fatimid Caliph, Abu ‘Ali al-Mansur al-Hakim… ordered the destruction of churches, the burning of crosses, and the seizure of church property. He moved against the Jews with similar ferocity. Over the next ten years thirty-thousand churches were destroyed, and untold numbers of Christians converted to Islam simply to save their lives.’” (all Quotes from Shadow Crescent Page 101-103) Please do not forget that the Catholic “church” helped Muhammad make up Islam. At least two Catholic priests mentored Muhammad. And it was St. Augustine who arranged all of the pieces in the Middle East and Africa for the rise of an opposition to Rome that could oppress the Hebrews where Rome could not reach. And Muslims revere visions of “Gabriel” (supposedly gave the Quran “revelations”) and “Mary” (through Fatima whose prophecy was a Catholic attack on Russia). They have prayer beads. They “worship” around an idol in the center of their courtyard (Vatican City). They include many satanic mystery religion ideas much the same as Catholics and Kabbalah. They are a counterfeit “kingdom of God”. They oppress and attack Israelis (Holy Wars). They conquer land and impose their empire as a political ideology hiding behind religion to protect them (Holy Roman Empire). They have a “conservative” side and a “mystic/satanic” side (like Catholics versus Jesuits). They alter the Scriptures given to us by God (Quran and Catholic Vatinus B and Sinaticus A manuscripts among so many). They hide truth from common people by means of foreign language (Arabic and Latin). They have priests (Imams) who control the politics/laws. They infiltrate by stealth satanic planning into Christian and Israeli networks to divide and conquer as well as to destroy from within. They respect the Pope and will not conquer cathedrals or territory they are not allowed to. They had a dhimma pact with Catholics wherever their territory existed. There are so many similarities we have not even touched. But you get the point.

[Himmler] communicated regularly with personalities of the past and claimed that he himself was the reincarnation of the tenth-century German King Heinrich 1 the Fowler, with whom he had frequent communication. He was obsessed with a secret medieval society called the Order of the Teutonic Knights, whose teachings he used to form the elite SS guard.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 114) We know from German author Walter Hagen that the Jesuit General Count Halke Von Ledochowski organized with the SS Central Security Service and most of its main posts were held by Catholic priests in SS uniform. (Information from Page 68 of The Secret History of the Jesuits). This is how someone like Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who became Pope Benedict XVI for a very short time – before being caught too much in hiding child assault scandals and his own past – had served an SS officer.
’Anybody who still had not grasped that Germany with its program ‘was wrecked precisely on this dangerous rock called ‘God’ and nothing else has no eyes to see. Because he sees only individual catastrophes he no longer sees the basic, cardinal catastrophe behind them all.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 196 – quoting Helmut Thielicke)



Argument #8: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer makes multiple “millions of years” and “8,000 years” and “ages past” type of references to support evolution-theory. This supports the Nazi Aryan blood-race theories. Lutzer blames God for creating the lie that man can be “god” – the super-race lie of Freemason Kabbalah and Nazi Aryans. Lutzer quotes a Jewish man Heinrich Heine’s prophecy about Thor crushing the “Church” cathedrals as if Hitler was the fulfillment of their “true prophecy” which was actually given to this man by the plans of the Jesuits knowing what they wanted to do with Germany one hundred years after this prophecy was given – remember the Holy Roman Empire had been there since Christmas Day in the year 800 A.D. so obviously they were eager to reestablish there. Lutzer says “Christians” in Asia Minor and Europe could not stop Islam from conquering them. Lutzer says the Austrians dealt Muslims their first defeat. Lutzer makes the Aryan Nazi “god” sound greater than God. Lutzer says the cross is a symbol of death “and could never be confused with a swastika, which was a symbol of man’s quest for life.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 232) At the start of his chapter on “Anti-Semitism”, Lutzer quotes Adolf Hitler saying the Jews had become like “gods” and therefore he felt no responsibility if he used the worst of nature’s evolution and “survival of the fittest” savage rules to defeat them. This is how Lutzer starts a discussion about anti-“Semitism”?

The Scriptures call Lucifer the son of the first morning – meaning that when God said “Let there be light”, Lucifer was one of those jeweled light reflectors and Lutzer knows this. So when Lutzer says millions of years in reference to Lucifer, he is telling you that he does not believe God’s account of creation – plain and simple.

Millions and millions of years would bring me no nearer to the end of my torments than one poor hour.” (God’s Devil Page 236) “Whether on earth or in heaven, it seem clear that Lucifer was a cheerleader for the Almighty. How long did he enjoy this privilege? We don’t know, but it might have been for millions of years, or perhaps for only a short time.” (God’s Devil Page 31) “The other angels fell voluntarily, no doubt, but nevertheless were also fulfilling a divine plan. The fall was but the first of many scenes in an extended drama. God had anticipated this in the ages of eternity past.” (God’s Devil Page 45) “What we discover is that before anything was created, God already had a blueprint; the fall of Lucifer (and subsequent fall of man) was already included in the grand design. Paul wrote to Titus, ‘For the sake of the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began’ (Titus 1:1-2). God made a promise in ‘before the ages began.’ That does not refer to the ages since creation, but in eternity past.” (God’s Devil Page 64) “Satan is a deceiver and is also self-deceived. Certainly he was self-deceived when he fell in the ages past.” (God’s Devil Page 196) “We have already learned that he borrowed the swastika from Guido von List, but it originated in India, where it has been revered for eight thousand years.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 113) “We don’t know what is meant by ‘ten days’ – was Jesus talking about ten literal days, or ten periods of persecution? Are the ten days symbolic of a longer period?” (Shadow Crescent Page 91) Okay that one was just sneaky and super funny – it is so deceptively separated from the topic of creation or Lucifer. Notice in this one that Lutzer admits that he does know the meaning of the “ten days” prophecy – in a different book written seventeen years earlier. “In this age, the church is his enemy – and he uses the same tactics. During the first three centuries of Christianity he tried to kill the church by ten waves of persecution instigated by the polytheistic Roman Empire.” (God’s Devil Page 97)


Most Christians are unaware that God set an important principle in the Scriptures with the six days of work and rest on the seventh. God promised at creation that our troubles would end after 6,000 years and there will be a rest for the nation of Israel. Let’s look at (most likely) Silas explaining that there is still a future rest of God in the book of Hebrews followed by God’s 1,000 year rest for Israel as described in Revelation in which we Gentiles also will be allowed to reign with Him and Israel. Christ will even have his disciples (who are Israelis) and the other older rulers of Israel sit down at the marriage banquet at the start and He says (as recorded in Luke 22) that He will serve them rather than they serve Him at the banquet when Israel and the righteous Gentiles who were adopted in under Christ will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel whom God preserved at the second half of the tribulation who will repopulate the earth and be over all the tribes of all the earth.


Hebrews 4:1-10 “Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: ‘So I swore in My wrath, “They shall not enter My rest.” ‘ For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: ‘And God rested on the seventh day from all His works’; and again in this place: ‘They shall not enter My rest.’ Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, again He designates a certain day, saying in David, ‘Today,’ after such a long time, as it has been said: ‘Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts.’ For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.” Hebrews 4:1-10   


Revelation 20:4 “And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:4     Luke 22:27-30 “For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table


Now let’s talk about Lutzer’s attempt to make God the originator of the lie that man could be God.

Hitler said that a big lie is always more effective than a small one. If so, the lie that man is God will be very effective.” (God’s Devil Page 214) “Adam, who was standing with his wife, did not object to her gently plucking the fruit from the tree. And when she had eaten, she shared it with him and he ate with her. They had been introduced to the lie that would now rule the world: The lie that the creature can be like the Creator. All other lies are but an extension of this one. Every time we sin, we affirm the original lie of Eden.” (God’s Devil Page 57) On this one, Lutzer quite literally uses Jesus’ own words right back against Himself saying that you can identify a tree by its fruit because a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit – but Lutzer is ignoring the fact that the tree was fine, since no curse was on anything yet. We know that Lutzer follows that by saying the truth that the tree was not cursed, but he intentionally put that sleight against Jesus’ own words knowing that it was wrong.  Left to our own reasoning, it would make sense to think that since God created the fruit and it looked good, it must be good to eat. Human reasoning is limited and cannot see the big picture; things just might not be what they appear to be. The tree was not a bad tree, nor did it bear bad fruit. All that God made was good. There was nothing intrinsic about this tree that made it different from other trees. God could have just as easily said, ‘Don’t cross this stream,’ or ‘Don’t climb this mountain.’ The tree was simply a test to see if man would obey the voice of God or the voice of the serpent who claimed to speak for God. If Eve was to be preserved from error, she should have told the serpent that he was speaking lies.” (God’s Devil Page 58)


Eve’s intuition told her, ‘Feel, don’t think!’ Objective truth is too cold, too harsh; the words of God are not as important as the right sensation. Since the world cannot be comprehended rationally, and since the knowledge you have does not entirely satisfy, go with your feelings.” (God’s Devil Page 78) Notice that Lutzer says here that Eve was not entirely satisfied. Now read this from Lutzer: “Adam and Eve had the privilege of walking with God in the cool of the garden. There were many trees from which they could eat. If they had any unmet needs they could have mentioned those to the Almighty, and He most likely would have given them the desires of their hearts. This was the Paradise of God.” (God’s Devil Page 56) This should be obvious, but Eve did not know (have the knowledge) of good and evil since she had not yet eaten from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil yet. And she had not had experience with the devil before this to even know what lying was to be able to ask Jesus who walked in the garden what He thought about this.  In other words, Lutzer says this test was impossible to pass righteously because she did not know good and evil in order to avoid the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But the truth is that it was simple – she DID KNOW not to eat of the fruit and she ate of it anyway.


Though Eve was deceived, Adam ate knowingly. He knew this message was not from God, but he decided to join his wife in the adventure of eating the tasty fruit. Is it not true that forbidden waters are sweeter? Does not independence ignite an excitement that obedience does not?” (God’s Devil Page 59-60) Now you can see what Lutzer is doing – saying that Adam already had a sin nature before he had a sin nature from eating the fruit of the tree. And independence is what Lutzer says was the built-in flaw. In other places Lutzer calls it “self-will” and “self-interests” and “pride” and “desire to resist God’s authority” and “unrighteousness”. And Lutzer says that the root of our sin is self-will, so he says that God placed self-will sin within us when he created us.  We are shocked and perplexed by this simple statement, ‘You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you” (v.15). Unrighteousness was found in you! With that breathtaking comment we have a description of how sin entered the universe. This is an inspired commentary on the origin of evil – unrighteousness was found in a being that moments before had been perfect!” (God’s Devil Page 31) “When Lucifer said ‘I will,’ his venom transformed him into an evil being. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were contaminated; now, as their children, we are all affected. For Satan there is no cure; for us there is.” (God’s Devil Page 189)“Imagine that each branch of this tree is one of the ‘deeds of the flesh.’ Like the forbidden tree of Eden, each is appealing and each bears its own poisonous fruit. Though the branches appear to be separate, they are interrelated. We can trace them back to their roots.” (God’s Devil Page 189) “If the works of the flesh are the branches of this tree, what is its trunk? I believe the root is self-will, the desire to resist God’s sovereignty in our lives. That was the sin of our first parents, and this rebellion has been passed on to us. Pride keeps me from letting God be the supreme ruler of my life.” (God’s Devil Page 189) “What we do know is that Lucifer was self-deceived, thinking that rebellion was necessary if he were to put his own interests first.” (God’s Devil Page 34) Lutzer even speaks directly for the devil saying “God is deceiving you! He is hiding the real reason He does not want you to eat of the so-called forbidden tree; if you do eat, you will be like the Almighty Himself! He wants the glory, not because it is rightfully His, but because He does not want what is best for humanity!” (God’s Devil Page 53) Lutzer has worked very hard to twist so many of God’s truths. He is very evil. You and I can learn so much about God’s good if we find the right answer to each accusation.


There are so many more of these similar accusations, but we must move on to the next step of that lie, suggesting that this “independence” that God placed in man is the intent to become not “like God” but to become “god”. “The deity of man is a lie that will be widely believed at the end of the age. In fact, Paul says that when the Antichrist comes, he will work in accord with Satan. He will claim to be God, and the world will believe him because ‘God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false’ (2 Thessalonians 2:11). Multitudes will worship the Antichrist because they will believe he is God. And if we are all gods already, why cannot this special man be thought of as the supreme manifestation of God? And so the lie of Eden is heard around the world, ‘You will be like God.’” (God’s Devil Page 75) As we’ve already shown but want to show even more now, Lutzer says Antichrist operates with God’s power, so you see Lutzer accusing God of intentionally creating the worst Antichrist thinking of being “god” and that God is supposedly feeding this right from the start so that when God causes it to fail, God will come in as the hero. “1. God takes initiative in the battle. He says, ‘I will’. Lucifer had said, ‘I will,’ and now God says, ‘I will.’ Two will would be in conflict in an attempt to rule the world. Even before man could look to God for help, God already promised it. If there was a mess to be cleaned up, God would do it.” (God’s Devil Page 80) For example, Lutzer says that the three words used about Antichrist “power”, “signs” and “wonders” are all three words used to describe Jesus’ power on earth – now mind you this is the Anti-Christ, which does not mean extremely opposed to Christ, but the word actually means representative in the place of Christ as the “Vicar of Christ” already does. This glitch is easy to solve because Lutzer left off the word “lying” about the wonders which shows that these are devil’s imitations that are not from God. Remember that Lutzer talks of the devil in this exact same way – as if speaking for God and no one could tell the difference – implying that it was because it actually was God speaking. So Lutzer is actually saying that this will be a revived “Christ”. Lutzer does this in other ways talking about reincarnation as only a German atheist Nazi Jesuit could do.


The three words used here – “power,” “signs,” and “wonders” – are all used of the miracles of Christ. Antichrist’s power to duplicate the works of Christ is so remarkable that multitudes will believe.” (God’s Devil Page 213) “The prediction was both astonishing and accurate. In 1834, one hundred years before Hitler, a poet named Heinrich Heine assessed the mood in Germany and concluded that only the Cross of Christ was holding back the Germans’ lust for war.’ The prediction was even more remarkable because Heine was a Jew, a man who nevertheless believed that only Christianity could tame what he called that ‘brutal German joy in battle.’” (Hitler’s Cross page 73)“ Heine, who possibly did not understand why the Cross had supernatural power, called it a talisman, an object with magical power that held aggression at bay in the German nation. And should the Cross be broken, the forces of brutality would break out and the world would be filled with ‘terror and astonishment’. Read the rest of his assessment, which turned out to be more accurate than he could have ever known: ‘Should the subduing talisman, the Cross, break, then will come roaring forth the wild madness of the old champions, the insane Berserker rage [the rage of the ferocious Norse warriors] of which the Northern poets sing. That talisman is brittle, and the day will come when it will pitifully break. The old stone Gods will rise from the long-forgotten ruin and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes; and Thor, leaping to life with his giant hammer, will crush the Gothic cathedrals.’ [End of Heine’s quote] That prediction of course, was fulfilled with the coming of Hitler. The Cross of Christ was broken, formed into a hakenkreuz (broken cross) that became a symbol of the Nazi agenda.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 73-74) “In the Hofburg Library in Vienna, there is a spear believed by many to be the one used to pierce the side of Christ. One day when Adolf Hitler was in his early twenties, he overheard a tour guide point the spear out to a group of visitors and say, ‘This spear is shrouded in mystery; whoever unlocks its secrets will rule the world.’ Later Hitler said that those words changed his whole life… He felt as if he had held it in his hands in an earlier century.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 81) “For Hitler it not only symbolized the Roman antagonism toward Christ but also was a path to Luciferic transformation” (Hitler’s Cross Page 82)


Here perhaps is the real mystery behind that spear in Vienna. WOW, Lutzer found the mystery of the spear! Speaking of God, Lutzer questions why Christians trust His word, and then shows that the German “god” is greater because it stopped the Muslims from swallowing Vienna, which most likely was just the Pope – the very system who ordered the Muslim Crusades in the first place and could call it off before it dissolved the headquarters of the “Holy Roman Empire”: “Will His people trust His promises even though there is no visible evidence that they will win in the end? During the lifetime of Martin Luther, the Turks were aggressive in their expansion of the Ottoman Empire. Under Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1566), Turkish armies swept their way across Eastern and Central Europe, taking Belgrade in 1521, the island of Rhodes in 1522, then most of Hungary in 1526. In 1529 Suleiman besieged Vienna and appeared to be on the verge of victory. If the city had fallen, ‘all of Germany would have been at the mercy of the Turkish armies.’ But the Austrians turned Suleiman back, giving him his first defeat.” (Shadow Crescent Page 146) We have been seeing their murder-Christian-movement for many years now. Those satanist friends of Lutzer keep trying but can’t get us. Now their plan is to get Christians to give up on our faith so they can murder. Lutzer is a leader in that group. Lutzer wants to believe that the guiding principle of following God is martyrdom – meaning everyone that follows God has to get martyred, which we will explain more later. “The cross of Christ was a symbol of that death and could never be confused with a swastika, which was a symbol of man’s quest for life.” (Hitler’s Page 232) Lutzer hides the fact that Paris is the headquarters of the Jesuits when he says of Hitler “He was especially ecstatic at the bombing of Warsaw and London, and angry with the commandant of Paris for not setting that city on fire.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 19)


This is actually very telling since Hitler primarily occupied lands where Jews were with the intent of truly exterminating or chasing them out because – he like his Jesuit Catholic friends – all hated Jews. But even though there are or else have been many Jews in some parts of France, Hitler refused to burn Paris in order to protect his Jesuit friends. He knew they had it under control. One of the ways Lutzer knows they had Jews under their control was by supporting the Kabbalist “gods” of the Jews as if they reinvented “Judaism”. Lutzer knows full well that Kabbalists literally do think they have become a higher elite race and should rule the whole world and teach everyone how to obtain higher realms of oneness with “god”. But Lutzer knows that these are Catholic 12th and 13th Century fabrications that pretended to be ancient Jewish books and were forgeries and reassemblies of Catholic doctrines by a Jesuit “Rabbi” in or near Alexandria, Egypt and in Leon, Spain (of Ponce De Leon fame) which was an old hub of Jesuit Catholic beliefs. The Catholics have fabricated a whole lot of books in their time and completely altered and rewritten so many little pieces of the Scriptures, for example in the Vaticanus B and Sinaiticus A transcripts used by International Bible Society for translating the world’s Bibles. Lutzer knows both the Kuzari and Zohar are Anti-Israel propaganda just as the blood libels and everything else were.


So why is he not tearing down these lies? Because he wants them to stand – “’I do not look upon Jews as animals, they are further removed from animals than we are… Therefore it is not a crime to exterminate them, since they do not belong to humanity at all.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 97) Lutzer even completely avoids answering the anti-Semitic claim of Hitler and pretends that Hitler said the exact opposite – that Hitler called the Jews lower than animals. “With his declaration that the Jews were beneath the animals, Heinrich Himmler got the green light to use his SS troops to exterminate them. The SS were then free to kill without breaking laws; they were free to exterminate without committing murder. There would be no trials for poisoning vermin; the land must be cleansed of filth so that it might be peopled with those who have human blood flowing through their veins. With this verbal sleight of hand, the man who starved children but called it ‘putting them on a low calorie diet’ now killed Jews and called it ‘cleansing the polluted land.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 97) Then Lutzer says it was really God who gave the green light: “Regardless of your theological viewpoint, you will have to agree that the Holocaust would not have happened if God had not chosen to permit it. Figuratively speaking, He initialed the memo; He gave the green light. Since He chose to permit it, He could also have chosen to not permit it. That’s why the Bible can say that there is no power except for God and that God rules in the affairs of men.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 63) “We can smile when gurus tell us today that we are all gods and that we need to simply realize our potential. But the godhood of man, which has always been believed in various forms in the East, is now being accepted in the West too.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 88)



Argument #9: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer is blaming “globalism”, “enlightenment”, “democracy”, “atheism”, “bankers”, “messiah-complex”, “communism”, “humanists”, “reincarnation”, “Teutonic Knights”, and “occult” for Hitler’s Nazi agendas. Lutzer is trying to reverse things to make Jesuit Nazis the victim and “Jews” the cause of World War 2. The reason we know that Lutzer as a Jesuit is saying this is based on Vatican propaganda during and after the world wars and during the Cold War conflicts saying these exact things. Catholics and Jesuits are known historically for hating the freedom of enlightenment and democracy (knowledge as power to escape the oppression of the Catholic hierarchies and monarchies) and calling it the system of the devil and atheism and far worse things. Additionally, we have heard and recognize a few of the trademarks of the lie that a Jewish cabal rules the world through the Rothschilds which is all over the internet – about stingy old Jewish bankers who make usury on everything and don’t work and have become trillionaires by this method which is a horrible lie.


It is Vatican gold and power that built the monarchies and the monarchies were forced to dissolve because they were always caught working with the Vatican, so the next wave become republics and democracies while the gold stayed in the Vatican’s hands – not drifting into Jewish hands or in some hidden Freemason bunker in America or Britain or whatever other lies they perpetuate. Notice that Britain is one of the last of the European monarchies for a reason. If they had lost their “Church”-State partnership in England, the Jesuits would have lost their attempt to reconquer all “Protestants”. This is the real reason behind some of the mega-“revivals” there also as Lutzer admits at one point. England was also the Vatican hand for colonialism and supporting Jesuit infiltration through Jesuit Anglican “missions” and through Jesuit-led Oxford which then transferred to America somewhere around the time of the International Bible Society and Wycliffe – which are all funded by Rockefellers, etc. And they all partner with the Pontifical Councils, but of course they pretend that Rome isn’t leading the show and that some rogue Jews stole the whole world’s resources in such a short span of a couple of centuries. Anyway, it takes time to unravel all of the Vatican’s “International Jew” myths written by Henry Ford for example, but you can also trace this exact belief against the Jews through Lutzer’s own words as follows.


There is a quote from a Chicago Catholic Archbishop that clearly tells us who is conquering the world through “democracy” and nation-building. In 1903, merely four years after the Chicago Jesuits killed Dwight Moody, this Chicago Jesuit boasted this way: “Within twenty years, this country is going to rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the United States will take their place… When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world… Nothing can stand against the Church. I’d like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.”

That is what the Vatican planned to do. Americans need to see them clearly and know what their plans are.


They think people want this cruelty? “But let’s not overlook the fact that they wanted a dictatorship; they yearned for a strong leader who would bypass the slow pace of democratic reform… Democracy might be preferable when times are good; a dictatorship works best when times are bad.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 21) “Georg Hegel (1770-1831) held the chair of philosophy at Berlin University. His dialectical philosophy, which inspired Marx, preached the glorification of the state, saying it was ‘God walking on earth.’… Hegel predicted that Germany would flourish again since she represented the highest form of dialectical development. Let the French do as they wish; let Russia and Britain grow strong, he said. The laws of history are on Germany’s side. She deserves to rise again, and arise she will.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 31-32) “After six months of debate, a constitution was adopted that, on paper at least, appeared capable of brining about a stable democracy. It incorporated ideas from England, France, and the United States. The people were made sovereign, and the constitution declared that ‘all Germans are equal before the law.’ The phrase ‘For the German People’ was engraved on the Reichstag, where it can still be seen today. The attempt at democracy might have succeeded were it not for the Treaty of Versailles that had been drawn up by the Allies… In addition, Germany had to make war reparation payments of 132 billion gold marks, or about $33 billion, a sum it could not possibly pay.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 37) “When Germany defaulted on its war payments, the French president commanded his troops to occupy the Ruhr area. Thus the industrial heart of Germany was cut off from the rest of the country. That act triggered the final strangulation of Germany’s choking economy. Immediately after the action of the French in January of 1923, the mark plunged to 18,000 per dollar, and by November it took 4 billion marks to equal a dollar.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 38-39) “The worldwide depression of 1929 gave Hitler the opportunity he sought, Revolutionary that he was, he could thrive only in bad times, when unemployment was high, inflation was rampant, and anger and mistrust were spreading throughout Germany. This was his time to capture the nation, not by war but by constitutional means. When Austria’s biggest bank collapsed, it forced the banks in Berlin to close temporarily. Germany was unable to make its war payments; millions were unemployed as thousands of small businesses were wiped out. Deprived of jobs and ravaged by hunger, the Germans were willing to do anything to survive.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 40) “Hitler blamed the arson on a Communist conspiracy and induced Hindenburg to sign a decree ‘for the protection of the people and the state’ that suspended individual liberties…. By signing the decree, Hindenburg was actually acting in accordance with the Weimar Constitution which stipulated that the president could bypass Parliament in the event of an emergency.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 41-42) Just so you know, America does not have this in the Constitution, but George W. Bush tried to impose this through the Patriot Act or some Executive Order and they are pretending that this is legitimate law in America that could be used to identically duplicate this scenario in America. Just FYI.


Globalism has always been the long-term goal of occult religions. At the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993, six thousand delegates came from all over the world to discuss the need to uite the religions of the world. The assumption was that world hunger, war, and injustice are so staggering that only a unified religion and government can solve these problems. A global ethic was adopted, in which the word God does not appear, but the word Earth is capitalized throughout. The document says that there cannot be a transformation of earth unless there is a transformation of consciousness.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 89-90) Lutzer was one of those attending. “Through surveillance, wiretaps, spying, and rewarding those who betrayed their friends, Hitler tried to control the citizens of Germany. He had instilled in all of his subordinates the obsessive desire to be obeyed and worshiped. Of course the goal behind all black magic is power, the thirst to wield supreme power over the whole world. In a word, it was the drive to be God. It was Lucifer who said that he would be ‘like the Most High.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 91) Speaking of the Antichrist, Lutzer says, “He, like Hitler will be indwelt by demonic forces, most likely by Satan himself. The parallels are so striking that Robert Van Kampen, in his book The Sign, says that he believes that the Antichrist will actually be Hitler raised from the dead… Antichrist will fare better than Hitler. Since globalism is already a powerful force in the world, many organizations and leaders will cooperate in solving the problems of this planet. He will win the world to his side. Crying for bread and peace, a desperate world will surrender its personal rights in return for what will eventually be empty promises.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 92)


Antichrist will achieve what Hitler only dreamed about. His power to do miracles will be so great that the whole world will marvel as one of his heads appears ‘as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed’ (Revelation 13:3). This may be a satanic attempt to mimic the resurrection of Christ.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 92) Hitler’s ‘final solution’ was not final. God preserved a remnant of the Jews, established Israel as a state, and today is calling many Jews to faith in Christ, their Messiah. In the end, He shall prove that not one word spoken through the prophets will be neglected. His chosen ones shall yet flourish. But another holocaust lies aheadHere the hatred against the Jews is unmasked for what it is: It is the direct work of Satan who wants to exterminate the Jews so that God will be found a liar, unable to fulfill His promises. Behind the hatred of ancient King Herod, behind those Christian leaders whose anger was a stumbling block to the Jewish nation, and behind Hitler’s ‘final solution’ is the direct activity of Satan, who is represented in this passage as ‘the dragon.’… Notice that God again will do in the future what He did during Hitler’s Holocaust: He preserves the woman (the nation) even when it looks as if she will be swallowed up in a river of anti-Semitism. God prepares a place for her; she is preserved, because there are still some promises to the Jewish nation that have to be fulfilled. God lets the dragon go just so far; so far, in fact, that the nation loses hope. But in the end, God is still there.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 120-121)


Here is one grouping of Lutzer’s assessment that shows a lot of these anti-Jewish sentiments joined together. Notice that his ending is to say that after the Jews have done the “plan of God” to establish the Antichrist kingdom, then the devil turns against them by God’s plan again in a torrent of Anti-Semitism and claims that God will then shut down all of the accusations against Israel’s international crimes – not by truth but by washing in the Jordan River – as the elite Freemasons and Jesuits say to analogize blaming Israel for everything. And then Lutzer says God gets all of eternity to correct – or Lutzer implies “rewrite” – the history, since He is the victor. By doing this, Lutzer admits to knowing that the Vatican who has always been the victor even when they appear to lose, has written all of the history in their favor as though they get to absolve themselves of any and all crimes. Lutzer says God will do that same for Israel at the end of the Tribulation – silence “every just accusation”. This shows again that Lutzer desperately wants to blame Israel for all of the evils even the evils committed against themselves (Israel) – in order to defend the Pope and the Vatican. That is the job of a Jesuit Nazi. Lutzer quotes Francis Schaeffer saying that America will wake up one day to realize that the America we once knew is gone, implying the infiltration of Jewish agendas. Lutzer quotes C. S. Lewis explaining that the worst rulers occupy using “humanitarian theory of punishment” and for the “good of its victims” in attempt to accuse the Jewish humanists. This also attempts to make Israelis to blame for BOTH German Nazism and Israeli Zionism as movement of race-based states.


According to a Barna research report, about two-thirds of Americans believe that the different religions of the world are actually worshipers of the same God. This vision of religious unity is what will propel the world to one-world religion and one-world government. Religion and politics will come together in one person; the science of mind and the science of economics will blend into unified world philosophy. Today there is a network of organizations committed to bringing about a unified world order to address the problems of war, hunger, and economic instability… He will be both priest and king, messiah and emperorAll of the original doctrines found in the third chapter of Genesis will surface: the deity of mankind, the transformation of consciousness (“enlightenment”), moral relativism, and the like. Possibly even reincarnation might be used to spread the word that some great historical personage of the past has reappeared. Think of the awe and worship that would come to the person who could claim to have been “raised from the dead” by being recycled into our mode of existence. He will usher in a religion that will counterfeit Christianity at every point in the place of the Ten Commandments, there will be new commandments for this new age. Now that Satan’s puppet is in place, he will be able to control the world through a vast financial network based on stringent controls… H. G. Wells said that someday there would be a worldwide revolution consisting of a great multitude and variety of overlapping groups ‘all organized for collective and political and social educational as well as propagandist action.’ He continues: ‘It will be a great world movement as widespread and evident as socialism or communism. It will largely take the place of these movements. It will be more. it will be a world religion. The large loose assimilatory mass of the groups and societies will be definitely and obviously attempting to swallow up the entire population of the world and become the new human community.’ This, then, is the culmination to which all the various strands of religious unity are headed. Even the tributaries of satanic worship that we see today might be the very ones that will flow into a single river of occult religion. Here is the apex of the godhood of man. At last, the problems of the world will be overcome – and with spiritual solutions. Under the guise of laudable slogans, the deification of man will reach its most striking affirmation. All opposition will be set aside, and the New World Order will be in place… My preference is to believe that while the church will be raptured before the tribulation begins, there will be a remnant (primarily Jews) who will be saved during the tribulation period… Satan can no longer accuse those who have been acquitted by God, thanks to the sacrifice of Christ. Every just accusation is now silenced.” (God’s Devil Page 214-217) “We wish Luther had repeated these comments at the end of his life: ‘We must indeed with prayer and the fear of God before our eyes exercise a keen compassion towards them [the Jews] and seek to save some of them from the flames. Avenge ourselves we dare not. Vengeance a thousand times more than we can wish them is theirs already.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 107)


Lutzer ends his chapter on Anti-Semitism saying “the Jews did crucify Christ, but so did the Romans, and so did we” which is disgusting and disingenuous to say the least – especially in a chapter exposing the “Anti-Semitism of the Third Reich”. The Jews did not crucify Christ, their non-religious political rulers did and some small group of Jews that was stirred up to join, since most of Israel was focused on Passover, not on killing a perceived “false Messiah”. Secondly, the Romans did not care about killing Jesus and just didn’t want riots and were easily persuaded to participate because they only cared about power solidification under their rule. Third, “we” did not kill Jesus since we obviously weren’t there; though Jesus did lay down His life knowing that our sins would need to be crucified on that cross with him in judgment and death so that we could find new life in Him. That is not the same as “we” killed Jesus, which is an attempt to dodge sounding Anti-Semitic while actually being Anti-Israel as if all of Israel is to blame for it. Lutzer actually concludes with a statement that Luther did not say and puts it in quotes – “Whoever is anti-Jewish is anti-Christian” – still trying to revive Luther’s reputation. But “anti-Jewish” (notice the “ish”) is not the same as anti-Israel or anti-Hebrew, so there still may be a word-trick present. Lutzer then thanks the Israelis for the Bible and for Jesus which is all he can convince himself to be grateful for in the Hebrew nation’s history. Even there is an odd phraseology about their Messiah washing us in His blood, which sounds all wrong as a conclusion to a discussion about anti-Israel propaganda from a Jesuit agent like Lutzer is. Also, Lutzer doesn’t understand that millions of Church people will get saved after they miss the rapture. They will see Jesus, but are told they are not yet His disciples. Some will get saved, and many from the world will get saved and it will be too many to count as it says in Revelation 7:9.



Argument #10: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer completely avoids mention of Jesuits in his books – he is bound by harsh blood-curdling curses/oaths that he chooses to submit to for remaining silent. His silence on the whole subject of Jesuits is proof of his Jesuit oath to them and that he obeys them. Lutzer lies in his book and pretends the Jesuit extreme-oath he took has no bearing on him since he pretends he belongs to Jesus. But he knows it is a lie, because he does not know Jesus at all and hates the idea of Jesus ruling in righteousness. And he is plotting to murder American Christians. And he knows his “masters” do not care about him speaking, but he also knows they don’t care about him either if he fails them; he actually says so. This is why we said what we said about no one being allowed to do harm to him, because judicially his crimes must be shown, not by secret disappearing or being “suicided” by the Jesuit masters. He actually mentions these type of evil tyrants in his book, and they appointed him for this cover-up knowing that he would be a clever deceiver and the best they have for the task because of his position at The Moody Church. They knew he would have to talk about them because they knew Lutzer would have to work that hard to pretend to be like us while being at a chief Jesuit and convincing us to just accept them murdering us. His three books are his Jesuit dissertation for his Loyola University doctoral degree, but really are for his Jesuit masters and the books show that he is an elite Jesuit apologist/lawyer. No one can serve two masters as God said very clearly – you cannot serve God and the structure of this world and especially not Freemasons, Jesuits, satanists, the Pope, the devil, demons, etc. Lutzer cannot serve the devil and God – both, and he knows this. Lutzer cannot have any covenant with God while having a covenant with the devil, and Lutzer knows he does not have a covenant with both.


Lutzer makes a blur of factors to protect these real Nazis who create the Nazi-type scenarios, this time with Islam. Lutzer takes the Jesuit exercises training of the Nazis and makes it “It is not I who live, but the Fuhrer who lives in me.” In discussions about responding to Islam, Lutzer literally says we have to give up ourselves and become mind-slaves of God in this way – as if this were God’s design all along. Lutzer also knows that at some point the Jesuits will get caught for the Nazi conundrum, so he also says that “confusing the voice of God with the voice of the devil is not difficult”. Lutzer tries to make all sins and crimes equal because they are committed against “the character of an infinite Being”. You can hear how Lutzer tries not to believe in God for a minute there. By this, Lutzer makes the worst crimes imaginable as no worse than eating a piece of fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Lutzer shows that he knows the minds of the Jesuit Nazis and will do anything to cover for the Jesuits crimes. Lutzer quotes a man saying that revival comes by “desperation or devastation” as a justification for the recreation of the Nazi conundrum in America with Islam. Lutzer says that God only gets a “slap on the wrist” compared to all of the crimes Lutzer wants to believe that God commits. Jesuit Nazi Lutzer completely avoids Lutzer even blames God saying that God “knew the evil we would do; and He covered it all”. No! Not true. Holy God will judge every sin that ever happened – either on the soul of the individual who chose that sin, or one Jesus’ cross with Jesus’ Spirit given to us to make us like Himself. Lutzer is an evil liar that falsely accuses Holy God. Lutzer doesn’t know there is an eternal standard of right and wrong. God will judge evil people, and they will try to judge Holy God. God will allow all of those conversations in His court. Paul tells us, “That You may be justified in Your judgments and may overcome when You are judged” Romans 3:4, because God warns all sinners against choosing sin by the work of His Holy Spirit and the conscience. So if sinners choose it, God will not be to blame. God will be proven Holy, and God’s only vulnerability will be shown to be that God stretched Himself in order to save sinners, and let them learn to see sin and hate it. Praise God for his mercy on us. And God will help us escape the seemingly inescapable trap of the Jesuits.

The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits

"I, ..........., now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed."

"Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers."

"I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same."

"I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise."

"I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant."

"I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."

"That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me."

"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."

"In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!"

"All of which, I, .........., do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant."

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)


"You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank."

"In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges. The other answers Impious." (The meaning of which has already been explained.) "The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:-"
Question:- From whither do you come?
Answer:- The Holy faith.
Q.:- Whom do you serve?
A.:- The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.
Q.:- Who commands you?
A.:- The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Q.:- Who received you?
A.:- A venerable man in white hair.
Q.:- How?
A.:- With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.
Q.:- Did you take an oath?
A.:- I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.
Q.:- Will you do that?
A.:- I will.
Q.:- How do you travel?
A.:- In the bark of Peter the fisherman.
Q.:- Whither do you travel?
A.:- To the four quarters of the globe.
Q.:- For what purpose?
A.:- To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.
Q.:- Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.


Hitler confided to those who were closest to him that he was under orders from higher beings in his unique mission. ‘I will tell you a secret,’ he told Rauschning. ‘I am founding an order… the Man-God, that splendid being will be an object of worship… But there are other stages about which I am not permitted to speak.’ We can only speculate as to who was forbidding him to reveal more.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 87) But Lutzer knows that it was the Jesuits not the Jews, because he is a doctor of Jesuit law and philosophy and because he knows German language some and German history and German philosophy. For example, here is an obvious one - since Lutzer knows that the SS were trained by the Jesuit General and his priests but he still says this: “The Nazis proved that ordinary people, if controlled with rigid discipline and the power of mass psychology, can be induced to carry out the most brutal and destructive crime the human mind can devise. Researchers have concluded that Hitler’s SS troops were no different psychologically from the rest of humanity. George Kren and Leon Rappoport write, ‘Our judgment is that the overwhelming majority of the S.S. men, leaders as well as rank and file, would have easily passed all the psychiatric tests ordinarily given to army recruits or Kansas City Policemen.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 116) Lutzer spends an entire five pages (Hitler’s Cross Pages 114-118) describing the training process of young Jesuit Nazis of Himmler’s SS (literally built on the Jesuit program) in Hitler’s regime and somehow manages to avoid, even once, mentioning the Jesuits. He hides Jesuit and Catholic power in creating Hitler’s Third Reich as well as all past Reichs even the Holy Roman Empire. “Himmler said that he did not act without reference to the Hindu writings. He was particularly fond of the Bhagavad-Gita and the Hindu Arthasastra, which described a system of control and espionage that he found valuable in his role as head of the SS. He said that Karma required only that one do his duty without regard to consequences; he accepted the Eastern notion that one should become detached from this world through meditation.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 114) “Only when they did what others found to be reprehensible would they break away from their old value. The conscience had to be deadened through these acts of barbarism; that would serve the dual purpose of cutting the recruit off from his past ties, his family and friends, and of bonding him to his new peers and his leader. An act of torture or murder would unite him with blood brothers who had crossed the same line, felt the same numbness, and sworn themselves to uphold the same cause. The SS organization would then become their family, their source of unity and affirmation, their Gemeinschaft (community or assembly).” (Hitler’s Cross Page 114-115)


This next phraseology identically explains the Jesuit submission to any command given by a superior especially the superior general of the Jesuits: “The group gave each man a feeling that he was needed, and together their unit was beyond criticism. The human will was transcended; all self-identity was lost in the larger cause. The troops could say with Hermann Goring, ‘I have no conscience! Adolf Hitler is my conscience!’ or, ‘It is not I who live, but the Fuhrer who lives in me.’” (Hitler’s Cross 116-117) This is how Lutzer thinks all of “Christianity” is, because he is a Jesuit and that’s how they are. And He wants to “accuse” God of not allowing sin, which He doesn’t. So Lutzer thinks that is tyrannical? What a world he lives in; the Jesuit world is dark. Tyrannical people cover for evil people and partner with as much evil as possible and Lutzer knows that. But this is the elite rulers attempt at reversing the devil with the “god” – the Jesuit General. That’s all it is. Lutzer explains this lack of conscience and mind-slavery to “god” in his book on the devil as if this is God’s regular program through history. Paul talks about their (Jesuits, tyrannical rulers, etc) conscience in 1 Timothy 4:1-5 “speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared as with a hot iron…”

The irony is that Satan’s flaunted independence would in reality turn out to be another form of dependence on the will and purposes of God. True, he wouldn’t depend on God for guidance in the decisions he made, but every one of his rebellious acts would be under God’s careful direction and control. He could defy God, to be sure, but his activities would always be limited to what God allowed. His independence was hardly worthy of the word… This does not sound like independence! In fact, as we shall see later, it is slavery.” (God’s Devil Page 39-40) “We have forgotten that only when we know who God is can we know who the devil is. Blessed are those who are convinced that the prince of this world has become the slave of the Prince of Peace.” (God’s Devil Page 17) “Man, created to be king of the earth, would now become a slave and be everywhere in chains. – He sows but does not know whether he will reap. – He builds but does not know whether the work of his hands will be destroyed by tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. – He enjoys his sexual freedom and ends up with broken relationships, betrayal, and sexually transmitted diseases. He solves one medical mystery only to be haunted by another. – He establishes friendships only to be overcome by jealousy, mistrust, and hatred. Finally, he is a slave to death. No matter how many insurance programs he has, no matter how good his doctors, in the end, death will claim its victim.” (God’s Devil Page 61-62)


The problem, of course, is that in their fallen state they could never again perceive good and evil as God saw it. If left to themselves, they would have to build their own system of conduct with the fragmentary knowledge of their own sinful perceptions and tainted conscience. What is more, they would discover that they could not live up to what they intuitively knew to be right. Simply put, they would have to become relativists, giving up all hope of finding a unified system of morality and truth.” (God’s Devil Page 76) “Yes, Adam and Eve came to ‘know good and evil.’ But this ‘knowledge’ was a curse and not a blessing. Man was to spend much energy trying to appease his conscience and cope with the guilt of breaking a standard he intuitively knew was right. For the most part, he would try to erase the boundaries and do as he pleases.” (God’s Devil Page 77)“‘Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.’ (Hebrews 2:14-15) Of course Satan never had the power to determine when a person would die. Such matters belong to the risen Christ, who won the honor of possessing the keys of death and Hades.” (God’s Devil Page 117)


Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who gave his life standing against Hitler, said, ‘When Christ calls a man He bids him come and die.’ To die to self-will does not mean that we are sad, gloomy, downcast, or introspective. It may or may not be a deeply emotional experience… It is a daily acknowledgement of our dependence on Christ to have Him do what we cannot… We must believe Christ has made our death to self-rule possible… To be ‘in Christ’ is our position… He knows we cannot crucify ourselves; crucifixion is something that someone else must do for us. ” (God’s Devil 199-200) “I have noticed in counseling that those Christians who can give thanks to God for their demonic affliction are usually the first to experience the freedom of Christ in their lives. When they begin to see their trials as from the Father of light rather than the father of darkness, they see that there is a larger purpose in it all. Such faith is anathema to the forces of evil. We should never gives thanks to God for sin, or, for that matter, we should never give thanks to God for Satan. But we can give thanks for the way God uses evil to accomplish His purposes. We can give thanks for our own struggles and temptations and say, ‘Even in this, God is good and His will is being done.’ We are in training. Training takes suffering, discipline, faith, and discernment. Even Christ learned obedience by the things that He suffered.” (God’s Devil Page 140) Notice Lutzer is focused on killing Christians, and convincing Christians to let them kill us while sounding like a Christian. He is in quite the cult. “God has a purpose for every believer on earth, and for some of us, that purpose will include martyrdom.” (Shadow Crescent Page 168)


No matter Satan’s motivation, God’s purpose toward His children is always benevolent. We do not have to see instant deliverance in order for God to be glorified. We just need to affirm that we are never given more than we can bear; we just need to know that we suffer under God’s faithful care. To all who suffer from Satan’s continued attacks, we must say, ‘No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it’ (1 Corinthians 10:13). Someone else, somewhere, endured the same affliction that we are experiencing and did so victoriously. Any new trial is an old trial happening to a new person.” (God’s Devil Page 163)“ God, let us never forget, does the testing and Satan does the tempting. If we cannot thank God, we have not yet seen His purpose in it all. We don’t give thanks for our sin; we don’t give thanks for the devil; but we can give thanks that God has found us to be worthy of being tested.” (God’s Devil Page 179) Lutzer is an evil liar. God is not tempted to sin and He does not test or tempt anyone with sin – James 1:13-14. “Indwelling sin, which ‘clings so closely,’ is ever with us. Even those who think they have conquered the flesh discover its unpredictable power to tempt, confuse, and subdue. No wonder Christ said, ‘Keep watching and praying that you may not come to temptation.’ (Mark 14:38 NASB). Christ taught His disciples to pray, ‘Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.’ We should pray ,’Lord, when I have the desire to sin, might I not have the opportunity; and when I have the opportunity, might I not have the desire.’ When we are tried, we shall be like gold.” (God’s Devil Page 183)


In both cases, their martyrdom is what God has willed. Satanic forces might instigate the destroying; but God does the delegating. Just as it was God’s will for Christ to die at the hands of evil men, so His followers die under the same care and providential plan. Even here, the devil is still God’s servant.” (God’s Devil Page 218) “Meanwhile, Satan exists as God’s instrument of justice for the disobedient and God’s means of purification for the obedient. Our war with him teaches us about the nature of sin, the holiness of God, and our own helplessness apart from grace. Lucifer’s fall gave our heavenly Father an opportunity to display limitless mercy toward us. He who rules all things by the counsel of His own will has triumphed, and we share His victory.” (God’s Devil Page 237) “God is good. His promises are to be believed, and if we choose His way, God will do not only what is good for Him but also what is good for us. We must get beyond the notion that something has to be pleasant in order for it to be good. We must also get beyond the notion that if it is from Satan it is bad. Of course Satan means it to be bad, but God means it to be good. Satan’s attacks can only be bad if we respond to them wrongly. Though he means harm, if we pass the test, God will give us blessings. James wrote, ‘Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him’ (James 1:12). The trial is the trial of temptation. When we are willing to put ‘to death the deeds of the body’ (Romans 8:13), we will no longer tell God what He can and cannot use to refine us. The ownership of our lives will have been transferred, and we will believe that God is greater than our circumstances and the devil, who often is permitted to arrange them. The demons who have used our indwelling sins as a launching pad for their own harassment will find that their power is curtailed.” (God’s Devil Page 203)


That is not even the half of it. It might be a little hard to hear Lutzer’s heart if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but you can see the obvious terminology making submission to God sound like slavery and brain-dead “trust” in God’s plan which Lutzer believes is illogical since he believes God is the ultimate hypocrite. In reality, Lutzer has listened to and wanted to believe the devil’s propaganda through the Jesuit teachings for so long, that he cannot even sometimes figure out what is God’s voice or whether God and the devil are the same character or who knows what he is thinking here.


Confusing the voice of God with the voice of the devil is not difficult.” (God’s Devil Page 59) “If we believe that we will enjoy eternal life forever, we must believe that others will suffer eternal punishment forever. Unfortunately, we are not free to choose our beliefs based on our preferences… To us as humans, everlasting punishment is disproportionate to the offense committed. God appears to be cruel, unjust, sadistic, and vindictive. The purpose of punishment, we are told, is always redemptive. Rehabilitation is the goal of all prison sentences. The concept of a place where there will be everlasting punishment without any possibility of parole or reform seems unjust… The serpent, needless to say, cannot plead ignorance. His decision was made with a knowledge of the facts before him. Of course he didn’t know everything, since such full knowledge belongs only to God, but he knew enough to be severely judged for his stupidity… Unlike a human court, which can shelve details or misinterpret them, God’s knowledge extends to that which has happened in the world and to that which might have happened under different circumstances… We must confess that we do not know how much punishment is enough for Satan, who bears the greater responsibility, or for man, who bears the lesser… What if, from God’s standpoint, the greatness of the sin is determined by the honor of the One against whom it is committed? Then the guilt of sin is infinite because it is the violation of the character of an infinite Being… As humans we can be thankful that we do not have to bear our sin. An infinite Being came to pay an infinite price so that we could be redeemed” (God’s Devil Page 235-236)


So Lutzer makes God’s justice “disproportionate”, by a non-sense broad brush verdict of Infinite!... Infinite!... Infinite! As if there are no sins that are not infinite. So what is the point if all sins are equal – why would Lutzer have to avoid the worst sins and why would he write a book about the devil’s traps if he thinks all sins are equal? That’s moral relativism for you – in perfect plain sight. But Lutzer knows he is lying because he also says that God will meticulously mete out judgments delicately and other similar terminology he uses. We get into this more in our final arguments, because Lutzer pleads insanity for the devil as you may have noticed partly the above quote. “’The suffering of the people was beyond description, and no one came to our rescue. But God used the opportunity to wake a nation from its spiritual coma. What we learned is that revival will come either through devastation or desperation.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 212) “The seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head; in return, the serpent would only be able to nip the Redeemer’s heel (v. 15). The difference would be like that between a knockout punch and a slap on the wrist.” (God’s Devil Page 81)


So you see that Lutzer thinks Jesus can get away with literally anything with a mere slap on the wrist at the cross. And Lutzer description of judgment is an equally illogical “infinity” stamp of approval on everything that the Jesuits do that Lutzer believes is part of God’s design from counsel with Himself in ages past. So if you want proof that Lutzer believes God can and will give blanket immunity to the worst Jesuit Nazi criminals, here it is: “I wrote back, ’I have some good news for you: you do not have to try to please God; God is already more pleased with Christ than He could ever be with you or me, even if we have several good days in a row! If you trust Christ, God is as pleased with you as He is with His blessed Son whom He dearly loves.’… On particularly difficult days I have prayed, ‘O, God, today please do not look on me at all, look only upon Your Son and see me as complete in Him.’… Christ has canceled all of our transgressions. He knew us long before we were born; He knew the evil we would do; and He covered it all.” (God’s Devil 116-117) Lutzer knows what God said, but he doesn’t believe it. Lutzer insults God and accuses God of being evil by twisting God’s Truth.


Important religious history and use of language

Jesuit Nazis partner with Islam: Lutzer is reduplicating the Nazi conundrum this time with Islam as the main protagonist. This is why Lutzer is doing this book about Islam destroying American “Christianity” unless “Protestants” (whose leadership are largely Freemason and Jesuit) submit to Catholic 7 mountain Kingdom Dominionism. Islam was created by a turmoil of arguments and factors arranged in Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Carthage Pontificates largely with the help of Saint Augustine. Then at least two Vatican priests mentored Muhammad to design Islam using the native religions reshaped into a mono-theistic form mimicking and “replacing” Israel. They respect Mary, use prayer beads, pray to heroes (Muslim saints), have a giant idol in the center of a court that their pilgrims meet at, During World War 2, Hitler personally communicated with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was causing riots and turmoil to keep his dominance over Jerusalem. They also personally met and made agreements (which documents and conversations Britain has records of), and Hitler helped conquer the territories necessary to assist the Mufti’s strategies toward Muslim Caliphates and control over Africa to torment them and eventually toward a Middle East Union under the United Nations. This Grand Mufti had to leave Israel and began operating from Syria keeping the hostility going and sending bands of Muslims and other peoples into Israel to control how Israel was reformed. They literally reduplicated the territories and conflicts demographics of various phases of Israeli history just to make sure Israel had as many problems as possible. We really recommend that you read Joan Peter’s book From Time Immemorial. It explains so much history.


Jesuit Nazis control Britain:

At the same time, Britain had taken control of the Ottoman Empire and its lands, including Israel during World War 1. This was pre-planned design of the Jesuits to continue controlling Israel through Britain’s minions now. Britain pretended they wanted to give all of the land to Israel, but that the Muslims had a strong case for ownership of the land which was a lie created by the Ottoman Empire and Britain hiding information. Then British Jesuits worked with sabotage agents operating as “Israeli” secret militia and intelligence operatives to commit crimes to further the drama between Britain and Israel and make Israelis seem to be terrorists who are unworkable with any authority. This was a planned trick. Britain government and Jesuits worked ferociously to inhibit Israelis from leaving Europe through the channels of escape that Jesuit Zionists made to control and block Israelis from getting to Israel. And Britain and American Jesuits worked through the Red Cross to separate families and divide Israelis – many sent to Russia because they want to blame Communism on Jews – many sent to America because they want to blame Jesuit operations on the Jews – many corrupt and ignorant Israelis sent to Israel to start the nation on the worst foot possible and so they could not hinder or be prepared for the Jesuit war games and plots that followed right up to the present. The British also partner with Muslim terrorists who are trained by Jesuit operatives in the CIA and Mossad and MI6 to keep Israel looking like unworkable people and to keep divides and hostility to hinder friendship with Arabs and Syrians and Jordanians and Lebanese and Iraqis and American Christians and anybody who could assist pulling them out of the confusing tricks.


Lutzer repeating the Nazi Conundrum on America through Islam: Because the Nazi strategy worked in Germany, they are using Islam this time in America against the Jews, but with a stronger reversible “victimhood” plan in place. As the devil played both sides of the conflict in Europe (both the Christian and the devil sides), the real Christians who were unfamiliar with this tactic did not know how to stand. There was a prearranged opera drama with prearranged actors on both sides and the Christians did not understand that they were not being represented and should stand on their own and not follow the strong “Christian” leadership on either side of any of the issues. They were not fully aware that all German clergy were overtaken by Jesuits and Freemasons to play a conflict between “god” and the devil. This drama made it where the vast majority of Israelis and followers of Christ were tortured and massacred or else chased out of Europe in one way or another. The Vatican needed this in order to silence the Christian voice in the world that was calling for the renewing of the Israelis to their land and pointed at the Vatican as being a cause of much of the oppression and tricks to keep Israel out of their land for all of these centuries. Their tricks had caused long separation between the Israelis and Christians, hindering many who should have been friends and partially blocking the work of the gospel reaching the Hebrews. Lutzer is speaking on behalf of the Jesuits to prepare their agents while also misguiding the Christians through the same piece of propaganda. All of our quotes come from three of Lutzer’s books that serve as his Jesuit dissertation that he avoided completing in 1979 at Loyola University in Chicago. The next year, Lutzer became senior pastor suddenly at The Moody Church which was the plan, and they could not have him known to be a Jesuit for their plan to work at overthrowing The Moody Bible Institute with Jesuits and overthrowing The Moody Church with Muslims. As an aside – the church and school should be called Illinois Street Church and Chicago Bible Institute as Moody called them before sectarian leadership rewrote the story.  Those three books are Hitler’s Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda, God’s Devil: The Incredible Story of How Satan’s Rebellion Serves God’s Purposes, and The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent: An Informed Response to Islam’s War with Christianity.


The Jesuit’s Final Solution: And this is where the two plans dove-tail – silence Israelis and Christians, then the only “Christian” voice in the world would be the Vatican again. They literally admit in the Road Map to Peace that they will split Jerusalem in three and the Vatican is always active as the director of negotiations wanting to be the overseer of all activity in Jerusalem, even wanting to allow Saudi Arabia to control the temple mount as fellow Jesuit (trained at Fordham and Wharton School) Donald Trump recently “offered” to Israel. They think this would open the way toward forced one-world religious unity creating a new “god” for all nations. This is being done and almost readied by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the Vatican already has “Protestant” representatives who will just go in sounding like Catholics. If you do not know the history of international crimes committed by the Vatican through most of its existence then you might not know that this “unity” makes all of the Vatican’s partners complicit in the devil’s worst evils. Obviously God is not even slightly interested in letting this happen under Islam, nor are we; but now you see that the “fight” is not a carnal war but rather a discussion of authority and power to show who is the Only True God as Elijah did. As you can also see, it is extremely necessary that we clarify God’s role in these processes, because Lutzer wants to pretend that God wants the devil to do all of the evil that God allows him to do – rather than admit that God chooses to work through humans to whom he gives authority and dominion over the earth.


Divide and Conquer Israel: Their plan to divide Israel is evil and their plan to hand the temple mount into Saudi control through Donald Trump’s partnership with Saudi Arabia is evil. And their plan to divide Jerusalem into three parts is evil. And their plan to have American “Christians” partner with their Israeli Freemasons and Kabbalists rather than the honest God-honoring Israelis around the world is evil. Their work to force Israel into a reenactment of 10th century B.C. conflicts with Philistines, Canaanites, Egypt, Syria etc. is evil. Their plan to force Israel into a one-state or two-state solution as a weird mis-representation of an entire history of world politics is evil. Their pretending that Israelis run the world banking, world media, and global corporations who exploit the peoples of all countries toward world government under the anti-christ is evil. This list is endless, because there literally is just not enough paper to list in one place all of the crimes committed. And they have no intention of stopping which is how God can predict centuries before what the devil and his people will do, because God knows they will stop at nothing until they get their goal and it will be proven how much evil they had to do to get their goal of the devil ruling the world. Then a swift judgment from God will solve the problems in three and a half years and give everyone world-wide every possible chance to repent before God judges those who hunt Israel with intent to wipe them out (as Hitler’s “Final Solution” was to initiate).


Islam acts on behalf of the Vatican: Lutzer spends most of his book preaching doom on the “church” as Islam takes over. Lutzer says martyrdom is the only way out following Jesus example as if we could die for sins of the world again. And this time, the Jesuits are disguising themselves as Muslims to conquer Protestant America back under Rome. It was the Catholic “church” that helped Muhammad make up Islam, not Gabriel. At least two Catholic priests mentored Muhammad. And it was St. Augustine who arranged all of the pieces in the Middle East and Africa through Pontifical Councils for the rise of an opposition to Rome that could oppress the Hebrews where Rome could not reach. And Muslims revere visions of “Gabriel” (supposedly gave the Quran “revelations”) and “Mary” (through Fatima whose prophecy was a Catholic attack on Russia). They have prayer beads. They “worship” around an idol in the center of their courtyard (Vatican City). They include many satanic mystery religion ideas much the same as Catholics and Kabbalah. They are a counterfeit “kingdom of God”. They oppress and attack Israelis (Holy Wars). They conquer land and impose their empire as a political ideology hiding behind religion to protect them (Holy Roman Empire). They have a “conservative” side and a “mystic/satanic” side (like Catholics versus Jesuits). They alter the Scriptures given to us by God (Quran and Catholic Vatinus B and Sinaticus A manuscripts among so many). They hide truth from common people by means of foreign language (Arabic and Latin). They have priests (Imams) who control the politics/laws. They infiltrate by stealth satanic planning into Christian and Israeli networks to divide and conquer as well as to destroy from within. They respect the Pope and will not conquer cathedrals or territory they are not allowed to. They had a dhimma pact with Catholics wherever their territory existed. There are so many similarities we have not even touched. But you get the point.


God preaching the gospel through Israel: Lutzer intentionally mis-represents the Muslim take-over of all seven churches in Asia Minor to which Jesus wrote prophetically about the stages of the church age (age of the Gentiles) before His authority turns to work through Israel again with us serving Israel as adopted sons and daughters. Paul explained this thoroughly in Romans chapters 9 through 11 that Israel will be grafted in again as they are being faithful to His Word and finding trust in Jesus alone. They are the olive tree into which we Gentile believers are grafted by faith, but they are the fruitful family that God knew He could work with. And He is already in process of redirecting His leadership through Israel again in the near future, though right now that seems impossible because Israel is ruled by Jesuits and Kabbalist Freemasons. But God will correct the few remaining questions and obstacles and Israel will be far more capable of reaching the world for the gospel during the Tribulation than any Gentile nation ever could. God will have his two Israeli witnesses (we believe this will be Elijah and Enoch – God’s two olive trees prophesied about through Zechariah) preach and lead diligently. And by the time of the first year or two into the seven year Tribulation, God will have 144,000 well-taught Scriptural and mature young men who will literally travel the whole world just preaching the gospel to every tribe and nation and language and tongue.


Lutzer wants friendship with Muslims, not with Israel: Lutzer avoids mentioning any partnership with Israelis in his book about Islam and instead promotes partnership and friendship with Muslim neighbors first. That is backwards – as Jesus pointed out that the gospel is to the Hebrews first and then to the Gentiles. Where is Lutzer’s book promoting friendship and partnership with Israeli neighbors? And in Hitler’s Cross and The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent, Lutzer pretends that Israel will always be in despair and just on the verge of complete annihilation until the start of the Millennial reign of Christ. In short, he pretends they are a non-subject while subtly accusing them of being on the devil’s side and therefore under “God’s discipline.” Lutzer literally paints the Holocaust and the Anti-christ kingdom as God’s judgment against the Hebrews after “correcting” Martin Luther and others for this exact evil propaganda from the Vatican. Lutzer says most of Israel will be annihilated even about most of those Israelis fleeing into the wilderness (when the Temple is desecrated at mid-point of the treaty) but that Jesus saves them at the last second. Lutzer also spends a great deal of time in Hitler’s Cross accusing the Israelis (who remain unnamed) of globalism, enlightenment, partnership with and faith in the state, and causing the world-wide economic depression of 1929 that brought Hitler his chance to make a weird Messianic program. These are the very reason the Vatican supported and built and protected (as if by “Providence” and “Fate”) Hitler and his Nazi Reich – to blame the Israelis for genocide, world war, weapons of mass destruction, atheistic propaganda, overthrow of nations (as is suggested about Russia for example), and a whole long list of other crimes. It is a sadistic reversal, knowing that their Jesuits would later use these tools to blame Hebrews for all of it. They knew that a Dr. Erwin Lutzer type of Jesuit would be able to rewrite this story later and find a way to blame the Israelis rather than the Vatican. It is the Vatican pretending to be the victim in spite of the overwhelming evidence of them being the mafia. There is no network large enough to pull off this kind of lies except the Vatican who is in every country and operates the world governments since the period of colonialism through their wealth and business networks and religious networks and records of all of human history kept in their vaults. Of course, it would be a Vatican Jesuit doing this cover-up.



Argument #11: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer makes Israelis non-existent in righteous leadership in the world even during the Tribulation. He does this to disguise the fact that he blames them for all of the problems of the world and none of the good as we show in Argument #9. Lutzer blames the Jews for the evil deeds of Jesuits knowing that he is shaping such a horrible lie and hopes you don’t know it. Lutzer begrudgingly thanks Israel for Jesus and the Bible since that is all he could think of. Even that was an insult only when you see what he actually says. Lutzer attempts to even re-make the Nazi Holocaust, Nazi ghettos, Nazi economics, and Nazi religion in Israel during the Tribulation as if “God” is trying to wipe out the Hebrew nation, because of the empire “democracy” state-building or intermythological dialogue leading to forced one-world religious “unity” under an Antichrist in Jerusalem. This is such a distorted way of looking at and altering the facts God has given us about the Antichrist. Lutzer pretends that God will even allow the devil to kill the ones who become Christian during the Tribulation. The camp of the believers being killed in the Tribulation is not going to be Israel; it is the Gentile believers that God allows to be overcome because of the necessary transition back to Israel and they were worldly and not alert to God’s work so they were unsheltered. How does Lutzer manage to write an entire book about friendship with Muslims with barely a positive mention about Israel other than to Daniel’s friends in Babylon – in exile… under a foreign empire?


Do you see what we’re seeing? Lutzer believes the Vatican has a right to rule over Israel in exile as if like it’s a mandate given by God that empires should do this. And in so doing, Lutzer seeks to further sever the real friendships that should be built right now – between God’s faithful Philadelphia Church leaders and the God-fearing Israelis. But Lutzer rewrites God’s open door to the faithful Philadelphia church age to instead be an old promise of an open door which became a Muslim shut door in Jesus’ face. Lutzer does this about all seven churches since they are in Turkey, Asia Minor which is under Muslim rule. But the real reason Lutzer does this is because he knows Asia Minor had a large Israeli population – as even Acts 2:9-11 names several cities there. So the implication is that Israelis were a problem that corrupted the churches and that God had to wipe out those churches after making promises to them. Lutzer knows Premillennial doctrine that these are seven phases of the Gentile church age more than they were about those individual church locations that are now largely Muslim.


Lutzer knows that the Roman Catholic Pope was responsible for killing those churches. Lutzer is intentionally rewriting the Scriptures against Jesus and Israel as a Nazi would do to cover the centuries of crimes of the Vatican using her Muslim opposition to wipe out or conquer all Jewish territories that the Pope himself could not get under his control. Lutzer says God has the devil punish the disobedient, but Lutzer really is just lying to cover for the Catholic Church using Muslims. Lutzer recommends friendship and dialogue with Muslims repeatedly, but where is his book heartily recommending friendship and dialogue with our Jewish friends. We talk about this in Argument #14. The gospel is for Israel first and then for the world and God was merciful to invite us Gentiles in through such a wide open door. Lutzer pathetically adds that he believes God will still fulfill His prophecies to Israel during the Millennial reign but implies a joint partnership with Gentiles rather than Israel as the leading moral compass.


As we showed above Lutzer believes Jews, not Jesuits will get blamed for all of the world’s crimes in the Antichrist Reich – or at least he hopes that he can get a free pass and blame it all on God and God’s people. There should be quote to make on this, but it is actually a lack of quotes that we are addressing here. Why does Lutzer not consider Israel a leader in the righteousness on earth.? How can he accuse them of all of the evils that will produce the Antichrist? Lutzer pretends that God will just excuse the Jesuit Antichrist movement and love them unconditionally because Lutzer believes God is like that also. If that isn’t evil, we don’t know what could be more evil than that – using God, not even just some religion – to cover the worst crimes of the worst political system ever built – the Roman Catholic empire which will be revived for only a very short time, because all of their crimes are ready to be caught. Lutzer wants to frame Jews this way: “…there will be a remnant (primarily Jews) who will be saved during the tribulation period… Satan can no longer accuse those who have been acquitted by God, thanks to the sacrifice of Christ. Every just accusation is now silenced.” (God’s Devil Page 216-217) Lutzer pretends to thank Israel in the midst of all of these accusation, but his list is not very long – two – the Bible and Jesus. The first one, Lutzer believes was given to them and taken away because they could no longer be trusted with it, which he expresses using too short of a passage from Paul’s joyful explanation of the gifts of God to us through Israel and that clip includes a past tense “entrusted” verb which was to Lutzer’s liking. And the second one, Lutzer believes Israel mostly rejected and now Jesus belongs to the Church alone until the second coming of Christ.


Here is how Lutzer thanks Israel for the Bible and for Jesus. “We owe a debt to the Jews that we can never repay. The Bible we hold in our hands is a Jewish book, for as Paul said, ‘they were entrusted with the oracles of God’ (Romans 3:2). And they have given to us a Savior, their Messiah, who has washed us from our sins in His own blood. For that we say thank you.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 108-109)


Let’s look at how Paul described God’s work through Israel which Lutzer does not care about. “...for my brethren, my countrymen, according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.” Romans 9:3b-5 “What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God. For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: ‘That You may be justified in Your words, And may overcome when You are judged.” Romans 3:1-4 


Acts 15:16 “After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by My Name, says the Lord who does all these things.” Acts 15:16  Romans 9:23-24 “...and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles...” Romans 9:23-24 Paul tells us God will reach out to the whole nation of Israel. This next passage is how Lutzer ends his book on the devil as if it applied to Israel instead of the Jesuits that he is a chief member of. Well, actually he intentionally leaves of the pro-Israel verses and only goes to the last two verses which Lutzer thinks express sufficiently how confusing “god” is to Lutzer because Lutzer’s “god” is the devil when he reads the Bible. Lutzer literally seems to believe the devil wrote the Bible as a cryptic map that can only be understand exactly upside down. Romans 11:26-35 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: ‘The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.’ Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of their fathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For as you were once disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience, even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy... Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor? Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid to him?’ For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:26-3. That mercy is explained in: Revelation 7:3-8 saying, ‘Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.’ And I heard the number of those who were sealed. On hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed: of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed. Revelation 7:3-8 and Revelation 11:1-4 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, ‘Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. Revelation 11:1-4 So God will have these 144,000 and these two preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. And of course, in that process, all Israel will come to direct access with all the truth they need to be saved and ready to receive their Messiah.


If Lutzer loved Israel he would know that it’s not just Jesus and the Old Testament that we should be thankful for from Israel, but also the New Testament that was given to us largely by Israeli authors. The lesson learned by Israel that were difficult and painful but that they have learned from are passed down for our learning. The promises of the prophets almost entirely pertain to Israel alone, which is something that Lutzer – as a Jesuit Nazi – really hates. The adoption that is available for us Gentile believers when Israel’s Christ made a sacrifice for sins not just for Israel but for the whole world also reached through a Gentile city called Nazareth which was a gateway city for travel and trade to the Gentiles. Jesus chose that as his hometown for an important reason as expressed by their great prophet servant of God Isaiah. So many riches of wisdom and insight into who God is and how sinful we really are and all of the tiny fractions of details scattered throughout all of the writings and lives of the great Israeli leaders and fathers point straight to Christ, because by faith they fulfilled obedience that set precedents that Jesus followed perfectly. The Temple and the right to be in the presence of God belongs to Israel – and she will be Jesus’ bride and eternal partner. And as we steer into end-times, Israelis have a scope of knowledge about criminal empires that no one else has. They have learned all of the lessons that could be learned from greedy power and selfish gain. And they really just want to be home in Eretz Israel but with assurance of peace and not the lurking destruction that seems to follow them everywhere the devil’s plans go. Which brings me to another point – the very dwelling place and city of God and all of that land that we will also get to inherit a tiny part of if we are adopted through faith in Christ – that land belongs to Israel.


And God is already in the process of reshaping the spiritual life of Israelis throughout the world, many who believe in Christ already and many who do not yet believe – to be ready to raise up and train some of the best young preachers of the gospel the world will ever meet. These 144,000 young men with 12,000 from each tribe of the twelve tribes will be honorable and knowledgeable in the truth and will reach the nations with the gospel. That is something that even America with all of its wealth and knowledge and ability has not done a good job of. And worse, the International Bible Society and Wycliffe and Frontiers and Campus Crusade and the Jesus Film etc have brought so much corruption. And sometimes missionaries unknowingly partnered with criminal corporation overthrows in the regions. These Jesuits make corrupt changes of authority and forms of slavery to the international powers ruled by the Vatican and they do it WHILE the missionary efforts are going on to make it seem that they were the same operation. That is one of the most disgusting tricks ever played against the gospel. Lutzer doesn’t see Israel preaching the gospel during the Tribulation and somehow totally leaves them out of the topic, because seemingly Lutzer is trying to invent the story that Jesuits are Jews. Is Lutzer a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness too on top of being a Jesuit? Both Mormonism and Jehovah’s False Witnesses were founded by high level Freemasons whose tombstones and birth-place markers attest to this fact. And they believe white man (Shemite) is the real Jew – do you recognize/see the Aryan lie there? “Of Christ, Chamberlain wrote that which could only delight his famous father-in-law’s heart: ‘Whoever claimed that Jesus was a Jew was either stupid or telling a lie… Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Aryan.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 110)


And that sets the stage for many more types of Nazis and false christs that Paul warned about who will harass and attack Israel acting like the “gods” of the world. That precedent set by Hitler under the precise training of the Jesuits with the Mein Kampf manifesto written by Jesuit Father Staempfle sets precedent for the whole world to hate Israel. It is not that Israel has committed any crimes (though Jesuit leaders over Israel do commit crimes all the time). Here is a beautiful summary of God’s love and mind in choosing Israel contrasted by the real reason the world will hate them. You will also see that the “world” includes the religious rulers of Israel in Jesus’ mind to make a difference between believing Israel and those who choose the “world” because they rejected the Word of God and the law and hated Jesus without a cause. But this precisely explains how the rest of the “world” responds to Israel because of Jesus.  John 15:18-25 “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another. If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My Word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My Name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’“John 15:18-25   


You can see how all of this hostility from the world against Jesus first and then toward Israel second – because they remind the world of Jesus – could end up being another Holocaust, but God has other plans that Lutzer rejects because he is of the world and hates both Jesus and The Father in Heaven. Our Father is nothing like his “holy father” in Rome. And Lutzer does not know God as we said and showed in thorough detail in our older report on Hitler’s Cross. But here is Lutzer pretending Israel gets another Holocaust sent straight from God onto them. “But another holocaust lies aheadGod lets the dragon go just so far; so far, in fact, that the nation loses hope. But in the end, God is still there.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 120-121) Lutzer pretends that Jews are atheists because of the Holocaust, which is a lie, but then he furthers that lie by saying that the Jews will go through another Holocaust. And in Lutzer’s mind he is pretending that they will reject God outright after the second Holocaust also, but outwardly he says that Israel will all be saved because he knows that is what Scripture shows – or else he thinks there will be a really awkward silence at the end of the Holocaust because…  God is still there.


Many Israelites will again question the faithfulness of God during the period of the coming Tribulation. The nation will despair, unaware that a final deliverance from the dragon is just around the corner. Those Jews who believe on Christ will overcome the dragon ‘because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death’ (Revelation 12:11). Thankfully, this final holocaust will come to an end.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 122) “Today many Jews are atheists because of the Holocaust. If there were a God, they reason, He could not have stood by without stopping the brutal injustice. Unfortunately, the church did not, for the most part, come to the aid of those who were ostracized or sent to the death camps. In fact, some joined in the persecutions.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 123) “So after Satan is loosed at the end of the one thousand years, he finds those who are willing to side with him in one final assault on God. ‘When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea’ (20:7-8). No one knows who these nations are; what seems clear is that they are not the Gog and Magog referred to in Ezekiel 38. This is a different time and a different place.” (God’s Devil Page 228)


Lutzer says several sentences later that this form of eschatology is called premillennialism. But premillenialists do not believe in a Gog and Magog happening before the rapture as Erwin Lutzer and his friends are proposing – this is why he made the statement “what seems clear is that they are not the Gog and Magog referred to in Ezekiel 38”. But Israel would not be safe right now if the Tribulation happened immediately, and they are not ready to face the abuses of one-world government as intelligent as they are – because many of them have not followed Jesus yet. In other words, many Israelis don’t even know the subject. They literally don’t even know what is being talked about because they are dutifully kept away from the Scriptures by the Jesuits in the exact same way that the Vatican always did that to Christians and Israelis in Europe. Same criminals, same program. Lutzer fails to see or doesn’t want to see that there are two parts to the end battle – one just before and one just after the Millennial reign of Christ and they will happen approximately the same way except that God’s choice for judgment the first time is a sword out of His mouth that kills them all instantly and in the second case it will be fire from God’s highest level of Heaven that destroys them all instantly. But Lutzer’s friends are looking at using Ezekiel 38 to create a Muslim Holocaust starting in America and spreading to the Middle East which we can talk about more later. So let’s talk about God’s real plan for Israel which has nothing to do with a Holocaust. Immediately after the sixth seal judgment in Revelation 6, the devil enters the Temple to defile it and pretend play “god”. So God anoints 12,000 from every one of the twelve tribes (not the Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness tribes) and names those tribes by name – Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. See – God knows those who are His and He knows everything about them (actually all people) to the individual hairs on their head and He will sovereignly protect them during the turmoil in EXACTLY the same way as He did during the plagues in Egypt. So He knows where the twelve necessary tribes are and how to train them for Biblical teaching all around the world in various places and then bring them out to preach the gospel with Jesus across the world. And because of their work, “after these things” there is a “great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” and verse 14 says “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”


We guess that this is how Lutzer says that his “preference is to believe that while the church will be raptured before the tribulation begins, there will be a remnant (primarily Jews) who will be saved during the tribulation period.“ Lutzer doesn’t understand that millions of church people will get saved after they miss the rapture and Jesus tells them they are not His disciples - not yet. Then there will be too many to count of Gentile believers as also many Israelis get saved. We guess Lutzer is trying to suggest that the 144,000 mentioned in the portion immediately preceding the multitude are the multitude who died and somehow many more Jews with them?? Wow! That is seriously messed up! Anyway, the passage says 144,000 not a multitude and it doesn’t say they died, it says they were sealed by God for protection while God is doing judgment in this soon to follow second half of the Tribulation because the devil is about to break that treaty and overthrow Jerusalem with his government intrusion suddenly. And now the rest of Israel will flee to its refuge in the wilderness told to them by God. These things are confirmed in the words of Jesus to His own people – that the gospel would go to the ends of the earth – which is why there are 144,000 servants sealed, and that Israel will need to leave in haste to the shelter and some or many will die because they didn’t leave quickly enough. But it is nowhere near a massacre or Holocaust.


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand) then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor every shall be [again]. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake these days will be shortened. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect. See, I have told you before hand. Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:14-27


There is plenty more good wisdom from Jesus on the subject that will need to be taught to the Israeli friends in the near future so they are as prepared as possible. These are things that we who know Christ will need to press upon them for their own safety because the world is out to destroy them at this point because it hates Christ and they remind the world of Him. And Israel needs to understand that God will protect the nation of Israel out in the mountain region of the wilderness. And they need to sincerely understand not to look for their Messiah wherever people will say these false christs are that will pop up everywhere to start cults and capture unstable souls. We must help with this and so many more things. Lutzer is evil for doing what he is doing to the Israelis – promising them doom and death and forced conversion and Holocaust while their Messiah stands there doing nothing! That is the worst lie possible. Their Messiah has taught us that even giving a cup of cold water to help an Israeli brother is not forgotten. But God will allow His Church of Philadelphia to do much greater things than even Jesus did when He was on earth – we serving as His body (hands, legs, eyes, ears, mouth) to do His will for good for Israel. That is what Lutzer refuses to do because He hates Israel and he hates their Messiah and he hates God. These were his choices.


Perhaps nothing symbolized my internal struggle as much as what we saw the day we stood beside the ruins of a fifth-century cathedral in the ancient city of Philadelphia. Remember, Jesus had assured this church, ‘These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut’ (Revelation 3:7-8). And yet next to the ruins of this ancient cathedral is a mosque, with a tall minaret, eclipsing the other buildings around it… Their image was indelibly burned on my mind as I realized that these precious young ones were being reared as devotees of Islam. All of them, I’m sure, will eventually hear about Jesus because He is mentioned many times in the Quran, but they will know Jesus only as a mere prophet and not as the Savior who came to rescue us from our sins. Standing there, I realized that the One who said He could open doors that could not be shut and shut doors that no one could open – the Lord Jesus Himself – appeared to have found the door firmly shut in His face in Philadelphia. The church of the open door had become the church of the door slammed shut. Think back to the churches to whom Jesus dictated these personal letters: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. There are no visible churches in any of these cities today; indeed, with few exceptions, there has been no readily visible evidence of Christianity in these locales for the past 800 years. Of course, I don’t mean to say that there aren’t any Christians in Turkey. The 73 million people who live there are predominantly Muslim, and only .2 percent are Christian, Jewish, or other religious backgrounds. For the most part, these believers meet in secret Bible studies or cell groups far away from the prying eyes of governing authorities.” (Shadow Crescent Page 25-26)


That is what Lutzer thinks of Jesus and His prophecies – a door slammed shut in Jesus’ face! Lutzer does not want to serve Jesus or His Church. He never did. At this point, he is willing to just lead Jesus’ Church to death. He is a hireling who does not care about the sheep. Why was he ever a pastor? And why at The Moody Church? Because the Jesuits and Catholics hated  Dwight Moody with a passion as they hate Jesus and Israel. Moody helped encourage the return to Israel among other things – that led to a Congressional vote to encourage Israel’s return to their land which Britain was obliged to give a small start of. There were strong Nazis in Chicago before 1899 when Moody died (we believe the Jesuits murdered him and have many good causes and evidences to think this). We present this case in our Bio on Mark Jobe. Lutzer says “But no, this demon was from God. A messenger of Satan became the messenger of God. Here is a principle you can count on: God always disciplines His disobedient people by turning them over to the control of their enemies (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). This demon was sent to torment the king by exploiting his jealousy. Little wonder Saul became ever more paranoid, lashing out at David for no particular reason.” (God’s Devil Page 136)


Lutzer is really speaking ONLY for the Catholic “Church” here because they kill and torment those who disobey their authority like Dwight Moody did. That is what Lutzer is covering for – trying to get God’s approval for the crimes of the Catholic Church against genuine brothers and sisters throughout the centuries because they were supposedly “disobedient” for not submitting to the counterfeit “kingdom of God” in Rome. Even in the Scriptural case that Lutzer is referencing, King Saul was agitated already and God was reminding him that he was rejected from being king. But he refused to repent. So the demon tormenting him was just God’s way of allowing him to obtain the rebellion and hatred that Saul craved at that point, but which God had previously blocked because Saul was the King of Israel. At this point, God allowed him to show even more who he really was in his heart – all of the things that God warned Israel a king would do if they rejected God’s leadership and direction through prophets. But Israel now knows or will know shortly that their prophesied King David (return of Christ) will not be like that. But of course, Lutzer thinks that Jesus is like Saul – chasing his own pride and self-interest.


Just when the nations of the earth have surrounded Jerusalem and appear to be on the verge of exterminating the city and its people, all eyes shift to the Mount of Olives. Christ personally arrives to defend His people and the city of Jerusalem… At that time, Israel as a nation will recognize Christ to be her Messiah. Again, Zechariah predicts that the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon them, ‘so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn’ (12:10). Just as Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, so Christ will reveal Himself to His kinsmen, the Jews. The weeping will be both of sadness and joy: sadness that it took so long for the reconciliation to take place; joy for the fact that the longing of the Jews is finally fulfilled for the Messiah has arrived. Paul put it this way, ‘And so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. This is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins”’ God turns out to be Jesus! Christ sets up His millennial kingdom where Jew and Gentile are equally received and welcomed… The holocausts of this world will at last have ended!” (Hitler’s Cross Page 122-123)


The truth is that at that time, Jesus will recognize Israel permanently as His people by being their Messiah because He knows they will never again want anything the devil or the world is offering that will be proved to be the destructive force behind everything. It is an awesome reunion when Jesus returns, but Lutzer is pretending that it is like Joseph who was left for dead, sold into slavery by his own brothers, tempted with immorality, ended up in jail, interpreted visions, got the record was corrected, was released, led a rescue of the world via storing up food before the famine, and then through their need for his help was reunited with his brothers. That is a type of Christ in Joseph, but its not as extreme as Lutzer is making it sound, because again, he blames them for the entire system of the Antichrist. And Lutzer is pretending that now that Israel decided to recognize Him as their Messiah (which they already do – many of them do) then Jesus is done making holocausts. Do you see what Lutzer is saying? Even there, Lutzer is saying that it was only because God poured out His Spirit as if against their will. Or as if to say – Why didn’t He just do that before now? There are so many accusations and lies in there; it hurts to read.


Hegelian Dialectical: There is an idea that the world is just ying and yang opposites that have to be carefully balanced like a wild-life ecosystem. In other words, there’s male and female, Eastern philosophy and Western, Israel and Judah, God and the devil, black/darkness and white/light, etc. The dialectic suggests that opposites attract and that they help balance each other out by forcing a compromise and that this funnels down through all of the world’s conflicts until we are left with very few remaining quandaries to be resolved. But humans cannot seem to resolve the differences between the devil and God and want to treat both of them as being wrong because they refuse to compromise to a middle ground lifestyle. The middle ground is a “secular humanism” that regards a morality (part of God) but focuses on human interests (selfish rebellion of the devil). And that middle ground doesn’t really exist because lies do not mix with truth, murder does not mix with life, immorality does not mix with purity, stealing does not mix with trust, etc. They say moderation in everything, and they literally mean that they want a little murder, stealing, lying, immorality to be allowed and where it gets allowed is the grey area of moral relativism where each person decides their own morality and pretends that the devil is not using this to disguise his constant attacks against all of humanity. And finally, the real purpose of these false paradigms are to create the illusion that God and the devil are the same or similar and difficult to see the difference. If they are that close, then they can be reversed which is the Jesuit goal in America.



Argument #12: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer makes the devil a “God” (which he capitalizes), explaining “theology of the devil”, making God the real “devil”/ ”enemy”/ ”tormentor”/ ”accuser”/ ”enslaver”/ ”temptor”/ etc. Lutzer’s “god” is the devil, so of course he reverses and confuses them. Lutzer says “that is why we must never see Satan without seeing God” (God’s Devil Page 24) as if to say when you see Satan you are really seeing God. Lutzer says Antichrist will actually achieve world unity, but God can’t tolerate it and has Christians and Jesus break it up. Lutzer even makes pleading a case for insanity on behalf of the devil and for himself at the end of his book God’s Devil (by which title Lutzer meant to say that God’s evil). We explain this in our final Argument #18.


Lutzer does trade good for “evil” and calls evil “good”. Lutzer has God guilty of sending demons to possess children (even Christian children), guilty of genocide in several places, guilty of forcing everyone to be saved or unsaved by His arbitrary uncaring “choosing” (which is based on foreknowledge, not on random selection and deselection), guilty of the worst deceptions and tricks, guilty of handing people over to satan because of jealousy, guilty of harassing/ disciplining Christians who are not in sin, guilty of tempting people with the worse temptations possible, guilty of backing the Roman Empire/ Vatican’s every move, guilty of closing people off to the gospel and causing spiritual blindness. Lutzer tries to make it possible to reflect God and the devil equally. Lutzer uses Jeremiah to say that only God can know how deceitful our hearts are and that we cannot even understand our own heart, because God is the one who supposedly made it like that. Lutzer says “even if Satan and his demons did not exist”, “we would still have such [sexual] temptations”. Lutzer says the devil “has never found it easy to act on what he knows” about God’s supposedly hidden “dark side”. Lutzer says God is accountable to no one, but in reality God will allow justice and eternal rules of righteousness and all human accusations to work themselves out in His courtroom by which every human will admit that He has always been just and good and has the right to be Lord over all. There is an eternal standard of righteousness that our Lord has always followed. Romans 3:4 shows that God will be judged by many and will allow all of those discussions and perspectives in His court and the result will completely prove God’s reputation of righteousness and also His plan for earth as both being perfectly good while allowing opposite decision-making by others. See our report on God’s Holy Mountain and how God’s ability to allow choice is not a bad thing.


We can have a proper theology of the devil only if we have a proper theology of God. Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan. Therefore, this is a book about Satan, but it is also a book about God’s power, God’s program, and God’s purposes in the world. The greater our God, the smaller our devil.” (God’s Devil Page 22) “Can the failed god contradict the Lord of heaven and earth?” (God’s Devil Page 115) ”The devil might be ‘the god of this world’, but he can rule only by the divine will. Luther was right when he said that the devil’s power is ‘as big as the world, as wide as the world, and he extends from heaven down into hell’; then he adds, ‘But the evil spirit has not a hairbreadth more power over us than God’s goodness permits.’“ (God’s Devil Page 129) “Notice the conflicting views of God presented to Adam and Eve. On the one hand, God was too good to cause them to die. On the other hand He was too evil to let them achieve their potential.” (God’s Devil Page 55) In case you can’t understand the wording right there, Lutzer means to say that neither scenario allows God to be Holy or Good, since in the first case, Lutzer implies that God didn’t care if man fell into sin, but neither did He directly cause them to do it and in the second case, Lutzer says God was intentionally limiting man so that He could be in control at all times and thereby hindered man from what would have been best for him – the knowledge of good and evil. We know Lutzer actually believes this. We will provide some quotes where Lutzer says God ordained evil but didn’t cause it or do it Himself and instead supposedly had His devil agent do the evil work for Him.


3. God Holds Angels, Satan, and People Responsible for the Evil That He Lets Them Do – Here we seem to reach an impasse. Since God has ultimate control, is He an accomplice in men’s evil deeds? That was the dilemma that evidently caused Einstein to reject belief in a personal God. He argued that if God were truly all-powerful, then every human thought and action is also His work. Therefore in giving out punishment and rewards, Einstein said, “He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?” Einstein was expressing what most of us have struggled with. How can God hold human beings responsible if they are simply fulfilling His will? A complete discussion of this question is well beyond the scope of this chapter, but in general we can say that the personal beings God created have enough independence to make them accountable for their deeds. Notice carefully that the title of this chapter is not: ‘God or Hitler: Who Was in Charge?’; but rather it is ‘God and Hitler.’ God had His part – He was doing the delegating. Hitler and Satan were doing their part – they were doing the destroying.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66) “The deity of man is a lie that will be widely believed at the end of the age. In fact, Paul says that when the Antichrist comes, he will work in accord with Satan. He will claim to be God, and the world will believe him because ‘God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false’ (2 Thessalonians 2:11). Multitudes will worship the Antichrist because they will believe he is God. And if we are all gods already, why cannot this special man be thought of as the supreme manifestation of God? And so the lie of Eden is heard around the world, ‘You will be like God.’” (God’s Devil Page 75) “Did Job’s trial come from God or the devil? The answer, of course, is that the immediate cause was Satan, but the ultimate cause was God. That is why Job’s family ‘comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought on him’ (42:11, italics added). Since Satan can only touch God’s children with the Almighty’s approval, Job’s trial was ultimately from the hand of his Father in heaven. If we are in awe of Satan’s power to maim, destroy, and even kill, we must never forget that he did not choose to do this on his own; or better, if he chose to do it, he had to receive God’s permission before he could carry it out.” (God’s Devil Page 129) “Confusing the voice of God with the voice of the devil is not difficult.” (God’s Devil Page 59) Notice the choosing one or the other, followed by both joined in the same category of “the God we love and serve” with a capitalized “God” to represent both. “Whether we choose the winner or the loser will determine our destiny. For we will get to spend eternity with the God we love and serve. The drama has only begun.” (God’s Devil Page 46) That last phrase – “the drama has only begun” is a comment on Lutzer’s theory of how to use loopholes in God’s designs to overthrow Jesus from the Throne. We discuss this in the last Argument #18.


Lutzer subtly transitions to actually saying that the devil did speak for God when the devil did all of these things, such as the temptation in the garden. “The tree was simply a test to see if man would obey the voice of God or the voice of the serpent who claimed to speak for God.” (God’s Devil Page 58) “The New Testament says Eve was deceived, but Adam was not (1 Timothy 2:13-14). She was deceived because she accepted the serpent as a messenger of God. She thought that the serpent was sent by God to clarify the original revelation. She was willing to accept this ‘further revelation’ even though it conflicted with the earlier revelation – or at least she thought that this latest revelation superseded the former. How could she have known that this serpent was not speaking for God?” (God’s Devil Page 57) And now Lutzer confirms that he personally believes the devil spoke for God to the humans before he spoke on his own against God – thereby blaming God for the confusion as to who was speaking – making God the deceiver behind Satan. “No wonder Satan is furious. The fact that we will have an honor beyond what he enjoyed before his fall from grace is more than his envious nature can tolerate. Think of all that he had already given up. He could no longer be a prophet who could speak for God. He could no longer be a priest who would direct worship to God. He could no longer be a messenger bearing messages for God.” (God’s Devil Page 120)


Now Lutzer’s evil version of the whole story on earth from start to finish is told in more pieces. “Here was a being who knew God and yet did not believe that God’s ways were best.” (God’s Devil Page 37) “Surely the serpent already knew that he would fail in his bid to be like the Most High. His transformation into an evil being gave him self-awareness; most probably it made him painfully alert to his error and the impossibility of winning against God. His own hopes had been shattered, and now he was recruiting Adam and Eve to share in his great eternal failure.” (God’s Devil Page 55) See how Lutzer makes the devil as one who just hopes there is a solution to all of this turmoil and makes him sound so innocent. In a minute, we will quote a whole stack of these. “And when Eve replies that there is only one tree from which they are forbidden to eat, and that if they should disobey, they will die, the serpent replies, ‘You will not surely die! For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (vv. 4-5). God is deceiving you! He is hiding the real reason He does not want you to eat of the so-called forbidden tree; if you do eat, you will be like the Almighty Himself! He wants the glory, not because it is rightfully His, but because He does not want what is best for humanity! God is both a kill-joy and a liar!” (God’s Devil Page 53) “Ever since Adam and Eve believed Satan’s promise – that if they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, they would be like God, knowing good and evil – humans have tried to set up a rival kingdom. To be like God is an awesome thought. Man is intelligent enough to know that he is not the creator, so mankind says, ‘Yes, I am God, but so is nature; in fact everything is God and God is everything.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 86)


Notice in this next quote how Lutzer redefines creation to say that it should be obvious that anything created would have flaws and be less than God and “fall short of [the glory of God] the limitless perfections of the Almighty”, since Lutzer implies God hates competition and wouldn’t allow any actually equal beings to be created or take His “glory” in any way – by which Lutzer means to say that you almost aren’t allowed to exist unless you just cower to God in fear all the time and submit your soul to His every whimsical demand. That is how evil Lutzer’s heart is. He learned this oppression/slavery from Jesuit Masters; we need to know who his mentor was. Lutzer is the man in Jesus’ parable who was given a talent and thought God to be too hard of a Master and so He refused to serve Him and Lutzer is like those who refused to have Jesus reign over them. God will judge Lutzer and remove him from the position of pastor or preacher, and God will make it clear that it was His judgment against Lutzer that puts a stop to this evil Nazi propaganda however God chooses to stop it. We leave that in God’s hands, but we must get this information out until enough righteous people agree with God that it is time to get this evil out of the pulpit of The Moody Church reputation – by Moody Church denouncing the Nazi propaganda. Here is Lutzer talking about how the devil “fall short of the limitless perfections of the Almighty” as if to say all of us have that same built-in flaw put there by God and that it is not our fault, but God’s fault. Lutzer is quite literally referencing Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 So this would make God responsible for sin at the time of Creation because he did not make us capable of automatically being good and holy like God. But the truth is God gave us choice. Even the angels have choice, but because they are in direct fellowship with God, if they choose to fight against God, they know they are choosing against what is right. They were His created servants and know Him firsthand. Humans on the other hand have indirect access through spiritual realms but not direct face-to-face and in fact we would die if we did see God face-to-face. We have temporal flesh that allows us choices that angels cannot do, nor can demons, which is partly why Lucifer will have to function through a human Antichrist. The other reason of course is that humans would be disgusted and object to his reign if they saw him. But we humans were given the ability to populate and expand a new type of kingdom over an earthly dominion in partnership with Jesus.


Our flesh is not a flaw, nor is our ability to make decisions outside of God’s every command as the angels do. But with it came the risk of also making decisions against God, and God knew He could remedy that by coming in the flesh to take that punishment and set a pattern of righteousness and work through us by His Spirit to make us complete in Him, whereas the angels who fall cannot shed a temporal form (they are not of the flesh) that lives separated from God enough to make independent choices. Lutzer says “God would never create a being who was as great and beautiful as He Himself is. Any created creature would of necessity fall short of the limitless perfections of the Almighty. Lucifer was, therefore, much less than God, but evidently the ‘best’ the Almighty could do.” (God’s Devil Page 28) “Lucifer was God’s masterpiece, a showpiece whose presence brought glory to his creator. This was God at His best.” (God’s Devil Page 31) “We might not agree that free will alone can account for Satan’s fall” (God’s Devil Page 19) “The evil one’s theology on the inspiration of the Bible, the existence of God, and the person of Christ is more accurate than that of theological liberals who deny those truths. The devil believes and trembles, yet he goes on rebelling. He has never found it easy to act on what he knows.” (God’s Devil Page 149) “Satan was on hand to hear the instructions God gave to Adam and Eve. He was surprised at the generosity of God.” (God’s Devil Page 50) Lutzer is employing a really complicated “logic”. What he’s proposing is that the devil found out how “God appears to be cruel, unjust, sadistic, and vindictive” if you contradict Him as Lutzer accuses God of on Page 235 of God’s Devil. So Lutzer believes the devil convinced Adam and Eve that “God is deceiving you! He is hiding the real reason He does not want you to eat of the so-called forbidden tree; if you do eat, you will be like the Almighty Himself! He wants the glory, not because it is rightfully His, but because He does not want what is best for humanity! God is both a kill-joy and a liar.“ Lutzer clearly believes this since these are Lutzer’s own words immediately after quoting Genesis 3:4-5 – and now Lutzer is quite literally speaking on behalf of the devil when he says these things.


In many other places throughout the book God’s Devil, Lutzer speaks of the devil in glowing terms “Until Lucifer’s blunder” (Page 37); “it was too late to retreat from his blunder” (Page 41); “he had just picked the short straw in the greatest gamble of his career” (Page 41);  False prophets and Satan himself can speak with soothing tones of reassurance and hope” (Page 58)“spoke to them so compassionately” (Page 61); “They, like Lucifer before them, had no idea of the moral and spiritual aftershocks their single act of disobedience might generate. They must have been surprised that one small evil produced an endless chain of larger ones.” (Page 84)  Most probably, the serpent’s hope revived.” (Page 92)  Of course he didn’t know everything, since such full knowledge belongs only to God, but he knew enough to be severely judged for his stupidity.“ (Page 235) “We don’t know how much God revealed to angelic creatures, but Lucifer, I think, should have known God well enough to realize that He will not share His glory with another.” (Page 43)


Here are two possible theories on Lutzer’s real beliefs about how the devil and God “relationship” operates, given from his own words. “Eastern religions believe in relativism for diverse reasons. If it is true that God is everything, it follows that God is also evil. That is why Hinduism teaches that good and evil are only illusions and only appear to differ from one another. Alan Watts, who is credited with making Zen Buddhism palatable to Americans, explains it this way: Life is like a play where you see good and bad men in conflict on the stage, but behind the curtain, they are the best of friends. Backstage God and Satan go hand in hand. To quote Yen-Men, one of the great Eastern teachers, ‘If you wish the plain truth, be not concerned about right and wrong. The conflict between right and wrong is the sickness of the mind.’” (God’s Devil Page 76-77) “According to one poll, at least 25 percent of Americans believe that the devil is really only a symbol of man’s inhumanity to man.” (God’s Devil Page 21)


But we don’t think Lutzer agrees with these two entirely. We think he leans toward a third common theme Lutzer plays, which is that God was forced into negotiations with the devil. Like God wanted a battle with the devil because God knew that the devil was a lesser being and could not defeat Him, and so God prearranged for the devil’s fall and man’s fall (both of which Lutzer repeatedly suggests) and then knew He would send Jesus since before the foundation of the world and knew who the elect angels and elect humans would be from the foundation of the world. So the glitch or loophole Lutzer sees in God’s plan is self-will – the ability to make choices – as the “god”-actor Morgan Freeman has said. So Lutzer’s strategy is to get the elect – the followers inside Jesus’ program who are already promised salvation via the gospel – to also be induced to commit the worst crimes possible which would force God to admit that His followers are worse than the devil’s followers. This, we believe is Lutzer’s thinking. We explain this more in the last Argument #18 because Lutzer gives credibility several times to the idea that Lucifer may still overthrow God’s crown. So Lutzer probably thinks the devil put God in check because otherwise these new humans – to whom God gave dominion over the earth – could become aware of the devil’s view of God and believe it to be true. Lutzer thinks God is actually that evil, so therefore He was forced to negotiate to slow the consequences – if that isn’t the most twisted retelling you’ve ever heard!! We can’t imagine what could be much weirder than this. Lutzer sees God as being so obsessed with his pride and heroism plan through Jesus that He is willing to compromise everything else like a rigged sports game. But Lutzer pretends that the devil’s strategies have worked so well that God had to keep putting off His redemption.


God’s judgment is often long in coming, but when it arrives it is swift and sure. When God begins to wrap up human history as we know it, the demise of the serpent will happen in a series of stages. The lake of fire was inevitable from the moment Lucifer said, ‘I will make myself like the Most High’ (Isaiah 14:14), but for centuries God has postponed the inevitable. When He no longer needs Satan for His own purposes, the end shall come… At the cross, the prince of this world was ‘cast out’ (John 12:31). There Satan was judged and found to be guilty; his sentence of doom was held high for all to see. He was stripped of all authority and was shown to be deficient. As he writhed amid ashes of defeat and eventual doom, he was forced to concede that Christ was the victor. Satan took a blow to the head, whereas his retaliation was only a nip to Christ’s heel. All things considered, Satan’s was a pathetic show of strength. Yes, lightning and thunder occur at the same time, but we see the lightning first and hear the roar of the thunder after. At the cross, we saw the lightning; but there is a lapse of time before we hear the thunder. Satan continues to fight no doubt communicating optimistic reports to his minions.” (God’s Devil Page 205-206)


In the next paragraph we show you how Lutzer has said that God keeps delaying His promise to crush the serpent’s head – first, it was the death of Abel, then it was no one righteous and therefore flood judgment, then it was still no one righteous, so God picked an idolater and chose him; this was supposedly Abraham whose family possibly made false gods as a living for the people of Ur of the Chaldeans before Abraham’s time. This is an attempt to make Abraham parallel with Muhammad who came from a family that did actually guard the idols and ancient myths in their region – especially his grandfather. Then Lutzer says someone killed all of the heirs but one, then Israel rebelled, and so on and so on. So Lutzer is pretending that the devil actually has won that many defeats against God that God has had to abandon His plan this many times since nearly 6,000 years ago now. So Lutzer continues the same accusation of delays and broken promises saying that when Jesus said “Now the ruler of this world is cast out”, it meant that Satan was done…    … but then Lutzer says that for some unknown reason it didn’t’ work… and there is a ridiculously long delay still for no reason that Lutzer can perceive. What Lutzer is intentionally avoiding is the fact that God is building His Community and Body to function better and better until we are partners with Christ in judging Satan and his followers so that the gospel will be preached throughout the WHOLE WORLD, and then the end will come. That is what takes so long – not some mistake God keeps making or some winnings of the devil. But notice this really is like what Peter prophesied about men like Lutzer – that false teachers would say “ ’Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation’… The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:4,9


1. God takes initiative in the battle. He says, ‘I will’. Lucifer had said, ‘I will,’ and now God says, ‘I will.’ Two will would be in conflict in an attempt to rule the world. Even before man could look to God for help, God already promised it. If there was a mess to be cleaned up, God would do it.” (God’s Devil Page 80) Here were the supposed terms of the “treaty” between God and the devil from Lutzer’s own words. Notice how Lutzer says that if the devil hadn’t rebelled, there would have been a dangerous hidden side to God that he managed to bring out. “But God decided to use Lucifer (whom we shall now call Satan) to demonstrate truths that would have been permanently hidden if evil had not entered the universe. The curtain would rise on a drama acted out on earth in which Lucifer and God, justice and good and evil, would be in conflict. Here are the rules: 1. Satan would be given the rulership of the world; he would be allowed to spread his lies. No doubt he continued to possess the striking characteristics of power and knowledge he had before the fall, except that now they were perverted. Centuries later Christ would refer to him as ‘the ruler of this world’ (John 12:31; see also 14:30; 16:11) And when Satan offers Christ the kingdoms of this world, Christ does not contradict him! 2. God would give Satan time to see if he could rule his own kingdom successfully. Could he bring order out of the chaos which he created? Could he actually rule the world if it were given to him? 3. God would not compromise His own holiness and justice, but would meet Satan on a level playing field, winning a moral and spiritual victory over His adversary. The Almighty would not just win by power, but by righteousness. The battle would be not only to determine who was the strongest, but who was right and just. Both sides would recruit others to stand with them in the conflict.“ (God’s Devil Page 45-46)


But Lutzer is trying to make the case throughout all of his books – saying that God HAS COMPROMISED his holiness, so therefore Lutzer believes God keeps changing the rules. So Lutzer is pretending that Lucifer cornered God into a chess match and a competition of wills and recruitment of followers because God was not strong enough to just outright defeat Lucifer yet. So then Lutzer says that God defeated the devil by sovereignly electing individuals who did not want God or were not worthy of God’s choosing since Lutzer and the devil believe they were no better than all other humans or the devil himself. In other words, Lutzer says God thinks He can keep changing the rules of the original negotiations since He has Creative Powers and the devil does not. So you will see Lutzer make this long string of arguments that God tells the devil that he can’t murder, but then God goes and murders everyone except for Noah. Then Lutzer thinks that God just chooses substitutes and righteous heirs whenever He feels like He’s losing, by which Lutzer implies and genuinely means to ask – Why couldn’t God just do that for everyone – just sovereingly choose quite literally everyone? Then Lutzer says that it is the devil’s tactic to corrupt the followers of God and get them to kill children who could be the heirs, but then Lutzer basically says that when Jesus was born, that God had the star take the wise men to King Herod knowing that King Herod would be jealous and kill all of the other potential “heirs” basically. And then Lutzer thinks that for some reason Jesus had to avoid setting up His Kingdom then and decided to die for some reason and that even Peter could not convince Jesus to choose life instead of death.  Not even Peter was able to pressure Christ into choosing life rather than death in Jerusalem. ‘Get thee behind me, Satan’ Christ told him (Mark 8:33 KJV).“ (God’s Devil Page 102)


It is REALLY REALLY difficult to think this way if you Love God, but if we don’t figure out what Lutzer is saying and GET HIM OUT OF THE CHURCHES, we’ve got far worse problems coming with the recreation of the Nazi machine in America. It is best that we do as David did and say – What right does this Jesuit Catholic have to blaspheme the Name of our Lord and the servants of the Lord? No one should do any harm to Lutzer. Lutzer is not the real problem even though he is an eager participant in it. See our important warning and important information above titled IMPORTANT WARNING #2 and The Real Problem. The problem is that Lutzer is one of so many thousands or tens of thousands of this kind of satanist that have built a counterfeit “kingdom of God” that is fighting against God. And if we cast out the scoffers out of the church, strife will cease. That is our point. Lutzer and his Jesuit friends have committed and/or are willing to commit many of the same sins as the devil and he thinks he will be in Heaven, but God will not allow this into His Heaven.“The serpent glances toward heaven for the last time and knows that for him the gates are now bolted shut. Imagine his anger when he sees the gates of heaven close with the saints he had persecuted on earth now standing before the throne of God in the spotless beauty of Jesus! He sees them exalted above the angels, as brothers of Christ, though they had committed many of the same sins as he.” (God’s Devil Page 210) So Lutzer names four times he believes God used unfair creative skills or choice of “evil-doers”: “Notice how far we have come. God proved that He can, if He wishes, multiply the race to fulfill His promise; that He can, if He wishes, preserve the seed; and that He can, if He wishes, simply choose the seed…“ (God’s Devil Page 96) “Satan almost certainly saw Abel as ’the offspring’ of the ‘woman’ (Genesis 3:15)… He had thought that he had turned this prophecy on its head; with Abel lying on the ground drenched in his own blood, Satan believed that he had now crushed the head of God’s redeemer… God now gave Adam and Eve another son whose name was Seth, meaning ‘substitute.’ Satan then understood that no matter how many murders he instigated… others would always rise up and take their place.” “Most probably, the serpent’s hope revived. If all of mankind was drowned, the seed of the woman would be obliterated. What the serpent could not do, God, apparently was doing Himself. The Almighty would send a flood and an entire civilization would be blotted out. But again God snatched the victory from the jaws of defeat. ‘But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.’ (v. 8)… Kill them or corrupt them! That has been the devil’s strategy throughout the history of the world… Although Noah and his family survived the flood, their descendants soon turned away from the Lord and followed their own desires. Rather than spread out as God had commanded, many people stayed in Shinar and built a ‘tower with its top in the heavens’ (Genesis 11:4)… Corruption was so widespread that we do not know of anyone who walked with God after the tower of Babel… Again, the serpent’s victory appeared complete and worldwide. Imagine a world in which there is not a single righteous person! But God had other plans. He sovereignly chose a man out of idolatry to become the father of the nation from which the Redeemer would come. He proved that even those who had no righteous lineage could become followers of the Almighty when He wished to act directly in their lives. When God wanted, he could simply choose men to follow Him!” “Before Christ was born, there was at least one other serious attempt to destroy the possibility of a coming Redeemer. Because of the promise God made to David, Satan knew that the seed of the woman would have to come through David’s lineage. It was that offspring the serpent attempted to destroy… Specifically, Athaliah’s sons had been killed by the pagan Philistines and Arabians (2 Chronicles 21:16-17), and now she saw the opportunity to seize the throne for herself. So she proceeded to have all of her grandsons killed, in total disregard for God’s command that the descendants of David should rule over Judah forever. But God’s promise was not overturned. An aunt hid one of the seventy grandsons, so that he escaped the wrath of this evil woman.” (God’s Devil Pages 85-96)


But Lutzer brings up this last situation also to make an evil comparison with King Herod killing all of the children in Ramah as if destroying all of the other possible heirs. Lutzer believes that it is God’s fault for not leading the wise men directly to Bethlehem that therefore the children of Ramah were killed. Lutzer is determined to make God guilty of murders of children. King Herod is said to have been Arabic, so this is really just wrong to suggest that the star of Bethlehem was to point him there to Jesus – knowing that he would try to kill Jesus or as if to imply that the wise men were Muslims. “At last, Christ was here. Centuries earlier, God had said to the serpent, ‘I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel’ (Genesis 3:15). God had made good on His Word. When Christ was born in Bethlehem, Satan’s first strategy was to kill him. Wicked King Herod tried to carry out the diabolical deed. But Joseph and Mary took the baby to Egypt, and the plan was foiled.” (God’s Devil Page 101-102) “There are even Muslims who have said they were drawn to Jesus through dreams. We should not be skeptical of that. Some have said that after they had such a dream, they met a Christian who shared the gospel with them, or they began reading a Bible, which led them to the good news of the gospel. The dream might not lead them directly to Christ, but it prepared the way and opened their heart to the gospel message. Consider this: When God led the wise men using the star in the East, note that the star did not take them to Bethlehem, but to Jerusalem, where they met Jewish scribes who knew about Micah’s prophecy that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). God did not bypass His Word; a star or a dream can only take someone so far. Eventually a person needs to hear or read God’s Word and learn the way to salvation.” (Shadow Crescent Page 155) ”Let’s take the victimization principle to its logical conclusion. No doubt when King Herod killed all the infant boys in the environs of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the Christ child, this crime was not his fault. The guilt for the gruesome deed lay with the wise men from the East, who had the audacity to refer to the baby as the King of the Jews. The wise men should have known Herod would be insulted by this perceived threat to his own throne. What should we expect when a king is offended by a child who dares to take the title of king for himself?“ (Shadow Crescent Page 193-194) But the real accusation is against God not wise men. Lutzer pretends that God wrote every microscopic detail in earth’s story beforehand. The truth is God KNEW both sides of the story and skillfully directs hindrances and delays to existing evils that are grappling for the right to do worse. Lutzer pretends this world (and Lucifer even) was the best perfection God could desire or create, but Lutzer actually knows this is the best scenario possible that IS NOT preprogrammed and allows opposite decision-making to exist without chaotic and evil constant annihilation. See our study on God’s Holy Mountain and how God’s ability to allow choice is not a bad thing.


Lutzer does this kind of accusation many times. Here is one about demonic possession of children. “Sometimes God teaches us more while we suffer in temptation than we can learn when we are free from it. We are blessed when we can still see the face of God even when a demon speaks in our ears. Of course, we should never be satisfied until the devil flees, though we must also remember that God has His timetable. Blessed are those who believe God is good even when He doesn’t appear to do what we think He should.” (God’s Devil Page 163) “Of course there was a battle, but the demon was routed, for one good reason: The parents knew what some do not, namely, that demons have no such rights to haunt a child. What was God’s purpose in giving a demon the power to trouble this child?” (God’s Devil Page 133) “To what extent are the iniquities of the father ‘visited upon the children’? There might well be generational spirits who concentrate on various family lines, exploiting the weaknesses of the offspring of idolatrous parents… Such a curse can only have control over us if we think we must be subject to it… In the passage in Exodus, the curse is only upon those who hate God. Indeed, it might be referring only to those children who hate God… Satan wants us to be preoccupied with his control, curses, and ‘unavoidable schemes.’ But like Pilate of old, he has no power against us except that which is given him from above.” (God’s Devil Page 132)


Lutzer accuses God of genocide in Smyrna, based on Jesus’ promise of ten days of persecution on them. Notice the span of 520 years and then Lutzer saying this was part of the fulfillment of the prophecy. And Lutzer concludes by saying that he does not know what Jesus meant by ten days of persecution, since these massacres happened significantly afterward and were supposedly against the “Churches” and “Christians”, but truthfully they were Catholic in both cases in 1402 and in 1922 and most were not actually believers in Christ but were believers in the counterfeit political “kingdom of God” hiding behind religion. So you can see how the Catholic Church saw this as an opportunity to make God a liar and make themselves a victim of God’s genocide, which is a harsh twist of Jesus’ words and attempting to blame Jesus for crimes they committed against their own followers. It’s the exact same scenario as Constantinople being captured and killed by Muslims – which we highlighted in Argument #4 because Lutzer comments that the Pope did not bail them out because of “disagreements of one kind or another”.  But the point is, they brought the Muslim crisis by having Catholic priests train Muhammad and they trained them for world war and supported them to occupy territories that Rome could not, but then they want to blame God for the genocide they keep committing. We seriously need to put a stop to these secrets and not let the world ever forget what has happened in these cases of genocide.


Brutality was routinely practiced by many different invading armies in Asia Minor and the surrounding lands during the early centuries after Christ and all through the Middle Ages. For example, in the 1360s, the Muslim warlord Aksak Timur captured cities of the Middle East, and as a tribute to his victories, he would pile up a giant pyramid consisting of the skulls of all his victims, including children. Smyrna suffered this fate in 1402, and in Timur’s crusade of ethnic cleansing against the Christians, he boasted of ‘washing the sword of Islam in the blood of the infidels.’ Smyrna’s suffering, however, was far from over. The barbarism faced in 1402 pales in comparison to what happened in 1922. Hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children were caught in a human bloodbath on a scale that the world until that time had never seen before. When it was over, the New York Times would carry the headline ‘Smyrna Wiped Out.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 85)  The massacres carried out by the Turks during and immediately after World War 1 were so extensive that it is estimated that more than a million Christian Armenians were exterminated. One historian wrote, ‘The bloodstained annals of the East contain no record of massacres more unprovoked, more widespread or more terrible than those perpetrated by the Turkish Government upon the Christians of Anatolia and Armenia in 1915.’ The magnitude of these atrocities led Polish Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin to coin the word genocide, meaning ‘acts of extermination directed against the ethnic, religious, or social collectives whatever the motive (political, religious, etc).’” (Shadow Crescent Page 86-87) “More to the point, I included this account about Smyrna’s devastation so we could have a proper understanding of the relationship between God, the devil, and the church.” (Shadow Crescent Page 89) Look at that, he admits that the Catholic Church did this, and is trying to rope God into the equation as if pretending they all have a working relationship to operate this way. How sick is that!? “Second, note that Jesus possessed sovereign control over the extent of the suffering that the believers in Smyrna would face. He said, ‘You will suffer persecution for ten day.’ We don’t know what is meant by ‘ten days’ – was Jesus talking about ten literal days, or ten periods of persecution? Are the ten days symbolic of a longer period? Regardless of how we’re to understand the phrase ‘ten days,’ the point He was making is this: All the powers of hell combined could not extend the persecution to eleven days! Jesus has His hand on the thermostat. No matter how much affliction the devil desires to unleash, he is still subject to God. He cannot usurp God’s ultimate control over all things.” (Shadow Crescent Page 91)


Would you be offended if I were to say that we have some of the same characteristics as the devil? We should not be surprised if we do, for a little drop of his rebellion has fallen on every human heart. We may no longer belong to the devil, but sometimes we act like him. Of course, as believers we also have the characteristics of Christ. God’s express purpose in saving us is to make us more like Himself; we are to be His sons and daughters. We are involved in a conflict: We are poised between God and the devil, each desiring our loyalty, each wishing to turn us into his likeness.” (God’s Devil Page 185) Notice how Lutzer gloats about his Jesuit ability to deceive others: “Our ability to fool others and ourselves confirms the words of Jeremiah, ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?’ (Jeremiah 17:9). Certainly we cannot understand our hearts; our capacity for deception is known but to God. Thus Jeremiah continues: ‘I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give to each man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.’ (v.10). If all of these characteristics are the fruit of self-will, then we must direct a series of blows to the trunk of the tree. We must ask God to give us the grace to ‘put to death’ the deeds of the flesh, which mirror the deeds of our archenemy.” (God’s Devil Page 197)“ Immorality, sexual perversion, pornography, child molestation – our own society bears the marks of such corruption. The sexual relationship is a gift created by God to be enjoyed by those who are married. It represents the most satisfying kind of communication among humans and is to represent the love of Christ for His church. Sexual relationships outside of marriage promise like a god, but in the end they pay like a devil. Satan knows this, even if our society does not. Therefore, sexual temptation is not only our most vulnerable target, but it also has the potential for the greatest heartache. The sex goddess presents herself in movies, music, and on the Internet. She promises that permissiveness is the path to happiness; she assures us that the negative consequences are well worth the lure of forbidden intimacy. She will kiss the soul, then betray the soul forever.” (God’s Devil Page 93-94) “Sexual temptation is common to us all. And, I might add, we would have such temptations even if Satan and his demons did not exist. We are, after all, fallen creatures who struggle with sinful lusts and desires. But if we give ourselves to those sins, we give Satan a foothold, an opportunity to return to claim the ground he wants to think is his. I have counseled people who are obsessed with fantasies of sexuality, often depraved and perverted. These thoughts might come while they are singing a hymn in church or trying to pray. The obsessions take priority over all other thoughts. Satan has pulled the noose one notch tighter.” (God’s Devil Page 171)


We can do no better than remind ourselves of what Luther said when a pastor friend of his was murdered in 1527. Luther felt deeply about this tragedy and pondered it carefully. It was, he said, the work of an evil person. The evil person was the devil’s tool, but the devil was God’s tool… We have all authority we need to stand against the devil; we have all the power we need to do God’s will, but we do not have absolute power over our enemy. We cannot demolish his kingdom; we cannot prescribe the boundaries of his power. Paul did not think that he always had to duel the devil or take authority over him. He wrote that he wanted to come to Thessalonica, but ‘Satan hindered us’ (1 Thessalonians 2:18). At times Paul could accept Satan’s limitation as God’s intervention. Please don’t interpret this to mean that we can stand idly by and watch Satan do his work and simply say, ‘This is the will of God.’ We are to be actively fighting the enemy, standing against his assaults. Indeed, Satan is given to us that we might fight against him. But it is how we fight that matters. We can fight with more faith and understanding if we know that Satan is always subject to God. Our war is winnable. And yet we must give a more detailed answer to this question: What does the serpent want from us?” (God’s Devil Page 144)

God did not do evil when He delegated authority to Hitler; however, Hitler did evil by misusing that authority. What is more, God does not pass judgment on Himself because there is no standard outside of Himself to which He must conform.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66) As you will discover, Lutzer’s assaults against God just keep going. When Lutzer says the words “our enemy”, he is talking about God. Go back and reread it. He says “we cannot demolish his kingdom” and “we cannot prescribe the boundaries of his power.” Which is why he has to explain that you don’t just stand idly and say “This is the will of God” because otherwise it would be obvious that his followers are a Jesuit and want the evil to happen, so they have to pretend to fight the devil alongside us who suffer under his plans. R. C. Sproul, when he wrote the foreword said this exact same thing. “It is the best treatment of the person and work of the enemy I have ever read.” Sproul being at the heights of doctrinal “knowledge” and mythic subtlety is intentionally using the words from a book about God. “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit” by R. A. Torrey.



Church Replacement Doctrine (should be called Israel Replacement doctrine): Of course, the Vatican and the “Vicar of Rome” (Representative in the place of Christ) want to pretend that they are God’s appointed church. They want to pretend that they are the replacement to both Israel and Christ – funny… that is exactly what Islam is doing. But the Vatican’s obsession with destroying Israelis and keeping them out of their land – even using Muslims through the centuries to do – so is incontrovertible evidence that they are not Jesus’ Church. Their partnerships with dictators and evil false religions are irrefutable evidence. Their storage of wealth that they refuse to use for helping the world’s problems and instead are helping sustain all of the world’s problems that they can create in order to then come in as the “savior” of the world on behalf of the anti-christ is irrefutable evidence against them. Their Crusades and Inquisitions and Jesuits are irrefutable evidence of their working for the devil. Their constant creation of new false doctrines to control the peoples of the world and their working with their Freemasons (the construction guilds from their Vatican Cathedrals around the world) is evil. Their using the Freemasons to divide and conquer Christians by creating hundreds of denominations and then bring the bullies who run these denominations all back together again with the added secret of being under Vatican authority is evil. The threats and mafia tactics they use to force Christians under their control is evil. Their control of information over the centuries to keep secrets hidden that would help the common people be free from their oppression is evil. Their control of the Bible (by only allowing Latin Bibles) and murdering of those who translated it and their telling people not to read the Bible because they wouldn’t know how to interpret it (even until at least the 1960s) is evil. Their arranging of all of the pieces of world propaganda in the last century to blame literally every evil the world has ever experienced as if the Israelis and God are to blame is evil. Their arranging of war or else disgusting partnership (mafia tactics to keep hostility or to create evil partnership for more evil) between Islam and “Christianity” and Israel is evil. But there is one more trick involved in Church Replacement Theology, since the Vatican is the one who wants to replace Israel as the one-world kingdom for 1,000 years. But they cannot do so as the bully who is oppressing true believers in Christ. So they have to switch the roles sometimes – try to make British and American “Protestants” the world-conquering bullies and pretend that they are just representing the true Jesus. They want their Protestant agents to pretend to be the replacement of the replacement of Israel. But even more than that, they really just wish that all real Christians could be killed, so they could be the only replacement of Israel. You know they WISH that could happen, but you know God will not allow that. And instead God is returning the authority to the Israeli people. So when you hear the term/doctrine about Church Replacement, it often means Protestants replacing “the true church” kingdom (Catholics) who they want to think replaced the Israeli kingdom centuries ago. So it should be called Israel Replacement Theology and then it would be obvious that the Reformed camp who believes this is attempting to replace the Catholic program in replacing Israel.


Argument #13: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer – in switching good for evil and God for the devil – wants American “Christians” to compete against Islam by accepting Oikonomia Network and other forms of 7-mountain dominionism, to make the Protestants to blame for Kingdom Dominionism which should be known as 7-Mountain satanism from Revelation 17:9. In other words, not only does Lutzer blame Protestants for Hitler, but also for Antichrist. Doesn’t that sound like a Jesuit agent of the Pope? Lutzer believes Islam was designed by “god” by which he means Roman Catholic Pope to destroy the previous two Catholic attempts at world domination combined together in America under the name “Judeo-Christianity” – Kabbalah (started in 12th century in Jesuit Spain who led the Inquisitions) and Protestantism (assisted in becoming a Church-State power in England and Germany for the sake of controlling all other non-Catholics, after which Britain literally went world-wide attempting to dominate the world – including America – with its Jesuit “missions”. Lutzer says all three “monotheistic” biggest religions have Abraham as their “father”. They pretend that these two – 7 Mountain Kingdom Dominionism and Catholic-designed Kabbalah (which replaced Old Testament Judaism) – are what make up what is called American “Judeo-Christianity”. The elites have secretly used the conflict between Communism (which they say was founded by Jews) and Fascism (which Lutzer and his Catholics blamed on Lutheranism so as to cast blame on all “Protestants”) to create the one-world empire already.


The International Mafia (Monetary) Fund, the United Nations and its non-governmental organizations, and the global corporations have already built the framework for world dominance through United States military ops with the Council on Foreign Relations and the nation-rebuilding and coup-de-tats and psychological operations world-wide. But they founded the United Nations and did these operations through America to blame “Judeo-Christianity” for the abuses and evils of the program. This was the design all along since the 1940s which is why they brought Nazis criminals to America, worked plenty of the banking through America, had the American satanists rehabilitate German authorities and learn the secrets, and coordinated a 1960’s pact with Russia “against” America as the two powers to force demilitarization of all of the rest of the world. (That coordination is described in the Report from Iron Mountain.) They also used Russia and America to create the conflict world-wide between Communism (or disguised as socialist oligarchies) and Fascism (disguised as Democratic Oligarchies or similar).


Lutzer quotes a man as saying that “the Christian cross demanded the blood of Christ, the swastika demanded the blood of the Jewish nation”, and Lutzer at another time says that his “calling” is to “prepare the next generation of the American “church” for martyrdom” as we showed in Argument #4 and #10. Israel and followers of Israel’s Christ (real Christians) cannot die for the world’s sins – that is just a mafia death threat as shown in Argument #10 and #12. Lutzer does this because he knows that Jesus’ church will provide the shielding protection and supporting role to the strength of the nation of Israel in international discussions. This we show in Argument #11. So here is how they arrange the sequence of philosophical conflicts – arranged by “least to greatest” (using the lesser-greater symbol “<”) with Catholics being the ultimate winners, of course. First, we point out that Lutzer labels all of the following as from the devil – Islam, Protestantism, Communism, Anarchy, Statism, Democracy, Nazism/Fascism, Dictators. So how does that not make these books highly political? Of course the one left out is theocracy, which should be called Popecrazy, since God is not at all ruling through the Vatican. Not all of the “least” are conquered by wars, some are just ideologically conquered in Rome’s opinion. Jesus < Jews < Protestants (Lutzer says they are more to blame than Nazis) < Islam < Nazism-Vikings/ Communism/ Atheism < Kabbalah/ Jesuits/ Freemasons < Catholicism.


That is an approximate order of conquering they thought up even before 1913 Central Banking overthrow of America’s government to attempt global “Corporate government” disguised as “democracy” in its place – followed immediately by World War 1 in 1914 to impose as much of that program on the world as quickly as possible. But they want to blame all of this on “Protestants” and “Jews” in America. In case it is unclear who is to blame for this global corporate overthrow and World Wars to impose it, we now quote Jesuit Archbishop over Chicago in 1903, merely four years after the Chicago Jesuits killed Dwight Moody and hoped they had stopped American Christians long enough to put their plan on full-speed: “Within twenty years, this country is going to rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the United States will take their place… When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world… Nothing can stand against the Church. I’d like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.” The current Jesuit over the United States is the Provincial Jesuit from the Chicago area.


Apparently, Moody’s friends were strong in faith enough to scare the Jesuits that they may not accomplish their goal unless they kept their program running faster. Jesuits and the Vatican deceive themselves into believing they could replace Jesus’ 1,000 year reign, but Lutzer also pretends that God has cheated to stop the devil from establishing his kingdom as we showed in Argument #12. It is not God who is breaking Satan’s attempts at ruling. Satan has had almost 6,000 years to try but it is literally impossible to build a kingdom on lying, murder, hostility, distrust, immorality and selfish non-marriages, assault/abuse, hypocrisy, reverse psychology, pride, drunkenness, cowardness, instability, traitors and treachery, power-struggles, greed, abandonment and disloyalty, fear and threats, demonic possession, cruel dictatorships, pyramid schemes and hierarchies lording over each other, satanic mysteries given only to those who pledge to hide and oppose the truth, every kind of idolatry and covetousness, false gods and myths, slander against God and the servants of God, blasphemy, and denying God’s right to say what is right. If that doesn’t help you understand why it hasn’t happened yet, then perhaps you’ve been putting God and the devil as equals like Lutzer does. Lutzer says that God doesn’t care about “freedom of conscience” in America in his explanation of why Islam will take over, but that would suggest that our freedoms came from Freemasons and Deists (who are really Jesuits) when they founded this country with a Constitution. Lutzer says the Constitution and “democracy” are too slow and only work when times are good, but that dictatorship is preferable when times are bad. But Freemasons and Jesuits refuse to obey laws and avoid using proper legislative channels and blame honorable people for not approving their constant abuses. Lutzer says the exact same thing about Jesus’ kingdom as if Jesus failed and isn’t going to finish.


God is the one who forced the European Jesuits and Freemasons to submit to rule by the people, because righteousness showed their evils for what it was and they had to go into hiding even deeper by allowing near-freedom. We believe God educated European Christians to understand that the Vatican used Viking and Muslim raids, economics, monarchies, and so many other methods to constantly oppress Israelis in Europe and so we believe Christians were pressing for rights for Israel to return to their land, since they were not allowed citizenship in Europe until the 1800s in many countries. Even in America, these abuses and lies can only function in conditions of ignorance, which the Vatican was consistently known for – hindering people from reading the Bible much for many centuries. Knowledge breaks their control over the people who don’t want to be evil. This is especially true if you are allowed to collect honorable communities as Dwight Moody did. The Jesuits are the ones who set fire TWICE to Moody’s community in Chicago (causing the Great Fire of Chicago), scared Moody himself across the sea and then to his hometown in Massachusetts to get away from whatever it was that was chasing him, then poisoned Moody to death (secret poison cup is in the Jesuit oath), then took over Moody Church by the 1920s and Moody Bible Institute and destroyed Moody’s Northfield hometown schools. Moody didn’t know about the Jesuits until much later in his life.


When the current Moody Church (should be Illinois Street Church or North Ave Church as it was before sectarianism took over) was built in 1925, the design was based on the Hagia Sophia (Church of Wisdom) in Istanbul, Turkey. Lutzer tells this story in The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent for an very important reason. Lutzer explains the principle of Muslim “ownership” of territory that they will never let go of until they occupy it again. They captured the Hagia Sophia in 1453. Lutzer explains Muslim projection of ownership through the Cordoba House on the site of the World Trade Towers by which to project their authority over the site. With this principle, you can see that the Jesuits who built The Moody Church were predicting Muslim take-over of Dwight Moody’s community. But we believe God is not going to allow that, since Moody and his friends were faithful to the gospel and since there are many who identify with his faith in Jesus for godly community. But The Moody Church is already being infiltrated by Muslims and “Christians” who partner with Muslims under Ed Stetzer and Erwin Lutzer’s guidance to fulfill this prediction of crushing the Moody Church under the “power” of Islam, who are really acting directly on behalf of the Vatican Jesuits as they often have throughout history. This is also part of the drama between fellow Jesuits Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Rahm Emmanuel, Valerie Jarrett, James Meeks, and many other Chicago top politicians. This is also the hidden work behind the false flag “terrorism” events.


Lutzer explains how Muslim shariah law which means “the path” is a comprehensive system that controls every part of everyday life and is incompatible with any other system secular or non-secular. This is to explain what the Catholics feel must be “caught” rather than “taught” – about why the Church must rule over the state. Lutzer pretends these are things that Rome has already known and doesn’t understand why we Protestants disagreed with their attempts at ruling over secular society. That is extremely disgustingly disingenuous since Lutzer knows most of the killing was anyone and everyone who opposed Rome’s hypocritical cruel monarchies acting on behalf of “god”. They allowed themselves to do anything to gain power – they were a political system hiding behind religion and acting as if they were the most honorable of people – following Jesus while being ministers of darkness, secrets, and oppressive evils. Lutzer also knows that Muhammad and the succeeding Caliphates learned these tricks from Rome to use against Jews and Christians.


But shariah is viewed as being sacred and coming from Allah himself, which, in the adherents’ eyes, makes it superior to all other law systems: ‘[Muslim writers who subscribe to the supreme authority of shariah over all other laws] teach that since everything in the universe belongs to Allah, and as Muslims are the true followers of Allah and therefore his rightful representatives, the oversight of the earth – especially the exercise of political power or authority – is the responsibility of Muslims. All others are usurpers from whom Muslims must endeavor to take power.’ Given that perspective, we can see why Islamists who live in Western nations have persistently exerted great pressure on government authorities to grant them the right to live in full accordance with shariah. ‘For these ideologues, shariah is not a private matter. Adherents see the West as an obstacle to be overcome, not a culture and civilization to be embraced, or at least tolerated. It is impossible, they maintain, for alternative legal systems and forms of government peacefully to coexist with the end-state they seek.’ Once we recognize the totalitarian nature of shariah, we can see why it is said shariah cannot coexist alongside any other legal system. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a major legal authority in the Muslim world today, minces no words when he speaks out against integrative approaches: ‘Secularism can never enjoy a general acceptance in an Islamic society. For Muslim societies, the acceptance of secularism means something totally different. As Islam is a comprehensive system of worship (Ibadah) and legislation (Shari’ah), the acceptance of secularism means abandonment of Shari’ah, a denial of the divine guidance and a rejection of Allah’s injunctions… For this reason, the call for secularism among Muslims is atheism and a rejection of Islam. Its acceptance as a basis for rule in place of Shari’ah is downright apostasy.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 34-35) Notice the similarity of terms to Catholicism – “apostasy”, “secular”, “true followers of”, “everything in the universe belongs to”, “system of worship”, “divine guidance”, “atheism”, “rejection of”. Lutzer is trying to compare “Christianity” with Islam – not for the sake of correcting Catholicism which he never does, but for the sake of correcting non-Catholics in America. He is trying to say that Protestantism/Separatism is a failure.


When truth falls out of favor as a cultural norm, it will either be turned into a lie, or, more likely, silence will prevail. Self-censorship, as was the case in Germany, will be the norm. Is the church in the West strong enough to stand alone without any support from the state, the media, our schools, our courts? That was the question the church faced in Nazi Germany, and the answer was, at best, mixed. Most Germans were swept away by the powerful cultural stream of Nazism. And others who knew better ended up cowering under the pressure of threats, ostracism, and persecution. Will we respond any differently? Will the levees hold?” (Shadow Crescent Page 229)  Lutzer explains the real seriousness of this test imposed on us by the Catholics – can we survive as a separate entity from Rome and without the support of the state through government, media, public schools, and judicial. That is a serious test – this Nazi conundrum. Basically, you are surrounded by enemies who have complete superiority over the infrastructure of society to make “threats, ostracism, and persecution”, without public recourse in court of law or by reeducating the public to stop listening to their mass-propaganda, and with no outside support from any other countries. “I expect – and I pray I am wrong – that for a variety of reasons, true evangelical Christians will become increasingly ostracized and isolated here in North America. There may come a time when we will not be able to depend on our courts to defend our freedoms or give us a fair hearing. As Christianity is painted as the villain, we can expect lawsuits that will attempt to render us without a voice. New laws purporting to be based on the US Constitution will be enacted, attempting to force us to remain silent; our right to express our views will be restricted to within the confines of a church or the privacy of our own homes.” (Shadow Crescent Page 228-229)


Lutzer’s solution? – just deny Christ and join the Catholics in establishing “Christian” government to oppress foreigners as Donald Trump is threatening to do by Catholic Jesuit orders. Lutzer wants us to match Islam by taking over the government and writing laws against everyone else. “As we see the growing influence of Islam all around us – in every level of government, education, business, finance, the legal system, and more – and we see Islamists exploiting the freedoms of speech and religion to further their agenda, there is temptation for the church to give in, to remain silent, to appease in the hopes of preserving peace. But that approach permits Islam to prevail, and it betrays a lack of trust in God’s power and protection. I do not doubt that God has allowed Islam to spread to the extent that it has for a reason. Far from weakening the church, Islam could be used by God to strengthen it.” (Shadow Crescent Page 154) “Yes, there are Muslims among us who will insist on their freedoms to agitate and scheme to replace our US Constitution with shariah law. Unlike other religions, Islam embodies a detailed system of laws that ‘regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere - economic, social, military, legal, and political.’ It governs ‘all aspects of civil society and human life, both public and private.’ Because shariah is based on the Quran and other sacred writings, and because the Quran is ‘the letter-perfect revelation of Allah’s guidance to humanity,’ observant Muslims view shariah as superseding all other forms of law.” (Shadow Crescent Page 175) You can see Lutzer’s comparison to God giving His law and Word to Israel in attempt to convince us to establish that kind of law in America, that does not pertain to America and would be an attempt to steal the kingdom from Israel which is wrong. But it would also allow Rome to blame “Protestants” rather than themselves for the cruelties of global domination for New World Order. This would actually partner quite well with Islam’s goals in hostility to Israel if “Christians” befriend Muslims for “moral majority” American government against secularism, instead of befriending and partnering to help Israel and Jews as our primary interest for friendship.


Think of what might happen if every Muslim in America knew just one Christian who would shatter the stereotype that many Muslims have of Christians. After all, they frequently hear that America is a “Christian nation,” and thus they all too readily associate Christianity with the values of Hollywood, the violence in our streets, and other unbiblical aspects of secular culture. We cannot tremble in fear or stand aloof; we must engage Muslims, many of whom are open to friendship and mutual interaction. On a news program I was asked, ‘What is the greatest obstacle that the church faces today? I had to confess that the greatest challenge we face might be within the church itself – the dimness of our light is just as much a problem as the depth of the world’s darkness.“ (Shadow Crescent Page 220) This would blame Protestants and Muslims in America for training the Antichrist, rather than Jesuits and Vatican who really are the ones who will train the Antichrist. “‘Christianity in Germany bears a greater responsibility before God than the National Socialists, the SS and the Gestapo.’ So said Martin Niemoller during a lecture in Switzerland in 1946. If it is true that the strength of the church is determined by its impact in society, Niemoller just might have been right.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 243) “Yet those who saved their lives lost them, and those who lost their lives saved them. What might have happened if the church had condemned Nazism with one unified voice?” (Hitler’s Cross Page 192) “If political and military victories are an indicator of the truthfulness of a religion, then the religion of the future Antichrist will be the most ‘truthful’ of all time. I say this not because I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim, but to call attention to the fact that even the greatest political and religious power in all human history will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth.” (Shadow Crescent Page 144) So you see they think that they’ve got us either way in America – trying to blame us for the Antichrist – either through inaction against rising political overthrow by occultists/Jesuits/Muslims or unified action with Jesuits against rising political overthrow by occultist/Muslims. The Jesuits always disappear afterward. Have you ever heard about the Jesuits involved in Hitler’s regime that we thoroughly outlined in Argument #1? Nope. Non-existent as an entity. We get blamed by the Jesuits who control the media, education, politics, judicial, etc in any Protestant country that Rome is at war with. Lutzer believes that God will allow Islam to conquer America partially – just enough to force a marriage of Islam and Christianity – Crislam as we explain later in this argument.


That the Brotherhood has a vision for a different America is clear. In 1996, Abdurahman Alamoudi, a top agent of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, declared, ‘I have no doubt in my mind, Muslims sooner or later will be the moral leadership of America. It depends on me and you, either we do it now or we do it after a hundred years, but this country will become a Muslim country.’ Though it is sobering to consider the mind-set of such Islamists in our midst, my intent in quoting them is not to frighten us, but to instruct us.” (Shadow Crescent 179-180) “I do not doubt that God has allowed Islam to spread to the extent that it has for a reason. Far from weakening the church, Islam could be used by God to strengthen it.” (Shadow Crescent Page 154) “We must realize the possibility that despite our prayerful efforts, we at best might be able to slow but not stop shariah’s growing influence from eroding away the religious freedom we enjoy in the West. Given the West’s current posture of submission, a posture that all too quickly caves to the demands of Islamist activist organizations, we are conceding more and more ground to the Islamist agenda. If Europe is instructive, we can expect an onslaught of restrictions that will be imposed upon us non-Muslims as we seek to accommodate a religion whose stated goal is to conquer the world, peacefully, if possible, but by force and terrorism if necessary. This calls for all of us to get involved, yet not necessarily in the same ways. Each of us possesses varying skills, connections, and concerns that will help define the role we take. Some of us are able to focus on education, others on politics or law. Some of us can get involved with organizations that are active in taking a stand for our constitutional freedoms.” (Shadow Crescent Page 220-221) So you can see the dual-ownership of America’s laws in Lutzer’s accusations here. He sees a joint-moral-partnership of Islam and Protestantism because Protestants are “too weak”. “Meanwhile, however, a weak and sickly church is not a credit to our triumphant Christ… All across Europe and the United Kingdom we are seeing what happens to a church that is in a weakened state. We cannot assume that if we are strong now, we will remain so. Will the levees hold?” (Shadow Crescent Page 56)


Lutzer sees this as a necessary argument between three monotheistic Abrahamic religions that he blames on God. ““In the instances when Christians were pressured to convert to Islam, they were told that all true Christians were really already Muslims. Islam regards itself as the most complete and final religion, with Christianity and Judaism in its early roots. After all, Abraham is regarded as the father of all three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muslims believe that Judaism and Christianity had been abrogated and had become corrupted, and that if these religions were purified, all Jews and Christians would become Muslims. Muhammad himself taught that Abraham was actually a Muslim rather than a Jew (Sura 3:67). In the Quran, it is said the disciples identified themselves as Muslims (Sura 3:52; 5:111). Because Islam would ultimately triumph over all other religions (Sura 48:28), and it had superseded Judaism and Christianity, ‘it would no longer be acceptable for Jews – or Christians – to follow their old religion; they had to acknowledge Muhammad, and become Muslims too, like everyone else.’ A question I have often pondered is this: Why has Islam been able to obliterate the church in a way that Communism has not?  (Shadow Crescent Page 68) And yes, that was Lutzer there speaking out of the abundance of evil in his heart asking why Islam is prevailing over “Judaism” and “Christianity” and saying that Abraham is regarded as the father of Islam because of his son Ishmael intermarrying with Esau – the families of Arabia. Further, Lutzer asks why Islam and not Communism prevails over Christianity and Judaism. But of course, that is just to blame both Fascism and Communism on Protestants and Jews as the old anti-Israeli propaganda goes around the world. The conflict between America and Russia supposedly solidified this argument as “Christianity” versus “Jewish” “atheism”. But Israelis do not want to move back to Israel because of lack of belief in God, nor are they hesitant to return because of lack of belief – but rather in response to massive threats for centuries against their very existence for simply being Jewish and loving God and opposing cruel human rule that now openly poses as “god’s discipline” and replacement counterfeit “kingdom of God”.



Islam - “That promise applied to the Christians in ancient Smyrna, and it still applies to us today. Even when we are seemingly thrown into the hands of the devil, we are still in the hands of God.” (Shadow Crescent Page 94)  Yes, throughout history there are many instances in which a church has been thrown into the hands of a devil, and it has not survived – at least in its visible form.” (Shadow Crescent Page 83)

Protestantism - “Christianity in Germany bears a greater responsibility before God than the National Socialists, the SS and the Gestapo.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 243)  For all practical purposes, it seems as though the tide has turned and we’re winning the war against radical Islamists who desire to punish ‘the Great Satan,’ or America.” (Shadow Crescent Page 30)

Communism - “Why has Islam been able to obliterate the church in a way that Communism has not?... That’s astonishing when we consider the many hardships and restrictions that have been imposed upon Chinese believers under Communism.” (Shadow Crescent Page 67-68)  H. G. Wells said that someday there would be a worldwide revolution consisting of a great multitude and variety of overlapping groups ‘all organized for collective and political and social educational as well as propagandist action.’ He continues: ‘It will be a great world movement as widespread and evident as socialism or communism. It will largely take the place of these movements. It will be more. it will be a world religion.” (God’s Devil Page 215-216)

Anarchy - “Lucifer knew that there would be some consequences to his anarchy, but he had no idea what those would be.” (God’s Devil Page 41) “Since the first sin that ever was committed was rebellion, this sin must be listed first… these and a dozen other kinds of rebellion delight the evil one. The ‘look out for number one’ philosophy did not originate in the human mind but was first embraced by Lucifer when he substituted his will for God’s.” (God’s Devil Page 173)

Statism - “With the existence of God wiped from the consciousness of the ruling elite and with the exaltation of the state above the laws of ordinary men, Hitler was free to pursue his goals. Dostoyevsky was right: If God does not exist, everything is permissible.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 44)  The broken cross of the political savior and the cross of the spiritual Savior would unite to lead Germany out of its abyss to the glorious heights of self-respect and unify the German-speaking areas of Europe.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 128)

Democracy - “That work is of course commendable, since, in a democracy, we must join forces with all those who hold to family values, regardless of their religious commitment or lack of it.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 258)  Democracy was the stepping-stone to dictatorship.” (When A Nation Forgets God Page 40)

Dictatorship - “But let’s not overlook the fact that they wanted a dictatorship; they yearned for a strong leader who would bypass the slow pace of democratic reform… Democracy might be preferable when times are good; a dictatorship works best when times are bad.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 21)


The one he makes all “of God” is Theocracy (not speaking of Israel under leaders who were Prophets from God – rather he is talking about Church as the State), and with a hard twist – that the Roman Catholic world government tries to sit in that seat - “God will have proven that man cannot rule himself; all attempts to take the scepter from the Almighty were futile and foolish.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 95) “1. God takes initiative in the battle. He says, ‘I will’. Lucifer had said, ‘I will,’ and now God says, ‘I will.’ Two wills would be in conflict in an attempt to rule the world. Even before man could look to God for help, God already promised it. If there was a mess to be cleaned up, God would do it.” (God’s Devil Page 80) “He describes God’s law, which we have broken, as ‘the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us’ (Colossians 2:14). Whether we know it or not, God’s commandments have a claim over us. We are not free to write our own rules for the simple reason that God has already written them. But these laws were ‘hostile’ to us; before them we stand condemned. So these decrees had to be taken out of the way before fellowship with God was possible. In the courts of Paul’s day, if you were brought before a judge, there had to be a hearing where the accused would be interrogated to see whether there was enough evidence to warrant a trial (today, we are more sophisticated and call it a grand jury). Recall that when accusations were made against Christ, Pilate questioned Him to see whether He deserved a hearing. When he saw that the charges were false, he said to the multitude, ‘I did not find this man guilty of any of your charges against him’ (Luke 23:14). Nevertheless, Pilate’s cowardice led him to submit to the cries of the mob. In our case, God does not have to ask us questions to probe for clues of guilt or innocence.” (God’s Devil Page 106) That last line is the rule of Inquisitions.

And now pretending to rule the world through America -

And yet we need to remember that, as happened with Israel, God could be trying to get the attention of Western Europe and America. We have thousands of churches; we have Bibles available for everyone to read; we have an abundance of Christian television and radio; we have Christian books that address every imaginable need; we have conferences and seminars and retreats galore. And above all, we have the freedom to preach the gospel, to witness to our friends, and to live for Christ. And yet the church isn’t all it could be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 142)


The Christian cross demanded the blood of Christ; the swastika demanded the blood of the Jewish nation.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 118)

Thus the Protestants were divided into two groups, each claiming to constitute the church, each claiming to be the heirs of the Reformation. Many pastors were undecided; others hoped they could simply continue their ministries without choosing sides. Hitler, however, would not allow them the luxury of indecision. Eventually they would have to choose either Caesar or Christ. The swastika would not be content with dual allegiance.”” (Hitler’s Cross Page 172) 

The cross of Christ was a symbol of that death and could never be confused with a swastika, which was a symbol of man’s quest for life.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 232)

Because Islam would ultimately triumph over all other religions (Sura 48:28), and it had superseded Judaism and Christianity, ‘it would no longer be acceptable for Jews – or Christians – to follow their old religion; they had to acknowledge Muhammad, and become Muslims too, like everyone else.’ A question I have often pondered is this: Why has Islam been able to obliterate the church in a way that Communism has not?” (Shadow Cross page 168)  But the Austrians turned Suleiman back, giving him his first defeat.  (Shadow Crescent Page 147)  He continues: ‘It will be a great world movement as widespread and evident as socialism or communism. It will largely take the place of these movements. It will be more. it will be a world religion.” (God’s Devil Page 216)  Why indeed should the church survive if atheists also possessed a credible form of morality?” (Shadow Crescent Page 129) And of course, Lutzer never once mentions Freemasonry or Jesuits, so we don’t have that. But these are the systems training the Antichrist, but still not quite as strong/brutal as the Catholics – or so they’d like to think. “Just as Hitler suppressed rival worship and practically crushed the church, so antichrist will destroy all opposition. Christianity and Judaism will especially be his targets. Before him almost all knees will bow.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 88) ”With God, righteousness ultimately prevails. In the same way, whatever victories Islam has known to this day have been permitted by the hand of God. But it’s all temporary. In the end, the Lord Jesus Christ will stand victorious. He will set up His kingdom on earth, and all will kneel to His authority.” (Shadow Crescent Page 141) We discuss the Catholic replacement of Israel as the Kingdom in the next Argument #14.


Lutzer constantly suggests that the devil is the lesser evil and that God is “the Great Satan” (as Islam puts it). Have a look at this Muslim moon “god” analogy which makes the devil a reflection of God to humans but that can also block out the fact that Lutzer would see “God” as the cause of it all and the real source of heat – remember he says God has his hand on the thermostat of the Holocaust ovens. “Our devil is too big if we think we have to fulfill a vow to him; our devil is too big if we are victims of a curse that has been put upon us. Our devil is too big if we live in fear that our future is in his hands. One writer offered this helpful illustration: A single quarter lifted to the eye can obscure the blazing light of the sun, a star whose diameter is 865,000 miles. Just so, Satan, if we let him, can cause us to block out our vision of God. He can give us the terrifying optical illusion that, at least in this life, he is just about as big as God. Remember, Satan gets more power as we give it to him! Satan is just as strong as we believe him to be.” (God’s Devil Page 23) It is interesting that Lutzer would use this analogy since the larger heat source of the Nazis was the Jesuit Catholics. They even sold the ovens to Auschwitz. Most people focus on the National Socialist politicians and SS officers and death camp operators, but the biggest Nazis were the ones who organized the global landscape for hostilities and to reshape everything according to the Pope’s desires. But Lutzer really sees God and the devil as equals – using the same tactics. “To put it differently, God’s best for him and his best for himself were actually one and the same.” (God’s Devil Page 34) Remember this quote showing Lucifer using the exact tactics that Lutzer described God supposedly using to trap Lucifer and cause him to make the first misstep to a mountain-slide of evils and acting as an invisible force directing trouble and making the knowledge of good and evil look like “good fruit” on a “good tree”. “Satan has continued to use the same strategy throughout history. He did not come to King David and say, ‘David I hate you and have a nasty plan for your life… I want to destroy you, your family, and your kingdom. You have to cooperate and commit adultery with Bathsheba as the first step in the series of dominoes… Nor does he show us the final state of those who hold to wrong beliefs about the Bible, Christ, and salvation. His strategy is to give people what they want but to make sure they eventually get what he want them to have. You usually don’t try to catch a mouse without a trap. A mousetrap is important because you can use it in your stead to catch your victim while you remain out of view. A trap can hold out the promise of food and fulfillment while keeping the consequences concealed.” (God’s Devil Page 51-52)


Though most agree that at the end of the day God will win, some people live and talk as if it will be a close finish. Well, it won’t be! I shall say it one more time: The devil is just as much God’s servant in his rebellion as he was God’s servant in the days of his sweet obedience.” (God’s Devil Page 124) But he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. “Third, the gift of martyrdom is also what kept Satan from winning a victory. John wrote: ‘And they did not love their life even when faced with death’ (v.11).” (God’s Devil Page 218) And that is another loophole Lutzer sees that can be exploited as we explain in Arguments #17 and #18. “To be fair, I must mention that many believe that we will bring in the kingdom on earth; then Christ will return to crown our efforts. Even Christians who should have known better have taught what theologians call postmillennialism, that is, the idea that we will usher in the kingdom and then Christ will return to wrap up history. This optimistic view of our efforts has been discredited, but still has some adherents in our time. Thankfully, their numbers are few.” (God’s Devil Page 229) Lutzer thinks they can be martyred in the Tribulation and come back as the victors in God’s kingdom because they were claiming Jesus as Savior for their sins and they did it the right way – by dying and playing victimhood as if that were God’s primary principle. By this concept, Vikings, Muslims, Catholics, Dictators, Satan, and really just about anybody could be the good guy. Even the Jesuits.


“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” 2 Timothy 3:1-5


In 1521, when Martin Luther declared at the Diet of Worms, ‘My conscience is taken captive by God’s Word… [and] to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us,’ he introduced the revolutionary idea that in matters of religion, people should be free to follow their own conscience. And although it took many years before this principle was fully realized in Europe, it came to fruition because brave people, such as Luther, insisted that following God was more important than obeying the laws of men. This vision of freedom informed the Founding Fathers of the United States, who knew that such freedom had to rest on an affirmation of faith in a God who gave to mankind ‘certain unalienable rights.’ Islam, of course, does not respect freedom of conscience. Rather, it keeps its adherents bound by fear – fear that if they were to leave their faith they would be killed, most likely by members of their own families. In Chicago, whenever I get into a cab driven by a Muslim, I always initiate a friendly dialogue with him. After talking with him about the role of Jesus in the Quran, I ask this question: ‘If you were to convert to Christianity, do you think you should be put to death?’ Some drivers say no, and others say yes. When I ask who should kill them, they are usually unsure, but volunteer that ‘someone who is in charge’ should do the deed. So even here in America, some Muslims hold to the view that to convert from Islam to Christianity could very well mean the loss of their life.” (Shadow Crescent Page 71-72)  Notice how Lutzer uncomfortable avoids the fact that he does not believe God actually allows freedom of choice which Lutzer is WRONGLY calling “freedom of conscience throughout his book. It is not a matter of conscience to deny God’s Truth (as Lutzer said about the devil being in sin as a “moral necessity” after his fall), but it is a matter of choice. Lutzer says rather bluntly at points that he wants to believe that God is the one allowing Islam to take away freedom of choice. So that would make Freemasons and Jesuits (who called themselves Deists at the time) more generous and loving than God?? Wow!


One convert explained to one of our pastors at The Moody Church that he accepted Christ after reading John chapter 6 in the Bible, where Jesus respected His disciples’ freedom of choice and gave them the option of leaving Him. After many of them left, ‘Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”’ (verse 67 NKJV). The implication is that they could have left Him if they had wanted to. How contrary to Muhammad, who commanded that those who left his teachings be put to death. In the mind of this convert, Jesus was to be admired for respecting freedom of conscience. Why does Islam not allow such freedom? There are two reasons: one is the strict prohibition against Muslims converting to Christianity. To do so is to be an apostate. In some Muslim countries, a person who leaves Islam will face severe punishment, imprisonment, or execution. Even in the West, Muslims who convert are almost always rejected by their families, ostracized and persecuted by the Muslim community, and are the recipients of death threats. The other reason Islam prohibits freedom of conscience is more practical: If Islam were to no longer observe conversion as apostasy, there is little doubt that tens of thousands – if not millions – of Muslims would reject Islam for another religion, or for no religion at all. It is fear that keeps Muslims bound to Islam, not their own search for truth. When Lina Joy, a Malay woman, wanted to have her conversion to Christianity recognized by the Malaysian courts, the Arabic media network Al-Jazeera suggested that ‘if Malaysia allows conversions to Christianity this could trigger off “mass conversions” from Islam.’ No doubt it would! After several years of legal battles, Lina Joy was denied her request that she be identified as a Christian on her ID card.” (Shadow Crescent Page 72) But other times, Erwin Lutzer pretends that you are born with your religion. “The 73 million people who live there are predominantly Muslim, and only .2 percent are Christian, Jewish, or of other religious backgrounds. The fact that Turkey, which was once dotted with churches, is 99.8 percent Muslim today serves as evidence that Christianity does not always prevail in the places where it is established… ” (Shadow Crescent Page 27) By those two quotes, Lutzer admits that he knows the Muslims completely distort all of the numbers. That is a pretty serious lie. Lutzer pretends they are killing millions of Christians, while knowing full well that they are chasing them out of their countries – with no records and no rights to show they were ever there – or else refusing to allow them to be Christian or Jewish because Islam “supersedes” Judaism and Christianity and therefore they are all Muslim whether they like it or not. And why does Lutzer quote John 16:1-4 on the topic of Islam??


Jesus never promised we would live in countries with freedom of conscience. What He did promise us is that He would walk with us through whatever fire we are expected to endure. He gave His disciples candid instructions about the soon-to-come companionship of the Holy Spirit, and then He followed with this warning: All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them (John 16:1-4). Jesus warned His followers of persecution, even to the point of death. Even so, we are called to remain faithful.“ (Shadow Crescent Page 77)   


But let’s not overlook the fact that they wanted a dictatorship; they yearned for a strong leader who would bypass the slow pace of democratic reform… Democracy might be preferable when times are good; a dictatorship works best when times are bad.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 21) “So it was that on November 9, 1918, the Republic was proclaimed. After six months of debate, a constitution was adopted that, on paper at least, appeared capable of bringing about a stable democracy. It incorporated ideas from England, France, and the United States… Hitler blamed the arson on a Communist conspiracy and induced Hindenburg to sign a decree ‘for the protection of the people and the state’ that suspended individual liberties. The Nazis could then search homes without a warrant and confiscate property, and outlaw the meetings of groups that might oppose them. By signing the decree, Hindenburg was actually acting in accordance with the Weimar Constitution which stipulated that the president could bypass Parliament in the event of an emergency.” (Page 37, 41-42) Lutzer does not bother to explain that they intend to do this here and had Skull and Bones member George W. Bush write an executive order (which has no legal bearing against the constitution or laws) that allows him to do this exact thing – suspend freedoms in the incident of a crisis or emergency. But our Constitution does not allow that thankfully, so they would just be committing treason if they were to try that. When God allowed Christians to settle here in America away from the persecution of Europe, this was one of the stipulations designed into the Constitution by God’s guidance on the people to pressure the Freemasons and Jesuits that they dare not take away authority for themselves without balance of power. We need to continue to require that of them – to actually follow the laws – which they refuse to do in their constant adding of corporate regulations on the people – without Amendments or approval of the people by a two-thirds or three-quarters majority under honest polling conditions or with honest representatives in the Congress that aren’t just forced two-party candidates. Our Constitution is actually an agreement by the people with Holy God and we hold that agreement. It was not agreement with Freemason and Jesuit masters.


The Moody Church in Chicago is surely one of the most beautiful churches in America. Built in honor of the famous evangelist Dwight Lyman Moody and dedicated in 1925, this structure is a combination of Romanesque and Byzantine architecture. In fact, its architecture was inspired by Hagia Sophia (the Church of Holy Wisdom) in the city of Istanbul, Turkey… But I wanted to see this famous church with my own eyes. God answered my prayers, and it has been my privilege to visit the Church of Holy Wisdom in Istanbul twice during the past few years.” (Shadow Crescent Page 43)  The history of the Church of Holy Wisdom gives us a window into Islamists’ goal of turning churches into mosques. Dedicated in the sixth century in what was then ancient Constantinople, this church was for many years the greatest one in all of Christendom - until it was turned into a mosque in 1453 after a conquest by the Ottoman Turks… Though the city of Istanbul is not one of the seven cities mentioned in Revelation 2-3, I write about it because what happened there on a large scale has in some ways taken place in hundreds of smaller cities and towns throughout Turkey… The Church of Holy Wisdom was dedicated by the great emperor Justinian in AD 537, who, when giving his dedication speech, said, ‘Solomon, I have outdone thee!’ (Shadow Crescent Page 44)  For many years the Ottoman sultans had conspired to capture this capital city of the weakening Byzantine Empire. They had made several previous attempts, and this time they accomplished their goal.” (Shadow Crescent Page 44)  But thanks to disagreements of one kind or another, even the Pope was deaf to his pleas. Within the enormous walls of the city were about 50,000 people who had no other option but to hold on to their faith in God and the church… The Byzantine emperor gave a speech to his subjects, telling them they had to be ready to face death and sacrifice themselves without fear. ‘They had lived in a great city and they were now going to die defending it. As for himself, he was going to die fighting for his faith, for his city and for his people.’ Thousands crowded within the church, hoping that God would protect them there. The priests were conducting masses, and the people were singing and crying. After the emperor visited the church, he rode back to his palace to say goodbye to his household. Then he rode away into battle, and was never seen again.” (Shadow Crescent Page 45)


Notice how Lutzer is projecting all of this onto The Moody Church that was built in its honor, not in honor of Dwight Moody. Lutzer hears prophetic ring to Islam defeating Moody’s family on behalf of the Jesuits in Chicago, since they have not quite been able to shut it down. Notice how Lutzer says that the Pope was deaf to their pleas because of various disagreements. And notice the reference to Solomon who is credited wrongly by satanic Freemason builders-guild of the Catholic Cathedrals as being the head of Freemasonry. Lutzer knows this, even if you don’t. Notice that it was under siege for years while the Pope tried to force all of the people back into the fold of the Catholic power, but they were obstinate. So the Pope finally sent the armies to destroy and kill while the emperor pretended to go fight and really just probably abandoned them to die. Priests were conducting the masses (which means death ceremony basically). And Lutzer says the people had no choice but to hold onto faith in God and the “church”. Lutzer is projecting this whole story onto The Moody Church. Lutzer wants that curse of Hagia Sophia to apply to Dwight Moody’s community friends.


A few pages later in the same chapter, Lutzer describes this: “And the doctrine of ‘sacred space’ dictates that once territory belongs to Islam, it can never again be surrendered, as explained by Clare M. Lopez, a former CIA operations officer who is now a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy: ‘The concept of ‘sacred space’ is well-developed in Islamic law (shariah) and holds that all land on earth has been given by Allah to Muslims in perpetuity. According to this belief, inasmuch as the world already belongs in its entirety to Muslims, they are both destined and obligated to dominate it. In practice, however, pursuit of this global objective proceeds incrementally and includes both advances and retreats. Land already once conquered or occupied by Muslims, whenever in history that may have occurred, is considered waqf, or a holy endowment from Allah to the ummah (the Muslim people) forever. If such space has been lost in battle or for any other reason, it is the duty of all Muslims to regain it, by jihad if necessary.’ This concept of sacred space is a key reason that the Middle East conflict will never end. Back in AD 637, Muslim armies besieged and conquered Jerusalem, and in 692, the Dome of the Rock was completed on the Temple Mount, directly above the site where the Jewish temple once stood. But today the Holy Land is occupied by Israel, which means there can be no peace until the Muslims win back what they perceive to be their land. The doctrine of sacred space is what leads Muslim conquerors to build their mosques and other structures right on top of destroyed churches and other religious structures… According to the Center for Security Policy, much of the money for these extravagant building programs comes from Saudi Arabia. Worth noting is that many mosques are built larger than would seem necessary. That’s because their planners are anticipating future growth. They are looking ahead to an Islamic future. At the time of this writing, the debate still continues over the proposed building of a mosque near Ground Zero. In this case, the plan is for a warehouse damaged by the 9/11 attacks to be torn down so the new structure can be built. The plan was to call the project Cordoba House, which generated great controversy because Cordoba is the name of a Christian city in Spain that was conquered by Muslims in the eighth century. In keeping with Islamic practice, the invaders converted a cathedral into what is the third-largest mosque complex in the world. So for Muslims, the name Cordoba House has definite significance – to the point of strongly suggesting the idea of conquest with regard to the site of Ground Zero. The public outcry was so great that more recently the project was renamed Park51 (a reference to the address, 51 Park Place” (Shadow Crescent in reference to Lutzer’s Page 51 – sorry, that was a joke; we couldn’t help it; it’s on page 51.) So do you see the projection of ‘sacred space’ possession onto The Moody Church from the Hagia Sophia after Chicago is “conquered by Muslims” – or so they wish, based on ‘sacred space’ being projected to the World Trade Towers from the Cordoba House Mosque in Spain after the overthrow of 9/11 terrorist attacks? As an aside, if you still think Muslims are the “terrorists” who committed 9/11 terrorism, you seriously need to do some studying and looking around. Many people have done enough research and talking to prove easily that it was not Muslims. In fact, the man in the White House right now, Jesuit non-President (he was not elected but used election fraud that has happened for several election cycles now) Donald Trump, has more to do with 9/11 terrorism than almost anyone else in the world. Look up their New York family history and Nikolai Tesla and FBI connections and German Nazi history and false flag terrorism even with the Columbine shootings in Colorado in 1999. Please learn who the real terrorists are – the Jesuit Nazis. Then you won’t be confused into war against Muslims either on this soil or on any other soil.


Okay, so now back to Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Erwin Lutzer, Mark Jobe, Rahm Emmanuel, and Ed Stetzer’s overthrow of Moody Church. So because the Catholic “Church” likes to “discipline the disobedient” acting as the devil – they really want to get back at Dwight Moody’s community friends for establishing a Christian fellowship structure in the heart of what they want to pretend is their territory. They don’t do very good research – there are so many Christians and Israelis in Chicago that are not even slightly interested in serving Jesuits or Muslims. So Rahm Emmanuel (former Chicago Mayor and partner-in-crime) and Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett (Moody Northfield grad and senior mentor to Barack Obama) and James Meeks (mentored by Jesse Jackson who was next to Martin Luther King Jr. when he was killed by the Jesuits) and so many other top politicians from that state have made wide open paths for the Muslims to have inroads through taxi services and other businesses there. Barack Obama is the Muslim former non-President whose real name we do not know since he had tons of false identifications along the way which is why his buddy Donald Trump made jokes about it and who also was not a natural born U.S. citizen). And Mark Jobe understands that the goal for the Lausanne Vatican 2 “Global City” program in Chicago and any New World Order hub will be segregated communities (Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Asian, Slavic, Latin American, African, etc) ruled by their biggest bullies and partnered together in Freemason unity government. Erwin Lutzer knows that The Moody Church is projected to go down and be turned into a mosque, which is why he could not be there when it happens otherwise he would be caught having caused the collapse. Ed Stetzer serves in Billy Graham’s old seat at the Jesuit Wheaton College while also serving as the North American Representative to Lausanne Vatican 2 Movement in Switzerland. And Stetzer knows the Muslim secrets at The Moody Church and knows how to cover it. This is the reason Stetzer left LifeWay Resources was to become the replacement to Lutzer, because if Lutzer gets caught in this program, so many of Lutzer’s partners will be caught in all of these evils. If these Jesuits we’ve just named get caught attacking Moody’s community and especially the Jews of Chicago, there will be some interesting conversations to be had. Chicago hosts the largest Polish Roman Catholic community in North America who are blamed for complacency or conspiracy with the Nazis against the Jews in Germany. So you see that this conversation is set to happen again in Chicago for some reason. The Nazi conundrum all over again with some preset conclusion that they expect to make a globally forced story. THEY DON’T EVEN CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO CHICAGO in the midst of this evil, they just want their international propaganda story that they will tell how they want it told.


And now back to Lutzer’s role in this program. Lutzer is the spokesperson for the Pope’s version of the story of “apocalypse” in Chicago even before anything happens. In other words, they knew they were going to be caught soon, so they are having to rush-ship deliver the messages they want to be known to FEMA clergy around the country to get a cacophony of voices all saying their intended outcome in Chicago, even if the real situation doesn’t happen as they planned it. In this next quote from Lutzer, we show him saying that Muslims who add Christianity to their religion are already at baptized at The Moody Church by him for many years. He says they will not identify publicly with Christ. But in most cases in a peaceful country like America, that is because they are part of Crislam or the Insider Movement or are practicing “taqiyya” – denying that they are Muslim when in the presence of “unbelievers”. Barack Obama is a perfect example of this. In the case of Chicago, it is for the satanic intent of infiltration of “churches” toward Muslim or atheistic overthrow as young satanists are required to do. “Yet tolerance of different points of view often goes in only one direction. In the years that I have served as pastor of The Moody Church, we have had former Muslims give their testimony of conversion from Islam to Christianity. In each case we were asked by the person to not advertise their coming beyond our own membership lest Muslims attend to disrupt the services, as frequently happens when such a witness is given.” (Shadow Crescent Page 226) Lutzer literally has to pressure us to recognize them, because he knows they don’t sound Christian at all and in fact they sound Muslim or atheistic. So Lutzer has to pretend that it’s just because of severe persecution and that we just have to be patient with their hesitancy to proclaim their “faith” in Christ. There is no Muslim attacks on churches because of “conversions” to Christianity – that is a lie. And it is not just that it has been avoided by keeping secrets about who converts to faith. The real secret is that they refuse to announce their “conversion” because then Muslims would have to admit that they knew their agents were sneaking into churches. Even that term “conversion” means “to change from one form or function to another”. Lutzer is intentionally using this term. Remember, Lutzer believes Islam, Catholicism”, and Kabbalah all have Abraham as their “spiritual father”. So Lutzer is saying they just altered their doctrines slightly within the same mono-theistic belief in the one “god” Allah. We have met them; that is how we can say this. We also know about a FEMA clergy (which Lutzer is – as we expect to explain in Argument #16) who brought Muslims to a staff meeting at the giant mega-church to announce them as being Christians and saying that they “believe in Jesus”. This same FEMA clergy Joel Hunter also partners with Council for American Islamic Relations and Muslim Brotherhood and in interfaith dialogue with famous homosexual Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson and friends and with Bill Gates’ Interfaith Hospitality Network and with the Pulse (gay night club) false-flag “victims” and with Moody Church’s former “evangelism pastor” Matt Heard who replaced Joel as Lead Pastor. Joel Hunter is also friends with Professor John Fuder’s “community outreach” partner Noel Castellanos – both Joel Hunter and Noel served on Barack Obama’s religious advisory board since 2011. This is not a new story to us in Orlando.


 This is what Samuel Zwemer, the great missionary pioneer who ministered to Muslims, wrote: ‘The student of Islam will never understand the common people unless he knows the reasons for their curious beliefs and practices… all of which still blind and oppress the mind and heart with constant fear of the unseen… Witchcraft, sorcery, spells, and charms are the background of the native Muslim psychology to an extent that is realized only by those who have penetrated most deeply into the life of the people. We must understand the nature of the spiritual battle that holds Muslims in its grip. Therefore, only spiritual resources can break such bondage, and that includes prayer – desperate prayer. A pastor from Uganda, who had witnessed great persecution at the hands of Muslims, said this to a panel of leading revivalists at Moody Bible Institute: … What we learned is that revival will come either through devastation or desperation. So my question for you in America is, What are you doing to make sure the revival comes through desperation and not devastation?” (Shadow Crescent Page 211)


We can expect such abuses of the law to increase in the years to come, and we can expect that anyone who voices legitimate concerns about granting special exemptions to Muslims will be called names: Islamophobic, prejudiced, racist, demagogues, fearmongers, purveyors of hate, and worse. A key reason Islamists resort to such name-calling is that it allows them to completely dismiss legitimate issues and viewpoints without having to deal with the truthfulness or falsity of the ideas themselves. This tactic is perfectly consistent with what Muslims call taqiyya, which ‘refers to the practice of deception in order to keep Muslims safe.’ It permits Muslims to suspend their religious convictions and lie – or even deny their faith – when they fear threat or injury. This concept of taqiyya is taught in the Quran: ‘Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than Believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them’ (3:28). One Muslim commentator said this about taqiyya: ‘It is lawful for a believer… to keep his faith concealed and to behave in such a manner as to create the impression that he is on the same side as his enemies… he may even state that he is not a believer.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 158) By the term “believer” they mean in Allah who is actually satan.


Remember we just showed Lutzer saying that Muslims have common ground with Christians and shortly we show him saying that Allah is the word for “God” even though he said he wouldn’t use it that way but then he did use it that way. But now Lutzer pretends again that he is not saying they are almost the same. “Second (and more relevant to the topic of this book), some people today have become advocates of what is called Crislam – that is, the bringing together of Christianity and Islam. These people say that because the Quran mentions Jesus and shares some elements in common with the Bible, Islam has common ground with Christianity. They teach that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, so in the interest of unity, we must give deference to both religions. The Insider Movement, different in emphasis but still problematic, teaches it is possible to be a Christian and remain a Muslim at the same time. The proponents of this movement claim ‘that Muhammad was a prophet from God, the Quran is at least partially-inspired Scripture, and it is possible for Muslims to retain their Muslim identity as ‘Muslim followers of Christ”.’ Certain religious practices must be ‘reinterpreted,’ to be sure, but because the Quran holds Jesus to be a prophet, it is believed that the common ground between the Jesus of the Quran and the Jesus of the New Testament is sufficient enough to lead people to faith in the real Jesus. Thus, Muslims are told they can follow Christ without abandoning their religion. This approach has sparked a far-ranging controversy within Christian ministries involved in outreach efforts in Muslim countries.” (Shadow Crescent Page 123-124) Lutzer is not speaking about “Christian” ministries but Freemason and Catholic-led ministries. And Lutzer pretends there are no Christians in Muslim countries just because the government won’t recognize them as anything other than Muslim, so he is just lying. There are Muslims who renounce the ways of the devil and their false religion and submit to God, but it is sadly not a simple “conversion” – it comes with much pain and loss. And they are not rejected by Christians who have the same Spirit of God in them, so who knows who it is that Lutzer is speaking to, but it’s not Christians.


And let us courageously stand with converts from Islam to Christianity who find themselves unwelcomed in churches because of the fear that their presence might spark retaliation to the converts or the church. We must welcome and affirm them as members of the body of Christ, and take time to befriend and nurture them in the Christian faith.” (Shadow Crescent Page 217)



Argument #14: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer uses Church Replacement doctrine (should be called Israel Replacement doctrine) to make the Catholic Church appear to be God’s “Church”. Lutzer uses “ancient Israel” to make the Catholic Church sound the same. Lutzer complains at God by using Israeli prophets. Lutzer makes non-Catholics sound like “divisive” and rebellious sects/cults. But since Lutzer doesn’t have Scripture to back his lies and threats, he resorts to lengthy analogies about pine trees in America since he knows that America is a Roman Catholic project to divert attention from the counterfeit “kingdom of God”. Lutzer makes complicated highly cryptic arguments from King Saul and King David to King Ahab to Peter and Jesus and Satan – hoping to draw some form of synthetic argument from Scripture to support his Jesuit cause for the Pope and the Jesuit General.  Lutzer says Bonhoeffer and Niemoller are our examples. Lutzer promotes Niemoller and Bonhoeffer as the solution to the Nazi and Antichrist plans – because Bonhoeffer helped shape what became the United Nations and the World Evangelical Alliance and Niemoller became President of the World Council of Churches and helped build the Lausanne Committee under Vatican 2 principles toward “unity” under the Roman Catholic Pope. We show how the Jesuit Lausanne program is identical to Muslim Brotherhood plans to take over America – showing that the Vatican needs a tension and eventual cooperative between these two programs to be the dangerous opposition to itself. Muslim Brotherhood are the Jesuit members working among Islam. Otherwise, Rome would be caught coordinating all the dots which God will do for us, to preserve His Church and Israel. Lutzer wants Islam taught in “every Bible college and seminary” saying that we should “consider it both a privilege and a duty to know about Islam”. He also comments that Saudi Arabia “generously” donated “many millions of dollars” to fund these university Islamic studies. Lutzer pushes for Jesuit-controlled interfaith dialogue to keep it under the purposes of the Vatican, knowing that they want to turn it into war at some point in the world.


To ancient Israel, a nation well acquainted with bloody massacres, massive deportations, and lost wars, God gave this promise: ‘I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness (Isaiah 42:6-7)” (Shadow Crescent Page 94) Lutzer talks as if God just does this to everyone who follows Him – bloody massacres, deportations, war, etc. Further, Lutzer suggests that they started the light and then handed it off to the Gentiles to carry it on through Rome. That is how Lutzer reads a passage like that, since Israel is not ruling God’s kingdom yet, and the modern leadership are into extreme satanic Kabbalah, but Lutzer knows that does not even slightly represent the people of Israel world-wide since many have become Christians and lost track of their heritage since they were not in the land and were oppressed and tortured specifically for knowing their heritage. (Shadow Crescent Page 94) “So when we see how Islam is spreading through the West today, we might complain as Habakkuk did and say, ‘Lord, how can this be? In Muslim countries, those who convert from Islam to Christianity are imprisoned or killed. And Islam denies Jesus’ deity and His crucifixion. Then there are the terrorists who strap bombs to themselves and blow up marketplaces, wedding receptions, and hotels. How can you allow Islam to prevail?’ And yet we need to remember that, as happened with Israel, God could be trying to get the attention of Western Europe and America. We have thousands of churches; we have Bibles available for everyone to read; we have an abundance of Christian television and radio; we have Christian books that address every imaginable need; we have conferences and seminars and retreats galore. And above all, we have the freedom to preach the gospel, to witness to our friends, and to live for Christ. And yet the church isn’t all it could be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 142)  So again, Lutzer is saying that Israel is gone at the moment, but that we can learn from their experiences. And Lutzer is saying that the Roman Catholic system has plans for the American Christians to become an evil empire, which we refuse to do.


We can take heart knowing that in the end, God will judge all things fairly. Some of those who win in this life will end up becoming losers in the next, and some who appear to be losers in this life will win in the next. In fact, Jesus promised that if we lose our life for His sake, we will find it (Matthew 10:39). In the New Testament, Paul contrasted this world with the next: ‘Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. What is seen is temporary, and what is not seen is eternal! The things of this present world will not last. Jesus will prevail, and of His kingdom ‘there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:7)” (Shadow Crescent Page 143) Lutzer does not preach a kingdom in Israel here, because he is talking about Rome as we will continue to show. “In America, our churches have, for the most part, followed an attraction model: Come to our church because we have great music, superb teaching, and wonderful family ministries. But the people in the early church saw themselves as called to live out their faith in the midst of a lost world, representing Christ to the unbelievers around them. They came together and met in homes or outdoors, strengthened one another in their small groups or communities, then went back out into the world. They had what we call a missional model – a commitment to representing the life of Christ wherever they found themselves… There may come a day when we are forced to become a Jesus movement that exists in small, relational groups rather than in structured denominations and ecclesiastical buildings. If churches were to lose their tax-exempt status, and speech laws were changed to the point that voicing even legitimate concerns about Islam was treated as a punishable offense, would the church survive? The answer to that question depends on what we understand the church to be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 128) That first part of that quote is mocking Protestants as pastor-centered and human-centered rather than Christ-centered as Catholic Mass is said to be since the centerpiece of the Mass is part of Jesus’ flesh being consumed as if that provides absolution for everyone’s sins.


Brother Andrew, whom I had the opportunity to meet many years ago, is known mainly for his work of smuggling Bibles into Russia during the dark days of Communism. Today he spreads the gospel in Muslim countries, eschewing political issues and focusing exclusively on the gospel. He has even shared the good news within the leadership of Hamas and similar terrorist organizations. Brother Andrew tells the story of sloshing through a muddy path in Lebanon with a man whom he believed to be second in command in Hamas and the imam (spiritual leader) of a nearby camp. Andrew asked the imam, ‘Do you have your prayers every day, five times a day?’ The imam replied, ‘Yes, of course.’ ‘So where do you pray? I do not see a mosque.’ The imam stroked his scraggly beard for a moment and then answered, ‘Every tent is a mosque.’ What a lesson! We already know the mosque is important to Islam, but evidently it is not essential. When there is no mosque available, every tent becomes a mosque. Imagine the strength we would have as Christians if we viewed every home as a house of prayer, or every home as a church!” (Shadow Crescent Page 130-131) Lutzer talks about persecuted American Christians scattering into small clusters as an “underground” church, and asks what do we consider the church to be? That is to point to the Catholic Church as the hero against Islam, if only we would deny Christ and proclaim the Pope as our king. And three pages later, Lutzer is quite literally comparing us to Muslim terrorists!!! So what Lutzer has just said is that if you don’t join the established church of Roman Catholicism, you Americans will become “extremists” hiding out, plotting “terrorism”, isolated and “divisive” against “brothers”, and “dangerous” to society, etc. Notice this quote from Hitler’s Cross with the intent of accusing Protestants of being “extremists” while only attributing accidental overinvolvement or uninvolvement in politics concerning the Catholics. “How then do we exalt the Cross and yet become involved in the cultural and social battles of our time? How can we avoid the mistake of the monastery as well as the mistake of the religious zealot who burns abortion clinics?” (Hitler’s Cross Page 249)


Now let’s look at a big one here! Lutzer CANNOT find Scripture to replace Israel. He is literally like Balaam “who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.” Revelation 2:14-15 Balaam had to find a way to curse Israel in order to receive the worldly benefits he sought from the king of Moab. In this case, Lutzer really has to find a way to curse Israel: ”Talk to Jewish people today, and many of them will tell you that there are no advantages to being chosen. The non-chosen, for all of their trials, have appeared to be more blessed. The chosen appear to be the cursed. With the honor of being singled out by God for blessing has come centuries of tears and persecution. And, as we shall see, there is more to come.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 100) Because Lutzer really wants the blessings of the Pope for some reason. So watch this analogy, where Lutzer uses a tree in North America to represent the counterfeit ”kingdom of God” as if it is on American soil instead of in Israel. Lutzer tries so hard to steal the blessings of Israel spoken to Isaiah all throughout Isaiah’s days as a prophet which are recorded for us and many things point to Christ. So Lutzer takes Christ and tries to run with it like as if Jesus no longer belongs to Israel but rather to the Pope. So Lutzer literally rips that tree out of Israel’s soil and tries to plant it in America with new branch shoots coming out of it. And in reality, he then totally disregards even that analogy and goes to ancient full-grown pine trees trying to describe the Catholic Church’s battle-weary, sturdy old structure as if it were God’s kingdom.


In some ways the church can be likened to a tree. When a tree is cut down to the stump, new life can grow from it. Isaiah, an Old Testament prophet, used this very illustration in a message he received from God – a message of judgment and rebirth. First, he was to warn God’s people of impending judgment, which came in the form of the Babylonian invasion, in which the people of Judah were taken into captivity. But he was also to proclaim hope for the future. ‘Though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land’ (Isaiah 6:13). The holy seed and the stump that grows in the land, is of course Christ, who will come out of Israel as a Redeemer and King. The stump of a terebinth tree may appear to be dead, but in time it can give off new shoots and give life and hope to a parched land. From its stump new seed can be scattered. Recently I read an article about the bristlecone pine, which grows primarily in the high-elevation mountain areas of eastern California, Utah, and Nevada. Some of these trees have been alive for many centuries… It turns out that the bristlecone pine has special traits that enable it to cope in one of the most austere and unfriendly environments on the planet. First, these pines grow slowly… Second, these trees put down an extensive root system… Third, the bristlecone pine has a built-in resistance to disease… Fourth, the bristlecone pine remains small in size… Finally, the only times the bristlecone pine sheds its seeds are when it is struck by lightning or it is surrounded by the intense heat of a forest fire… Ponder this question: What can your church do – or what can you do – to grow deeper and more interconnected roots to prepare for the storm that is sure to come?... We must have our roots deeply planted in the soil of God’s Word. And we must connect with other believers in fellowship and accountability.” (Shadow Crescent Page 131-134) And that is why Lutzer ends with “what can you do?” And he answers with “connect with other believers in fellowship and accountability” by which he means the Catholic powers. Now being the Jesuit, German, atheistic philosopher that Lutzer is, he still uses other Freemason reinterpretations of Scripture to reinvent the Catholic “Church” as being God’s approved kingdom. So let’s look at that.


Lutzer even uses King Saul and King David as if to represent old kingdom, new kingdom – Israel, Catholic “Church” – Old Covenant, New Covenant – King Saul, King David (who prophetically represents Jesus over the New Jerusalem Kingdom).

GOD USES SATAN TO DISCIPLINE THE DISOBEDIENT       Sometimes we choose the scene of the battle. Scholars debate whether King Saul should be classified as an Old Testament believer or an unbeliever. There is evidence on both sides of the ledger. Only God knows for sure. As for me, I think there is evidence that he was indeed a believer… Despite his marred track record, we read that the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily and he was changed into another man (1 Samuel 10:6). He had his moments of greatness, humility, and restraint. But when David enters his life, jealousy eats him alive. What really galled Saul was the Goliath incident. Not only did David have the courage to do what Saul was too fearful to attempt, but the people fell hopelessly in love with the young man who used his sling so skillfully. The women were particularly lavish in their praise: ‘Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands’ (1 Samuel 18:7). Mind you, the reason David was in the picture at all was that Saul had already been told that his days as king were over. He had disobeyed a clear command of God, and so he was in the process of being stripped of his title in favor of this young man who was described in Scripture as ‘a man after God’s own heart.’ Saul simply could not accept this public humiliation. He vented his hostility. ‘They have ascribed to David ten thousands, but to me they have ascribed thousands, and what more can he have but the kingdom?’ (v.8). Give him a passing grade for honesty, if not for humility! The comparison stung.” (God’s Devil Page 135)


There’s a bunch more to this, we’ll continue in a minute. But look at this through Lutzer’s eyes – Lutzer believes the Catholic Church has been allowed to do what it does in Inquisitions and Crusades because even God sees fit to “discipline the disobedient”. Lutzer believes it was acceptable to use atheist powers such as Nazis, such as Vikings, such as Muslims – to torment Israel, because he wants to believe that God has justified the abuse because of Israel’s past sins as if God just doesn’t let up on the torture and exile if you go against Him. Lutzer believes that God allows Catholics to choose the scene of the battle against the devil, such as in Germany against the Jews – ouch, definitely not true! We have already shown how Lutzer justifies God causing the Holocaust to “discipline the disobedient” – which is a horrible lie. So Lutzer reads the whole Bible like this – like a Freemason Jesuit Satanist looking for ways to distort the history in favor of Rome and the Pope. Lutzer talks about the Catholic Nicolaitan arrogant debates as to whether the Old Testament kingdom really followed God or not and shows that they really did have the power of God on them and had moments of “greatness, humility, and restraint”. But Lutzer then uses this prophetic history toward Jesus to instead promote the Catholics – so you can hear both God’s prophecy through the life of David, but you can also hear Lutzer’s distorted application to Rome and the Pope. When Jesus came to establish the kingdom on earth with his disciples (and Lutzer thinks specifically Peter as if he were the first pope), then Lutzer thinks they did what the Israelis were “too fearful to attempt” (killing Goliath analogy) and the people of the world fell hopelessly in love with the Catholic “kingdom” instead of Israel as the solution to the world’s problems. The people ascribed accomplishments that made Israel jealous (and Lutzer thinks even turned to the dark side to connive through Rothschild mafia power – though he knows these are Jesuits and not Jews) and multitudes of followers flocked to Jesus (as if Jesus was against Israel) because the days of the Old Kingdom were over because they had “disobeyed” some command or other and were no longer in favor for God’s kingdom plans. So Lutzer pretends this was a hand-off to Peter to start a new kingdom. But the real problem to this analogy is the Goliath – State power reference in Lutzer’s mind because Goliath would have to represent Rome in this case (who was occupying Israel at the time as Lutzer points out somewhere), which would imply that Jesus killed Rome, but Lutzer suggests that he incorporated himself into and became the replacement to Rome and against Israel. That is evil! Lutzer would accuse God of secretely working through all of the secular world governments from Babylon to the Antichrist instead of working through Israel and Christians who are not Catholic. That is so reversed as only a Nazi Jesuit could do. Lutzer knows that this analogy does not work, but he’s trying CLEVERLY to force it. You know this is what Lutzer is thinking also because he now pretends that God is working through Islam to defeat both Israel and Christianity as a sadistic mock of God’s authority because God chose to allow humans to rule the earth instead of Himself automatically ruling the kingdom of the earth from the start. And Lutzer says that Israel was thinking about Jesus in the same way as King Saul - “what more can he have but the kingdom?” which maybe describes the scribes of Jesus’ day but not most of the people of Israel. Okay now back to the analogy. There’s so much more, but this next part is tricky, so if it is confusing, feel free to just pass over it.


Then here comes the surprise. We read, ‘The next day a harmful spirit from God rushed upon Saul, and he raved within his house while David was playing the lyre, as he did day by day. Saul had his spear in his hand.’ (v.10). And with that Saul hurls the spear at David, but he escapes… We might have thought the text should read, ‘A harmful spirit from Satan rushed upon Saul.’ But no, this demon was from God. A messenger of Satan became the messenger of God. Here is a principle you can count on: God always disciplines His disobedient people by turning them over to the control of their enemies (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). This demon was sent to torment the king by exploiting his jealousy. Little wonder Saul became ever more paranoid, lashing out at David for no particular reason. And even though David’s humility would later cause Saul to cry to God in repentance, it proved to be only halfhearted. Saul died a defeated and angry man. He never did know the joy of forgiveness and restoration with God.” (God’s Devil Page 135-136) Okay, we’ll keep this one short because it is really mythological – what Lutzer is saying here. Lutzer blames God for demonic possession as we already showed – even demons to children – even to Christian children! Lutzer accuses God of sending the messenger, but again, Saul was invoking demonic pride and even used a medium to call up Samuel who was dead. But Lutzer believes God exploits pride and jealousy as he accused God of doing with Lucifer in the beginning wanting to be “free” and “independent” from God’s authority – which Lutzer says God did so he would have an “other” to oppose throughout history and use to do the evil that God Himself could not do, but Lutzer pretends God needed the evil to gain complete power. So Lutzer always looks at things twisted. Lutzer seems to make reference to the spear that has mystical power used by Hitler for authority that supposedly killed Jesus but Lutzer says that obviously the spear in Austria was a fake and did not actually kill Jesus. Hmm… does Lutzer believe as he says in The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent (actually preaching the Muslims doctrines repeatedly), that Jesus escaped the cross by having someone else killed? We discuss this more in the next argument. And Lutzer again says it was sent from God “authority given to him from above” using the devil to threaten Jesus to complete his task – as gets portrayed in Germanic myths that Lutzer seems to like to believe. Lutzer believes Israel was handed over to Rome for destruction because that’s what he wants to believe God does to disobedient people and Lutzer does not believe that most of Israel will never quite find repentance – only half-hearted, but that they will still be considered believers in the end when God sets up His kingdom there. Obviously, God has brought many to Christ who are Israelis to the point where he will have 144,000 anointed young witnesses near the mid-point of the Tribulation – meaning honorable families who love God and love Jesus will proclaim the gospel. Do we really need to explain this again? But Lutzer’s lies just keep going… so we keep responding.


If he thought his way was better than submission to God, then let him learn what it is like to be in submission to the devil. Let him be driven to despair that he might be driven back into the arms of God. Perhaps now we can understand the interesting story of Ahab and his ‘lying prophets.’ When he asked these four hundred men whether he should go up and smite the town of Ramoth-gilead, they gave him the answer he wanted: Yes, he could make an attack and be successful. When Micaiah, the true prophet, was called, he initially gave the same reply, reflecting the wishes of the godless king. The king knew Micaiah was playing a game and finally told him to tell the truth. Micaiah then gave an honest prophecy: Israel would be scattered like sheep if Ahab attempted to fight the Syrians. As for the four hundred false prophets, Micaiah gave this word from the Lord: God was sitting on His throne and asked for volunteers to entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead. Various spirits gave different answers, but one spirit volunteered to be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of Ahab’s prophets. And God said to him, ‘You are to entice him, and you shall succeed; go out and do so’ (1 Kings 22:22). Then Micaiah continued, ‘Now therefore, behold, the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets; and the Lord has declared disaster to you’ (v. 23). Ahab knew the truth but went into the battle disguised, thinking he could outwit the prophecy of God. But a man drew his bow at random, and the arrow pierced between the pieces of Ahab’s armor and he died. Thus, the Lord put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of the false prophets. The evil spirit who volunteered was given the assignment. Calvin, commenting on this passage, says that God hold Satan with a bridle, and thus the evil one is ‘compelled to render Him service wherever God impels him.’ If God wants to use a demon to tell an evil king a lie, there will be one who will do it. If the Almighty needs more, He will have that also.” (God’s Devil Page 136-137)


So yeah… that quite literally hurts to read because it is such a dark twist of the real story. As you will see, Lutzer feels that the Vatican is justified in using whatever means to keep control of their kingdom and uses this ends-justifies-the-means analogy constantly. Most unbelievers trip over this passage wondering whether this is rare insight into some evil that God does – but let’s make this real simple and real clear. God already knows the demons are speaking to Ahab through false prophets to convince him to disobey. Ahab spent his whole reign following Jezebel’s demonic advise from prophets of Asherah (400 men) and Baal (450 men). So God was actually just requiring an account of what they were telling Ahab. God was not asking for volunteer demons. But God does not protect Ahab any more from the judgments that were due him, so He knew this plan would send Ahab into war. And God knew he could direct an arrow to stop this evil man from continuing to pretend to be king over Israel. All of the necessary arguments were complete to pull Israel back from idolatry when Elijah called fire down from God to consume his burnt offering. But Elijah got scared as any of us would be capable of doing and went and hid. So God chose this conclusion to Ahab’s rule. So Lutzer straight-up switches from King David to this Ahab story because he loves to talk about Israel being scattered like sheep without a shepherd to mock God. It’s like he hears Israel running out into the wilderness fleeing the devil’s throne in the Jerusalem temple at mid-point of the Tribulation and just laughs thinking God is doing evil to his own people allowing almost them all to be killed and all of them to give up hope and completely question God in yet another “final holocaust” – as Lutzer says in his Antichrist discussions. You see this in Lutzer’s statement that if God “needs” more, “He will have that also” from demonic powers that supposedly serve His end-justifies-the-means program. You can definitely see Lutzer hacking at every part of the Bible trying to figure out how to justify the Pope’s agendas and programs. Okay now, we’ll speed this to a finish on this discussion here.


Lutzer continues by talking about the apostle Paul causing a man to be “excommunicated” (that is the Catholic word for abolishing heretics and abandoning them to judgments in Inquisitions). Lutzer says it is “to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord’ (v.5) which is a false description of the purposes of the Inquisitions. “Here is a believer who is being given over to the devil! A man who is in the kingdom of light, being made subject to the darkness. Again, Satan’s role is to be the agent of God’s discipline. If the man will not submit to the truth of God, let him experience the lies of the devil. If he wishes to live like the pagans, then let him be driven by the god of the pagans. At any rate, Satan will do whatever God wants him to. Nothing less, nothing more.” (God’s Devil Page 138) “Luther points out that the devil is God’s tool, like a hoe that is used to cultivate God’s garden. Thought the hoe might take pleasure in destroying the weeds, it can never move out of God’s hands, nor weed where He does not wish, nor thwart His purpose of building a beautiful garden. Thus the devil always does God’s work. Even today, God uses Satan to discipline the disobedient… Paul said in effect, ‘My enemy, this messenger of Satan who means me harm, actually is doing me good.’ Satan never becomes our friend, for he hates us and seeks our destruction, but he can do us good if he is sent by God to purify us. God uses Satan to show us that God’s grace can be sufficient even in the thorns of life… God and the devil are both involved in our temptations and struggles. We must understand their separate purposes… If we ask why the devil is still in Colombia, or, for that matter, in Washington, D.C., the answer is that ‘the Lord hath need of him.’ The evil one still has a work to do; there are still assignments he is to carry out.” (God’s Devil Page 139-143)


Lutzer is at least honest now that the Inquisitions were the work of the devil and that God can use it to wake up His believers when the devil intends to kill and destroy them. And so Lutzer calls the Roman Catholic system the devil in this instance, knowing that they are not serving God at all, though he would never say that out loud. Lutzer knows that the Jesuits in Washington D.C. in the satanic Family “Fellowship” and the CIA, DHS etc are serving Rome’s purposes in handing us over to Islam. He knows that his judgment is coming for the Inquisitions he has planned against honorable Christians in Dwight Moody’s community friends in Chicago and around the world. He betrayed Moody to Islam like Judas betrayed Jesus to Rome – except that when Lutzer says now the non-Catholic church in America must die under Islam – he knows this is evil because it is a reverse satanic human sacrifice as he admits about the Hindu swastika. “The Bible teaches that we are redeemed by the blood of Christ, who died that we might be saved. The Old Testament is clear that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. When we pause to think about it, we can see that the Hindu-Aryan mysticism was a demonic counterpart to this teaching. The inferior ‘beings’ in the concentration camps were shedding their blood to ‘purify’ the blood of the Aryan race. Thus the Jews were actually being offered as sacrifices to the Aryan gods.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 118) Jesus already died for sins; we cannot die for the world’s sins as Lutzer wants American Christians to do in handing themselves over to the enemy through detention camps and psychological checks and taking up arms against Islam.


 Yes, there are Muslims among us who will insist on their freedoms to agitate and scheme to replace our US Constitution with shariah law. Unlike other religions, Islam embodies a detailed system of laws that ‘regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere - economic, social, military, legal, and political.’ It governs ‘all aspects of civil society and human life, both public and private.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 175) Lutzer knows that the Jesuits strictly control everything pertaining to government, education, and politics in any country that the Pope is at war with, as he is with the America people. When Lutzer says “only the church possesses the … resources” he means the Catholics, not the non-Catholics. “A friend of mine who works in national security says that some Muslims view Americans as ‘physically weak, morally soft, and lacking in principled courage.’… Only the church possesses moral and spiritual resources to stand against the rising tide of secularism and false religions that are engulfing us. Very likely the next generation will be even more overwhelmed, unless the levees remain strong and unyielding. I write this book for the current generation of Christians in America, but I am more deeply concerned for the generation that will follow us. Our children and grandchildren will most assuredly fight battles that we’ve only heard about in other parts of the world but have never had to confront. The legal and social restrictions to prohibit us from exercising our faith are growing continuously, and the battle will only intensify in the years ahead. The day of casual Christianity is rapidly coming to a close, and the call for Christians to display courage is becoming more pressing than ever.” (Shadow Crescent Page 15-16) So when Lutzer invites real Christians into these spheres it is because he knows they stand no chance of gaining any position of authority in Jesuit-run programs. He wants Christians to waste our minimal energy fighting Jesuits as if that were evidence that Rome is greater than us.


Lutzer promotes Bonhoeffer because he rallied Catholics and non-Catholic false “Christians” into one powerful force to overthrow the world. His connections literally set the groundwork for United Nations, World Evangelical Alliance, and Lausanne Vatican 2 council. Remember, when Lutzer says “The Cross should be seen” he literally means the Catholic cross symbol, not gospel preachers. “It is time that Christians become leaders in art, education, politics, and law. Let’s not make the mistake of the German church and isolate the spiritual sphere from the political, social, and cultural world. Bonhoeffer was critical of the church when its only interest was self-preservation. We should be characterized by giving, not withholding. Since we share this planet with all of humanity, we must reestablish leadership in all of those areas where Christians often led the way. Education, politics, and law – here is where we must gain credibility so that the world will listen to our message. The Cross should be seen wherever Christians are found.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 259-260)


Compare this with similar strategies by the Muslims: “One resource defines shariah this way: ‘Translated as “the path”, shariah is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements. It would be a mistake to think of shariah as a ‘religious’ code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere – economic, social, military, legal, and political.’ Put bluntly, because shariah encompasses all of life, it is totalitarian in nature. It dictates what Muslims can and can not do… Shariah is not optional for Muslims. For a Muslim to accept Islam and deny shariah would be similar to a Jew who claims to accept the five books of the Torah but rejects the Ten Commandments. Those Muslims who reject shariah as a way of life are viewed as not being totally devoted to their religion. This brings us to an especially important point: Because shariah demands compliance on the part of all Muslims, Islamic moderates and reformers are put in a difficult position. In the eyes of Muslim supremacists or Islamists, anyone who is perceived as advocating change that questions or undermines shariah (and therefore undermines the Quran and Sunna) is considered a hypocrite, a dissenter, or an apostate who has committed a grave offense against Allah. So when it comes to Islam’s growing influence in the West, even if moderates do outnumber supremacists by far, that doesn’t give us reason to breathe more easily. For the supremacists wield the positions of political and religious authority in much of the Muslim world and their front organizations here in America. It is they who have the dominant voice. Moderates are in a no-win situation because questioning the supremacists, who advocate shariah, is in a practical sense equivalent to questioning shariah itself – a punishable offense. This, of course, makes moderates reluctant to speak out.” (Shadow Crescent Page 32-33)


Compare with the Oikonomia program at the Moody Bible Institute through the Faith, Work, and Economics initiative funded by Generac company owners in partnership with the Catholic Paulist Fathers (Jesuits) Acton Institute. “Oikonomia is a Greek word that means both stewardship and economy. In the New Testament, it encompasses not only the work of pastors in churches, but also the work of people in households, businesses, even government. Every from delivering a sermon on Colossians to delivering a shipment of copper wire – is all Oikonomia. When we all work together as stewards depending on each other and exchanging our gifts with each other, we get the economy. And it flourishes when people love and serve each other by doing good work. Good stewardship is good economics. That’s Oikonomia. In the Bible, this world of work is a central place of discipleship. God cares about our daily work and our economy. And though our world is full of frustration, toil, and injustice, thanks to God’s grace our work is still a place where we can respond to and rely on God. Dependency, greed and debt can be overcome. The Oikonomia Network is a theological learning community committed to shining the light of the gospel in all of life. Together our schools and educators are transforming curriculum, reforming theological education to raise up a new generation of believers who live out whole life discipleship to Christ, serving their communities with their gifts, and bringing the holy love of God into homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods. Our partners are reaching not only students, but churches, businesses, publishers, other educational leaders, and more – to equip the multitude of pastors and believers already in the field. If you’d like to learn more about some of the exciting things going on at our partner schools, sign up to receive our newsletter.” (Quote from Greg Forster’s OIKONOMIA Network Presentation)


 The difficulty is that those Muslims ‘who do practice shariah have the grounds for arguing that their version of Islam is the authoritative one.’  They are committed to a literal reading of the Quran and believe they are fulfilling the vision of their founder, Muhammad. Because they are the spokespersons for Islam by virtue of their control of the political and religious bodies within Islam, they have the most ready access to the media and know how to mobilize their constituencies as needed.” (Shadow Crescent Page 180)


And now we come to the end-product of the Catholic neo-Nazi Muslim agenda here in America:


Turning back to higher education, the Saudi royal family and other wealthy Saudi individuals have generously donated many millions of dollars to establish centers for Islamic studies at some of the most prestigious Western universities. For example, in 2005, Georgetown University and Harvard each received 20 million, ‘for the study of Islam and the Muslim world.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 190) Hmm… we wonder if the Jenkins Center for Understanding Islam at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was funded this way? “Every Bible college and seminary should make Islamic studies a part of their curriculum. The day has come when it is not enough for Islam to be studied by scholars; it must now be understood by everyone who is concerned about our freedoms and the future of the West as we know it. All Christians should consider it both a privilege and a duty to know about Islam as well as be aware of the strategies Islamists have for fulfilling their goals in America. This will enable them to share Christ more effectively with Muslims, and it will also equip them to be informed citizens who can help shape the policy debates for our schools, the workplace, the government, the legal arena, and all the other strata of our culture.” (Shadow Crescent Page 210)


Think of what might happen if every Muslim in America knew just one Christian who would shatter the stereotype that many Muslims have of Christians. After all, they frequently hear that America is a “Christian nation,” and thus they all too readily associate Christianity with the values of Hollywood, the violence in our streets, and other unbiblical aspects of secular culture. We cannot tremble in fear or stand aloof; we must engage Muslims, many of whom are open to friendship and mutual interaction. On a news program I was asked, ‘What is the greatest obstacle that the church faces today? I had to confess that the greatest challenge we face might be within the church itself – the dimness of our light is just as much a problem as the depth of the world’s darkness.” (Shadow Crescent Page 220)


WE MUST BUILD A COMMUNITY OF MUTUAL RESPECT      We must treat Muslims (and all people, for that matter) with mutual respect. We dare not demonize them or make generalized personal accusations against them. We must affirm that all people are created in the image of God and have value conferred upon them by the Lord, our Creator. As Jesus admonished, you are to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (Matthew 22:39). Unfortunately, we as Christians are often woefully ignorant of how to share the gospel with Muslims not realizing that they might be interested in what we have to say if we took the time to gain their respect and trust. And in the rare cases when we do talk with Muslims, we tend to assume the best approach is to explain why the Quran is wrong and the Bible is right. But we must ask ourselves: How would we respond if a Muslim came to us and explained why the Quran is right and the Bible has been corrupted?  Respect is the key to cultivating meaningful relationships – not just with Muslims, but with all people regardless of their religion or ethnicity. What’s more, though we may disagree when it comes to our faiths, we share enough common ground with Muslims that honest relationships can be built without resorting to antagonism. When it comes to reaching out to them, we must follow the Golden Rule: ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ (Luke 6:31).” (Shadow Crescent Page 209)


There indeed may be value in so-called interfaith dialogue if issues are honestly faced and if the interaction brings both insight and understanding. In a discussion I had with an imam, some of my misconceptions of Islam were clarified, as were some of his misconceptions of Christianity. But such dialogue must be undertaken with a great deal of respect, forethought, and especially charity because the issues involved touch sensitive nerves in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. To ‘lay all the cards on the table,’ as the saying goes, can sometimes end up producing more heat than light. Most assuredly, we should listen to what Muslims say about their religion, but we must also study their texts and their history, and pay careful attention to what their own scholars teach about Islam. And of course, they should be invited to have the same posture toward us, our texts and our history – both good and bad. The bottom line is that we can expect increasing pressure to find unity between the two religions.” (Shadow Crescent Page 226-227)  The previous chapter of this book was written to spur us toward national dialogue that will raise the fundamental issues about our future and what we should do in light of the religious and cultural challenges facing the church. As evangelicals, we need one another’s support and the collective wisdom of all believers as we discuss and pray about our uncertain future… This is why I believe the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is so relevant for us today. As a pastor faced with the evils of Nazism, he had to think through a Christian response to the fierce winds of anti-Semitism and the lust for power that were blowing through Germany like a hurricane… In such a dialogue, the topics for discussion should include legal, moral, and political aspects of the Muslim challenge to the West. We should discuss, for example, shariah verses the US Constitution and why they cannot coexist side by side. More importantly, there should be instruction on sharing Christ with Muslims and the great inroads Christianity is making even in Muslim-dominated nations. Finally, we should discuss how to grow strong Christians at a time of increasing adversity. And yes, of course the church can stand alone if she has to! As the apostle Paul correctly determined, ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Romans 8:31). In standing, she will honor our Lord and prove to all that there are some things more important than life itself. We should all be able to say with Paul, ‘To me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain’ (Philippians 1:21). May we look to Revelation 3:2-3 as a final plea from Jesus to us: ‘Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die… Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.’ Let us consider it an honor to rise to the challenge.” (Shadow Crescent Page 230-231) Notice that tail ending “of course the church can stand alone if she has to!” and then Lutzer says we all die – “to die is gain” and “what remains and is about to die”. Those are mafia threats from the worst very real mafia every created that has powerful networks worldwide to do exactly what he is threatening us with. But God has still more power – to the point where “they will progress no further and their folly will be manifest to all” as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:9.

Speaking of being critical and scared of Islam and only pointing out negatives of Islam, Lutzer says:

What’s more, this approach makes its point by comparing the worst about Islam with the best of Christianity, and either ignores or is unwilling to acknowledge the fact there are many who have done wrong or evil in the name of Christ. And, finally, this approach is at odds with displaying Christian love, fairness, and compassion for Muslims, who are also created in the image of God. Very simply, this approach is un-Christian and counterproductive.” (Shadow Crescent Page 208) 


Yeah, so Lutzer is one of those allowing Islam to creep in unnoticed as we showed in the previous Argument #13.  



Argument #15: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer preaches Islam in just about every way imaginable. Lutzer says Islam is Jesus’ “sword of my mouth” against the true believers and Israel. Lutzer says God’s purpose for some of us is martyrdom and that God even has a count of how many people will die as if God planned it that way. Lutzer believes it is his “call” to prepare American Christians for martyrdom because he knows we won’t participate in leadership-level Interfaith Dialogue with Islam. So Lutzer is preaching the second half of the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions (which he attended) theme “Unite or Perish”. Lutzer changes Jesus’ words of seeking friends who will hear and listen to His counsel rather than follow the world into sin – to instead a pre-Jesuit hidden message calling for followers with a “martyrs’ complex”. Lutzer echoes the words of Chicago Archbishop Francis George saying that they anticipate being caught and put to death for treason but hope to end up being the victors afterward. Lutzer says that the discussions on earth and the people that die are illusions of the mind suggesting reincarnation and reinterpreting everything in gnostic terms about who wins or loses on “the other side”. Lutzer says it was “Christians” who mass-“converted” to Islam and we explain how conversion is a deceptive term to use. Lutzer compares Mahdi and Jesus creating strange reversible analogies about competition between the two of them over who will be the Antichrist and false prophet or else the two witnesses or some strange contortion. Lutzer preaches at least a dozen points of the Muslim false “gospel”, some from quoting Muslims and some speaking for himself in opposition to Jesus’ gospel. Lutzer solidly proves himself to be a Jesuit false teacher and that he absolutely rejects Christ. Lutzer makes the case that Jesus did not die on the cross but swapped with someone “God made to look like Jesus” and has Jesus bow to the devil in the wilderness giving worship to the devil and in return receiving “the kingdoms of this world” thereby establishing the Roman Catholic “church” according to Lutzer’s inventions. Lutzer has Jesus and Peter arguing about their secret plot. Lutzer preaches “Allah” as the same as God rather than being the devil. Lutzer preaches Reincarnation. Lutzer preaches German mythologies. Lutzer preaches Esau (Arabs) reversing the selling of the birthright to Jacob and thereby creates arguments for Rome to steal the kingdom from God. Lutzer preaches the use of actual cross symbols to ward of Muslims. Lutzer uses the most tactful of textual criticism arguments in text-book perfect form to make the credibility of the Muslim version of Jesus’ avoidance of crucifixion to sound like the accurate story straight from “Allah” (by which Lutzer means God) and makes the Biblical accounts of Jesus’ death sound less credible. Lutzer preaches the death of Christians under Islam as a giant fear campaign. In short, Lutzer preaches Islam. Lutzer preaches that God is cruel, and that God caused this to happen. And Lutzer explains that terrorism is just a distraction from the real problem – infiltration. That infiltration is of course Catholic Jesuit infiltration under Lutzer, carefully designed to collapse American Christianity philosophically for international propaganda needs of the Vatican.



Consider the churches of Western Europe… Today their empty cathedrals are wistfully called ‘The Tombs of God’… And if the trend continues, God may very well permit Islam to obliterate Europe’s Christian heritage and the blessings of freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, and religious tolerance, all of which grew out of that heritage. What warning did Jesus give to the church in Sardis? ‘Remember, therefore what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you’ (Revelation 3:3). Likewise today, we do not know when Jesus will come. He may come for His bride, the church, and snatch us away to heaven very soon. Or He may delay His coming, withdraw His protection, and let us be fodder for our enemies. Meanwhile, the words of Jesus shout to us across the centuries: ‘Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God’ (Revelation 3:2). If Jesus warned the church in Pergamum, ‘I will soon come to you and will fight against them [those who teach immoral things in your midst] with the sword of my mouth’ (2:16), we can know with certainty He won’t hesitate to discipline an impure church today. Jesus hates moral and spiritual compromise.” (Shadow Crescent Page 120)


Remember from Argument #4 and #10, we show that Lutzer thinks death is the principle of Jesus’ kingdom – Jesus died, Christians die, and under Islam most “churches” (cathedrals) die, etc. “God will continue to allow evil to run its course until the return of Christ, and Scripture even tells us that God has appointed the number of those who will die for their faith. In Revelation 6:9-10, the apostle John describes this scene in heaven: ‘I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony which they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, saying, “How long, sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”’ The surprising reply? ‘Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been’ (verse 11).” (Shadow Crescent 167)“God has a purpose for every believer on earth, and for some of us, that purpose will include martyrdom. Indeed, more Christians have been martyred in the last 100 years than in the previous 1900 years of church history. The exact numbers are hard to estimate because many cases of persecution, which take place in countries with highly restrictive governments…” (Shadow Crescent Page 168) Lutzer is lying here, because he knows that these numbers are extremely altered to scare Christians (just as the statistics of abortion deaths are) away from international missions as well as to keep segregated countries (meaning countries that are entirely Muslim or entirely Hindu) for the sake of representing in one-world religious dialogue. “We discussed various ways Christians could respond. Then I said, ‘I guess we will also have to prepare the next generation for martyrdom… we will have to teach them how to die for the faith.Sam then pointed his finger at me and said, ‘That is exactly what God has called you to do. Train your people to become martyrs!“ (Shadow Crescent Page 164) “In the same way that a person might be killed even though he or she stays true to the faith (that is what martyrdom is all about), it is entirely possible for death to come to faithful churches.” (Shadow Crescent Page 116)  But just two short chapters later, we see a spectacular reversal… Here we see the saints in heaven ‘victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name.’… Things were not what they appeared to be!” (Shadow Crescent Page 145)


And when the rich man died, he went to Hades, where he suffered torment (Luke 16:19-31). What you see of people here on earth is deceptive; only in eternity will we see where people really stand. Only then will we know who the real winners and losers are. Christianity makes no claim that faith in God will produce victory over one’s enemies in this world. As an example, we need look no further than to Christ, who submitted Himself to those who sought to kill Him. He knew that when they succeeded, they would celebrate their victory. But that was not the end of the story. When Jesus’ enemies came to get him, He calmly told them, ‘This is your hour – when darkness reigns’ (Luke 22:53). In effect, Jesus said, ‘Today you win.’… Justice will be done, even though we think it is centuries overdue. Eternity will bring to light all that was craftily hidden on earth. Victory in this world is no proof of victory in the next.” (Shadow Crescent Page 143-144) Lutzer goes even further in accusing Jesus of just playing the victim until he “wins” – by distorting Jesus’ heartfelt plea for those who through the ages would listen and hear his request for people to be faithful and overcome evil in the world by refusing to participate and by faith in Jesus to do well. But Lutzer instead turns this into a pre-Jesuit hidden message of calling for “suicide bombers”/”kamikaze pilots” throughout the centuries to help add to the numbers of deaths. And the enticement, Lutzer likens to the descriptions of rewards for Muslim “martyrs” which he describes a few pages before this – which we will not include because it is disgusting and not helpful to the discussion. “In every one of the seven letters to the churches of Revelation, Jesus called out to those within the congregation who were really listening… Spiritual deafness is everywhere, but among the deaf He can always find at least a few who can hear and are willing to obey the message… When Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear.’ He might well have been separating the true believers from those who were Christians in name only and showed no evidence that they understood the gospel and its implications.” (Shadow Crescent Page 153) “In ANTICIPATION OF VICTORY        Here is the list of promises Jesus gave to those who had ears to ‘hear what the Spirit says to the churches’… Paul who died for the gospel, wrote, ‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us’ (Romans 8:18). Reread the promises of Jesus, and I’m sure you will agree… We should be grateful that we are alive at this hour of history to serve as living evidence that our Savior reigns… That in everything He might have the supremacy… He is our head, inviting us to take our cross and follow Him to both death and resurrection, from apparent defeat to glorious victory.” (Shadow Crescent Page 169-171) “Both Christianity and Islam value martyrdom, or the willingness to give one’s life for the faith…” (Shadow Crescent Page 165)


While Christian parents may have been willing to endure such treatment, they could not bear to see their children so grievously humiliated. Therefore, they would convert to Islam – out of concern for their loved ones. In recent decades, historical revisionists, particularly from within the Muslim community, have downplayed the severity of the jizya tax, claiming it was rarely enforced, that it was like any other tax, that dhimmis enjoyed equal rights, and so on. But accounts dating as far back as the eighth century report that many dhimmis were taxed into extreme poverty, finding it necessary to sell everything they had and let their families starve. When they were unable to pay, they would go into hiding or be forced into slavery. ‘Money was extorted by blows, torture, and death – particularly by crucifixion.’ Another reason Islam succeeded in wiping out Christianity – and Communism didn’t – is because Muslim men were encouraged to marry Christian women, who then would be forced to convert to Islam. But Christian men were strictly forbidden to marry Muslim women. This made it difficult for a Christian heritage to continue.” (Shadow Crescent Page 69)


In 1529 the Suleiman besieged Vienna and appeared to be on the verge of victory. If the city had fallen, ‘all of Germany would have been at the mercy of the Turkish armies.’ But the Austrians turned Suleiman back, giving him his first defeat… By way of historical note, the victorious Turks were not only feared, but some Christians in Luther’s era converted to Islam because they wanted to back a winner. For the sake of their families, their friends, and their own lives, they sided with the Ottoman Empire. Clearly, it seemed as if God had abandoned the Christians and taken up the cause of the Turks. So we return to Luther’s question: Where is the God of the Christians now?” (Shadow Crescent Page 147) As we showed earlier in Argument #8, what turned back the Suleiman was the Holy Roman Empire and Pope. Austria was the home of the Hapsburg Dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire. That is why this chapter is titled “THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE" as if to call Jesuit young agents to stay with Christianity even if it looks like they will die, because the Vatican has a “trump card” (yes, Lutzer does say this somewhere or other) up their sleeve. So Lutzer calling for young Jesuit followers to his plan is because he knows if there aren’t enough satanists to pull off ALL of their planned stunts, then they will be caught and tried under court of law and brought to justice in prison and even death for the massive crimes against God’s people in America and Israel, and against the Holy Law of God, and against the Constitution of the United States and against International criminal law and against every law in humanity that ever existed. If Lutzer cannot convince his followers to keep Christians ignorantly following this strategy, the consequences are high for the Vatican program world-wide. And Lutzer knows that Christians under Dwight Moody and similar Christian men in the past were super close to being able to make a permanent case against the Vatican for her centuries of crimes. Lutzer knows that if Christians are not duped into accepting martyrdom and following Lutzer’s advice to “be like Jesus” and hand ourselves over to them who come to kill us (as he says on page 91 of The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent), then we might instead trust Jesus and have His blessing to correct the lies and false history and stand for Jesus’ testimony and correct the horrible accusations against God throughout history. So Lutzer makes this kind of transition to the topic of martyrdom, because he knows what is at risk for him:

As the saying goes, ‘If we do not hang together, we will hang separately.’ Which leads us to the difficult topic of martyrdom.” (Shadow Crescent Page 163)  The following is a similar expression by a Chicago Archbishop leader of Lutzer’s Chicago Jesuit network – the same Jesuit network whose Archbishop in 1903 boasted over the death of Dwight Moody and that Chicago would be at the center of complete Catholic world domination through American democracy by 1923.

‘Cardinal George confirm that he said it, and also adds that the quote has most frequently been used without his important follow-up sentence.

Here's the salient section from the Cardinal's column. "Speaking a few years ago to a group of priests, entirely outside of the current political debate, I was trying to express in overly dramatic fashion what the complete secularization of our society could bring," writes the Cardinal. "I was responding to a question and I never wrote down what I said, but the words were captured on somebody’s smart phone and have now gone viral on Wikipedia and elsewhere in the electronic communications world. I am (correctly) quoted as saying that I expected to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. What is omitted from the reports is a final phrase I added about the bishop who follows a possibly martyred bishop: 'His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.' What I said is not 'prophetic' but a way to force people to think outside of the usual categories that limit and sometimes poison both private and public discourse."’ (Quote from National Catholic Register article:


In this next quote, Lutzer tries to frame Jesus as obsessed with power. Why is Lutzer saying “theology” (study of God) in reference to Allah as if he were God instead of the devil? And notice that Lutzer makes Mahdi and Jesus equals fighting for “glory” and “crown” – and attempts to alter quotes to have them both saying that the other will bow to them as if this were all just a pride competition. And Lutzer implies that the victimhood, death, martyrdom concept worked compared to “meditation” and false religions, etc. and certainly compared to the conquering method of Islam – that is Lutzer’s argument here. “Muslim theology says Jesus will return to earth at the second coming and convert all people, including Christians, to Islam… Accordign to Shia theology (a branch of Islam), the Twelfth Imam, who lived during the ninth century will return as messiah. Until now he has been in hiding, but when Allah reveals him and he returns, he will bring Jesus with him. Jesus will serve this Imam and force all people to choose between this Imam and death. One Islamic website makes this statement about the relationship between the Twelfth Imam (Mahdi) and Jesus: ‘As we see Imam Mahdi is from the Ahlul Bayt of Prophet Muhammad, so he can not be Jesus (the Messiah; al Maseeh). Mahdi and Messiah are two different personalities but they come at the same time, Mahdi as Imam and Jesus as his follower.’ This stands in sharp contrast to the New Testament account of Jesus’ final triumph, in which He will be exalted by God the Father and will reign supreme over all the earth. He will not be anyone’s follower… So in the end, Gandhi will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Buddha and Krishna will confess Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And there among them will be Muhammad, also confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Our Savior will return as Judge and King, and before Him all will be required to bow. It is not necessary to win in this world in order to win in the next. Things are not what they appear to be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 148-150)


Not even Peter was able to pressure Christ into choosing life rather than death in Jerusalem. ‘Get thee behind me, Satan,’ Christ told him (Mark 8:33 KJV).” (God’s Devil Page 102) “Since the penalty for sin was not life but death, Christ had to die and in so doing reconciled us to God forever.” (God’s Devil Page 113) As if God just made up the rules of righteousness and justice as He went along – doing as he pleased. “Love wanted to redeem us, but justice demanded that we pay for our sin, which for us sinners is impossible. Thus God chose to take the initiative and satisfy His own demands… Follow the reasoning: Because the wages of sin is death, and because we are all sinners, either we had to experience an eternal death or else someone had to stand in our place so that we could be exempt from sin’s ultimate penalty. Our substitute had to meet all of God’s requirements… As sinners both by nature and by choice, we have no ability to meet God’s demands… Contrast this with Islam. The Quran teaches that people commit sin, but they are not sinful. Sin is an act of disobedience to God rather than evidence of a broken relationship with God. As Bible scholar Ron Rhodes notes, ‘They do believe that sin exists, but they believe people commit sins not because they have a sinful nature, but because of human weakness and forgetfulness (Sura 4:28).’ In Islam, there is no need for God to redeem humanity because sin is paid for by you personally. Muslim Muhammad Asad wrote, ’Every Muslim is his own redeemer; he bears all possibilities of spiritual success and failure within his heart.’ What’s more, Muslims can make up for their bad deeds by doing good ones. For example, Sura 2:271 teaches that doing acts of charity can help take away sin. In fact, even the manner in which you do your charity makes a difference. Sura 2:271 says that to ‘declare’ your charities is ‘good’, but to remain ‘anonymous’ about them ‘remits more of your sins.’ So for Muslims, the idea that one’s good deeds must outweigh one’s bad deeds is very real. According to the Quran, ‘The balance that day will be true; those whose scale of good will be heavy, will prosper; those whose scale will be light, will find their souls in perdition’ (Sura 7:8). By contrast, Christianity teaches that sin is so serious and God’s holiness so demanding that sin cannot be overlooked by the Almighty. Christianity agrees with Islam that every sin will be paid for. But Islam teaches that we can pay for our own sin and hope that eventually we will go to paradise.” (Shadow Crescent Page 106-108)


Let’s break this down very briefly. First of all, God is Love, Justice is Love – why does Lutzer deny God? Lutzer believes God is a spiritual contradiction – like he can’t actually be Love and Just and Truth and the Way. Second, Lutzer says again that God just makes his own rules “because there is no standard outside of Himself to which He must conform.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66) So Lutzer thinks God just decided that instead of using life as the guiding principle, instead he would use death and martyrdom. Notice that Lutzer three times says that “we have not ability to meet God’s demands” and that it is “by nature” – by which he means that God built us that way. We show this abundantly and thoroughly in our final Argument #18 on Lutzer’s perceived loopholes. Third, Lutzer is preaching Muslim doctrine by saying that they believe Jesus’ principle that it is better to give in secret than to announce with a trumpet – for then you have your reward in heaven and that when you give, your left hand should not know what your right hand is giving. Fourth, Lutzer believes in Purgatory (on earth while you’re still alive or maybe through reincarnation) and therefore preaches the doctrine of paying “for our own sin and hope that eventually we will go to paradise.” Even weirder, this synthesizes with the Kabbalah lie that “the people of Israel” and not Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 53 by becoming the suffering servant to wash the sins of the world. Obviously, some of you who read this might still hope that Lutzer is not preaching a false gospel here because that would be solid evidence against him. So let’s be very clear about what he is saying by quoting him from other places.


All of them, I’m sure, will eventually hear about Jesus because He is mentioned many times in the Quran, but they will know Jesus only as a mere prophet and not as the Savior who came to rescue us from our sins. Standing there, I realized that the One who said He could open doors that could not be shut and shut doors that no one could open – the Lord Jesus Himself – appeared to have found the door firmly shut in His face in Philadelphia. The church of the open door had become the church of the door slammed shut.” (Shadow Crescent Page 26) God is not limited at all; if someone is seeking Him (as millions of people in Muslim countries do) and wanting to repent, God will not leave them behind. He has ways to get the gospel to them always. Jesus never loses as single soul that desires Truth. “If a door is closed, then let us boldly affirm that Christ has willed it closed for reasons unknown to us.” (God’s Devil Pages 156-158) But Lutzer says this about the 99.8% population of Turkey that he is referencing, which would make God racist and genocidal if the final judgment included all Turks because God never bothered to get the gospel to them, which Lutzer knows is a horrible lie. Again, Lutzer himself admitted that Muslim countries refuse to allow “Christian” or “Israeli” identification in their countries since Islam supersedes the two. The trick is in the wording - ”There are no visible churches in any of these cities today; indeed, with few exceptions, there has been no readily visible evidence of Christianity in these locales for the past 800 years. Of course, I don’t mean to say that there aren’t any Christians in Turkey. The 73 million people who live there are predominantly Muslim, and only .2 percent are Christian, Jewish, or other religious backgrounds. For the most part, these believers meet in secret Bible studies or cell groups far away from the prying eyes of governing authorities.” (Shadow Crescent Page 25-26) So you clearly see that Lutzer identifies Christians and Muslims as pretty much the same unless they demand to be recognized differently, which means they would be kicked out of the country (and there are higher rates of refugees than any time in history apparently for this reason) or persecuted, so what is the point.


CLARIFYING THE NAME ALLAH Allah is simply the Arabic word for “God.” It is important to point out that Arabic-speaking Christians have been using the Arabic name Allah for centuries before Muhammad, and many Arabic-speaking Christians today still use the name Allah to refer to the God of the Bible (not the Quran). In this book, however, whenever I refer to “Allah,” I am referring to the god of Islam… So as you read this book, which exposes the many ways Islamic influence is spreading, I urge you to resist any notion that we should hate Muslims. We must not see them as our enemies, but rather as victims of a totalitarian and oppressive religion. We must see them as people who long for peace and happiness within their own families and who want to do right by Allah as they understand him. We must see them as people who need not just a prophet, but a Savior to save them from their sins.” (Shadow Crescent Page 35, 38) He literally says Allah and then makes Jesus his “prophet”, though he adds that he is “not just a prophet, but a Savior”.


This new synthesis he is creating in America where Muslims “convert” to Christianity would make Jesus the “Savior” of Islam and would “usher in a religion that will counterfeit Christianity at every point” with Jesus and Mahdi as the two witnesses of God raised back from the dead. “All of the original doctrines found in the third chapter of Genesis will surface: the deity of mankind, the transformation of consciousness (“enlightenment”), moral relativism, and the like. Possibly even reincarnation might be used to spread the word that some great historical personage of the past has reappeared. Think of the awe and worship that would come to the person who could claim to have been “raised from the dead” by being recycled into our mode of existence. He will usher in a religion that will counterfeit Christianity at every point in the place of the Ten Commandments, there will be new commandments for this new age. (God’s Devil Page 215)

He, like Hitler will be indwelt by demonic forces, most likely by Satan himself. The parallels are so striking that Robert Van Kampen, in his book The Sign, says that he believes that the Antichrist will actually be Hitler raised from the dead. “ (Hitler’s Cross Page 92)

Himmler also believed in the theory of reincarnation and claimed that his troops were actually doing the occupants of the concentration camps a favor by exterminating them. After death, these subhumans would obtain salvation of sorts when they reappeared in their next cycle of existence. The SS were simply helping these vermin get on with their own Karma and evolutionary transformation.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 117)


About the seriousness of sin and what judgment should be required, since Lutzer thinks the punishment should have been life instead of death, he also thinks all of God’s judgments are wrong. “If we believe that we will enjoy eternal life forever, we must believe that others will suffer eternal punishment forever. Unfortunately, we are not free to choose our beliefs based on our preferencesTo us as humans, everlasting punishment is disproportionate to the offense committed. God appears to be cruel, unjust, sadistic, and vindictive. The purpose of punishment, we are told, is always redemptive. Rehabilitation is the goal of all prison sentences. The concept of a place where there will be everlasting punishment without any possibility of parole or reform seems unjust… The serpent, needless to say, cannot plead ignorance. His decision was made with a knowledge of the facts before him. Of course he didn’t know everything, since such full knowledge belongs only to God, but he knew enough to be severely judged for his stupidity… Unlike a human court, which can shelve details or misinterpret them, God’s knowledge extends to that which has happened in the world and to that which might have happened under different circumstancesWe must confess that we do not know how much punishment is enough for Satan, who bears the greater responsibility, or for man, who bears the lesser… What if, from God’s standpoint, the greatness of the sin is determined by the honor of the One against whom it is committed? Then the guilt of sin is infinite because it is the violation of the character of an infinite Being… As humans we can be thankful that we do not have to bear our sin. An infinite Being came to pay an infinite price so that we could be redeemed” (God’s Devil Page 235-236)


So basically, it should be clear that Lutzer hates God and does not believe that Jesus’ death solved the problem, since Lutzer believes God is the real problem instead of the devil. That is not only a false gospel – it is the most evil satanic gospel every preached among humans. This is the Nazi “gospel” saying that we are going to have to save ourselves from God after he deals with the devil. It is German philosophy and mythology that is portrayed in comics and movies constantly in America. But Lutzer actually believes this evil garbage. Remember that Hitler partnered closely with Britain and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the sadistic hostility against Israeli mass migration out of Europe, so that Hitler could complete his filtering program through the labor and death camps to decide which Jews should live and which Jews should go on to America or Russia and which limited tiny number of Jews should be allowed into Israel to establish it on the most corrupt footing possible. This allowed a slight delay in Jerusalem to still possibly create the Jesuit dream of Catholic-Kabbalah-Islamic unity Antichrist government in a split Jerusalem as the Road Map to “Peace” states.


In the instances when Christians were pressured to convert to Islam, they were told that all true Christians were really already Muslims. Islam regards itself as the most complete and final religion, with Christianity and Judaism in its early roots. After all, Abraham is regarded as the father of all three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muslims believe that Judaism and Christianity had been abrogated and had become corrupted, and that if these religions were purified, all Jews and Christians would become Muslims. Muhammad himself taught that Abraham was actually a Muslim rather than a Jew (Sura 3:67). In the Quran, it is said the disciples identified themselves as Muslims (Sura 3:52; 5:111). Because Islam would ultimately triumph over all other religions (Sura 48:28), and it had superseded Judaism and Christianity, ‘it would no longer be acceptable for Jews – or Christians – to follow their old religion; they had to acknowledge Muhammad, and become Muslims too, like everyone else.’ A question I have often pondered is this: Why has Islam been able to obliterate the church in a way that Communism has not?” (Shadow Crescent Page 67) In other words, Lutzer believes God is the one doing this program through Islam. But you have to remember that when he says “Christians” here, he is talking about Catholic VISIBLE cathedrals, not the true Christians of these countries. Christians cannot deny Christ and “convert” to Islam – these were Catholics.


Let’s return to the Christian churches that were in Asia Minor at the time of the first Muslim conquests long ago. As we have already noted, when these Christians were conquered, they didn’t have much choice. They could go into servitude, slavery, or be killed. We also have to keep in mind that these Christians did not have the information that we possess today about the history and the teachings of the Muslim faith. Many could not read; they only knew what they had heard from others. On the surface, Islam may have seemed compatible with Christianity because it taught there was only one God, and of course the Quran makes occasional references to Jesus. And the fact that Muslims taught that Islam had abrogated Christianity and the Quran was God’s final revelation made the transfer of one’s loyalties attractive. What is more, conversion to Islam was easy. A person simply had to recite out loud, with total sincerity, the shahadah, a creed that declared, ‘I confess that there is no god but Allah, and I confess that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.’ That was enough to make a person a Muslim. This conversion required no repentance from sin, no change of heart. That seemed simple enough. But what many people didn’t realize is that Islam offered a door that was easy to enter, but that door was bolted from the inside. Woe to the person who wanted to convert back to Christianity! He was either ostracized from the Muslim community or killed.” (Shadow Crescent Page 70)


Here is Lutzer again promoting the Catholic false “gospel”: “That’s when our guide explained, ‘No Muslim can pray in the presence of a cross.’… In a provocative article titled ‘Away with Crucifixes, Crosses, and Christmas,’ Daniel Pipes, the founder and director of Middle East Forum, documents specific examples of how Muslims have demanded the removal of crosses on display in public places, particularly in Europe… But these attacks on the cross should inspire us to be all the more eager to carry our cross for Christ.” (Shadow Crescent Page 97-106) Because Catholics carry a cross symbol makes them more inspirational to God than those who do not? Now let’s get to Lutzer preaching the Muslim false “gospel” again – he preaches both Catholicism and Islam – it’s weird. Watch carefully how Lutzer responds to the Muslim lie that Jesus did not die. He quotes Peter’s rebuke as strong evidence that it was true. But this cannot be strong evidence since it was said before Jesus died, and Lutzer knows this. What is actually being implied in Lutzer’s words is that Peter knew the hidden secret and accidentally blabbed it out loud to the other disciples. Notice the key words: “This shall never happen to YOU!” The words “to YOU” shows what Lutzer really thinks is the evidence to support the Muslim doctrine. All of this he learned in interfaith dialogue, of course. It would be difficult to preach these ideas secretly as if they are from the Bible if you haven’t read Muslim doctrines thoroughly. Notice that if this were Lutzer still explaining how the Muslim “evangelists” promote their false gospel, it would be fine, because he would just be explaining what he learned from them in interfaith dialogue as to how they attempt to justify their argument from the Bible. But, no… this is Lutzer saying “that the apostle Peter vehemently opposed Jesus’ own prediction that He would be crucified and buried adds to the credibility of the New Testament account.“ But then Lutzer uses that same argument to instead add credibility to the Muslim opinion of what Jesus did. So now you KNOW that Lutzer is preaching from himself. He actually believes this version of events – that Jesus avoided dying by having a substitute die in His place. Notice that God already solved this trick ahead of time, because God knew they would try this. God had the people choose between Jesus and Barabbas, so that when they chose Barabbas it became clear that Jesus was the one put to death. But Lutzer attempts to suggest yet another switch happened after that or who knows what. Notice VERY carefully Lutzer’s introduction. He does not say that “some Muslim interpreters say…” and then respond with “They accuse Jesus of deception" or something like that. Instead Lutzer says:


Some Muslim interpreters say that the Jews killed someone whom God made to look like Jesus. This, however, makes God seem guilty of deception and illusion. Why would God be party to a deceitful and unjust act by having someone else who looked like Jesus die on the cross instead of Jesus Himself? God would have been guilty of false-hood, leading people to believe that it was Jesus who had been crucified, when in fact it was someone else.“ (Shadow Crescent Page 99) Okay, whoa, whoa… let’s stop there for a second. Lutzer actually asks “Why would God be party to a deceitful and unjust act by having someone else who looked like Jesus die on the cross instead of Jesus Himself?” He didn’t ask it from a Christian perspective of knowing Jesus and knowing that He DOES NOT LIE, but instead actually puts his own words asking to us about God seeming to be “guilty of deception and illusion”. This is a brainwashing technique. It is a form of words to put the thought in your own mind as a legitimate and credible question that deserves an answer. So where is Lutzer’s answer? Watch this closely – it is a text-book perfect use of textual criticism to criticize the Bible. “Yet we must keep in mind that the Quran did not come into existence until more than 500 years after the cross, when it was written by Muhammad. By contrast, the accounts recorded in the Bible were documented by a number of independent eyewitnesses whose testimonies have been preserved in manuscripts that date very close to the time of Jesus. Muslims respond to this by saying that Allah spoke through Muhammad, and Allah would not have made a mistake; therefore, what was spoken through Muhammad has no mistakes.” (Shadow Crescent Page 99)


WOW! Unbelievable!! Lutzer argues a three step textual criticism argument – independent eyewitnesses’ “testimonies” documented at an unspecified time “very close to the time of Jesus” which were “preserved in manuscripts” for almost 2000 years. In other words, Lutzer sees a lot of human factor in there; notice that he DOES NOT SAY that God preserved it or even that God verbally-directed the recording of the testimony in the first place. In Lutzer’s argument, he intentionally avoids answer the Muslim accusation that the eyewitnesses actually might have seen someone who looked identical to Jesus on that cross. We know the real story because we trust God to record and preserve His Word as He always has and because we know Jesus Himself to know how He does things and that He loved us enough to genuinely die for us and be separated from His own Father for crimes he never committed because he loves us that much! And we know that He does not lie to us, but actually helps us through the Holy Spirit to understand all truth, even all of the things that He taught while He was on earth. Do you hear Lutzer saying any of that? But watch what power Lutzer ascribes to the Muslim argument – that the Quran was later after more of the facts had come out supposedly over the span of 500 years of critical analysis which was verbally spoken to Muhammad by Allah himself and that Allah does not lie or “make a mistake” as they say it, since they excuse lying all the time this way in their “religion”. Can you see the difference? Lutzer actually puts the weight of Allah’s authority – which we have already shown that Lutzer does attempt to use this name for the real One True God even after saying he would not do that – behind Muhammad’s rewrite of Jesus’ life. So let’s go on to see his second justification for why he believes the Muslim “god” Allah over the One True God.


Even the fact that the apostle Peter vehemently opposed Jesus’ own prediction that He would be crucified and buried adds to the credibility of the New Testament account. When Jesus ‘began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer… and that he must be killed… Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” (Matthew 16:21-22).“ (Page 99) So this argument DOES add to the credibility of God’s Word because it shows that Peter was not in on a plot to steal Jesus’ body at the time of the resurrection – as if God needed more credibility than His Word – but nevertheless, we see that the facts are accurate. Peter would not have stolen the body because he didn’t understand why it was happening this way as shown by several other situations between Peter and Jesus – to the point where Peter actually even denied Jesus because he was in pride way too much. But Lutzer is actually attempting to unravel this credibility given by this testimony by instead implying that the argument between Peter and Jesus was over the concept of someone else dying in place of Jesus “made to look like Jesus”. Ouch!! And Lutzer intentionally leaves this accusation unanswered and instead answers with the Muslim’s own distorted reading of the Bible as if to verify their new lie that didn’t come along until 500 years later because it never could have held any weight at any time close to the crucifixion and resurrection to create this lie. It was so clear that Jesus with the wounds still on him was the one who resurrected, that no one would dare to suggest it was someone else. It was so clear that Jesus’ words when He died, the power of God through the earthquake that broke the Temple curtain, the fact that Jesus own mother and disciples and close friends of Jesus were present at his death and would not have been confused about it. Jesus’ own mother did not even believe in Him yet and it was as if a sword pierced her own soul because she had actually tried to get Jesus’ brothers to stop Jesus because she thought Jesus was out of his mind and going to cause major trouble to the nation of Israel. Peter also did not believe yet as shown by the fact that the angel asked the women to tell “His disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7) to meet Jesus in Galilee, putting Peter in a separate category because he had quite literally denied Jesus. Jesus, of course, restores Peter as recorded in John 21:15-25; but out of the four gospels only John dared to tell this story because he was right there through all of it with Peter outside the court of the High Priest and at Peter’s reconciliation and because Peter, James, and John were the senior apostles to the Jews. (Galatians 2:9) Do you see the point that we are making? That would be a defense of the gospel. Lutzer is doing whatever the opposite of defending the gospel would be called.


Jesus then said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns’ (verse 23). Peter’s problem was that he could not accept a crucified Messiah. To hear that Jesus would be put to death was unthinkable. Peter’s urging that Jesus avoid the crucifixion struck at the heart of God’s everlasting covenant. The cross was predetermined to be the hinge on which God’s purpose for mankind would turn. Without it, there would be no removal of sin, no redemption, no hope of humanity being reconciled to God. This would have suited Satan’s purposes all too nicely. The fact is, what Satan wanted is confirmed in Matthew 4:9, where Satan advised Jesus to skip the crucifixion. There, high on a mountain, the tempter said to the Son of God, ‘All this I will give to you… if you will bow down and worship me.’ Satan wanted to make a bargain with Jesus. He invited our Lord to bow in worship to him and grasp the kingdoms of the world without dying. Satan’s words of hate and Peter’s words of misguided love were in unison. Peter’s supposed wisdom and the devil’s plan were identical. Clearly, the devil would want us to believe that Jesus was not crucified.” (Page 100)


Do you see what Lutzer believes about the gospel? He believes the Muslim assertion that the conversation between Peter and Jesus was planned in order to give the impression that Jesus refused to do anything other than die. This is a really contorted way of thinking, so we’ll say it differently in a little more plain language. Lutzer thinks that Jesus actually went with the devil’s plan to bow in worship to him and in return Jesus’ “Church” stole the kingdom from the nation of Israel which Nazis and Muslims believe is represented by the devil as we have shown repeatedly in Lutzer’s statements. Lutzer quite compares Lucifer worship to be equivalent to Jesus trading his birthright to back to Esau. Esau is the Arabs, so you literally have a Jesuit defender of the Pope here working on behalf of the Catholic “Church” trying to reverse what Esau did and steal the kingdom backwards through claiming that Esau never sold his birthright and Jesus never died on the cross. “For Jesus, however, no other option was under consideration. Despite the horror that awaited Him, the cross had to be. If Jesus had been a false messiah bent on staging a messianic coup, he certainly would not have chosen to go to Jerusalem to get Himself crucified. He would have taken pains to fulfill the popular messianic expectations of the day – namely, to stage a revolt against the Romans who occupied Israel, and set up a human kingdom. The fact that Jesus countered public opinion and expectations and instead died on the cross confirms the authenticity of His claims about Himself. If Jesus had taken Peter’s suggestion, Peter’s own redemption would never have been possible. Without the cross, there would have been no forgiveness, no reconciliation, and no final triumph of Jesus over death and hell. The cross is the hub that holds all the spokes of God’s eternal purposes together. The bottom line here is that Muslims deny Jesus’ death on the cross. According to them, ‘the cross did not happen… and there is an Islamic consensus to say, “It need not happen historically, it did not happen redemptively and it should not morally happen to Jesus.” ‘ Therefore, Christianity should have no cross, and the very symbol  itself is offensive to devout Muslims.” (Shadow Crescent Page 100-101)


That got so weird that we have no idea where Lutzer went with it. Is he saying that Jesus stirred the riot among the people to overthrow Rome? Cause, that is definitely not what happened. Is Lutzer saying that Jesus ran off somewhere else like a crazy Messiah like Shabtai Tzvi and converted all of his followers to Islam? Yes, that really did happen, and no that doesn’t explain what Jesus did since Islam didn’t exist. Is Lutzer pretending that Jesus hijacked the Roman government by secret conspiracy with Pilate to fake his own death? It literally is just so weird, it’s hard to even think of possibilities that sound like they fit what Lutzer is saying. Or is he just going back to trying to sound Orthodox and pretend that he really does believe that Jesus died. If that were true, why does Lutzer end with negative phrases about the entire work of Christ’s real Church falling all apart “without the cross” as if Christians are supposed to grapple with the realities of a possible failure by Jesus? And if he were of faith in Jesus, why would he list the items that would disintegrate if Jesus avoided the cross, unless Lutzer is trying super hard to give credibility to the Muslim lie? And lest it appear that Lutzer was speaking for himself while giving these arguments using these brainwashing techniques of inserting questions into our thoughts, then Lutzer backs out of focus and just blames it all on the Muslims for denying Jesus’ death on the cross. And Lutzer further reiterates their firm resolve that it did not happen that way.


If this were any other discussion than the very gospel itself – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, perhaps someone could acquit Jesuit Erwin Lutzer. But this is the gospel. It is God’s redemption proven by fulfilling literally hundreds of prophecies and patterns and following the life-path of the righteous men who lived and walked with Him in the past, so as to be clear to His own people that He is their Messiah. If Lutzer can do this to the gospel, hopefully you can see that he is not a pastor, he does not believe in Jesus, he hates God, he serves the Pope as a Jesuit paramilitary agent under extreme unction oath of the Jesuits. See above in Argument #10 for The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits.


So what evidence can Muslims point to as proof that Muhammad is superior to Jesus, and Islam is superior to Christianity? Take a look through history and consider all the lands that have been conquered for Islam, and remember as well to count the many thousands of churches that have been destroyed or turned into mosques. Then ask yourself this question: In all that time, how many mosques have been turned into churches? And how many Muslim countries have gone on to become Christian nations?... In fact, in terms of numerical growth, Islam today is outpacing Christianity.” (Shadow Crescent Page 138) “With God, righteousness ultimately prevails. In the same way, whatever victories Islam has known to this day have been permitted by the hand of God. But it’s all temporary. In the end, the Lord Jesus Christ will stand victorious. He will set up His kingdom on earth, and all will kneel to His authority.” (Shadow Crescent Page 141)  What you see of people here on earth is deceptive; only in eternity will we see where people really stand. Only then will we know who the real winners and losers are. Christianity makes no claim that faith in God will produce victory over one’s enemies in this world. As an example, we need look no further than to Christ, who submitted Himself to those who sought to kill Him. He knew that when they succeeded, they would celebrate their victory. But that was not the end of the story. When Jesus’ enemies came to get him, He calmly told them, ‘This is your hour – when darkness reigns’ (Luke 22:53). In effect, Jesus said, ‘Today you win.’… Justice will be done, even though we think it is centuries overdue. Eternity will bring to light all that was craftily hidden on earth. Victory in this world is no proof of victory in the next.” (Shadow Crescent Page 143-144) Uh, that’s not at all true. How about this? “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 That is Jesus speaking, but apparently Lutzer doesn’t listen and wants to be angry at God for not setting it up already. We will inherit the earth for an entire 1,000 years to reign with Christ. But Lutzer already knows that and doesn’t believe in Christ.


God’s means of victory is usually to work through a remnant. When tribulation comes, He chooses to uphold His name using a few people rather than the whole crowd. When Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear,’ He might well have been separating the true believers from those who were Christians in name only and showed no evidence that they understood the gospel and its implications. So what do we do when life gets difficult for the church? Hunker down and wait out the storm and hope we will have at least bits and pieces of Christianity left after the hurricane makes landfall? No, we prepare for the storm, and we move forward with confidence knowing that we can count on Christ to bring His church safely through it all. As we see the growing influence of Islam all around us – in every level of government, education, business, finance, the legal system, and more – and we see Islamists exploiting the freedoms of speech and religion to further their agenda, there is temptation for the church to give in, to remain silent, to appease in the hopes of preserving peace. But that approach permits Islam to prevail, and it betrays a lack of trust in God’s power and protection. I do not doubt that God has allowed Islam to spread to the extent that it has for a reason. Far from weakening the church, Islam could be used by God to strengthen it. If the church rises to the challenge, this could be a time when we see countless Muslims all around us come to faith in Christ.” (Shadow Crescent Page 153-154)  In our witness we must avoid arguments about the character of Muhammad, or the origin and teachings of the Quran. Those issues are important at some point, but they are not the matters upon which a friendship will be formed. One way to build bridges with our Muslim friends is to invite them to read a short passage from the Quran, and then we in turn can share a short passage from the Bible. Friendship builds bridges – arguments do not.” (Shadow Crescent Page 160-161) 


In his attempt to explain why Muslims were so enraged over the burning of a Quran, Ghosh stated that Muslims have a higher view of the Quran than Christians do of the Bible… The reason Christians do not riot when a Bible is burned is not because they don’t believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, but because they believe vengeance belongs to God. As the Bible says, ‘ Do not repay anyone evil for evil… If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord’ (Romans 12:17-19). What’s more, here in America, we believe in freedoms of religion and speech. People are free to choose which religion they follow, and how they express their views. However, we Christians must confess to our shame that Muslims often show more devotion to their Quran than we give to the Bible. Most Muslim cab drivers that I’ve caught a ride with here in Chicago have a copy of the Quran with them and read it during their spare time – perhaps more diligently than some Christians read their Bibles. However much we Christians disagree about the origin of the Quran, we have to admire those Muslims who are committed to carrying out its demands. Even Martin Luther admitted we have much to learn from Muslims because of their devotion to Muhammad and the Quran. He opined that Christians should be brought to shame when they see the extent to which Muslims sacrifice to live up to their religion, no matter how deceived they otherwise might be. The question for us as Christians is this: Are we as committed to the Bible as Muslims are to the Quran? A thriving church should have a genuine and fervent love for God’s Word.” (Shadow Crescent Page 161-162) 


Lutzer’s “church” is not our Church that is part of Jesus. The Catholic “church” has no part of Jesus and they want no part of Jesus. They just want to do what the devil wanted to do – kill God (or at this point pretend He didn’t die if necessary) and steal His kingdom. They know they can only do that by one method – infiltration and redirecting us who are faith in Christ. They have quite literally tried every other method. Their one remaining attempt started in the 1500s with the Jesuits is to pretend to be God and work toward putting the devil as God. To do that they have to literally attempt to reverse the entire of human history and deceive the human population about every minute detail of the entire of existence in order to make it seem that God is “the devil" and that the devil is “god”. Their strategy requires them to convince Christians to act like the Catholic “church” has all down through history, which we refuse to do. That is the real infiltration process being done by the Muslims. If we were capable of responding to Islam by becoming like Islam in any noticeable way, then the Vatican would run with that as evidence of a reversal of kingdoms and will presume that they have achieved her goal. And they will run with that program right into setting up the devil as God whenever Christians are removed out of the way by God to allow their program because so many humans are demanding the right to be like that. “We will learn that the threat of terrorism is but a distraction to prevent us from recognizing the far more insidious campaign of deception and infiltration taking place in our midst. The Muslim Brotherhood and its many offspring organizations are committed to achieving increased influence through immigration, education, Muslim community centers, mosques, political legitimacy, intimidation, lawsuits, and if necessary, terrorism.” US intelligence analyst Joseph Myers described the plan as being ‘oriented on an “organizational” approach, toward building and developing organizations and networks that implement “civilizational jihad” in a gradual and efficient fashion.’ Does that seem unnecessarily alarmist?” (Shadow Crescent Page 37)


We will have problems because of the Muslim infiltration, but that is not what Lutzer was talking about. Because he knows that the Muslims are just a Jesuit infiltration of Catholicism and that they are on orders from the Pope and “will do whatever [the Pope] wants him to. Nothing less, nothing more. (God’s Devil Page 138) And in this Lutzer admits his own role in the process. He must keep the timing of the propaganda to keep blame off of the Catholics and on the Protestants. Lutzer’s Jesuit role is to protect the Vatican from being known world-wide as the cause of the World Wars and current Inquisitions which would make it clear that the Vatican 2 program and pretense of friendliness toward Israel is a lie invented to convince Israel to allow Catholic and Muslim domination over them.



Argument #16: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer wants to use tension in America between Islam and “Judeo-Christianity” to complete the case against “Judeo-Christianity” as the cause of the world’s empire-building. The purpose is the Vatican’s last option to escape the case being built strongly against her as the Babylon the Great and Mother of Idolatry of the 7-mountain satanism described in Revelation 17:9. This program was drawn up by Jesuit satanists Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), Loren Cunningham (Youth With a Mission), and Francis Schaeffer (L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland). But as we showed by the list of evils in the devil’s program, it literally is impossible even though the devil still insists on proceeding. In this last option, Lutzer wants “Judeo-Christianity” to match the Muslim Brotherhood tactics for controlling American government. The Vatican has distorted glasses that cause weird double-vision when they look at “Judeo-Christianity” in America – they see Judaism but they really want to see Freemason Kabbalah which is their satanic remake from the 12th century; and they see followers of Christ, but they really want to see their Jesuit Protestant Lausanne program for 7-mountain Kingdom Dominionism from Revelation 17:9 which should be called 7-mountain satanism. We’ll show you why. This would confirm Islam and Judeo-Christianity as secret equal aggressors who are covering for their “extremism” within themselves.


Lutzer hopes this tension will send their carefully brainwashed Millennials and Gen Z young people out of America for safety to assist the engineering of New World Order in the rest of the world. The Jesuit Nazis hope the outcome would actually even create secret agreement and “moral leadership” partnership in America between “Judeo-Christianity” and Islam against the “devil’s” secularism. If this were possible, which it is not, it would attempt to confirm to the world that it was “Protestantism” rather than Catholicism who has been infiltrating and overthrowing governments of the world with oligarchic “democracy.” Lutzer tries in every way possible to create the arguments for the Vatican to be the “peace-maker” over the world’s religious arguments. Lutzer mocks the devil’s inability to unify the world for more than twelve years under Hitler as if an Antichrist is impossible while knowing full well that it will come under a “trusted” leadership of the Catholics worldwide – not from small occult groups or extreme partnerships between dangerous religions but rather in reaction to these. The Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue already has this process ready. The elite “intelligence” and psychological operations experts planned this super-majority block Jesuit-Kabbalah-Islam since the three pretend to represent almost half (or maybe more than) of the world’s population through their various sects. You can see how that would be a serious problem for all people if the 3 largest bully evil religions partner to dominate and scare the world into the Vatican’s one-world religious program. This attempt to blame God for the international crimes of all three false religions – as atheists are known to do by saying that all of the world’s wars are caused by religion – is really just a Vatican strategy to be the ruler over all of the world’s religions.


Lutzer’s portrayal of Islam is the Nazi conundrum all over again – the two options are 1. Join the Catholic counterfeit “kingdom of God” toward one-world religious “peace” or 2. Stay with American Jesuit “Christianity” poised against Islam and Kabbalah and prepare to die in “martyrdom” for your beliefs and “kingdom of God” – which is not at all what we are about as servants of Christ. You either join the historically Antichrist program of the Vatican or else being blamed for devilish opposition Jesuit-Muslim-Kabbalah that creates the final Antichrist. Either way, death and death are the only two options the real mafia of the Jesuits and Vatican ever give us who follow Christ, but God has other plans. These are the real Nazis – the coordinators of the attacks that set arguments for world war as we showed in Argument #1 are the Jesuits. Lutzer blames this Catholic versus Christian conundrum as God’s plan. They want to blame God for not getting the gospel to all nations by force as the Jesuits want to do but they “preach” their false “gospel” of humanistic “morality” which follow quite literally the rules of European/American satanism.


Lutzer was being caught and that is why he had to leave The Moody Church, because he has a higher role to play in the timing of the Nazi attack to blame “Judeo-Christianity”. Otherwise the Gen Z and NextGen children in America that they are training to help engineer New World Order will catch on that the Vatican is the mind behind so much bloodshed and totalitarian dominance. The Vatican wants these American children to lead the program world-wide so they do not want to frighten or kill them about Roman Catholic leadership before they can convince the majority of these inter-faith minded children out of America. Make no mistake, the elites and Jesuits are all too willing to use detention camps and secret mass-murder to target obstinate individuals if they think they could get away with it. They already do individual targeted murder quite tactfully. This is the program of the Inquisitions from the Medieval Ages in its “advanced” modern form. We wish their followers understood that their rulers only see them as expendable “human resources” for empire building and hopefully many will repent and refuse to participate. Lutzer says that God will kill off the churches who do not cooperate with this evil partnership saying that if Lutzer were on staff he would consider the church alive, “yet Jesus pronounced this church as dead”.


To those who understand that some false flags are not a murder scene, we say: if they can fake people’s deaths that well in false flags, they can also actually kill and make it look like fake. It is our understanding that some people usually do die in relation to the false flag situations. The reason Lutzer and Nazi Jesuits do all of this is to express to American “Christians” that we need to judge our own extremism within the “church”, by which Lutzer means himself – quite literally. That might sound like a joke but it is not; he knows full well that the only extremism is the world domination games of the Catholic Pope and his Jesuits. And he is actually having to convince his followers to stick with the program even if it means being “Christian” martyrs in America for the cause of world “peace” by creating world “terror” through the three big religions. Lutzer and the CIA and DHS need Kamikaze pilots who will dress in Arabic outfits, flying Arabic planes while actually just being Jesuit Nazis trying to create world war – and of course they will possibly die in the process, so he has to convince these Jesuits that it is a worthy cause and that heaven will be waiting on the other side either philosophically (if they survive) or spiritually (if they believed hard enough that they were doing this for the “kingdom of God”). Lutzer has to convince the rest of the world that “Things Are Not What They Appear To Be” (Lutzer’s chapter title)  – since he is protector and para-military of the Pope to guard his power.


“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the win of her fornication.’ So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. But the angel said to me, ‘Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.” Revelation 17:1-9


Here are parts of our description from the Who is Mark Jobe? Jesuit “Change Agent” article and our profile on Sajan Mathews who heads up the Moody Bible Institute Faith, Work, and Economics with Oikonomia Network. What are its core teachings? To train up a body of religion-looking people to set up a one-world “dominion” that conquers the seven imaginary/allegorical “mountains”: Government, Family, Economy, Religion, Education, Media, and Entertainment. They learned how to summarize the every day life of humans to figure out how to control our every action through multiple world governments – seven of them. Simply put, if you want to know who ultimately runs things – look at Rome/Vatican and her Jesuit partners who are the revived Roman Empire – the eighth empire that is of the seven. Those seven empires starting from the beginning of time (about 6000 years ago) until now are these: 1) Nimrod/Tower of Babel, 2) Egyptian, 3) Assyrian, 4) Babylonian/Chaldean, 5) Medo-Persian, 6) Greek, 7) Roman, 8) and the Revived Roman empire (of which the antichrist will lead himself).


The purpose of Oikonomia Network is to collect all Freemason/Jesuit-led Protestant power to control the four largest sectors of society on behalf of the Vatican – 1. all Church-life, 2. all Home-life, 3. all Business, and 4. all Government to be directed/guided by Vatican directives and Jesuit control grids. That is a simplified program of Kingdom Dominionism built on seven mountains/spheres that Francis Schaeffer explained as 1. all Religion, 2. all Family, 3. all Education, 4. all Government, 5. all Media, 6. all Arts and Entertainment, 7. all Business. This is why Mark Jobe promotes himself as helping God’s “Kingdom Come: Unleashing Heaven on Earth” and calls Christ “King Jesus” by which he approves the Pope’s purpose of forcing God’s Kingdom and then handing it off to the anti-christ and pretending that he is the return of Christ. They want our whole lives, our whole country and our whole future for the Pope and the Jesuit murderers/crusaders toward anti-christ new world order, so let’s learn this lesson well so we can kick out the infiltrators/usurpers and remain non-Catholic and pro-Bible.


These are the tactics the Jesuits and Muslims want us to match, so that we are neutralized and removed from being able to help correct the New World Order operations and the one-world government already being organized. Notice that American corporate alphabet agencies that pretend to be government acting on behalf of the people (but really they just want to pretend to be doing what “Christians” do), are already implementing fake laws and destructive actions on all of these topics listed below. They really have to convince the world that this is how people who follow God are – whether in “Judasim” or in “Christianity” or in “Islam”. Then all they have to do is disallow religious Americans from participation in important discussions while non-religious Americans get to sit freely and unquestioned as bullies on top as they always have been. That is a dangerous path; but to Shriners and Freemasons and Jesuits, it is “the path” - remember that is the meaning of the word shariah. It’s a mock of Jesus saying, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

So how are we to ‘understand the present time’? What do we need to be aware of? Though the Muslim Brotherhood is only one aspect of the Islamist movement in America today, it is by far the most influential. So we can consider it fairly representative of all that is happening in our midst. As we noted a moment ago, the archives discovered in the FBI raid in 2004 reveal the Brotherhood’s commitment to what some people call civilizational jihad. In those archives was a master plan identified as The Project. Patrick Poole, an anti-terrorism consultant and a leading analyst with regard to the Muslim Brotherhood, reported on this master plan, which was written in 1982. It lays out a 12-point strategy designed to ‘establish an Islamic government on earth.’ Pool describes The Project this way: ‘[The Project] represents a flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the “cultural invasion” of the West. Calling for the utilization of various tactics, ranging from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest, deception, political legitimacy and terrorism, The Project has served for more than two decades as the Muslim Brotherhood “master plan.”’” (Shadow Crescent Page 181) 


Most people probably would not know this, but these principles in the list that follow are quite literally taught in Catholic curriculum for those who are invited to participate in their take-over of America. They push demographics discussions and birth rate discussions a lot! They do control the media and the language used to describe problems in society in a way that “alleviates concern". They do hide their information from non-compliant Americans. They control leadership at so many levels in every subject of authority in America. They play “counter-terrorism” ops better than anyone both in society (cities and metro-plexes) and coordinate the appearance of international conflicts while covering the crimes that should be investigated. They are the gang-stalking network and they do abuse/enforce their policies on anyone who disagrees – but subtly enough that it’s difficult to prove who messed up your life plans. They subvert and redirect all Christian and atheist activity through the whole spectrum of beliefs. They control the legal institutions and regularly throw celebrations for Supreme Court Justices all the way down to lower court justices. They claim to be victims right along with us under the oppression of secularism – we hear this all the time from Freemasons etc, and Lutzer is doing this exact thing as a Jesuit. They control most of the education systems by Duke University data and by controlling what students are allowed into better schools and by controlling curriculum and by dumbing-down the lower schools in poorer uncooperative neighborhoods. They demand the right to rule over America ever since the 1700s or before. They demand recognition by non-Catholics. And now they are demanding that Oikonomia replace American law and social order or else they will have Islam conquer America and create chaos through which they always get to ride the next wave and decide what happens next. They have the hidden knowledge. So this is how they do it.

As stated in Shariah: The Threat to America, the Brotherhood archives obtained in 2004 reveal their key tactics include the following: - expand the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigration, and refusal to assimilate, - occupy and expand domination of physical spaces, - ensure the ‘Muslim Community’ knows and follows Muslim Brotherhood doctrine, - control the language [non-Muslims are permitted to] use in describing the enemy, - ensure [non-Muslims] do not study their doctrine (shariah), - co-opt key leadership, - force compliance with shariah at local levels, - fight all counterterrorism efforts, - subvert religious organizations, - employ ‘lawfare’ – the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits, - claim victimization/demanding accommodations, - condemn ‘slander’ against Islam, - subvert the US education system and in particular infiltrate and dominate US Middle East and religious studies programs, - demand the right to practice shariah in segregated Muslim enclaves, - demand recognition of shariah in non-Muslim spheres, - demand that shariah replace Western law.” (Shadow Crescent Page 184-185) 


Muhammad himself emphasized the victimhood of Muslims in order to justify his aggression. As Mark Durie explains, ‘To sustain the theological position that conquest is liberation, it became necessary [for Muslims] to seek grounds to find the infidel enemy [non-Muslims guilty and deserving of attack.’ In other words, to justify Muslim aggression, it was argued that the suffering Muslims had received from others was greater than any harm Muslims had poured out upon non-Muslims, as Durie goes on to say: ‘Since, by divine decree Muslims’ sufferings were “worse than slaughter,” it became obligatory for Muslims to regard their victimhood as greater than whatever they inflicted upon their enemies.” (Shadow Crescent Page 192)   


Here is another form of reverse victimhood – Lutzer is saying that Rome did not persecuted Jews, so that is why people (meaning Jesuits and Muslims etc.) would pretend to be Jews. On the same token, Lutzer pretends that Jews really were persecuting Christians rather than the other way around. “Like the other cities mentioned in Revelation chapters 2-3, Smyrna had temples erected to Roman gods and goddesses to which the citizens were expected to bow. So when the Christians refused to participate in emperor worship, they were vilified. Because of their faithfulness, they endured poverty – probably because they could not participate in some of the trades and businesses that may have had immoral or unethical dealings involved. It may be some couldn’t get jobs because they wouldn’t worship the emperor. The Christians in Smyrna were also slandered by those who said they were Jews but were not (verse 9). That likely refers to people who claimed to be Jews in order to escape persecution. As a rule, Rome did not persecute the Jews. This slander may have taken the form of attacks on their character or mockery for their faith.” (Shadow Crescent Page 84)


Hitler asked the German nation to suffer with him, and the Third Reich would last for a thousand years. He was wrong, of course; his Reich lasted twelve years and six months. And as his days were coming to an end, he shrieked, ‘Everyone has deceived me! No one has told me the truth!’ Perhaps it never occurred to him that he had not been exactly honest himself. The proud dictator finally came to the realization that he was mortal after all. In sharp contrast, Christ has the present and the future under His control. He could promise His followers a new life on the other side because He had no human limitations.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 218-219) So you see that Lutzer really is blaming Jesus as the real totalitarian dictator. Hear him sympathize with Muslims as if they are victims of a cruel system he blames God for: “We must not see them as our enemies, but rather as victims of a totalitarian and oppressive religion. We must see them as people who long for peace and happiness within their own families and who want to do right by Allah as they understand him.” (Shadow Crescent Page 38)

In Chicago, whenever I get into a cab driven by a Muslim, I always initiate a friendly dialogue with him. After talking with him about the role of Jesus in the Quran, I ask this question: ‘If you were to convert to Christianity, do you think you should be put to death?’ Some drivers say no, and others say yes. When I ask who should kill them, they are usually unsure, but volunteer that ‘someone who is in charge’ should do the deed. So even here in America, some Muslims hold to the view that to convert from Islam to Christianity could very well mean the loss of their life.” (Shadow Crescent Page 72) “After all, Abraham is regarded as the father of all three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muslims believe that Judaism and Christianity had been abrogated and had become corrupted, and that if these religions were purified, all Jews and Christians would become Muslims.” (Shadow Crescent Page 68)


After all, they frequently hear that America is a “Christian nation,” and thus they all too readily associate Christianity with the values of Hollywood, the violence in our streets, and other unbiblical aspects of secular culture.” (Shadow Crescent Page 220) In contrast to Muslim conservatism, Lutzer tries to make Americans sound like polytheist who “need” these monotheists to come straighten us out. By the way Lutzer, many Christians do not participate in the sins of the world – you were just attracting all the wrong people to yourself. And many of us certainly are not worshiping the world or loving the world as “practical polytheists”. “In short, our world is crammed full of things and activities that in and of themselves aren’t inherently sinful, but we allow them to fill the void which only God can fill. In this way we become practical polytheists…” (Shadow Crescent Page 122)


These are the words of one who studies interfaith dialogue constantly. Well as a matter of fact, Lutzer admits to being invited to high level interfaith discussions with Communist leaders since 1984 just a few years after becoming pastor at The Moody Church and around the same time that Matt Heard was doing “evangelism” there. So he can pretend to be against interfaith dialogue all he wants. He knows who he is. “Consider the words of Bishop Ding, who headed the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant churches in China, which is the government-approved church in mainland China. He was speaking to a group of us who had the privilege of visiting with him in China back in 1984. We had no idea where he stood theologically because he was the government’s approved representative to the churches. But he told us, ‘I know you are evangelicals; I know what you believe. If you were to travel the length and breadth of China you would find Christians who believe what you do… persecution wiped out theological liberalism in China.’ Of course! I thought to myself. Those who are theologically liberal – who hold to a low view of God and His Word – do not believe that Jesus was divine. They teach that the Bible is a purely human book. Consequently, they are not willing to die for their faith. Quite literally, they have nothing worth dying for! But true believers know that Christ is more valuable than life itself.” (Shadow Crescent Page 78) Um… no. The persecution did not get rid of all of the liberal fake Christians. It just protected them under Freemason disguises or else they just chose another religion or method of expressing their unbelief that was accepted by society. There are pictures of George W. Bush with China’s top leader and one other head of another country walking together in Freemason outfits.


But no human being can possibly assess the true condition of a church. Only Jesus can see what is in people’s hearts. That which appears vibrant to us may be dead to Jesus. Only He can tell which churches are alive and which are dead. For example, note what Jesus said about the church at Sardis. This church had enough energy and vitality to give the appearance of life. But when Jesus applied His stethoscope to the church, He did not find a heartbeat. ‘You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead’ (Revelation 3:1). If we had served on the church staff, we would likely have though that it was a healthy congregation. Yet Jesus pronounced this church as dead.” (Shadow Crescent Page 29) Lutzer says he would have intentionally pronounced it alive because it was against Jesus and was ritualistic and fake. This letter to Sardis is prophetic of the Middle Ages church, but Lutzer knows that and just wants to make Jesus out to be a cruel master who decides who dies and who lives as Lutzer is actually speaking about the Roman Catholic “church” methods of operation.


And now we look a series of reversals. Everything is straight-forward if you understand spiritual truths, until you get to the last one. As Lutzer keeps reminding us “Things are not what they appear to be” in this sequence of thoughts. Lutzer is actually justifying the operations of the devil, explaining why the Jesuits have to take the form of the victim in America and die for their cause, and then seems to celebrate Jesus’ victory over His enemies. But “Things are not what they appear to be”.


 There are Muslims who say that the success of their past military conquests proves the superiority of their religion. No less than Muhammad himself pointed to his own military victories as evidence of his superiority among the prophets. Even a tour guide in Istanbul, Turkey, told me personally that in the same way Christianity proved its superiority over paganism by conquering it, Islam has proved its superiority by conquering Christian lands… First a bit of background: Muhammad was born and raised in Mecca. When he began claiming to others that he had received revelations from God, most people rejected him and his message. Eventually Muhammad and his small band of followers went to Medina. There, he began to prepare to do battle against those in Mecca… This victory, which is still celebrated by Muslims today, has gone down as one of the most important in their historyThis surprising outcome, in spite of overwhelming odds, was regarded as a warning to those who failed to honor Muhammad as a messenger of Allah. Muhammad was said to have declared that he was superior to all the prophets who preceded him: ‘I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies); spoils have been made lawful to me… I have been sent to all mankind and the line of prophets is closed with me.’ … So what evidence can Muslims point to as proof that Muhammad is superior to Jesus, and Islam is superior to Christianity? Take a look through history and consider all the lands that have been conquered for Islam, and remember as well to count the many thousands of churches that have been destroyed or turned into mosques. Then ask yourself this question: In all that time, how many mosques have been turned into churches? And how many Muslim countries have gone on to become Christian nations?... In fact, in terms of numerical growth, Islam today is outpacing Christianity.” (Shadow Crescent Page 137-138) So Lutzer shows Muhammad’s intentional imitations of Moses and his people coming out of their metaphorical “Egypt”. Now Lutzer’s reply is to reverse it – that their victory does not indicate that they won. But in reality, Lutzer was projecting onto Israel – that their victory in Egypt did not predicate final victory. “Does this indicate that Islam is the one true religion revealed from Allah that has abrogated Judaism and Christianity and has the right to dominate all others? The answer is a resounding no. As the Bible confirms, God sometimes allows His enemies to win, and to win big. But it won’t always be that way. Islam’s successes are not proof of its ultimate superiority. Things are not what they appear to be.” (Shadow Crescent Page 140)


Things are not what they appear to be” he says. Now he switches to the “Christians” under the coming Muslim persecution in America by which he means Jesuits as a trick because he knows the plan. And as usual it is another projection – this time onto Jesus’ church who he pretends then became the Catholic “church”. But again Lutzer reverses it the other direction – that the Catholic “church” will not win under the Antichrist program. This is true as we see them burned and destroyed in Revelation 18 (whole chapter). They are suddenly destroyed by the Antichrist’s partners in the same way that some partners try to kill the Antichrist himself (as Lutzer proposes doing, which we will cover in the last Argument #18). “We can take heart knowing that in the end, God will judge all things fairly. Some of those who win in this life will end up becoming losers in the next, and some who appear to be losers in this life will win in the next. In fact, Jesus promised that if we lose our life for His sake, we will find it (Matthew 10:39). In the New Testament, Paul contrasted this world with the next: ‘Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. What is seen is temporary, and what is not seen is eternal! The things of this present world will not last. Jesus will prevail, and of His kingdom ‘there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:7)” (Shadow Crescent Page 143) Lutzer continues this analogy of Jesuits and Franciscans and Dominicans etc seeming to be poor and losing in this life compared to the Catholic “church” and other great powers and elite greedy rulers. But Lutzer sees the wealthy, selfish, and greedy bullies being judged as the worst hypocrites in the bottom of Hell as Dante says (which Lutzer quotes in the beginning of his book God’s Devil). “THE REVERSAL OF WEALTH AND COMFORT       Jesus taught that we cannot judge who is blessed and who is cursed simply by looking at their worldly successes or failures. On a number of occasions, I’ve asked young people this question: Would you rather be a rich person with fashionable clothes and an expensive home, or a poor beggar who searches through garbage to eke out his daily existence? Obviously we would all rather be self-sufficient from a financial standpoint. No one is waiting to trade places with the poor, sickly person. Yet Jesus told a story that illustrated how, in eternity, the fortunes that people experienced on earth might very well be reversed. In Luke 16, we read about a rich man who lived in abundance and comfort, and a poor man covered with sores that were licked by scavenger dogs. When the beggar died, the angels carried him to a place of comfort at Abraham’s side. And when the rich man died, he went to Hades, where he suffered torment (Luke 16:19-31). What you see of people here on earth is deceptive; only in eternity will we see where people really stand. Only then will we know who the real winners and losers are.” (Shadow Crescent Page 143)  Notice Lutzer calls God’s work on earth deceptive. He tags it with a “might very well be reversed.” Now we move to the Antichrist and his political victory over the whole world. As usual, Lutzer is projecting onto someone else, which we will get back to in a minute. And Lutzer has Antichrist winning and killing Christians, but then “Things are not what they appear to be”. Two short chapters later, “we see a spectacular reversal”. Jesus and his saints have reversed the balance and are coming to conquer the Antichrist.


If political and military victories are an indicator of the truthfulness of a religion, then the religion of the future Antichrist will be the most ‘truthful’ of all time. I say this not because I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim, but to call attention to the fact that even the greatest political and religious power in all human history will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth. Read this stunning account of what will happen under the Antichrist: ‘[He] was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And [he] was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast – all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world (Revelation 13:7-8).’ What will all the people of the earth do? They will worship the beast (the Antichrist). Why? First, many will conclude that his incredible power proves that he has the ‘right religion’ and is therefore worthy of worship. Second, people will worship him no doubt because of fear – fear of what might happen to them if they dare challenge him. Either way, in betting terms, people will put their money on the beast, so to speak, because they are convinced he is on the winning side. They will bow down because, from their perspective, power is proof of religious superiority. Scripture tells us the Antichrist will make war against the followers of Jesus and conquer them. He will put them to death for refusing to take his mark. Christians will clearly be in the minority, and will not be able to fight back.The overwhelming superiority of the beast’s political and religious power will be worldwide an uncontestable.  This will be evil’s most glorious day; this will be Satan’s headiest triumph. But just two short chapters later, we see a spectacular reversal. At this point, God’s wrath has been poured out upon the earth, and John writes the following: ‘I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb (Revelation 15:2-3)’. What follows is an exuberant song of praise to God for His power and deliverance. Here we see the saints in heaven ‘victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name.’ The saints are now in the presence of God, in a place of indescribable beauty and joy. Their experiences on earth in no way foreshadowed their final destiny. Things were not what they appeared to be!” (Shadow Crescent Page 144-145)


Things were not what they appeared to be!” If you aren’t nauseated yet, there’s several more reversals on the way, so strap yourself in there if you want to follow along. Now there is one last military victory that Lutzer discusses in the most clever way possible, because its reversal would be scandalous to suggest out loud. But that is exactly what Lutzer does. As usual he projects onto someone else – which we will get back to in a minute. And he has Jesus and the Jews and Christians who were raised back to life (Lutzer believes reincarnation is just a regular practice in the spirit realm as we showed in the previous Argument #15) coming to win on the earth. This is just before the Millennial Reign of Christ for 1,000 years. And once again… wait, no he doesn’t reverse it very clearly. So let’s take a look. Notice the starting topic – military victories as the header to this last one. And notice him speaking for the Jesuits again, saying “we do not have to win in this life in order to win in the next. “Military victories today are no proof of ultimate triumph tomorrow. We do not have to win in this life in order to win in the next. We who are Christians may appear to be losing in this life, but rest assured we will not lose in the life to come. Eternity, not time, determines superiority, justice, and truth. In heaven we will sing, ‘Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments’ (Revelation 19:1-2). Events on earth are viewed very differently from the vantage point of heaven… Make no mistake: In the end, He who is just and true will win a decisive victory over all His enemies. At the return of Christ, all those who opposed Him will be shown to have worshiped a false god or followed a false prophet. Though ‘might does not make right,‘ as the saying goes, He who is right will come with might. The basis of Christ’s power is righteousness, holiness, and goodness. In the end, the power of Christ – along with His mercy, faithfulness, and justice – will be displayed. He will come with power to justly judge those who rejected Him, and show unbending mercy to those who are His followers. He is at once truth and love, power and justice.” (Shadow Crescent Page 148) That comment about unbending mercy is to say that God’s followers commit the worst evils as Lutzer believes God does also.


Okay, before we look at the reversals, see that Lutzer says Jesus will win a decisive military victory over all His enemies. Remember the header said “Military victories are no proof of ultimate triumph tomorrow.” And speaking as a Jesuit inside the camp of the Lord covered by Jesus’ blood supposedly are the Jesuits who now think they will rot Jesus’ kingdom from the interior while reigning with Christ in the Millennium. At this point, Lutzer goes into the competition between the Mahdi and Jesus that we already discussed thoroughly in Argument #15. Lutzer now makes Jesus and the devil (represented by Mahdi) as equals in the fight. Lutzer believes they are both running even as to who has more recruits and power systems and mind-games going against the other. ”Here are the rules: 1. Satan would be given the rulership of the world; he would be allowed to spread his lies. No doubt he continued to possess the striking characteristics of power and knowledge he had before the fall, except that now they were perverted. Centuries later Christ would refer to him as ‘the ruler of this world’ (John 12:31; see also 14:30; 16:11) And when Satan offers Christ the kingdoms of this world, Christ does not contradict him! 2. God would give Satan time to see if he could rule his own kingdom successfully. Could he bring order out of the chaos which he created? Could he actually rule the world if it were given to him? 3. God would not compromise His own holiness and justice, but would meet Satan on a level playing field, winning a moral and spiritual victory over His adversary. The Almighty would not just win by power, but by righteousness. The battle would be not only to determine who was the strongest, but who was right and just. Both sides would recruit others to stand with them in the conflict.“ (God’s Devil Page 45-46) So now there is one more reversal that distorts all of the others. These were in the physical realm – all of these victories were on earth – even Jesus’ reign for 1,000 years. Lutzer believes the final battle at the end of the Millenium is another reversal. Now he believes the devil will be “god” and will have judged God who he thinks will thereafter be seen as “the devil”. Because after the 1,000 years, now you are in eternity. Remember, Lutzer keeps saying that ”What you see of people here on earth is deceptive; only in eternity will we see where people really stand. Only then will we know who the real winners and losers are.” (Shadow Crescent Page 143) So you see that the Millennial reign still falls under that category in Lutzer’s mind, so therefore only after the Millennium will the real winners and losers be shown. And Lutzer implies that we have no Scripture to show that, which apparently means that he either rejects the new Heavens and the new earth or he thinks Lucifer has become a “god” with creative powers. Seems far-fetched, but he clearly doesn’t believe in Christ if you see everything he keeps saying. It seems that Lutzer believes the cross reversed roles and thereafter the God and Jesus roles were played by Satan and Mahdi who then reverse roles again at the Millennium or during the Tribulation in the Temple, only to reverse roles yet again in eternity. Another possibility is that since Lutzer believes the devil was given authority over this world, maybe he thinks the entire Bible was written completely backwards as a cryptic satanic reverse to get everyone to think God was in power when it was Satan, but then they figure out that Satan was the benevolent one and “God” was the demonic one. Equally plausible, given how Lutzer took King Saul, King David, and King Ahab and made such a reversed analogy of Israel to the Church and back to Islam. As confusing as that is, it is rather close to what Lutzer is saying, even if we got a few pieces wrong somewhere. Lutzer believes that NOTHING “are what they appear to be!”  That is what Lutzer keeps doing to us. He doesn’t believe anything. He’s just making it up, but it is a very complex system of myths that he is promoting here. A collection so full of all of the world’s darkest myths that only one source could have given him this complexity of a story to reverse everything – the vaults under the Vatican which store all of the world’s mystery religion myths down through all of recorded history.


By the time Antichrist appears, the world will be ready to deify a leader if he appears to have what it takes to unite the world and bring in an era of peace. It is not enough for Satan to inhabit a man who will claim to be God. The master deceiver will actually try to duplicate the three members of the Trinity. These three personalities will do their best to try to confuse the world by pretending to be the true and living God. First, Satan himself corresponds to God the Father, and he is spoken of as the ‘dragon’ who gives his authority to the beast who is Antichrist (13:4). Thus Satan does want the world to think he is God. This dream will shortly become a nightmare. Second, there is the beast who is empowered by the dragon, who corresponds to Christ. He will try his best to do miracles and duplicate Christ’s resurrection…  At last there will be religious unity. The dragon and the beast will receive the worship of the world… The third member of this unholy Trinity is referred to as the second beast in Revelation 13:11-18. Just as the Holy Spirit draws attention to Christ, so the assignment of this evil man is to get the world to worship Antichrist.” (God’s Devil Page 212-213) Okay, we are totally done reversing stuff; it’s confusing and not very helpful, so we’ll move on now. But just remember, with Lutzer… “Things are not”… well, you know. Here is one more story from Lutzer that shows how he likes to reverse traps on God.


There is a story of an artist who painted a picture of a young man who was playing chess with the devil. The loser would have to become the servant of the winner. In the painting, the devil declared checkmate in three moves. The young man’s pale face reflected the horror upon hearing those ominous words of certain defeat. But a chess player, Paul Morphey, stared at the picture, studying all the configurations of the various pieces. Suddenly he shouted, ‘Young man, there is a move you can make!’ The painter had overlooked a possible combination of moves; it was not checkmate after all. Christ came to earth to tell us that it only looks as if Satan has us in his grasp. When Satan does his worst, God does His best. In accordance with a plan worked out in the counsels of eternity, Christ came to earth to fight against the serpent. And the Son of God declared, ‘Checkmate.’ And Satan is fresh out of moves.” (God’s Devil Page 100) And Lutzer thinks… “or is he?” Notice that Lutzer intentionally started with the devil calling “checkmate” and then put Jesus in the place of the devil calling “Checkmate.” Lutzer sees a loophole somehow there. But then this isn’t Scripture; it’s a painting based on the “greatest German literary piece of all time” written by a German philosopher Goethe.



Argument #17:  Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer is definitely FEMA-clergy to control the “masses” during the crisis with Islam as a repeat of the Nazi conundrum as the Emperor did that Lutzer describe in Constantinople. Lutzer is a partner with Billy Graham’s leadership and in FEMA disaster programs. FEMA clergy use the Quran, Talmud, and Bible to silence the masses of people under their usurper global Corporation masters who use “govern-mental” oppression to force New World Order. Lutzer calls Israel cursed by being chosen and says that the rest of the world appears more blessed by God. The devil created the lies of other occupants of Israel’s land with the very intent of making the world hate Israel when Israel actually acquires its land and Jerusalem. We really recommend everyone who cares about Israel to read Joan Peter’s well-documented research on the history of the land of Eretz Israel and on the people of Israel themselves in the last several centuries. Her book is titled “From Time Immemorial: The origins of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine. We believe the Vatican and Britain and Germany and Islam saw World War 1 and 2 as a scenario that would make the world despise Israel even though Israel is finally receiving what is rightfully theirs. Lutzer hates Israel and wants partnership with Islam to create the intended program of Jesuit-Muslim-Kabbalah splitting Jerusalem to sound like the devil’s Antichrist program. They want a mass of problems in Israel until God “miraculously” saves “all of Israel” after supposedly most of them are dead having been hunted down because the “whole world” hates them for what the Vatican is doing there. We made this case in Argument #9.


This is the process of the New World Order – segregated society ruled by their own bullies who already work together through the Freemason organizations who will then be (already are secretly) under the authority of the Vatican. Lutzer and the Jesuits know that intermyth dialogue will fail between Islam, Protestant Christianity, and Jewish Kabbalah. The Jesuits want this to escalate into an American civil war and Middle East conflict to eradicate the “extremists” out of each religion. That has long been predicted – most recently in a 2017 speech with Saudi Arabia King Salman and Jesuit Donald Trump (and fifty other Muslim states) when they signed their $110 Billion military contract to fund the psychological operations that they hope could bring this about. They promised together to eradicate “extremists” from communities, then cities, then regions, then the earth. And Trump is now trying to promise the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock mosque on it to the Saudis, as if Trump owned it or spoke on behalf of Israel. Actually, it is because they believe that the Antichrist will be Muslim as Lutzer says, that they think they should hand Jerusalem to Islam. This eradication of “extremists” was predicted as part of the Road Map to Peace document and by General Albert Pike (Jesuit designer of Ku Klux Klan and chief apologist for Freemasonry Morals and Dogma who admitted they serve Lucifer, not God). It was predicted by Nazi rocket-scientist Werner Von Braun who helped build NASA to fight aliens (by which they mean God and His angels) that spawned the new 2020 space military branch and satellite surveillance programs.


Lutzer attempts to make Muslims and Nazis as victims of “Judeo-Christian” oppression setting rhetoric for a Middle East fight between the sides as if it is the battle of Armageddon in Ezekiel 28, 29 which Lutzer seems willing to place in the immediate future without a rapture first – as his friend Joel Rosenberg also teaches (also Gordon Robertson preached through Jerusalem - In Our Hands). Lutzer has a lengthy assembly of descriptions of “fundamentalists” which he and others carefully arranged to describe Muslim extremists that sound a lot like an attempt to make real Christians sound equally dominant and strict in our beliefs (which we might be dominant and strict on ourselves, but we are not forcing it on the world). God did not force the secular nations of the world to come to the Temple Mount for sacrifices or follow Israel’s laws or impose death penalty on the crimes that God does. God ONLY required it of the nation of Israel that made a covenant with God that they would follow everything He told them to. That is also why non-Catholics in America are not imposing our Kingdom of God relationship on the rest of our country, and certainly not on the rest of the world. But chief Jesuits John MacArthur and Erwin Lutzer and Donald Trump would like to pretend that Christians do this world domination game when it is just Jesuits like themselves who serve the Catholic powers. Lutzer and MacArthur are identical operatives in the Jesuit program. We have also written 42 indictments against John MacArthur for similar reasons.


The current deceptive “peace” is not likely to be successful in America, but they will clearly retry it on a world scale at the time of the Tribulation Antichrist treaty for seven years. But it will be a Catholic taqiyya (to use Lutzer’s explanation of Muslim tactics learned from the Vatican), that will then give way to forced Anti-christ religion in the second half after he breaks the treaty with Israel three and a half years into the New World Order program. So basically, the fact that Lutzer is promoting the idea that Christians should match tactic for tactic with Muslims and actually provides Muslim Brotherhood’s and other lists of tactics shows Lutzer’s real intent as we showed in the last Argument #16. In fact, this suggests another scenario instead where America becomes a giant debate class for intermyth dialogue of those who want to defend their beliefs. That could be extremely stressful but it would be better than what the Jesuits are planning. Another scenario would involve that intermyth dialogue mostly attracts the “extremists” to America, in which case the United Nations would move out to its second largest headquarters in Switzerland presumably and carry on the interreligious dialogue there. Another scenario could involve Jews being kicked out of America to resettle their land with more of the Trans-Jordan territory being given back to Israel and Islam is proven to have stolen the territory on behalf of the Vatican games so that Jerusalem is given back to Israel and Islam’s headquarters remain in Saudi Arabia instead of Jerusalem. If Lutzer cared at all about Israel, he would try to get Transjordan back for Israel as well as help reconcile the history and differences with facts that he no doubt has access to. By supporting the Jesuits, Lutzer attempts to keep permanent divide between Christians and Israel by supporting the Catholic saboteurs that he knows are ruining and plotting Israel’s destruction. Lutzer promotes giving the Vatican authority over Jerusalem. Lutzer wants Islam to attack America in response to the “Judeo-Christian” assaults in Afghanistan, Iraq, Judea and Samaria, Egypt, Libya, Iran… you get the point – as if these were religious wars to conquer Muslims. That is exactly how George W. Bush and Donald Trump (who both pretend to represent Evangelicals but were not put into office by us at all – but rather by their Freemason and Jesuit friends and terror cells throughout the country) have tried to frame the wars. It’s all Jesuit international propaganda games to make the world hate the “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth ”Popecrazy” march which isn’t being done by Christians at all, but rather by the counterfeit “kingdom of God” in Rome as they have always done. Lutzer then wants the Freemason Kabbalists and 7-Mountain satanism Lausanne of “Judeo-Christianity” to then use reversed victim-hood while the Jesuits disappear again as they always do since the 1700’s – read their history. It’s that or else they turn into chameleons and they switch to the winning side.


Lutzer says that no “False Christs” could require the ultimate (human) sacrifice, but that Jesus Christ requires the ultimate (human) sacrifice. Lutzer says that when faced with death, Peter slept knowing that for him, death would be gain as a way of saying “rest in peace”. Lutzer adds that Jesus handed Himself over to his arrestors suggesting that we do the same! Lutzer really hates non-Catholics. And so Lutzer tells us to prepare to die under Islam with the Jesuits, but as you can see, he is nervous that his followers are not ready. This perhaps shows that we have the ability to reach many souls for truth and Jesus out of the young people they thought would follow them to death. But the Jesuit Nazis should be aware that God does require criminal justice even if the Jesuits don’t want Him to. At least in the Tribulation, God will judge those who led into captivity by sending them into captivity and those who killed with the sword by killing them with the sword. We must warn anyone who would serve the untrustworthy system of the devil that it does not work and that they are vulnerable to God’s judgments. To our friends who love Jesus, we say – Preach the gospel! Be ready in season and out of season. Rebuke, exhort, and teach with all longsuffering. To our friends who do not have a relationship covenant with Jesus, we have written a gospel presentation at the end of this document that may interest you. It is there for you, if you know about God and want to see why we love God and why we trust Him alone for everything. This is the only actual third-party option. It is the only party not controlled by the devil – as the powerful “illusion of choice” options are.


After the emperor visited the church, he rode back to his palace to say goodbye to his household. Then he rode away into battle, and was never seen again.” (Shadow Crescent Page 45) That’s Lutzer. The Jesuits do the same thing, except that you’re probably assuming that the “was never seen again” meant he died. Actually, that’s often not how that works – they just abandon you and disappear. They might even fake their death; this happens constantly in America and around the world with top leaders – you would be shocked. But outwardly they pretend to be in our predicament or else pretend to be forced to make leadership decisions that are “so difficult for them” when in reality, they rigged the situation to control us – “Persecution always divides the sheep from the goats; it either drives people into the arms of God or abandons them to their just fate. God was doing more in Nazi Germany than we will ever realize.“ (Hitler’s Cross Page 65) The “arms of God” is Lutzer’s euphemism for the Catholic Church. FEMA clergy regularly use other religious material to identify with their victims before they are herded in whatever direction the rulers see fit. Lutzer shows himself quite capable in this regard. “Muhammad himself taught that Abraham was actually a Muslim rather than a Jew (Sura 3:67). In the Quran, it is said the disciples identified themselves as Muslims (Sura 3:52; 5:111). Because Islam would ultimately triumph over all other religions (Sura 48:28)” (Shadow Crescent Page 68) And since Israel is the primary target, they just try to curse them in any way possible. Like for example, right now they are trying to force Saudi rule over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. ”Talk to Jewish people today, and many of them will tell you that there are no advantages to being chosen. The non-chosen, for all of their trials, have appeared to be more blessed. The chosen appear to be the cursed. With the honor of being singled out by God for blessing has come centuries of tears and persecution. And, as we shall see, there is more to come.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 100) “SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT        Let’s back up for a moment and get some historical context: In the seventh century, Muslim invaders entered the Holy Land unprovoked to capture Christian lands. First they conquered Syria. Then, because the Holy Land was largely unprotected, the Muslim forces were able to capture it without much resistance.” (Shadow Crescent Page 101) Nope! If Lutzer were trying to give some historical context, he would show Israel in their land. Catholics do the same thing we showed the Muslims are doing – claiming all territory as theirs under “God”. So instead of helping Israelis, Lutzer is trying to have the Catholics replace Israel in their own land as if the kingdom belongs to Rome – leading Israel into serious traps. This shows very clearly that Lutzer approves of the ideas of fellow Jesuit Donald Trump trying to place Vatican authority over a divided Jerusalem.


Furthermore, Lutzer defends the reputation of the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR and CRUSADERS!! We humbly confess that those soldiers who, under the banner of the cross, violated the principles that were to be upheld by the Crusaders ended up besmirching the name of Christ. Today rightly or wrongly, Muslims still point to their wanton behavior as the reason for modern-day terrorist acts against ‘Christian’ Westerners. (Shadow Crescent Page 102) So obviously Lutzer want to join himself in that camp of pre-Jesuit Knights Templar since he says “We humbly confess”. And he also believes the Crusaders were principled fighters defending “Christian lands”. So there you have his support behind whatever the Vatican wants to do, even Crusades, and secretly even Holy War (as long as they don’t get caught directing the operations) to keep control over Jerusalem. That’s a Jesuit thinking right there. Lutzer also wants Islam to have a piece of it, since for some reason he thinks it is an “obvious” conclusion to think that the Antichrist will rule in Jerusalem before the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel. But that is a distortion of Scripture since the treaty was to keep the Antichrist out of Jerusalem and he breaks it at mid-point. Regardless, Lutzer believes the Antichrist will be Muslim, so he thinks Islam should have a piece as Donald Trump is trying to do by giving Saudi Arabia (headquarters of Islam) control over the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock. “If political and military victories are an indicator of the truthfulness of a religion, then the religion of the future Antichrist will be the most ‘truthful’ of all time. I say this not because I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim, but to call attention to the fact that even the greatest political and religious power in all human history will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth.” (Shadow Crescent Page 144) Lutzer says this after having said that Islam is outpacing “Christianity” and is rarely replaced by “Christianity” in any lands that it has conquered. As with many things Lutzer says, there are two ways to read that. The first is obvious – as if Lutzer does NOT believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim. But the other way to read it, which is what he was actually trying to disguise having said is that “I believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim” with the added clause changing subject quickly to saying that the “greatest political and religious power in all human history” – meaning Jesus’ Millennial Reign – “will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth.” That was no accident!


Just when the nations of the earth have surrounded Jerusalem and appear to be on the verge of exterminating the city and its people, all eyes shift to the Mount of Olives. Christ personally arrives to defend His people and the city of Jerusalem… At that time, Israel as a nation will recognize Christ to be her Messiah… Paul put it this way, ‘And so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. This is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins”’ God turns out to be Jesus! Christ sets up His millennial kingdom where Jew and Gentile are equally received and welcomed… The holocausts of this world will at last have ended!” (Hitler’s Cross Page 122-123) In other words, Lutzer thinks they have no right to their land until then. And by the word “Gentile”, Lutzer is thinking Muslims who were ruling through Antichrist from Jerusalem. Lutzer is also making future Muslims the victims of the world’s attacks on Jerusalem along with Israel, saying “the city and its people” to disguise who he thinks lives there. In case it isn’t clear, God will protect Israel even if there are Muslims living in the land. But it is a cleverly crafted lie to suggest that Israel and Islam are in partnership during the Tribulation working from Jerusalem. This is in Lutzer’s imagination only. Well, Lutzer’s imagination and that of every other Jesuit and Catholic elite who are trying to avoid blame for the Antichrist and 7 mountain satanism. But, you may notice, this is precisely the lie being the term “Anti-shemitism” both Ishmael and Jacob are sons of Abraham – so that both Israel and Islam are being persecuted by European powers, which is weird since Europe is almost entirely descendants of Shem. So this just escalates larger and larger, since that would put the whole world against Rome’s “Christianity”, Arab’s Islam, and Israel’s Kabbalah. Since all of Lutzer’s arguments are to help the Catholic “Church” avoid being caught creating antichrists, you can see how they are organizing the strategies to leave themselves outside of Jerusalem in opposition to what they imagine will be “Judeo-Christian” and Muslim partnership together with the Antichrist. But the real equation ruling Antichrist’s networks (and also the lineage and training skills of the Antichrist himself) will be Jesuit “Protestantism”, Freemason Kabbalah, and Catholic-founded Islam. That is the real partnership building antichrists already and already working together toward world domination through Russia, United States, Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, Germany, Britain,


So now you see why the Catholic-Jesuit-designed Road Map to “Peace” has a divided Jerusalem in three parts. But the Vatican wants to squirm out of the equation and so their version of the future bully system (Axis of Evil) would be Israel, followers of Jesus, and Islam  that Lutzer says “will be headed up by one who is entirely opposed to truth” – by which he means Jesus. Wow again! Talk about reversals! But you can see how this precisely fits what Lutzer did in the Chapter called “Things Are Not What They Appear To Be!” that we thoroughly explained in the previous Argument #16. So you see again that Lutzer really is an extreme oath Jesuit to protect the Pope. In Argument #1, we showed you how many top level Jesuits and Catholics were in leadership over the Third Reich, and now we are showing you their leadership over the Fourth Reich. But have you ever heard that before? – about the Catholic Jesuit leadership of Hitler’s regime? We had not, before we read Edmond Paris’ book The Secret History of the Jesuits. So you can see how they can totally escape notice and blame someone else like Lutherans as the scape-goat for the whole operation. Jesuits are chameleons – they either disappear in camouflage or they change colors and join the winning and “right” side. And that is how Lutzer has Jesus reigning over the world as the “Antichrist”. “Whether in the Third Reich or the Last Reich, the God of the universe rules.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 70)


So Lutzer has an anti-Biblical scenario going here – that should be obvious. But he also is lying about his eschatological beliefs – meaning his beliefs about how the end times events happen. In this next quote, Lutzer pretends to be a Premillenialist while actually being Post-Millennial. Post-millennialism claims that the rapture of saints will not take place until the end of the Millennial reign of Christ, so then “Christians” are assumed to now be building “God’s kingdom” and everyone just drifts slowly into it like boiled frog syndrome – since it is cruel leaders setting this up – not godly ones. Watch how Lutzer carefully avoids being seen as an Ultra-Montanist that Jesuits are known for being (the belief that they are setting up God’s “kingdom” to hand it off to Him or else create apocalyptic conditions and that they can absolve anyone of any sin). Notice also how Lutzer says that even without Satan, the nations are “still led astray by the inherent wickedness of human nature” to say that God put that wickedness built into us. We show this further in a minute. Notice how Lutzer does not believe that both halves of the battle of Armageddon (at the end of the Tribulation and at the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ) correspond to Ezekiel 28,29. This belief he holds in common with many prominent writers about Islam who are Lutzer’s friends and speak at conferences with him and even were invited to The Moody Church in 2013 (when this book was being written) to announce this change of belief. Lutzer knows he is attempting to force a fake America/Middle East only “Tribulation” and immediate kingdom without a rapture as if the devil doesn’t really get a chance to rule the whole world or as if only the devil will get to rule the world. Notice how Lutzer bypasses the rapture in the second quote and goes straight to Muslim domination of America, though he knows that God promised our faithful Philadelphia church age that we would have an open door escape Tribulation if we were watchful and awake and not deceived by the devil’s plans heading up to the Tribulation. Lutzer also believes that the Christians in the Tribulation are mostly Jews as if to say that Islam makes Israel want to bail on the program and flee to the wilderness when Antichrist sets up the abomination of desolation in the Temple. Anyway, here are Lutzer’s comments on all of these topics.


Why are Satan and his demons bound? One more time God will demonstrate the bankruptcy of human nature. Though Satan is not allowed to deceive the nations during Christ’s reign, the nations are still led astray by the inherent wickedness of human nature. So after Satan is loosed at the end of the one thousand years, he finds those who are willing to side with him in one final assault on God. ‘When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea’ (20:7-8). No one knows who these nations are; what seems clear is that they are not the Gog and Magog referred to in Ezekiel 38. This is a different time and a different place. What we do know is that these nations now gather round Jerusalem in a grasping, vain attempt to dethrone Christ. ‘And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them’ (Revelation 20:9). This, then, is the last flicker of hope for Satan; if he thinks he can still win against God, it is only because he has now come to believe his own lies. It is the last direct conflict in which he will participate. The lake of fire is but a step away. The prophetic scheme I have outlined is known as premillennialism, the belief that Christ will yet rule over this earth with His capital in Jerusalem. This view takes the prophecies of the Old Testament more literally than other interpretations of the kingdom. To be fair, I must mention that many believe that we will bring in the kingdom on earth; then Christ will return to crown our efforts. Even Christians who should have known better have taught what theologians call postmillennialism, that is, the idea that we will usher in the kingdom and then Christ will return to wrap up history. This optimistic view of our efforts has been discredited, but still has some adherents in our time. Thankfully, their numbers are few.” (God’s Devil Page 228-229)


Likewise today, we do not know when Jesus will come. He may come for His bride, the church, and snatch us away to heaven very soon. Or He may delay His coming, withdraw His protection, and let us be fodder for our enemies. Meanwhile, the words of Jesus shout to us across the centuries: ‘Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God’ (Revelation 3:2). If Jesus warned the church in Pergamum, ‘I will soon come to you and will fight against them [those who teach immoral things in your midst] with the sword of my mouth’ (2:16), we can know with certainty He won’t hesitate to discipline an impure church today.” (Shadow Crescent Page 120) Lutzer believes Islam will conquer the camp of the saints as stated in Revelation 13:7


We have proven (in another document) that even John MacArthur has abandoned Premillennial doctrines that favor Israel and replaced it with secretly Post-millennial beliefs. These are Calvinist doctrines that came from Rome to sneak into the “Protestant” camp of believers in attempt to make non-Catholic Christians to be the Ultra-montanists while making Rome’s doctrines undefined and ambiguous. This is why Lutzer says at one point in one of the books that some interpretation depends on whether you believe in a literal earthly reign of Christ. This seems to imply that he does not believe this.


That word reich is best translated as ‘empire’ or ‘kingdom’. To the German ear it has almost a sacred tone. How well I remember my parents, German-speaking people who emigrated to Canada, teaching us the Lord’s Prayer: Dein Reich komme, dein Wille geshehe… For the Nazis that word reich would come to express the mystical and eternal German kingdom.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 24) It’s like when young satanists come up to us and ask us if we’ve hailed satan today. Lutzer sees God as actually being Satan, so Lutzer doesn’t mean “sacred” in the way that we would. Lutzer means it like this: ” The concept of “sacred space” is well-developed in Islamic law (shariah) and holds that all land on earth has been given by Allah to Muslims in perpetuity. According to this belief, inasmuch as the world already belongs in its entirety to Muslims, they are both destined and obligated to dominate it. In practice, however, pursuit of this global objective proceeds incrementally and includes both advances and retreats. Land already once conquered or occupied by Muslims, whenever in history that may have occurred, is considered waqf, or a holy endowment from Allah to the ummah (the Muslim people) forever. If such space has been lost in battle or for any other reason, it is the duty of all Muslims to regain it, by jihad if necessary.’  This concept of sacred space is a key reason that the Middle East conflict will never end. Back in AD 637, Muslim armies besieged and conquered Jerusalem, and in 692, the Dome of the Rock was completed on the Temple Mount, directly above the site where the Jewish temple once stood. But today the Holy Land is occupied by Israel, which means there can be no peace until the Muslims win back what they perceive to be their land.” (Shadow Crescent Page 51) So if Lutzer as a German believes there will be a mystical and eternal German kingdom, where is Jesus? Lutzer seems to believe that Jesus is Antichrist. Here is Lutzer explaining how he thinks Michael is directing the angels from the position that he thinks Lucifer used to have, and implies that this conflict is future and therefore could be altered. Lutzer believes that if Michael sees what God is doing to Lucifer and finds out that God has been hiding the truth from him – then Lutzer thinks God could be stopped from setting up His kingdom or else take His kingdom. “The warring nations will then stop fighting each other and turn on Christ. Now Satan will have one final opportunity to topple Christ from His throne and throw His crown to the ground.” (God’s Devil Page 225) Furthermore, Lutzer says that when God’s kingdom is starting to be set up, it could “only be proclaimed because Satan… had been cast down” to say that this is the mid-point of the Tribulation when that happens, since it is the middle of the Tribulation when Satan is banned from Heaven permanently. This is also to say that God has to hide the truth from Michael and Gabriel and their angels if Jesus is going to set up His kingdom on earth. This is such a lie because Michael and Gabriel know better than most about how Satan has oppressed God’s people. Remember that Gabriel and Michael were the warriors who broke through the spiritual fights over Babylon, Persia, and Jerusalem to bring the message of deliverance and future antichrist programs when Daniel had been fasting and praying for three weeks. The occasion was the nearing end of the seventy years of captivity God had appointed. So Daniel was being faithful to fast and pray for three full weeks to press for return to Israel/Jerusalem. Daniel 10:21 (Gabriel speaking:  No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince. Also in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.) Daniel 10:21, see also verse 13. And Michael and Gabriel are the ones who understand these battles since all the way back then. He will not be persuaded to join Lucifer! He knows better than anyone what the devil has planned – to overthrow God’s throne and kill God if he could. Satan is “a murderer from the beginning” (since shortly after creation) as Jesus pointed out.


And now the best part.  THE WAR IN HEAVEN…        Though Michael had so much respect for Satan that he would not contend with him over the body of Moses (Jude 9), he now fights with unerring confidence. ‘Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon… But he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven’ (Revelation 12:7-8). Let us not forget that at one time Michael and Lucifer were colleagues; they served the same master and had essentially the same responsibilities. Since it is likely that Michael had at one time served under Lucifer, the loss of this battle was especially painful for the devil. He was thrown out of heaven by one who at one time had been his underling! This is the heavenly counterpart to Christ’s victory on earth. The victory of the cross was now translated into a victory in heaven. The devil and his angels are thrown out and ‘lose their place in heaven.’ The serpent glances toward heaven for the last time and knows that for him the gates are now bolted shut. Imagine his anger when he sees the gates of heaven close with the saints he had persecuted on earth now standing before the throne of God in the spotless beauty of Jesus! He sees them exalted above the angels, as brothers of Christ, though they had committed many of the same sins as he. He knows that they will be there forever; he also knows where he will be forever. No wonder he is furious. A further reason for saying that this event happens in the middle of the tribulation period is that the coming kingdom is announced as about to begin. ‘And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God” ‘ (v. 10). This kingdom could only be proclaimed because Satan, the accuser of the brethren, had been cast down. If we interpret this kingdom to be the millennial kingdom, that is , the coming literal reign of Christ on earth, then it appears that Satan is thrown out of heaven to prepare for this special rule of Christ.” (God’s Devil Page 209)


There is yet one more visible problem here – which is that Lutzer quite literally seems to be saying that Jesus sets up his kingdom near the middle of the Tribulation. Do you understand what that is implying? Lutzer thinks Jesus will be Antichrist ruling from Jerusalem having kicked the devil out of Heaven so he can’t turn the angels against Jesus with this hidden information and that makes it safe for Jesus to come down and start His reign. That is what Lutzer is saying. Reread it. It’s the worst thing imaginable to suggest, but Lutzer is suggesting it. Remember all the times Lutzer has blamed God for Islam and its advances. Well here you go – this is why – Lutzer wants to accuse Jesus of being abandoned by His Jewish brothers so therefore he switched allegiances to built the Roman “Church” and then switched allegiances again to build up the Islamic global Caliphate. That is Lutzer’s explanation for why each of the three “monotheistic” Abrahamic religions (remember Lutzer believes these all descend from Abraham as their spiritual father) has had their turn at ruling the religious discussions of the world. In reality, we know (and you should know, if you don’t already) that these last two were human attempts at overthrowing God’s kingdom through Israel – whom God never abandoned and will always partner with. God never partnered with the Popes or gnostic leaders, never partnered with the cruel take-over empires, and never worked with Islam or Catholicism to oppress His own Jewish brothers.


Let us boldly affirm that whatever mischief Satan is allowed to do, it is always appointed by God for the ultimate service of and benefit to the saints.” (God’s Devil Page 14)

Remember Lutzer wants American Christians to die off under Islam to make Islam the supreme rulership as if this were God’s plan and therefore, Lutzer is safe in participating in it because God is the one allowing Lutzer and the FEMA clergy and Lausanne Oikonomia. Remember, this was Lutzer’s explanation for why the Holocaust happened. Lutzer said Jesus gave the “green light” and wanted it to happen and that the “Jews were judged in the Holocaust”. “False Christs are unworthy of the ultimate sacrifice; only the Christ of the New Testament can ask for our highest loyalty.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 203)


So Lutzer believes German Nazi ideas that say that Jesus was Aryan. “Of Christ, Chamberlain wrote that which could only delight his famous father-in-law’s heart: ‘Whoever claimed that Jesus was a Jew was either stupid or telling a lie… Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Aryan.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 110) Meaning that Lutzer believes that Jesus was half-Roman soldier blood mixed with Mary’s Jewish blood and therefore became a super-human. This is called serpent-seed doctrine and it was pushed extensively by Hitler.


This Aryan belief purports that opposing halves of the world population started with Abel and Seth – a “godly” or “god-like” race and a rebellious, human-centered demon-possessed race. “A better way to understand this passage is to take the phrase ‘sons of God’ as a description of powerful rulers who were controlled (indwelt) by fallen angels. These evil angels left their abode and inhabited bodies of human warriors, the mighty ones of the earth. These mighty rulers were not divine, nor were they the offspring of the gods (as often believed in pagan religions). Instead, these ‘mighty’ men, who were men of renown,’ were ordinary human beings give superhuman strength because they were demonically controlled. They lived lives of rampant sexuality and violence. They married as many women as they wished and engaged in all manner of sexual perversion. The children of these marriages were not god-kings, but men of flesh and blood who eventually died in the flood. God was watching.” (God’s Devil Page 92) This is the belief of the top Freemasons who revere Nimrod which the Bible refers to as a ‘mighty man’ against God. Lutzer has the improved version of Serpent-seed doctrine that had to be altered after the eugenics clubs of the 1920s and 1930s in America were seriously frowned upon because of Hitler. Serpent-seed doctrine used to say that Cain was descendant from the serpent and Eve and Abel was descendant from Adam and Eve. We encountered this through an influential contractor Freemason who acts like someone who would be willing to run a detention facility for the Nazis and whose beliefs fit the genre. It was a shock, to say the least. Now, they admit that it was just high-level demonic possession-occupation of a human. Notice how Lutzer comments about “marrying” many wives as if commenting about Solomon, whom the Freemasons also see as one of their guides since he made so many alliances through what were not really “marriages”. So you can hear the anti-Israel hate in Lutzer’s voice there, since he knows that actually all of the kings did that and it was pressed upon Solomon to act that way if he were to retain power, even though he was not as immoral as the other kings. Lutzer tries to make Solomon a participant and leader of the immorality as the Freemasons say of him. “That phrase ‘sons of God’ has been interpreted in two ways. Some think it refers simply to the godly line of Seth, whereas the ‘daughters of man’ were the Canaanites, or the descendants of Cain. In other words, the phrase would describe the intermarriage of a righteous race with an unrighteous one. But that does not do justice to the terminology and the context.”(God’s Devil Page 91) This is confused since Cain was not the founder of the “Canaanites” as Lutzer says. Ham’s son Canaan was. Obviously, Lutzer had intentional double-wording so that most Christians would rather assume that he meant to say Canaan or Cain, but that is not what Lutzer said. He said “Canaanites” and then descriptively “or the descendants of Cain”. Remember all of those “millions of years” and “ages past” comments. Yeah, well, Lutzer doesn’t actually believe creation or the flood and thinks this lineage of Cain still carries through to the Germans all the way from Cain. He doesn’t actually believe that either, but he prefers that to believing in God. Notice how Lutzer says “this civilization for the most part follows in the footsteps of its progenitor.


Cain married either a sister or niece and fathered a child, Enoch, and named a city after him. This civilization for the most part follows in the footsteps of its progenitor. Cain begets descendants in his own arrogant likeness. This society that abandons God nevertheless prospers. It produces music, weapons, agricultural devices, cities, and culture. And with an increase in wisdom comes an increase in wickedness.” (God’s Devil Page 89-90) Bonhoeffer calls the Lutheran “German Christians” Cain – Abel’s brother – which Lutzer repeats constantly. “Bonhoeffer continued to stir up opposition to the National Church, which continued to seek the allegiance of the German people. He spoke openly about the anti-Semitism of the Reich and the dishonorable silence of the churches in the face of such injustice. ‘Where is Abel your brother?’ he would ask.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 174) So this is to say that Germans are “Canaanites” which Lutzer says are descendant from Cain, which is a Freemason lie. So if Lutzer believes Jesus was Aryan and therefore spawned the Roman Catholic political structure, and since Lutzer believes that Jesus hates Jews and wants them annihilated by Germans and Islam, then you can see how Lutzer believes that Antichrist will be Jesus doing this on earth during the Tribulation. We know it sounds far-fetched, but how else do you explain his belief that Antichrist will be Muslim and that “God” wants Islam to conquer Christians and Jews and set up a kingdom in Israel and that Jesus knocks Satan out of Heaven to keep him from converting Michael so that Jesus would be safe to come down and set up His kingdom? How else do you explain all of that?


Here is Lutzer saying that he believes God is the power behind Antichrist and therefore the people will believe he is “god” as again saying that he believes Antichrist will be a Muslim reincarnation of Jesus. “How will Antichrist gain such awesome religious power? He will do some things that people think only God can do. Paul writes of him that ‘the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved’ (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). The three words used here – ‘power’, ‘signs’, and ‘wonders’ – are all used of the miracles of Christ. Antichrist’s power to duplicate the works of Christ is so remarkable that multitudes will believe. Hitler said that a big lie is always more effective than a small one. If so, the lie that man is God will be very effective. A nation schooled in what is known today as New Age thought will believe. This is Satan’s contorted attempt at keeping his promise to Eve, ‘You will be like God.’ Satan’s fondest wish will be realized. The whole world is worshiping his man, but standing behind him is Satan. In actuality, the whole world is worshiping him!” (God’s Devil Page 213-214) Lutzer is saying that the big lie is that man is God – meaning that Jesus was not God, but the “Church” convinced the world that He was. Lutzer says America believes “New Age” thinking, by which he means Aryan doctrines. So therefore, this would make Lutzer the hero trying to rescue America from Nazism? But remember that Hitler also believed he was propping up the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as the next wave of assault on the world. So Lutzer really is just part of the next phase of the German attack on Israel.  Lutzer believes that Jesus hates Jews, so Lutzer believes Jesus was half Roman or Aryan or “Canaanite” and chose that side of Himself since the Jewish nation rejected Him. The Germans sided with Muslims because both hate Jews and Lutzer thinks they will house the Antichrist and be hostile to God until Jesus suddenly reveals Himself like Joseph. Do you see what is being said here? We are so unfamiliar with this thinking that it is confusing and doesn’t seem believable to say that Lutzer thinks this. But you see what he is saying. No doubt there are other possibilities to explain Lutzer’s thinking here, but none of them sound like honest God-fearing Truth. They all sound like lies – dark evil twisted sadistic lies. And Lutzer is pretending that Americans are “schooled” in this. Well, if they are, they aren’t saying it out loud, but it sure seems there is some amount of following to this belief system based on the Germanic myth-movies that are so popular in so many different genres and types.


So Lutzer believes the devil is being led on to think he will rule the world through Antichrist, but Lutzer thinks Jesus steals the position at the last minute. That would explain Lutzer’s understanding of the turmoil following it. “Though he had been told that he would be crushed, he chose to play out the rest of the game even though each day the stakes would rise still higher and his subsequent plunge would become much deeper. He would strike back with the vain hope that God’s plan might yet be thwarted. Indeed, there were some moments when it looked as if he might win. So he chose illusion over reality. Better a vain hope than none at all. And now the conflict begins to heat up.” (God’s Devil Page 82) “Would you change places with the angel Gabriel? Think before you answer. We might be tempted to envy a being that had such beauty and power. We just might think that he is a cut above us. True, we can never approach the strength and beauty of an angel. We cannot even imagine what it would be like to fly through the universe doing assignments for God. And yet, we shall be above the angels. No angel can ever be called a brother of Christ. It follows that no angle can ever be an ‘heir of Christ.’… Put simply, God wanted to show off His grace. So He took sinners who had fallen so low and exalted them so high!... No wonder Satan is furious. The fact that we will have an honor beyond what he enjoyed before his fall from grace is more than his envious nature can tolerate.” (God’s Devil Page 119-120) Lutzer calls it a “game”. “Adam and Eve now discovered what the devil already knew: The consequences of disobedience are haphazard, unpredictable, and wholly out of our hands. The shame that engulfed them was but the beginning of a life of heartache for them and all of their descendants. Of course they could not foresee the treachery, violence, and cruelty that would eventually come to planet Earth. They had pulled a stone from a mountain and were horrified to discover that they had begun an avalanche.” (God’s Devil Page 60) Is this a reference to Daniel 2? “Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold – the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain and its interpretation is sure.” Daniel 2:45 So Lutzer again shows that he believes the final kingdom will be Jesus, but blames God for the avalanche collapse of civilization rather than God’s analogy to Daniel showing that God will destroy the uncivilization of the cruel dictatorship empires.


Some people seem to be confused about this – Jesus will not be the man with a bow sitting on a white horse at the start of the Tribulation. And, no, the fact of Jesus being described as “white” with white hair in Revelation 1:14 does not imply Jesus being of German descent. God is a being of light, so Jesus in His glorified state emanates light just as Moses did after spending time with Him face to face. Remember when the Israelites could not look upon Moses’ face because it glowed. Yeah, that’s because he actually spent time with Jesus who glows with pure light. The man conquering at the beginning of the Tribulation is Antichrist attempt at imitating Jesus. Jesus Himself doesn’t respond until the sixth seal after the evidence is in about what Antichrist intends to do and has already done in killing so many Christians who get saved during the Tribulation after the rapture. And when Jesus responds, it reads like this – because no one will mistake who just started responding. “I looked when He [Jesus in Heaven, not on earth] opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” Revelation 6:12-17 That is Jesus – still not on earth yet, but making it very clear that He will respond now. And Jesus’ response as we showed from Daniel is to hinder, crush, stop every tactic the Antichrist tries to use to stop people from being allowed to make the necessary spiritual decisions without the devil forcing them to become evil. That will be the struggle and THAT IS WHY it will be so aggressive. And in case, you didn’t notice, there are billions of people getting saved. Look at Revelation 7:9 where there is a “great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues”. And that’s saying something because the horsemen of the devil’s army at that point were counted at 200 million in Revelation 9:16. So it’s a significantly larger number than that.


Satan’s delusions feed on the appearance of victory. Abel was dead, but then there was Seth. The earth was corrupted but there was Noah. The nations turned to paganism, but then there was Abraham. Almost all of the seed was massacred, but Joash was safe in a closet. The male children of Bethlehem are massacred, but Christ escapes to Egypt. Satan is as far from victory when he appears to have it in hand as he is when writhing in the lake of fire. His final humiliation and torment is as inevitable as those spirits in Tartarus who have, apparently, little to do but contemplate the fate that assuredly awaits them.” (God’s Devil Pg 99, emphasis by Lutzer except the word “Tartarus”) Lutzer is promoting the Greek version of Hell. That’s a whole other discussion for another time. “As for those evil spirits who inhabited the ancient rulers, God confined them to a gloomy dungeon, and I believe they are no longer free to roam the earth. Peter wrote, ‘For if God did not spare angles when they sinned, but cast them into hell [Tartarus] and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness’ (2 Peter 2:4-5). There is a group of angels who are already under direct judgment, but not yet cast into the lake of fire.” (God’s Devil Page 93) Lutzer says Lucifer constant switches tactics based on what Jesus is doing in attempt to undermine Jesus’ work. That is SO TRUE. But what Lutzer is really saying is that Lucifer feels moral responsibility to stop the “dark side” of Jesus that supposedly only he really has seen firsthand. Lutzer wants to pretend that the devil as the “god of this world” inspired the Bible while acting as “god” in order to show the judgment side of God that supposedly God would not have revealed. In other words Lutzer reads the Bible totally upside down. But Lutzer says the “apostles” turned the world upside down. No, Lutzer, you are just upside down trying to make God the devil and figure out some way to assist the devil in becoming God to replace what you think is a fake Jesus “god” that you want to superimpose over top of Jesus – as if Jesus were now an Aryan demi-god.


Yes, Satan does win some powerful battles. God allows him the privilege of temporarily defeating His children and sowing dissention, corruption, and, yes, even death. But bear in mind that whenever he wins, he loses, and the greater his punishment to come in the lake of fire. Satan’s delusions feed on the appearance of victory.” (God’s Devil Page 99) “’For the moment you win!’ Christ was willing to go toe-to-toe with His enemy and in effect say, ‘Yes, you may humiliate Me. yes, you will see Me crucified naked. Yes, you will gloat over My apparent weakness.’ For a brief moment the serpent would be elated. But he would celebrate too soon. If time belonged to Satan, eternity would belong to God.”(God’s Devil Page 103) “Despite hearing God’s promise, the serpent did not concede defeat. Though he had been told he would be crushed, he chose to play out the rest of the game even though each day the stakes would rise still higher and his subsequent plunge would become much deeper. He would strike back with the vain hope that God’s plan might yet be thwarted. Indeed, there were some moments when it looked as if he might win. So he chose illusion over reality. Better a vain hope than none at all. And now the conflict begins to heat up.” (God’s Devil Page 82) “Once Satan saw that Christ was headed toward Jerusalem, he stopped trying to prevent the cross and chose to become a key player in the drama. The reason for the switch of tactics is not difficult to understand. If Christ was going to the cross, then the serpent wanted the satisfaction of knowing that he had a part in it. His sadistic delight in seeing Christ hang helplessly between heaven and earth, though fleeting, was a temptation he could not resist. Yes, he knew his judgment would be greater; yes, he knew that the cross would mean eventual defeat. But that was tomorrow. For today, he would inspire men to kill the Lord’s Christ, no matter how illusory the victory.” (God’s Devil Page 102) Ooooookay… so first of all, the devil did not know that Jesus was going to save us from sins by dying on the cross. That never would have occurred to him to be possible. And God never explicitly said it before through the prophets until He Himself proclaimed it in the last short end of his ministry on earth – and this is why – because you KNOW Satan would have played tactics differently. Lucifer did not know this was the plan. Satan thought and even Lutzer still pretends that Satan won a victory on the cross that shows that God is defeatable. Instead, Lucifer thought he was having to work at killing Jesus which is why he partnered with Judas as he will with Antichrist. Lucifer still wants to kill God and take His Throne in Heaven. Still same agenda. Lutzer is saying the devil made a mistake by participating in the “illusory victory” because now Lutzer pretends Jesus used that to play the victim so He could now recruit Muslims and occultists and rule in Jerusalem, which is a complete lie.


And this is how Jesuits operate – trying to say that they already know what Jesus is going to do, but they choose to participate because of mistaken “vain hope” that God’s “totalitarian celestial dictatorship” could be stopped. Lutzer reframed Lucifer’s other temptations as if to stop the cross that Satan supposedly knew would defeat him, but this is an afterthought fabrication that didn’t exist until recently – like within the last couple of centuries probably. And again, this gives Satan a pass, since God “wanted Satan” to do this – to kill Jesus on the cross. And Lutzer as a Jesuit Nazi takes this as verification that God “wants this” FEMA clergy program to kill Christians in America under Islam. ”We discussed various ways Christians could respond. Then I said, ‘I guess we will also have to prepare the next generation for martyrdom… we will have to teach them how to die for the faith.’ Sam then pointed his finger at me and said, ‘That is exactly what God has called you to do. Train your people to become martyrs!’“ (Shadow Crescent Page 164) This is sufficient excuse for Lutzer to participate in what he is leading in Chicago. And Lutzer wants this to be sufficient justification in the minds of his followers also. That is the work of a Jesuit Nazi – higher than the detention camp operators, higher than the abuse corporate-trained Fraternal-order police enforcers, higher than the Freemasons who infiltrated church leadership completely in America, higher than even the Catholic priests, higher than the Jesuit propaganda machines working through Disney and “news” media outlets, higher than Jesuit Injustices of the Supreme Court, and even higher than the Jesuits like Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi who are play-acting the decisions of the Jesuit General. This work is the highest order of the Jesuit mafia – who are the mafia – inventing the cover for the worst crimes in human history done by monarchs in the past and offering complete absolution saying that God knew everything they would do and “covered it all”.


Christ satisfied our debt so completely and justly that we who believe in Christ no longer owe God any righteousness. Since the penalty for sin was not life but death, Christ had to die and in so doing reconciled us to God forever… How many of your sins were future when Christ died two thousand years ago? Obviously, all of them, since no a one of us had yet been born. God anticipated our sin and included it in Christ’s death. Christ not only died for the sins of the Old Testament saints but also for those who would become saints in the future. As the song goes, ‘I was on His mind when He died.’ Now let me take the logic a step further. What about the sins you will still commit tomorrow and the day after? The answer, of course, is that for those who believe on Christ, even those sins have already been forgiven. It must be so, for if when we received Christ we were only forgiven for our past sins, we could not be sure of our future salvation. The reason we know we will go to heaven when we die is that God has forgiven our sins – past, present, and future. Of course, we must still confess our sins, not to maintain our status as sons but to maintain fellowship with our Father. Legally, all of our sins have been taken away…For those who do not accept Christ as their substitute, Satan’s original indictment stands. But for those who believe, we have been taken out from Satan’s kingdom and have been transferred into the kingdom of Christ. Satan’s mouth was shut. His whimpering accusations stopped. The Judge of all the earth had declared us righteous – who was Satan to say otherwise? Can the failed god contradict the Lord of heaven and earth?... If God were still to expect a payment from us after Christ paid our debt, there would be unrighteousness with God. Our debt was paid so fully that no further payment will ever be necessary. This is why we can say, ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.’… I wrote back, ’I have some good news for you: you do not have to try to please God; God is already more pleased with Christ than He could ever be with you or me, even if we have several good days in a row! If you trust Christ, God is as pleased with you as He is with His blessed Son whom He dearly loves.’… On particularly difficult days I have prayed, ‘O, God, today please do not look on me at all, look only upon Your Son and see me as complete in Him.’… But no Christian can commit the ‘unpardonable sin.’ Those who have transferred their trust to Christ have had their sins pardoned. Christ has canceled all of our transgressions.  He knew us long before we were born; He knew the evil we would do; and He covered it all. When Satan accuses us, we must show him our canceled certificate and read aloud, ‘Paid in full.’ We must say to him, ‘Begone! For it is written, “Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died – more than that, who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us” ‘ (Romans 8:33-34). Our attorney, Christ, has pleaded our case, and God has accepted His plea. And when God speaks, the universe listens. Satan can only kill; he cannot make alive. In order for God to prove His complete superiority, He had to raise Christ up from the dead so that there would never be any dispute over who was Lord and King.” (God’s Devil Page 113-117)


Yeah, so definitely Catholic absolution for all sins there as long as you confess your sins to your “Father”. And that is what allows their network to keep the secrets guarded – they can talk freely with their Catholic confessor who passes information back and forth from those higher in command. In this way, Father Tacchi Venturi was Secretary of the Jesuits as well as Mussolini’s confessor. That is how they operate in times of conflict.

Lutzer wants a fight among the daughter religions (Jesuit-Kabbalah-Islam) of Catholicism so the Pope can come settle it and act like the peacemaker in the world. And that incentive is intended to force the whole world into one-world religious negotiations in earnest toward Antichrist power-lock.

Paul knew that the word faith and the word fight were inseparably united.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 257)

The moment we want to move beyond Christianity #101 we encounter resistance, but, in the end, we graduate to a new level of spiritual growth and development. This battle between us and Satan is a classroom in which we are taught to develop intimacy with God.” (God’s Devil Page 188)

Whether the threat be Nazism, Communism, or humanism, a state that is hostile to religion will always attempt to push the church toward forced irrelevancy. Even without a dictatorship a state can marginalize the influence of the church. As the stae expands its powers, it can initiate laws that limit the church’s freedoms. Consider the phrase ‘the separation of church and state.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 22)

The church had to choose between a Christ who was Lord over a shrinking ‘spiritual sphere’ and a Christ who was ‘Lord over all.’” (Hitler’s Cross page 169)

At all costs we cannot let the influence of the church ‘shrink to nothing.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 256)


Lutzer actually uses his explanations of extremist Muslims to make parallel labels on Christians as if we are equally “dangerous”. In The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent, Lutzer describes extremism as being literal to the text, claiming to be the only true form of their belief, proselytizing/insisting on the text as authoritative over all peoples, unwilling to submit to secular demands to compromise with the state government, unwilling to participate in interfaith dialogue, willing to die for their belief, reject legitimate criticism, preaching judgment on those who reject, calling compromisers as apostates, despise those who question or oppose the rule of “god”, believe in a future world kingdom ruled by their “god”, use government and education to legitimize their religion, claim victimhood to other cultures especially if seeking justice for past crimes, willing to defend “freedom of conscience”, avoiding dialogue about controversial passages of text, belief in an exclusivity-minded “Messiah” – Mahdi returning, being secret about one’s faith to avoid persecution and infiltrate, seeking eternal reward, etc. So you can see with such vague broad-brushing how there is definitely intent to throw faith in Jesus in the extremist camp even though none of those apply in the same way to both Islam and Jesus. We do not have time to catalogue these, but if you read The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent looking for Muslim “extremists” and then look for what Lutzer thinks the comparable activity is among “Christianity”, it is pretty readily apparent.


At a conference in Lilburn, GA, in 2011 or 2012 with Sermon Audio and their preachers, the New Apostolic Reformation leadership present were absolutely insistent on convincing us that we had to die and that Islam would probably do the job. There is a very important reason for this. These Jesuits cannot kill us unless we agree to allow them to do it. They have no right over God’s children, especially we who are walking in upright behavior and clean conscience and not seeking sin as best as we are able. So they must convince us to allow ourselves to be killed. Remember, Lutzer saying that Jesus handed Himself over to His captors in order to say that we should do the same? That shows how little power they have over real Christians! Music artists are using songs to convince us to die. Preachers are using sermons to convince us to play the victim or martyr role. “Evangelists” are acting out in ways that will get themselves “attacked” for preaching against Islam, homosexuality and abortion as political agendas. So let us use Lutzer’s reasoning back on him and his fellow Jesuits, since Jesuits and Freemasons do not respect freedom of religion which Lutzer falsely labels freedom of “conscience”. ”Islam, of course, does not respect freedom of conscience. Rather, it keeps its adherents bound by fear – fear that if they were to leave their faith they would be killed, most likely by members of their own families. In Chicago, whenever I get into a cab driven by a Muslim, I always initiate a friendly dialogue with him. After talking with him about the role of Jesus in the Quran, I ask this question: ‘If you were to convert to Christianity, do you think you should be put to death?’ Some drivers say no, and others say yes. When I ask who should kill them, they are usually unsure, but volunteer that ‘someone who is in charge’ should do the deed. So even here in America, some Muslims hold to the view that to convert from Islam to Christianity could very well mean the loss of their life.” (Shadow Crescent Page 72)


Most Americans do not realize it, but Erwin Lutzer and any Freemason or Jesuit or Muslim Brotherhood member is vulnerable to this fear and being killed by members of their own “brotherhood” if they fail them. This is how so many actors die in weird ways. So let’s ask them “Do you think you should be allowed to be killed if you repent from your Jesuit and Freemason cults? But they don’t know the answer. So we will answer. Absolutely not! God desires repentance. God does not want their death. So who wants their death if they start to consider repentance? Obviously that would be the devil. On the other hand, some of them like Erwin Lutzer have made such evil covenants with the devil that it literally is IMPOSSIBLE for him to repent even if he wanted to. It’s not because God didn’t provide atonement for Lutzer – as Lutzer says in order to plead insanity on behalf of the devil and for himself. It’s just that Lutzer rejected it and chose sin and “freedom of conscience” under people whom Peter described as promising liberty while they themselves are slaves of corruption (2 Peter 2:19 – that is useful to read all of 2 Peter on these topics). And Lutzer knew this since the 1960’s when he studied under high-level Freemasons at Dallas Theological and then higher-level Jesuits at Loyola University (who remain unnamed, but we need to find out who mentored this guy). And Lutzer was okay with all of it and was so okay with it that they promised him the pastorate at The Moody Church if he followed their orders. So he did, and when the time came there was a super slick hand-off from Warren Wiersbe straight to Erwin Lutzer. But even a couple of years before that, the Jesuits were so confident that they had their man to overthrow both The Moody Church under Islam and the Moody Bible Institute under Jesuits – that they had Pope John Paul II come to Chicago shortly after he became Pope – and the Pope went to Lasalle Blvd. and Chicago Avenue among other places to claim a “blessing” over the territory as to say that it belonged to him now. But God doesn’t regard oaths of evildoers to the devil especially when there are righteous men and women who hold to Dwight Moody’s covenant for that school. So the curse does not work. It would only have power if all of us decided that we don’t care about The Moody Church and the Moody Bible Institute and left it to Jesuits and Muslims. But if we stand for truth and speak out and shout from the rooftops every time we hear secrets in the inner rooms, God will give us the victory over more than a century of evils planned both on the school and perhaps many of the evils planned on Chicago which they cursed to fall under Islam. Well, what do you know about that? We found quotes that show that even Lutzer knows this is true, so why is he imposing Islam then? That shows his real heart as a sworn extreme-oath Jesuit to murder any opposition to the Pope.


I believe that Christ taught that we all have guardian angels, or that at least children do (Matthew 18:10). Since Satan has set up his rival kingdom to mimic the true kingdom of God, there is reason to think that a demon would be assigned to each of us, to observe us, trying to use each opportunity to lure us into sin. This ‘guardian angel’ would much like to lead us into ruin.” (God’s Devil Page 167) So that what Lutzer says about guardian angels over children – ouch! And here come more accusations against God and His holy angels. “To what extent are the iniquities of the father ‘visited’ upon the children’? There might well be generational spirits who concentrate on various family lines, exploiting the weaknesses of the offspring of idolatrous parents. But the balancing fact is that there are all kinds of spiritually minded Christians who grew up in abusive, hateful, and idolatrous families. Such a curse can only have control over us if we think we must be subject to it.” (God’s Devil Page 132) You have to read this backwards if you really want to understand what Lutzer said – he said that Catholics are hunted by God’s angels, but they don’t think they are subject to it if they can convince their children to also claim Jesus while intentionally fighting against God. But regardless, the truth is that “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without a cause shall not alight.” Proverbs 26:2 So we have God’s truth to confirm to us what Lutzer twists upside down – that the Jesuit curse from Erwin Lutzer on us shall not alight because we are not the cause of these evils. God will defend His “Church” without us joining in some fleshly carnal fight with Muslims or Jesuits. God’s Truth does that work through diligent persistent prayers of a righteous man or woman combined with all of the prayers of other righteous men and women.


Argument #18: Jesuit Law/Philosophy Doctor Erwin Lutzer explains his plan to 1. exploit ”loopholes” in election of saints to have the people of God commit the worst crimes in all of history and 2. plead partial ignorance/ partial insanity for the devil and his followers and accuse God of misusing His omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence for His own selfish pride instead of helping solve evil. Lutzer says the only reasons Lucifer cannot repent is God chose not to provide atonement and will not work on Lucifer’s heart to lead him to repentance. Lutzer hopes this will alert all of the top angels and Michael – whom Lutzer believes to be the top angel – to fight God to keep Him from becoming the Celestial Dictator that Lutzer wants to see Him as. Lutzifer speaks several times about Satan’s chances to “topple Christ from His Throne and throw His crown to the ground” saying that the “war is winnable”. Lutzer says that it is only because Satan is locked up and cannot tell his side of the story that Jesus could rule at all. Lutzer quotes Lausanne Jesuit leader Os Guiness saying that all of the problems of the world are in the “church” first. Lutzer says a “fight” is inseparable from “faith” as if to say that all wars are caused by religion as all “atheist”/satanists use to accuse God. Lutzer looks forward to the “Gotterdammerung – twilight of the gods” in which he teases that “Christ will set the record straight” and that Krishna and Muhammad will rewrite their religion to say that “Jesus is Lord”. They were evil and rebellious – not ignorant – so they will not repent. But really Lutzer thinks that everyone will see God demanding “worship” that He didn’t earn and thinks everyone will hate Him and attack Jerusalem to stop Jesus whom Lutzer thinks will reign as “Antichrist” as a “Muslim” against His Jewish brothers. Lutzer says the devil’s role in God’s book of Revelation is a charade, so Lutzer implies that the devil will abandon that plan. And Lutzer implies that it is really the humans who are “covered” under the cross that can overthrow God by doing the worst evil in the world as if on behalf of God. Lutzer then believes God would be forced to acquit everyone – even the devil – to save face.


Lutzer says the devil will actually “succeed“ in creating religious unity, and blames Christians for creating havoc and then blames God for not allowing anyone but Jesus to rule and therefore shattering the peace by Middle East conflict. This is why Lutzer wants Armageddon before rather than after the rapture. This is how Lutzer explains the abomination of desolation in the temple – Jesus as a Muslim ruling in there and chasing the Jews out of Israel and sending the devil to hunt them down almost to extinction but then leaves a small remnant protected. And Lutzer believes this forces many Jews to become Catholics during the Tribulation – to which he attributes most of the “conversions” during the Tribulation, but believes they must die for Christ after being saved. Lutzer avoids noticing any internal conflicts in the devil’s system of rule. Lutzer believes the devil will obtain religious unity by the same miraculous powers that Jesus had – making the Antichrist sound like it is actually Jesus. Lutzer proposes assassinating the Antichrist to force God to protect him thereby blaming God for the Antichrist and acquitting the devil of blame since Lutzer believes the devil is just forced by God to do His bidding. Lutzer makes God responsible for all “self-will”, choice, free-will, and pride which he says is the root of all evil and of all sins of the flesh and of the devil’s and Adam and Eve’s falls into sin. Lutzer says that God wanted it this way so the devil and humans would make their “futile” attempts at being “god” and trying to rule ourselves, and then crush all actual “success” like the devil’s supposed “success” in the first half of the Tribulation. Then God will prove that He alone is fit to “rule in the affairs of men”. Lutzer plays victim while being the abuser and tries to say that anyone who questions his authority or Catholic “church” authority is in rebellion against God and doing the work of the devil.


Lutzer makes right and wrong a “sickness” of the mind – making Jesus the worst mind-virus of all as Jesuit Loren Cunningham of 7-mountain satanism says about Jesus. Therefore Lutzer says that all sins would still exist even if the devil were locked in Hell as he will be during Christ’s reign on earth. And Lutzer says God will use that to verify that humans are incapable of good without God, which Lutzer sees as built-in obsolescence. Lutzer says Satan gets blamed for not just his own decisions but for every evil that came afterward.  Lutzer says that both sides are recruiting and that “whether we choose the winner or the loser will determine our destiny. For we will get to spend eternity with the God we love and serve”. Lutzer follows that with “The drama has only begun” as saying that the battle is shaping up and it is difficult to say which humans or “gods” will win. But Lutzer repeatedly says that God will have all eternity to set the record straight, presumably Lutzer believes that will only be to his small band of followers, since Lutzer says he gives the Kingdom to the “little flock”. Lutzer preaches the Muslim concept that each person should be responsible for his own good and bad. And Lutzer preaches the concept of every individual being his own redeemer and judge. Lutzer also preaches the idea of being judged only for one’s own deeds and not any of the after effects and implies that the Muslim belief of each man’s individual deeds being weighed good and bad by the devil’s system/ standard is more fair than God’s justice.


We start by quoting another prominent FEMA clergy, Lausanne Vatican director, and Jesuit “evangelist” for the Pope by the name of Billy Graham. Graham was Lutzer’s hero and Lutzer imitated his preaching since Lutzer was a child, so this is an appropriate segway into our final case. Graham said, “You’re born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately there’s a loophole.”


Even those of us schooled in the Christian faith often do not grasp the significance of the blood of Christ, the basis for our forgiveness and victory. At the end of a difficult day of failure and sin, we are tempted to come to God, telling Him that we really don’t expect to have our prayers answered because we have failed so miserably. In contrast, when we have had a good day, and our relationship with God appears to be on target, we think that surely God will hear us. In both instances we err. Whether our day has been good or bad, our basis for approaching God is always the same, namely, the blood of Christ. And whether our guilt is objective (the guilt that appears before God) or subjective (the feelings of guilt we have within our own consciences), the remedy is always the same; the blood of Christ. When Moses was in Egypt, the homes of the Israelites were spared because of the blood on their doors. It mattered not whether the families inside had a good day or a bad day; it mattered not whether they had been successful in overcoming sin, important though that was. What mattered was the blood.” Sorry, got to interrupt for second. What mattered was blood!? Okay, so Lutzer mocks substitutionary atonement from the heart of faith toward Christ as we already saw with the discussion about Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son (knowing that God would provide a substitute somehow or else a quick remedy) and in all of the many places where Lutzer refused to preach the gospel, when he should have if he cared at all about God or had any relationship with Jesus to understand the accusations being made against our Lord. This reasoning makes God out to be a sicko murderer who just wants blood as the old Jewish blood libels all say about Jews for so many centuries now. The act of obedience required forethought and faith to believe that the judgment was real and was required, so that they would affirm Christ’s atoning sacrifice for sins in the future which was through their act of faith preaching this to the world in a way that could not be denied even by mighty empires. ”For God said, ‘When I see the blood, I will pass over you’ (Exodus 12:13). Second, they overcame him by the ‘word of their testimony’ (Revelation 12:11). The proclamation of the gospel, the assertion that Christ died for us and we have experienced His victory – this is what enables us to stand against the rage of Satan. This, after all, is the only hope for our country and our culture. Third, the gift of martyrdom is also what kept Satan from winning a victory. John wrote: ‘And they did not love their life even when faced with death’ (v. 11). These believers will die under the rule of a revived Roman Empire, just as the early Christians died under the rule of the old Roman Empire. In both cases, their martyrdom is what God has willed. “ This is only the believers who didn’t stay alert to obey and trust God’s plan that God warned them to be ready to understand – all fell asleep, but only some prepared. Resuming – this time the italics emphasis is by Lutzer: ”Satanic forces might instigate the destroying; but God does the delegating. Just as it was God’s will for Christ to die at the hands of evil men, so His followers die under the same care and providential plan. Even here, the devil is still God’s servant. As Luther wrote, Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still, His Kingdom is forever.  Death cannot frighten those who follow the Prince of Life.” (God’s Devil Page 218) Do you feel the sigh of relief as you read his threats this time around? No, not because he ended with saying death doesn’t frighten him. That’s a satanic twist where he is a kamikaze Jesuit crash pilot starting war – that’s not the same thing. Do you feel the peace of God that his kamikaze plane has no power over you, if you are actually of faith in Jesus Christ instead of faith in a Jesuit “lord” or Catholic “father"? But Lutzer doesn’t feel that. He feels hatred for God and keeps trying to find anyway to blame his victimhood oath to the Jesuits as God’s fault somehow.


Indwelling sin, which ‘clings so closely,’ is ever with us. Even those who think they have conquered the flesh discover its unpredictable power to tempt, confuse, and subdue. No wonder Christ said, ‘Keep watching and praying that you may not come to temptation.’ (Mark 14:38 NASB). Christ taught His disciples to pray, ‘Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.’ We should pray ,’Lord, when I have the desire to sin, might I not have the opportunity; and when I have the opportunity, might I not have the desire.’ When we are tried, we shall be like gold.” (God’s Devil Page 183) In case you didn’t understand what was said there – Lutzer says the sin clinging closely to us is because it’s a design flaw built-in obsolescence from God at Creation. That is why Lutzer thinks you have to tell “god” off of you if you’re going to avoid sin – because his “god” is the devil, quite literally. He doesn’t have the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome sin, so of course he finds unpredictable powers subduing him. So Lutzer says that Jesus meant that you have to tell Jesus to knock it off and stop trying to trap the devil or you into the mouse trap that Lutzer says the “invisible being” hides behind.

3. God Holds Angels, Satan, and People Responsible for the Evil That He Lets Them Do – Here we seem to reach an impasse. Since God has ultimate control, is He an accomplice in men’s evil deeds? That was the dilemma that evidently caused Einstein to reject belief in a personal God. He argued that if God were truly all-powerful, then every human thought and action is also His work.” Okay, no, we got to interrupt that! EVERY HUMAN THOUGHT AND ACTION IS ALSO HIS WORK?? Unbelievable! What kind of logic is that? Lutzer believes we live in a matrix, in a simulation (as Tesla guru Elon Musk calls it) as if we are all just cogs in a preplanned machine. So obviously that is just to excuse evil that Lutzer does, so that God gets all the “glory” from all of the evil Lutzer intends to do and has done. “Therefore in giving out punishment and rewards, Einstein said, “He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?” Einstein was expressing what most of us have struggled with. How can God hold human beings responsible if they are simply fulfilling His will? A complete discussion of this question is well beyond the scope of this chapter, but in general we can say that the personal beings God created have enough independence to make them accountable for their deeds.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 66)

God would never create a being who was as great and beautiful as He Himself is. Any created creature would of necessity fall short of the limitless perfections of the Almighty. Lucifer was, therefore, much less than God, but evidently the ‘best’ the Almighty could do.” (God’s Devil Page 28)

Or were the Germans not only human but fully human, simply human without the veneer, without the constraints of society and God? The answer, as we shall discover, is that the Germans of the Nazi era – indeed Hitler himself – were all too human.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 21)

That is why we must never see Satan without seeing GodGod could have banished Satan to another planet or cast him immediately into the lake of fire. But He chose to use the devil, to give him a role to play in the divine drama. God knows that we must fight before we can celebrate.” (God’s Devil Page 24)

But God kept Satan in this world for one reason: Satan had to play his part in the drama on planet earth, and he will play it according to God’s rules and not his own.” (God’s Devil Page 125)


When we are willing to put ‘to death the deeds of the body’ (Romans 8:13), we will no longer tell God what He can and cannot use to refine us. The ownership of our lives will have been transferred, and we will believe that God is greater than our circumstances and the devil, who often is permitted to arrange them. The demons who have used our indwelling sins as a launching pad for their own harassment will find that their power is curtailed.” (God’s Devil Page 203)


Evil can engulf the whole earth, and yet the eternal purposes and plan of God are not affected. Or, to put it more accurately, the purposes and plan of God actually include the evil that engulfs the earth. No matter how bad things get, God will prevail. Nothing can thwart Him from carrying out what He wills to do. The fact that the Antichrist will one day rule the world and be worshiped by everyone will not be an indication that he is right or that his religion is superior. And that’s true for all religions – truth and error do not change on account of the numbers who line up on one side or the other. Truth is truth, and error is error, no matter what the majority vote would indicate. The ability of one religion or nation to dominate another does not prove its superiority.” (Shadow Crescent Page 147)


But as we have already shown multiple ways and so many places in Lutzer’s conversation – he doesn’t believe righteousness belongs to God and wants to ascribe it to the devil or humans. Lutzer wants to believe that his view is right more than what God says. Lutzer wants to preach his version of “justice”, which we show shortly from his Islam preaching sessions (Shadow Crescent) and his insanity plea on behalf of the devil and himself (God’s Devil). So Lutzer dishonestly says that God will do evil engulfing the world in horrors (which is an outright lie) and will establish totalitarian rule acting as the Muslim Antichrist in the Temple (as we showed in the previous Argument #17). Lutzer is saying that it doesn’t matter how convinced Jesus is that he wants to rule the world after “playing the victim" the first time. And Lutzer says that it doesn’t matter if the whole world wanted Jesus to rule (which Lutzer is convinced they don’t), since Lutzer believes Jesus is to be condemned for what “He” did to humans by making us sinful and trying to “trap” under His “authoritarian rule”. So Lutzer thinks this will work against Jesus in the end – because Lutzer thinks the Jesuits will be able to swap the stories and roles to force Jesus to have to play the Antichrist. Here’s the reasoning: since God predicted what would happen SO THOROUGHLY to his brother-like friend John, therefore, it leaves very limited options for the devil. Literally, God predicted all of this end-times devilish program around 2,000 years or more in advance. So the devil is stuck, because this really does fit his plan and he has to admit that this is how things will go if he has any chance of winning and since God really does know him that well to know his every plan and heart-thought. So now, if the devil wants to proceed forward to become God, there literally is only one option left to him – swap the entire paradigm completely upside down and make God “seem” to be the devil and then the devil can “seem” to be “god”. There are very few ways to do that, but Lucifer has spent an entire 1925 years trying all of the reversals he can manage. He’s running out of them; the case is being made in God’s court and given to many faithful Christians world-wide through hard experience and watchful  attention to current events seeking God’s wisdom in prayer.


Now, as we said, Satan is trying to replace himself with Jesus into the role of Antichrist working through Jesuits, Kabbalah, and Islam overthrowing Jerusalem at mid-point of the treaty – when they break the seven year treaty foretold by Gabriel to Daniel (Daniel 9:27). But the devil has to figure out how to force Jesus to take that role – most recently, he hoped it would be by Islam conquering American Israelis and Christians thereby forcing God’s hand into Tribulation before it would be right to do, because Israel is not secured and safe at all for them (Jesuit control over every microscopic detail in the miniature chopped scrap of Israel they gave back to them), nor have the majority of Israelis been allowed to return to their land or even want to return to their land yet. But the devil thinks this would force Jesus to get angry and preemptive strike as George W. Bush pretended to do on behalf of “Judeo-Christianity” in America.


The plan was to get Christ to do what Satan himself did in past ages. He wanted Christ to be disqualified as a Savior and for that matter, to be disqualified as the beloved Son of God. In previous ages, Lucifer and Christ had often met in the glories of heaven. After Lucifer’s plunge into sin, he found it impossible to tempt Christ in the heavens above… So Satan, with unmitigated audacity, attempts to do what he most surely knew was impossible. He tries to triumph over the very Christ who created him!” (God’s Devil Page 148)

Look at all of the factors the devil has arranged to accuse Jesus of – if He would just bow down and worship Lucifer and be allowed to take Israel back from the Jesuit hands:“All of the original doctrines found in the third chapter of Genesis will surface: the deity of mankind, the transformation of consciousness (“enlightenment”), moral relativism, and the like. Possibly even reincarnation might be used to spread the word that some great historical personage of the past has reappeared. Think of the awe and worship that would come to the person who could claim to have been “raised from the dead” by being recycled into our mode of existence. He will usher in a religion that will counterfeit Christianity at every point.” God’s Devil Page 215) Notice how Lutzer says this will counterfeit “Christianity”, but actually knows it’s the Vatican doing this, which already is the counterfeit “kingdom of God” which he is pretending represents Jesus. So you see that the devil speaking through Lutzer thinks he could convince Jesus to reincarnate early into Israel to rule Israel, or else the devil thinks the world can be convinced that this is what is happening. Now that would make sense – he will be the “ANTICHRIST” after all – meaning in the place of Christ.


So Lutzer actually puts Jesus Himself there in the form of ANTICHRIST. So since the devil and Lutzer literally have reversed the whole thing to put Jesus in the Antichrist seat, look at how the devil is arranging similar pieces against the followers of Jesus in America. “I believe that Satan has already made meticulous plans for our downfall. All that is left for us to do is to step into the trap that has been carefully laid. Of course, we don’t know where the trap is, nor can we see it, but it is there nonetheless. If we could know the extent of his knowledge about us, if we could understand his fiendish delight should we become a discredit to Christ, we would pore over the Scriptures to learn about him and the kinds of traps that might be laid for us. There principles must be remembered. First, Satan is very angry. He is angry at God because he knows that God will win the battle… Second, his method is to make sin look good to us. Whatever lure he employs, he wants us to develop confidence in our ability to handle the consequences of disobedience. He will never remind us of the law of unintended consequences. Third, he works through the sins of the flesh. He takes the sins we already struggle with and strengthens their power. His goal is that he might have a measure of leverage, influencing our lives… What does he want from us? Control. He wants the privilege of managing our lives. He wants a piece of the action.” (God’s Devil Page 168-169) “” () Lutzer believes the devil has meticulous plans for our downfall – of course he won’t tell us where the trap is even though it’s right in his books showing that he knows what the traps are far better than us. But of course, he won’t tell us directly – that would get him in trouble with his superiors and he enjoys plotting our downfall besides. Interesting though, that Lutzer would admit that he understands most of the extent of the devil’s knowledge about us. So here is another part of the devil’s reversal plan – make Christians the worst sinners. Pretty simple, except that Americans and even many Christians seem to be blindsided by the strategy and keep falling into worldly sins and attractions - not realizing that the elites just keep adding to the available options ad infinitum (although they are very much repeats). And whenever the public eye starts to notice the edges of the mousetrap, they increase the atmospheric and economic and social pressure to cause enough troubles to force everyone back to the grinding wheel or hamster wheel – depending on the financial status of the individual.


And in the corners and halls of America, there are people engaging in the worst crimes and filth/sewage and animalistic behaviors, so that they can pretend in the future that God wanted to judge America and the world might actually believe that lie if we don’t do something to correct the international conversations about it. Furthermore, as Lutzer has laid out PERFECTLY, they want the world to believe that American Christians and Muslims seek martyrdom and are addicted to their martyrdom complex enough to implode America and kill each other – another lie we will have to deal with in international conversations. They have maximized the stealing methods to the point where America will be impoverished beyond belief and forced to lowly conditions and agriculture on soil that has been severely damaged – just to try to make food. They want us completely at their mercy – to beg them for food or for death – as Lutzer laid out so well explaining Hitler’s and Antichrist’s tactics. They have weather-altering tech and disease manufacturing tech that was engineered in our country that will be used against the whole world in the future. They have rigged politics and “voting” systems, pretend “lawful” methods of imposing martial law, hundreds of massive detention camps, guillotine murder tools and cheap body bag-style coffins, deadly Nazi-designed-and-led hospital programs run exclusively by religious institutions nationwide, military police and riot police systems, FEMA clergy networks to calm the masses from noticing the mousetrap, enough psychological operations to keep neighbors constantly fighting each other while the real criminals escape, enough wealth from the Vatican to complete anything they want to do in the neo-Nazi experiment, complete control of the international courts and United Nations and Red Cross and any charitable organizations, demographics that assist hostility between gangs and cultures when under pressure, cruel prison systems that have raised 1% of the population to hate America with a vengeance, terrorist data-collecting alphabet agencies for every subject imaginable, spy tech and surveillance/tracking systems and approximately one-third of the population in league with the usurping “government” “authorities” to stop/trap/detain/torture/kill anyone they desire if they can justify having done so to the public, distractions enough to make sure there is no community of peoples looking at the same problems at the same time (unless they are agents controlled by the elites through satanic networks and internet-based saboteur community and Jesuit/Freemason “community” in control over every town and city across America. Do you start to see the problem here – if you weren’t already aware of some of this?  


Lutzer admits part of what he knows about FEMA clergy “On one occasion, when the tour group was about to enter the famous Castle Church in Wittenberg, where Luther posted his 95 theses, a service was in progress. I decided to stay and watch. Though my German is limited, I am able to comprehend it when it’s spoken. Incredibly, the pastor read from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Quran, explaining that ‘this church honors all three of the major religions.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 227)

And Lutzer wishes this Islam and victimhood game were the path to winning. “Third, the gift of martyrdom is also what kept Satan from winning a victory.” (God’s Devil Page 218)

By the time Antichrist appears, the world will be ready to attempt a dream that has been in the making since the days of Babylon when all the people chose to stay together, unified by a ‘tower with its top in the heavens’ (Genesis 11:4)” (God’s Devil Page 223)

The matter at hand is not whether we are as bad as Satan says we are. Rather, the controversy is over what should be done about our predicament. Satan says, ‘You should damn him!’ God says, ‘I will save him!’ Perhaps we should pause to remind ourselves that the charges against us are not only accurate but extensive.” (God’s Devil Page 107-108) The Vatican just has to have the “green light” from their Jesuit agents who know the conditions on the ground – to know if it will work how they planned it and hopefully not reverse on them. But God prophesied about people like that.

Proverbs 28:10 Whoever causes the upright to go astray in an evil way, he himself will fall into his own put, but the blameless will inherit the good. Proverbs 28:10

Proverbs 16:7 When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 

2 Timothy 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. 2 Timothy 3:8-9

God always makes a way of escape that we may be able to endure it even if we must learn some of the lessons involved in it. Philippians 1:27-30 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your condition, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God. For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me. Philippians 1:27-30

 Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Psalm 34:7

Proverbs 3:25 Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:25


And if there is any sin in your heart, you definitely need to fear the Lord enough to confess and forsake it and learn to seek God’s ways. Satan is the roaming lion seeking to devour, steal, kill, and destroy – it’s not Jesus who does that. But Lutzer applies his “resistance” against God.


This might seem difficult, but our faith will be strengthened when we see our struggles coming from our heavenly Father. Since the Scriptures are clear that we must resist the devil, we have to know how to combat him… God, let us never forget, does the testing and Satan does the tempting. If we cannot thank God, we have not yet seen His purpose in it all. We don’t give thanks for our sin; we don’t give thanks for the devil; but we can give thanks that God has found us worthy of being tested… We give thanks that we have been found worthy to suffer this temptation for Christ’s sake. 2. We must learn the meaning of the word “resist”. Most of us think that victory over Satan should come easily… Peter wrote that Satan was like a roaring lion, stalking about seeking whom he may ‘devour’, and that we were to ‘resist him’ (1 Peter 5:8-9). James repeated the same challenge when he wrote that if we submitted ourselves to God and resisted the devil, he would flee (James 4:7)… Christ resisted, but Satan returned with a greater assault. For Paul, temptation was war; it was a matter of life and death. He knew there would be casualties… Just as Joshua was given the land, but had to fight for it, sometimes winning and sometimes losing, so our inheritance can only be secured with great effort. Think of the drug addict resisting another fix; think of the pornography addict resisting renting a sensual video; think of the angry husband resisting the impulse to lash out with words and perhaps blows; think of the employer about to be evicted, resisting a much-needed bribe; think of big money waved in your face. In these and other instances, resisting involves self-control and suffering. It is to such affliction that we are called. It is, however, how we resist that makes all the difference… Rather we stand against them by looking to God and asking Him to deliver us… We must resist the first impulse to sin, remembering that saying no will never become easier once the temptation is allowed to lodge in our souls… One act of immorality, one drink of alcohol, or one experiment with drugs just might trigger a roller coaster of experiences where the noose always becomes a bit tighter. And, for such reasons, the resistance must become fiercer. Repentance is always the major requirement of deliverance… We must quote Scripture often, even when the resistance heightens. We must stay with truth no matter how many grenades are lobbed in our direction. There are times when the temptations are so overwhelming that we must whole-heartedly find our refuge in God. Such victories are the most precious to Him…” (God’s Devil Pages 178-182) And then here comes the slam on God even more clearly in the next chapter using this word “resist”. “” (God’s Devil Page 189) ”Imagine that each branch of this tree is one of the ‘deeds of the flesh.’ Like the forbidden tree of Eden, each is appealing and each bears its own poisonous fruit. Though the branches appear to be separate, they are interrelated. We can trace them back to their roots… If the works of the flesh are the branches of this tree, what is its trunk? I believe the root is self-will, the desire to resist God’s sovereignty in our lives. That was the sin of our first parents, and this rebellion has been passed on to us. Pride keeps me from letting God be the supreme ruler of my life.” And now you have the key to understanding Lutzer’s method of resisting the devil – he doesn’t see himself resisting the devil, he blames God for sending the devil and he resists God’s sovereignty in his life. Lutzer believes this self-will was put there by God as we showed thoroughly in Argument #8.


And while Lutzer rejects God’s authority completely and accuses God of all the worst crimes in human history, he desperately wants to make sure no one would dare question his authority. Lutzer calls it slander even if it is true. “Verbal Slander         Even as the words left your mouth, you knew that you should not have said them. You spoke not so much in anger as in spite: You wanted to put that other person beneath you; you wanted your listener to make an implicit contrast between you and your opponent. Your words contained some truth, some exaggeration, but most of all the hidden desire to discredit him. Slander… In Greek, the expression ‘malicious gossips’ is the one word diabalous, which, literally translated, means ‘devils.’ And the word ‘devil,’ as we know, means ‘slanderer.’ In saying that the wives of deacons should not be ‘devils,’ Paul is warning that they should control their tongues. They should not be found gossiping, giving a report about a person that is intended to harm. Even the truth, if told for the wrong reason and to the wrong person, is slander. Gossip meets a deep perceived ego need within us. Gossip is the stirrup we use to hoist ourselves into the saddle. When we defame others, we are doing the devil’s work for him. When we defame God’s people, we promote the kingdom of darkness. We are acting with Satan’s rationale and motivation. James wrote, ‘But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people, who are made in the likeness of God’ (James 3:8-9). That ‘deadly poison’ has its source in the serpent. The one part of the body that Satan would most desire to control is our tongue. It has the power to bless and the power to curse; it has the ability to build the body of Christ and the power to tear it down. Paul’s words apply to us all: Don’t be a devil! What difference is there between a believer who slanders the people of God and the serpent who does the same? Both are sinning; both are doing what God hates; both are abetting the kingdom of darkness.” (God’s Devil Page 191-192)


So Lutzer again puts himself above God. He thinks it is okay to ACTUALLY slander God with false accusations, but calls our type of reporting on his cruel lies and plans as if it were slander. The abuser thus accuses the abused. We’re not speaking of ourselves specifically but of so many in Chicago and under Lutzer’s threats around the world – for whom we are trying to stand up to this problem. If Lutzer and his Jesuit network friends in Chicago get exposed as not representing Christ, it would be a serious problem to their plans to play the victim on behalf of Christ. But Lutzer has another exit strategy – one that he thinks will take this program all the way to eternity where he wants to believe Lucifer will finally win. That strategy is a purported loophole in God’s salvation where God “elects” who will be saved and who will not be. So Lutzer thinks if he could locate the “elect” and force them to commit or at least participate in or at least be around close to the location when or at least be mentioned in the list of defendants when all of the Jesuit crimes are set to happen in Chicago – then Lutzer thinks they may stand a chance to win against God. The idea is that if God’s “elect” are doing the worst evils in the world, and if he could convince the whole world and the angels who serve God about this – then Lutzer thinks it could work. For example, one of the later parts of this strategy would be to assassinate the Antichrist. The medical skills and technology are so impressive that they could heal just about anything if they really wanted to. So if they attempt to kill and then heal the Antichrist which would make him seem to be Jesus. “Though Bonhoeffer initially believed that the Sermon on the Mount taught pacifism, he eventually joined a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler… He believed that taking the risk of killing Hitler was to follow Christ who risked His life to defend the poor and the outcasts. In point of fact, Bonhoeffer was recruited for espionage in 1940 by his brother-in-law Hans Dohnanyi, who was a deputy in the Abwehr (military intelligence). Dohnanyi conferred with Admiral Canaris, the head of the Abwehr, who by this point was deeply involved in the resistance movement. Together they worked out a pretext for Bonhoeffer’s membership: He could use his church contacts to help assess the political situation in other European countries and America. Under cover, however, Bonhoeffer was carrying out quite a different mission, namely, contacting the Allies to seek terms of surrender should the assassination attempt succeed.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 238) “This man who called the church back to its mission would eventually join (some would say mistakenly) a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler. Whatever we may think of that decision, his heroism, zeal, and (from a human point of view) failure deserve careful consideration. At great personal cost he raised the flag of Christ, though most turned aside to follow another banner. He did all he could to rescue the Cross from the swastika.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 222-223, emphasis made by Lutzer.) So his brother-in-law in secret intelligence with him and Dietrich’s high level religious contacts with Billy Graham’s close friend Reinhold Niebuhr and Karl Barth, his coordinating the World Alliance networks and trying to assassinate Hitler show what side he was on. Bonhoeffer organized for the Catholics and passed messages inside to outside. That was his job. And of course, he had to die as a victim or else it would mean he was on the victor side and could not be trusted with all of that other information in tow. Besides that, he organized some of what became the United Nations and the origins of the World Evangelical Alliance that works with the pontifical councils in Rome. He is always promoted by the highest level secret Jesuits in America such as Eric Metaxas. “’If you are fear based, you are not worshiping Jesus,’ says Eric Metaxas, author of the widely acclaimed biography Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.” (Shadow Crescent Page 219)


The “rising from the dead” by the Antichrist as they hope to portray it also assists another popular analogy in American Jesuit myths – the rising Phoenix. Think Atlanta for example with their “Rise Up” motto for the Atlanta Falcons sports team not knowing what the meaning is in the devil’s plans. The rising phoenix is regularly described in “Christian” music these days. For example, one song says “out of the ashes, hope will arise, death is defeated, the king is alive”. You would think this is talking about Jesus or our resurrection from the dead, but it is not. It is talking about Antichrist and the devil and Babylon (Rome) which gets destroyed in a single day – all being “resurrected”. Since some of God’s judgments are by fire, especially at the end of the Millennial reign when Satan gets released to stir rebellion one last time – the analogy is that he is fire-proof and will rise up out of the ashes of defeat. If they could make America “rise up” again after a fake Tribulation, then you can see how that would imply to the world that “Judeo-Christianity” and/or Islam is the rising phoenix which would fit Lutzer’s analogies for Antichrist being God’s man. But the truth is it will be Jesuit-Kabbalah, Islam – so that will be less impressive if they come back, since everyone knows they are world dominant powers already. Furthermore, that would put the Catholic Church who is the mother of all of these – as the rising phoenix, which would be a problem to them if it happened to quickly. That would just be verification that they faked their own destruction in order to deceive the world while actually in the process of stealthily conquering the world. We talked about this analogy earlier where Lutzer used the bristlecone pine in America to represent the Catholic Kingdom that he believes replaced Israel. “Finally, the only times the bristlecone pine sheds its seeds are when it is struck by lightning or it is surrounded by the intense heat of a forest fire. The capsule that holds the seeds does not break open unless it is exposed to great heat. Likewise, sometimes the church does not multiply until it faces intense persecution. Although Islam has frequently destroyed churches in whole regions, there have also been times when remnants have survived, and their seed has given birth to new growth. Some botanists once made an incredible find of 28 bristlecone pine seeds. They eagerly planted the seeds, but none survived because the conditions in which they were planted were too favorable. Wouldn’t it make sense that churches might not fare well in overly friendly settings either? A church that is too comfortable with the world around it can easily become complacent or even apathetic. Ponder this question: What can your church do – or what can you do – to grow deeper and more interconnected roots to prepare for the storm that is sure to come… And we must connect with other believers in fellowship and accountability.” (Shadow Crescent Page 133) “Prior to 9/11, an FBI agent in Arizona wrote what is known as the Phoenix Memo – a proposal to check on ‘Middle Eastern students in flight school.’ The proposal ‘was shelved at headquarters partly because it would have violated bureau guidelines against racial profiling.’ If more attention had been paid to the Phoenix Memo, might it have averted 9/11? One can only wonder.” (Shadow Crescent Page 187)


So Lutzer thinks that religious profiling (disguised as racial profiling) could have stopped 9/11. And that may be true, because the Jesuit’s intent with that was to scare the world about Islam taking over and cause extremism in response to extremism. But you can see the rising phoenix reference in both quotes. Intense persecution under Islam and then flourishing under the Vatican through ”interconnected root systems” and “connecting with other believers in fellowship and accountability” by which Lutzer means more Vatican oversight of non-Catholic activity. Oh, right… like what the Oikonomia Network is doing at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. And like what Dietrich Bonhoeffer did. Either way, you can see how important it is to them to ride the next wave every time (waves that Francis Chan points out they are creating because they have to pretend to lead us – Chan serves the Jesuits also as shown by his speaking with the group at The Send in Orlando) and make sure they have the next opportunity to reverse the paradigm.


We have learned that the Bible teaches that Satan will make one more massive attempt to rule the world – and will finally succeed… Given today’s advance in technology and instant communication, a unified world will appear to be possible. Satan will be thrown out of heaven in the middle of the tribulation period. But this will not hinder him from establishing his global network… He will rival Christ by ruling the world. This will be the Fourth Reich. All will not be well within his empire. For one thing, the saints of God will oppose him. For another, the rulers of the world will move to protect their own selfish interests. The fragile unity of the world will begin to crumble. And most important, the hatred toward the Jews will be so rampant that the Middle East will be turned into a volatile military powder keg. And that will prove to be his undoing. This conflict, known as the battle of Armageddon, will be the worst in the history of the world. Though it might begin in the valley of Megiddo, it soon spills throughout the whole land of Israel and the Middle East… “ (God’s Devil Page 223-224) This is interesting for several reasons. Lutzer, as always, sees no flaws in the devil’s program and assumes that after he “succeeds” at one-world unity, the only problem will be Christians and Jesus and selfish secondary rulers. There is no explaining of the inherent incapability of evil to sustain a kingdom of evil as we showed thoroughly in Argument #13. And Lutzer thinks the imploding of the Middle East will be the real problem – not the devil. And as we pointed out, since this is the mid-point of the Tribulation being discussed when the Middle East problems break open and since he thinks Jesus will start establishing His reign at the mid-point, you can see how Lutzer thinks this is just Jesus greedily creating chaos to “prove” that the devil cannot rule peaceably – in Lutzer’s mind.

But the heady days of the serpent are short-lived. God will not allow this counterfeit leadership to go uncontested for one good reason: The Father will not for long tolerate a man who takes the worship that belongs to His Son. The giddy optimism about man’s ability to rule the world is about to end. Satan’s day is about over. The showdown is just days away.” (God’s Devil Page 219)


So Lutzer believes Satan represents life and peace and that Jesus represents death and evil. In Lutzer’s own words: “The cross of Christ was a symbol of that death and could never be confused with a swastika, which was a symbol of man’s quest for life.” (Hitler’s Page 232) So since death seems to be the game to be played in Lutzer’s mind, he wants to make sure to be on the winning side afterward in eternity as we showed in the last two Arguments #16 and #17. And then if he did evil – he thinks God will absorb that. Because of the terror He [God] has allowed on this planet, because His ways are beyond our comprehension, because He is holy, we should take advantage of the gift of His Son to our planet. Only Christ can shield us from the wrath of God that will come to all sinners after death.” (Hitler’s Cross Page 70) “Lucifer’s bad judgment is a warning to us. We must never think that our obedience is best for God, but not best for us… That is why we are never wiser than when we choose to follow God’s will, whatever the cost.” (God’s Devil Page 34)There’s that loophole to be exploited in “election” as Lutzer sees it. If he assists the Antichrist program through Nazis, Jesuits, the Vatican, the Muslims, etc. – he thinks… “so what”. He thinks Jesus wants the god-myth to be completed, so this is part of “God’s plan” and therefore thinks God cannot judge him for it. You see the reasoning. He wants to be convinced that God is in charge of everything so therefore if it happens, it was God’s doing. And in that way, Lutzer thinks he could save the whole world – except for those who actually follow Jesus and love God. “I believe that God has brought Muslims to the West so that, free from the social and spiritual oppression of their own countries, they can be exposed to and examine the claims of Jesus. I urge all of us to befriend our Muslim neighbors and introduce them to the love of Christ, whether they become a ‘Christ follower’ or not.” (Shadow Crescent Page 38) “And let us courageously stand with converts from Islam to Christianity who find themselves unwelcomed in churches because of the fear that their presence might spark retaliation to the converts or the church. We must welcome and affirm them as members of the body of Christ, and take time to befriend and nurture them in the Christian faith.” (Shadow Crescent Page 217) He means people who adapted “converted” their Muslim beliefs to fit Christianity.


 No friendship for the Israelis, just Muslims and Nazis who hate and want to destroy Israel. So then if Lutzer’s plan succeeds and Islam partners with “Christianity” in America, then they could be called Christians and be covered by the blood of Christ and be “elect”. So now Lutzer thinks there could be also non-repentant subversive Muslims and Jesuits (like himself he thinks) in God’s Kingdom who could help overthrow it. Lutzer’s justification for this is the parable where Jesus asks the guy how he got in without a wedding garment (which were given by the wealthy father to the guests) and kicks him out into outer darkness. Lutzer thinks that if there were enough of these in there, it might work the other direction. And then he thinks Jesus gets kicked out. It’s the analogy we thoroughly discussed in Argument #17 about removing extremists from cities, countries and then the whole world. It’s a Jesuit strategy in Heaven on the eternal side also as we’ll show in Lutzer’s closing arguments for God’s Devil. Lutzer actually references the Philippians passage we quoted above and attempts to steal it for the Catholic “church” and against us and partly against Islam. “Although we can expect to come under increasing pressure to compromise the gospel by minimizing its uniqueness to Christianity alone, we must stand strong, explaining why Jesus Christ, of necessity, is the only way to God the Father. The apostle Paul, writing from prison, prayed that believers would be found standing firm ‘in one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved – and that by God’ (Philippians 1:27-28)“ (Shadow Crescent Page 228) Lutzer hopes that by this process, he can get God to be seen as NOT innocent and be judged along with the devil – in which case he believes God would acquit everyone rather suddenly to save face.


So here is Lutzer’s insanity plea on behalf of the devil and himself as if this were only a political discussion that has nothing to do with Heaven or Hell. It’s like Lutzer believes Heaven and hell are what we make on earth, in the same way that he commented some people believe the devil just represents man’s inhumanity to man. So this seems to be Lutzer’s explanation for why God does not and could not exist. Talking about “abstract ideas, such as God” like he says in God’s Devil. Lutzer says it’s all a charade – meaning between the Pope and the Jesuit General as the White and Black Popes. And when Lutzer says the outcome is certain and unavoidable, he may just mean that this process has been going on long enough to be too predictable. In that case, this is Lutzer’s manifesto for New World Order – a case, a reason for moving beyond “politics as usual”.


If we believe that we will enjoy eternal life forever, we must believe that others will suffer eternal punishment forever. Unfortunately, we are not free to choose our beliefs based on our preferences… To us as humans, everlasting punishment is disproportionate to the offense committed. God appears to be cruel, unjust, sadistic, and vindictive. The purpose of punishment, we are told, is always redemptive. Rehabilitation is the goal of all prison sentences. The concept of a place where there will be everlasting punishment without any possibility of parole or reform seems unjust… The serpent, needless to say, cannot plead ignorance. His decision was made with a knowledge of the facts before him. Of course he didn’t know everything, since such full knowledge belongs only to God, but he knew enough to be severely judged for his stupidity… Unlike a human court, which can shelve details or misinterpret them, God’s knowledge extends to that which has happened in the world and to that which might have happened under different circumstancesWe must confess that we do not know how much punishment is enough for Satan, who bears the greater responsibility, or for man, who bears the lesser… What if, from God’s standpoint, the greatness of the sin is determined by the honor of the One against whom it is committed? Then the guilt of sin is infinite because it is the violation of the character of an infinite Being… As humans we can be thankful that we do not have to bear our sin. An infinite Being came to pay an infinite price so that we could be redeemed” (God’s Devil Page 235-236)


The destruction of the serpent in the lake of fire stands as a final witness to the fact that no creature who fights against the Creator will win. No will pitted against the will of God will ever find permanent fulfillment and freedom. God has proved that He alone rules, and beside Him there is no other. The devil rules today, but only by divine decree. He tempts us, but only to the extent that God chooses to grant him his wish. He destroys, but only as God approves of such destruction. He stalks proudly about, but only as far as God will let him. He is unwilling to face the reality of his impending eternal humiliation and shame. He already knows what others might not: His present battles are but a charade on the cosmic stage. The outcome is certain and unavoidable. Meanwhile, Satan exists as God’s instrument of justice for the disobedient and God’s means of purification for the obedient. Our war with him teaches us about the nature of sin, the holiness of God, and our own helplessness apart from grace. Lucifer’s fall gave our heavenly Father an opportunity to display limitless mercy toward us. He who rules all things by the counsel of His own will has triumphed, and we share His victory. And you, my friend, can also share His victory if you transfer your trust to Christ, acknowledging your helplessness apart from Him. Only personal faith in Christ can shield us from the wrath to come; only those who have faith in ‘the blood of the Lamb’ can overcome the devil’s fury. And overcome it, they will. Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen (ROMANS 11:33-36)” (God’s Devil Page 237-238) That is how Lutzer concludes his book on the devil. At this point, we would be inclined to say that he doesn’t even believe in the existence of the devil and God and thinks these are all “charades” as he calls it between political powers. In that case, the devilish side of the world empire (apparently Germanic) disappears and the “church” rules the whole kingdom having tricked everyone into submitting to their synthesis of all beliefs into one-world government. And Lutzer thinks that would be peaceful? If God took all of us on earth just like we are and took us to Heaven, it would look exactly like it does on earth. Or if you move to communism or even anarchy (which both get presented as the devil’s side of politics) where each person rules himself and the enforcers only come out when there’s a real cumulative problem, then that could explain a “potentially peaceful” side to Lutzer’s conversations in all of these books. But that would pretend that God doesn’t exist and therefore no good could ever exist, since we obviously got stuck with evil which could not exist as an extreme without an opposite. And so evil’s extremes should verify God’s love to rebellious evil men like Erwin Lutzer. But it doesn’t. They still hate God who they know exists and who they know they will give an account to on Judgment Day in eternity when their spirit is raised up to talk to God in the presence of all witnesses. Furthermore, Lutzer knows that lawlessness does NOT produce righteousness, any more than the over-regulation does not produce the righteousness of God. It would just be another form of man’s inhumanity to man as Lutzer himself admitted about the Nazi crimes. But it would be less stress on the “government” if they didn’t have to do anything but oppress without laws. Remember, they would still have the totalitarian tools and impose their rule even in anarchy. Rulers who gain their wealth and positions of influence (regardless of political spectrum) would not suddenly become passive, loving, giving, honest, helpful, trustworthy individuals. That is a scam just as much as it is to assume that all mass-murderers suddenly disappeared after World War 2 as people seem to think happened. And since the discussion is eternity, since you can’t write the Creator out of the conversation, we must point out that, eternity doesn’t change the person’s heart. That is why God allowed us enough space by being on earth away from His direct influence, so we could all actually make our own decisions and not be forced by a dominant world kingdom. But God also knows the heart – good or bad, so for Lutzer to suggest that Nazis and Muslims will sneak in is just a lie. They already are inside the Vatican through the Jesuit order. So if that’s what Lutzer means, then he’s already achieved that. But he will NOT sneak into God’s kingdom. We intend to make sure he gets noticed and removed, as will many others with us. But Lutzer wishes he could punish God for his own decisions and for delaying His coming, which was in patience for all who would be saved – and apparently not for Lutzer’s sake.


We can say that we have heard the lightning, but we have not yet hear the crash of his fall. With God, there is no such gap; He regards the judgment and sentence as already complete. ‘Now will the ruler of this world be cast out’ (John 12:31; italics added). And again, ‘The ruler of this world has been judged’ (John 16:11 NASB, italics added).” (God’s Devil Page 113) “Satan insists, perhaps quite reasonably, that we should have the same judgments as he. After all, we also are tainted with sin and are also rebels. If the greatness of the sin is determined by the greatness of the One against whom it is committed, then, indeed, we are supremely guilty. Let us be judged along with the serpent, since we have a drop of the serpent’s poison. Satan knew that he could count on God to hold fast His standard of righteousness. He who had served as the Almighty’s primary representative was confident that if his Master did not waver in His high standards, mankind would be abandoned to hell. Yes, the evil one knew that God was loving, but he also knew that His love could neither override nor cancel his justice. There could be no exceptions, even for people who did the best they could in this life.” (God’s Devil Page 209) That is how Lutzer views himself – he “did the best” he could in this life. And possibly he thinks he will reincarnate to experience the “good” that he is trying to bring about.


But Lutzer still wishes there were another way. So let’s discuss his preaching of Islamic fairness and inevitable discussions of judgment if Lutzer’s plan fails, which it does.    

This, then, is the last flicker of hope for Satan; if he thinks he can still win against God, it is only because he has now come to believe his own lies. It is the last direct conflict in which he will participate… The prophetic scheme I have outlined is known as premillennialism, the belief that Christ will yet rule over this earth with His capital in Jerusalem. This view takes the prophecies of the Old Testament more literally than other interpretations of the kingdom. To be fair…“ Notice how Lutzer says, this is the end, but then wants some fairness for other beliefs that open up totally unexplained avenues of thought to which Lutzer gives credibility. Notice also how he did not identify specifically that Premillennialism was his particular point of view. “To be fair, I must mention that many believe that we will bring in the kingdom on earth; then Christ will return to crown our efforts. Even Christians who should have known better have taught what theologians call postmillennialism, that is, the idea that we will usher in the kingdom and then Christ will return to wrap up history. This optimistic view of our efforts has been discredited, but still has some adherents in our time. Thankfully, their numbers are few.” (God’s Devil Page 228-229) AHA! Do you see where Lutzer is hiding? “I”, “we”, “our”. And Lutzer says it is an “optimistic” point of view meaning he considers it a positive alternative to the real judgment. Lutzer says “thankfully their numbers are few.” The reason for that is “ultramontanism” and similar beliefs that the Jesuits adhere to are historically always catastrophic on the level that Lutzer wants to accuse God of being. Because he sees only individual catastrophes he no longer sees the basic, cardinal catastrophe behind them all.’” (Hitler’s Cross Page 196 – quoting Helmut Thielicke)



Satan’s remorse is now magnified. Milton captured this despairing sense of permanent isolation from God. ‘Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell.’ He who had always taken his own hell with him, now is about to be cast into a hell of a different sort. He must now relinquish control of all beings he every influenced. The power is gone, so also is the insolence, scheming, and defiance. Stripped of everything he once thought he had, he is now forced to abide in eternal darkness.” (God’s Devil Page 230) Does that sound like Hell? It sounds like metaphors for kingdom-building dark-side, which they pretend they will finally put to rest. But evil never rests. The devil never puts down his weapons. Nor does the devil ever concede wrong. Nor does the devil make agreements with God. He will always pretend that he should rule everything. “So the ‘god of this world’ offers the kingdom to the God of heaven. The usurper tries to make a deal with the owner.” (God’s Devil Page 154) “Adam dropped the scepter and Satan picked it up.” (God’s Devil Page 61)

So in a very real sense, we can say Islam is committed to purging the whole earth by transforming existing houses of worship, such as churches, into mosques. Abu Ala Maududi, a leading Islamic scholar, put it this way: ‘In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology, a revolutionary program (agenda) to alter the social order of the whole world, and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and the ideals.’ And, if you think that is not clear enough, he continues, ‘Islam is not merely a religious creed or compound name for a few forms of worship, but a comprehensive system which envisages to annihilate all tyrannical and evil systems in the world and enforce its own program of reform which it deems best for the well being of mankind.’” (Shadow Crescent Page 52)


The Muslim Brotherhood and its many offspring organizations are committed to achieving increased influence through immigration, education, Muslim community centers, mosques, political legitimacy, intimidation, lawsuits, and if necessary, terrorism.” (Shadow Crescent Page 37) ”If Europe is instructive, we can expect an onslaught of restrictions that will be imposed upon us non-Muslims as we seek to accommodate a religion whose stated goal is to conquer the world, peacefully, if possible, but by force and terrorism if necessary.” (Shadow Crescent Page 221) So you see there’s no godliness or Jesus involved at all in Lutzer’s program. The devil plays both sides of his false game – the Muslims play both light and dark sides, and the Vatican through the Jesuits play the dark side to its light side. They wish they could pretend that faith in Jesus was like that, but we are not putting on an act. We actually love because God first loved us. Compare that with the Muslim gospel which Lutzer tries to promote as “fairness” more than God’s judgment. Try to hear how peaceful Lutzer thinks this is or could be.


Contrast this with Islam. The Quran teaches that people commit sin, but they are not sinful. Sin is an act of disobedience to God rather than evidence of a broken relationship with God. As Bible scholar Ron Rhodes notes, ‘They do believe that sin exists, but they believe people commit sins not because they have a sinful nature, but because of human weakness and forgetfulness (Sura 4:28).’ In Islam, there is no need for God to redeem humanity because sin is paid for by you personally. Muslim Muhammad Asad wrote, ’Every Muslim is his own redeemer; he bears all possibilities of spiritual success and failure within his heart.’ What’s more, Muslims can make up for their bad deeds by doing good ones. For example, Sura 2:271 teaches that doing acts of charity can help take away sin. In fact, even the manner in which you do your charity makes a difference. Sura 2:271 says that to ‘declare’ your charities is ‘good’, but to remain ‘anonymous’ about them ‘remits more of your sins.’ So for Muslims, the idea that one’s good deeds must outweigh one’s bad deeds is very real. According to the Quran, ‘The balance that day will be true; those whose scale of good will be heavy, will prosper; those whose scale will be light, will find their souls in perdition’ (Sura 7:8). By contrast, Christianity teaches that sin is so serious and God’s holiness so demanding that sin cannot be overlooked by the Almighty. Christianity agrees with Islam that every sin will be paid for. But Islam teaches that we can pay for our own sin and hope that eventually we will go to paradise.” (Shadow Crescent Page 106-108)


Are the New Agers right in saying that man actually gained through the fall? Was this indeed a fall upward? New Agers teach that the serpent and the woman are the redeemers because their act brought about man’s enlightenment. It was, after all, the fruit of the tree that gave them this special knowledge which had been hidden from them.“ (God’s Devil Page 56) About the devil, Lutzer says,”If it is true, as the New Agers teach, that whatever the mind can believe the mind can achieve, Lucifer is to be commended for his ambition.“(God’s Devil Page 35)


Lutzer hopes there might be a possibility that judgment is not inevitable. He even says at one point that God postponed the inevitable judgment implying that maybe it’s not real. So he hopes the “devilish” side of politics can accomplish what the “religious” side of politics has not. But he also knows that it is all excuses for why he chose to side with the actual devil in accusing God and creating enough chaos to force his version of “god” to become the “devil” that Lutzer imagines is worse than his own plans. And both are merely charades for now. But if Lutzer helps the devil “succeed” in establishing totalitarian control over the world hidden by the disguise of “democracy” and “self-will”, then he will unfortunately see what his rulers in the Vatican really are like and how the devil really acts when he thinks he can replace “God” by murder and put himself as the lawless dictator leading an evil “oligarchy” disguised as “what the people really want.” The desires of the people will not be an excuse for Erwin Lutzer when he stands before God to account for the murders of Israelis and Christians that he has planned the Jesuit motive-laundering scheme for.


When Jesus returns, is this really what Lutzer imagines it will be like? No. He knows God is good. Lutzer just wishes he could still commit sin in God’s Kingdom. Lutzer doesn’t know the gospel. The gospel does not allow us to go on sinning after we decide to die to sin and live in spiritual life and anticipation of future physical resurrection from the dead to be alive with Christ forever. The gospel is actually very good; as good and perfect as God’s original creation design was; as good and perfect as God is. God will again recreate the Heavens and the earth in which righteousness ONLY will dwell. And God will live among us and we will be His people and never have to experience the turmoil of this world again. And then the peace and rest that we all long for will be good. Even now, God give us rest in our heart knowing what we look forward to and knowing what should be. And it does not require war as a prerequisite to accomplish it. It is humans whom God has allowed to rule the earth, who will require rebellion and war against God, which will only go so far. And Jesus will start its downfall by judging very precisely the kings and rulers who are causing the worst oppression against human ability to decide which kingdom they want to serve. God very carefully works those details and responses through specific judgments to shut down all false gods and to allow the gospel to go to the ends of the earth. And as evil-doers become worse and worse during that short 3 1/2 year span, God will judge them more harshly until they determined whether they will choose sin in spite of its consequences or if they will repent. As Jesus said, And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14


So let’s figure out how we can do that, rather than how we could potentially die under Islam. Let’s figure out how to get ministers of the gospel to reach out to and love our friends in Israel and the whole world. Let’s make sure we are not assisting the counterfeit kingdom-of-god-building that most missions organizations are doing. Let’s figure out together how to not hand our authority to Rome in any way out there in the mission field, so that there is a clear distinction between the two opposing kingdoms. God’s kingdom, He said is in our hearts. And the reason it needs to be in our hearts is because we chose sin and wanted to be ruled by it, thinking it would be freedom. But God talks to every sinner and warns us about what we are doing that is sinful and hurts others and destroys the earth slowly (sometimes rapidly). Every lie has more consequences than Erwin Lutzer would rather admit. Every disregard of God in our decisions has far-reaching effects on the people around us. Each sinner’s spiritual inertia that causes them to keep pursuing sin until it hurts too much. Obviously murder, immorality, theft, and idolatry have created some of the biggest oppressive empires, but they also hurt us when we choose to do even the lesser forms of these sins – hostility, crude jokes, deceptive financial dealings, and creating false ideas of what we want God to be in our mind rather than on stone or metal. And our heart decisions are far more important than this – the anger behind the hostility, the lustful thoughts behind the crude comments, the covetous and greedy heart that wants to steal, and the heart that wants to sin and get away with sin with no consequences.


Every human has disregarded God and righteousness in many ways. We have all desired to do our own thing and choose what we want without interest to what God says is right and wrong. That is the condition of having to learn the knowledge of good and evil, a path we did not have to choose, but chose anyway. God teaches us, and that would have been a better way to avoid evil. But God wanted to give us real freedom to be what we choose with enough restraints to make sure that if we go toward sin, it is our own choice and not an accidental fall as Lutzer pretends. God hinders our sin at each major step in our thinking. He knows our thoughts and does try to arrange circumstances to persuade us to think and make better decisions. But at literally every turn as often as God’s hindrances are the demons’ (corrupt angels by their own choice) advices to be introduced to more evil. And people do this to us also. Sometimes children are born into families that do their worst attempt to force the children into evil. There are also “moral” families trying to look like good people, but if the parents are not persistent in learning what is right – if they are too passive and self-centered - the children have to learn through suffering under the hypocrisy to decide whether they will outgrow it. And there are actual godly families who do strictly teach their children what is right, so that when they see evil, they know to stay away from it. Eventually, we grow up with enough common sense and knowledge of right and wrong – having had to make our own decisions in the face of many temptations – to know what we choose and to know why we choose it. That determination to turn away from sin is the transition to either obeying the gospel or turning against it. Every time we encounter life decisions that would lead us into more or (preferably) less sin, we are choosing which direction our heart will go. God can interact all along the way and communicates amazingly with each human on an individual level right where we need to be considering things. Eventually, we must decide whether we will repent – turn away from – all of our sins and turn to Christ for salvation alone, since our own hearts would continue to lead us into sin. When we make that decision, God makes us choose to die to sin and be alive with a new spirit which is actually God dwelling in us. God will not dwell in someone who is not sure they want that. God does dwell in those who commit permanently – whatever the temporary cost or troubles may seem to be – to walk away from sin and be alive in Christ for all eternity through the power of Jesus’ substitute, so we do not have to die for our own sins. And that is what would otherwise happen. Every sin brings death, even the “lesser” ones. God cannot have sinful hearts in Heaven. Heaven would become corrupted like earth and the whole cycle would be worse than before. So God limited the sin to earth and limited our lives to a maximum of 120 years (after the flood this was announced) to choose whether we will love and serve Christ and His righteousness first, or if we will always want what we want as Lutzer has done. Each person gets to make that choice with plenty of room to decide for themselves – other than when children die. God rescues the children because many were too young to have made those decisions yet and God knows which ones chose evil and which ones did not. God is fair and just and is absolutely the best Judge to have on the case. And it is that healthy fear of knowing that we must be judged rightly for our decisions that should lead us to repentance. Because God is patient – long-suffering – not willing that any would perish but that all should come to repentance.


There is only ONE way to be saved – there are many ways that lead to destruction. The Scriptures say that a man thinks he knows his own way, but in the end it brings death. And after death comes judgment. We rightfully deserve that judgment in hell forever after we have pursued our own designs for sin. We can never be holy or good ever again by our own ability. It literally is impossible. There is no ability to throw “good” deeds up to Heaven onto the “good” side of God’s balanced scales as Lutzer tried to preach from the Quran. When you commit a sin, it cannot never be revoked again. That action is not reversible in time, as everyone knows in spite of all of the comedy about time-travel and imagination. Doing a good deed afterward is good, and helpful if it reconciles with the people who were affected by the sins. But it still doesn’t undo anything from the past. That is in the realm of eternal judgment at that point since these are all sins against God who is good – and God sees and knows the secondary offenses that were caused by all of our decisions. We chose to commit those sins knowing that they were wrong, and only God can forgive them, because He is the only One who is righteous against whom we will be judged. We will not be judged by any man or woman or by any human standard of thinking. Only God sees and knows all of the secret sins we choose that we thought were no big deal. And there are SO many of those in each of our lives. If you could only see the long-range effects of sin, it is actually an interesting science. Some people love giving approval to others to commit the same sins they do. Some just commit all kinds of sins and don’t care about it, which causes others to pretend they don’t have to care either. Some people commit sins and try to lie to hide all of them and pretend to force God to accept them as “good”. Actually that describes most people. Some people commit sins openly as if it were a God-given right to do whatever they want or feel because they reject Christ. Some people, like Lutzer, make as many reasons for why sins can be committed as humanly possible. And some humans desire to think and love like Christ does and put an end to sins. Jesus said that when His Holy Spirit would come – after He went back to Heaven – that Spirit would convict the world of sin, or righteousness, and of judgment. Of sin, because those who keep committing sins show they do not know Jesus and do not care about what is right. Of righteousness, because Jesus had to go back to heaven to prepare a place for His brothers and sisters who would choose to love righteousness also. And of judgment, because the devil is judged and it will be shown in time after all of the court case against him is completed.


So you may wonder why death itself isn’t the completion of sin. We have a soul that is inside our physical body – the invisible given by God and explained by the visible. Because the soul is eternal when God made it in His likeness, we will live forever in one of two places – both are in God’s kingdom. And by natural consequence of sin-choices, we cannot go where God dwells, because we would defile His home and it would become as corrupt as earth is. The opposite of God’s goodness would be the best way to describe Hell – if we choose the opposite of fellowship with God, we get the accumulation of all of those things – fear, darkness, torment, burning destruction that never ends because it responds to our corruption, agitated punishment, hate, abuse, and nothing but the memory of all that we chose that led to all of this. But if we choose eternal life in fellowship with God before we die, can give us a do-over in eternity – a new soul that loves God and can hear Him perfectly and humbly follow what is good as God Himself already does. God can put to death the old soul which chose sin and give us a new life by the power of His Holy Spirit. If we died, it would be just the consequences of the sin and death that we chose. Our heart is the problem, not the flesh. Our heart needs to be made new and cleansed by some spiritual means and we must be nourished by spiritual means. Physical death cannot do that. Nor can any other physical act. It requires a spiritual act – which Jesus did by taking sin on Himself in the flesh so that our spirit could be cleansed and washed by His death instead of ours.


Neither that death nor the sins of the world which He took on Himself could affect His Soul in any way since He is Righteous and He is God. God/Jesus cannot – or more accurately, will not – sin. So Jesus could not be conquered by all of the sin in the world and instead just proved His right to purchase us back from death by adoption covenant with Him so that He will redeem us from our sins. And He already has the right to rule the world by His virtue which was evidenced solidly by how He chose to live without sin (that is not an imaginary or mythical attribute that came along later). The people who saw and lived with Jesus will testify in God’s court about Jesus’ life and it will be shown that everything He did was perfect – that is how we should choose to live. But we literally cannot live righteous once our heart has chosen sin, we inherit the sinful nature of our parents and those around us all too easily. It’s a natural aspect of social community. So the only way to live right and do good is to be “saved” from our sin by Jesus taking away our sinful heart and giving us a new heart to desire truth. He does not do this without us deciding that we want to make that permanent decision. And by covenant, God deals with us as sons and daughters afterward. So he will discipline us and correct us and put us in scenarios and places to learn. God will also allow us to see more accurately what other people are doing to press us to decide between what is right and what is wrong. That requires the Word of God and diligent asking questions while reading God’s Word to see what God says about life and about us and about Who He is and how we can be like Him. Then one step at a time, one decision at a time our mind is renewed with better thinking and good thoughts. One progress at a time, we stop being sinful and are new people in Christ living like Christ – at least that’s what should be happening.


That is why the gospel is already reaching the furthest corners of the earth, because we now are able to love because Christ loved us first and taught us how. But of course the devil wants to mislabel it as empire-building since he does not want to see God as the rightful ruler over His creation. It takes a godly community to solve problems – no matter what the problem may be. That is something that the elite rulers fear because they will be caught for so many crimes if that ever comes together. The elites actually have tried to form lawless community to dominate the godly community that they know would naturally form around Christians. They have managed to keep us isolated and conditioned to not find each other. And there are so many false “Christians” who love to assert their own rightness and tell people what to do as if they are the standard. So the church has gotten confused and distracted. And almost all of the American “church” buildings are occupied by Freemason and Jesuit leadership. And many Christians who live in worldly passively controlled conditions are too comfortable to assist dealing with too many problems outside of their own. And people are mean to one another, so communication is broken down. And with technology and constant brainwashing from the abusers, it is hard to recognize where the problems are specifically. But even in the midst of all of the confusion, God still speaks with his quiet voice to us. And when necessary, as God will do during the Tribulation – God will do things to discredit the false gods that man makes both in thoughts and in forms or in worshiping existing created forms. God has ways of making clear that they are not gods and cannot help. And God has ways of showing which humans do not belong to God and cannot help. That is what we need desperately in the world. Honest, if difficult, conversations that slowly work out the most dangerous differences until an understanding appears as to where problems are coming from and why they are perpetuated. That will lead to righteousness, and some will leave the conversation along the way, but many will desire to hear more and seek God and seek truth alongside us. Let’s have those kinds of truthful conversations, friends. And if you can reach any of the cruel rulers on top and pressure them to concede guilt and find a way to repent and leave the evil program – do so. As Jesus said – on some have compassion – and on others snatch them out of the fire if they are willing so that they do not perish spiritually even if the sins they chose require physical consequences. That is how God gets the glory – saving sinners. And that is why Jesus came to earth to save sinners – not those who want to pretend to be right, but those who admit they need answers and need forgiveness and new life from God. In much prayer – the Team