Moody Northfield Property – Short Report
If you haven’t read our research on the
point-by-point comparison of identical problems caused by Jesuits at Moody’s
schools in Northfield Mount Hermon and in Chicago @ Moody Bible Institute, see
link below. The second link is our research on the prominent MBI staff/faculty,
their education, and their Jesuit marching orders, see links below.
Point-by-point comparison of identical problems at NMH and MBI
Moody Jesuit faculty bios with internet research links
Thorough Northfield property report
Bios of Jesuit faculty at Moody Bible Institute/Theological Seminary
As most of you know, our main task at RestoreMBI is to watch for people
in the leadership at Moody Bible Institute and Theological Seminary who do not
believe the Bible as their primary authority. And we are particularly trying to
document the work of Roman Catholic Jesuits on Moody campus who believe the
Pope to be the final authority. The reason we focus on this is they are the
system that corrupts gospel work the worst, which is what we are about to show
has happened to Moody’s Northfield school and is being duplicated against Moody
Bible Institute. When the European Protestant movement took place, the Roman
Catholic leadership in the Vatican had to change strategies to force
non-Catholics under their new-world “authority”. It became clear to many people
in Europe that the Vatican is not Christ-led or Scripture-based leadership and
that the Vatican had led hostility and major wars and Inquisitions and Crusades
causing millions of deaths of Christians and other non-Catholics. Their
prominent priests, cardinals, bishops and members of their false religious
orders participate in a constant double-life of disgusting immorality,
drunkenness, and dangerous lies among many other sins. It was also known that Catholic
priests trained Muhammed and used Islam for hostility and murder against the
Jewish people and many nations. So Rome’s new method involved Jesuits
infiltrating and corrupting Christian groups by taking the leadership positions
while not admitting that they serve the Pope’s plans. Or if they feel it serves
no purpose, then they destroy it from the inside. Christians cannot avoid this
conversation about the evil deeds of the Roman Catholic system, because the
ecumenical (“unity” under the Pope) movement has replaced most of the top religious
leaders in American “churches” and seminaries. But God wants us to expose the
works of darkness right around us; and God will judge them if Christians are
diligently obedient to not live in sin and lies. If we don’t learn from reading
history, then we will have to learn about what is evil in more painful ways. If
you research deeply enough, the Catholic Church and their Jesuits specifically
are those who arranged the pieces that caused the World Wars in order for the
Pope to gain global control toward one-world government (International Monetary
Fund, United Nations, intelligence agencies working together in all countries, greedy
global corporations and think-tanks, lying interfaith groups, and psychological
operations). And if we don’t learn to remove what we can see is wrong at
Northfield Mount Hermon and at Moody Bible Institute, then the evils spread to
more places and effect global gospel work and other things.
This report uncovers one of the most painful effects of the
Jesuits overthrowing some of Dwight Moody’s evangelistic community – the false
doctrine and spiritual abuse of the Vatican being taught to children at Moody’s
Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH) school. We need to diligently pray for the
children and pray that God will bring to light the deeds done in secret by
those who have changed Moody’s school. Moody established two inexpensive
Biblical schools for poor and disadvantaged boys and girls to get a good
education. But when we looked at the website for the now-combined Northfield
Mount Hermon school and saw the student groups and reports about what has
happened on campus, it was surprising that it is the same school that Moody
founded. They have brought in every type of worldly influence that could
possibly be used to chase away the poor and Christian families. We are
wondering if there are Christians on campus and how we should best pray for
them. Among the student clubs for “spirituality” at Northfield Mount Hermon
(NMH) now are the Muslim Student
Association, (Jesuit) St. Edmund Campion Catholic League, Mindfulness
Meditation, New-Age Nature-Centered Belief Group, Atheist/Secular Humanist
Student Group, and a literal student Interfaith
Council. The school partners with the Gender
Sexuality (Gay Straight) Alliance for a “safe space” for the LGBTQ
community to develop there. They merged the boys and girls into co-ed housing
around 1971 which further increased the ungodly interaction between boys and
girls which developed conditions even for date rape and sexual harassment that
was reported in 1999 and 2000 even by the New York Times. They say there is
quite a bit of bully and hazing and cliquish behavior (which should be limited
at a Christian school) and drugs (a Ritalin market was named specifically) on
campus. There
was an incident in 1999 where a kid carved on another kid’s back with a knife. The F Word (that is its
actual name) Student Club “promotes feminism and gender equity/equality”. The
Rockefeller Model United Nations
“sends student delegates to conferences in Qatar,
Jordan, and Greece among other locations”. And there is a Pokemon Trainers
Association. In
2006, the planning and design of the Rhodes Arts Center was used to unify the
sinful and prideful entertainment culture of unbelievers at the school – it
opened in September 2008. There has been an ivy-league level of pride in the
world’s knowledge of selfish money-driven pursuits since the 1930s at
Northfield/Mount Hermon, which welcomed many scoffer families to send their
children there. In 1934, the hidden hand (presumed to be an inside job but no one
was ever prosecuted) assassinated the headmaster, which allowed them to
redirect the boys school closer to their desired interests of ivy-league
business-minded culture. And now the Jesuits have given away a significant part
of Moody’s hometown property for free to two Catholic-led Thomas Aquinas
inspired institutions – the C. S. Lewis Study Center and the Catholic Thomas
Aquinas College.
All of that is Jesuit spiritual vandalism and hostility against
God and against the Christian families and community that Moody built. Are
there any Christian parents who would send their son or daughter to a school
like that? Probably not. There is absolutely no way Moody’s name should be
attached to so much evil. Christians need to work together to get rid of that
leadership and take back Northfield from the devil, or else get Moody’s name
removed from the school. But what will happen if Moody Bible Institute becomes
exactly like this? What will be left of Dwight’s work for Scriptural education?
Some of you still think that Moody isn’t under this threat of Jesuit overthrow.
So let’s look at the same elements that we see destroyed Northfield that are in
existence on Moody Bible Institute campus. All of these elements at MBI are
worse than can be shown on paper, because these are only the admitted examples
– the rest are hiding in the hearts and plans of people on campus who haven’t
found a way to fulfill them yet because too many Christians would quickly
disagree and get them removed. Since this is the short version of this article, we will just provide
some links and short clippings of details about Moody Bible Institute first and
then Northfield Mount Hermon School Jesuits, so you can look up the details and
prove to yourself what you think is going on here on Northfield property and in
Chicago. You can also read our more thorough report and see how we figured out
all of the pieces and you’ll still have the links so you can look it up for
yourself. Please, friends, let’s become very clear about what is happening to
Dwight Moody’s work of evangelism so we can partner to kick out the Jesuits and
be able to remain non-Catholic and pro-Bible.
Similar problems at Moody
Bible Institute:
1. Catholic and Muslim and
Hindu Inter-religious Dialogue at Moody
Erwin Lutzer is a spokesperson for Interfaith Dialogue with his
friends in the Catholic and Jesuit and ecumenical networks. He preaches this
through his books, through his teaching at church… oh and in attendance at the
Parliament of World’s Religions in 1993 in Chicago which now has led to several
interfaith professors at Moody Bible Institute branching out in this new direction.
Additionally, Ashish Varma (who very much sounds Henotheistic Hindu still) has
his Teaching Assistant Amar Peterman and his friend Timothy Heyward attending
Interfaith Youth Core’s Leadership Institute. We recommend that you see several
profiles of faculty who are involved in Interfaith networking at Moody –
Jonathan Armstrong, James Spencer, Sajan Mathews, Chris Brooks, John Fuder,
Ashish Varma, Gregg Quiggle, Bryan O’Neal, Bryan Litfin, Marcus Johnson, Jack
Lewis, Daniel and Amy Koehler, Samuel Naaman, Sanjay Merchant, Tim Sigler
(former faculty), Michael Wechsler, Tim Sisk, Eugene Mayhew, and several others
who are directly partnering with Jesuits or got Jesuit training. And definitely
have a look at the reports on Erwin Lutzer promoting the Catholic “church” and
partnering with Jesuits and have a look for more information about Lutzer in
the bios of Jonathan Armstrong, James Spencer, Ashish Varma, Gregg Quiggle,
Bryan Litfin, Tim Sigler, and Michael Milco. You can find these bios in MBI
Jesuit Faculty reports we have linked above.
Moody students Amar Peterman and Timothy Heyward participate in the nation’s
largest interfaith student dialogue. They comment that Moody professors talk a
lot about “ecumenical dialogue”, but tend to avoid talking about “interfaith
work”. These Moody students thought that Interfaith dialogue involved attendees
pretending to believe in the same “god” or that they would be required not to
speak about certain topics of religion or personal beliefs, but they say they
discovered freedom of religion with as diverse attendees as Atheists, Sikhs
(merger of Hinduism with Islam), Polytheistic Witches, etc. They failed to
notice or are intentionally avoiding the fact that by pretending to work
together to solve the world’s problems, you are presuming to have the same
fundamental belief structure and help from the same “god” and are really just “working
together” without God. This is exactly why D. L. Moody boycotted this very same
Parliament in 1893, 100 years earlier – see more in Ashish Varma bio in the
MBI-Jesuit-Faculty report linked above. These Moody students also say they
“discovered” that all other religions besides themselves have been engaged in
helping make the world a better place, which they were shocked that
Evangelicals have had the audacity to try to avoid helping the progress toward
peace and solving the world’s problems by togetherness (which is actually just
avoidance of most truth that doubles the contradictions and evil power
struggles). They failed to notice or are avoiding the fact that false gods who
were created to condone evils that they knew their Creator God would not
condone then leads to more of the sin and evil in those religions which is the
very thing that prevents progress toward good and just community in their
Moody Bible Students at an
Interfaith Conference? Ft. Amar Peterman and Timothy Heyward
Aug 6, 2018
What happens when two
students from one of America's most conservative Bible colleges attend the
nation's largest collegiate interfaith conference? Find out in this episode as
we interview Amar Peterman and Timothy Heyward, who attended the Interfaith
Youth Core's Interfaith Leadership Institute in August 2018.
Besides introducing Moody students to interfaith partnerships and
servitude to the Roman Catholic system again, there is also a deeper movement
led by Erwin Lutzer and Joseph Stowell and Franciscan Father Dimitri Sala in
their G11 Gatekeepers Pastor network that is far more serious about interfaith
leadership in Chicago. We recommend a look at our report on Mark Jobe (who is
also a member of G11 since at least 2007) as well as our report on Erwin Lutzer
to see his long relationships with some of these leaders such as John Armstrong
at Wheaton who is also long-time friend of Father Dimitri Sala. (John Armstrong
is not related to Jonathan Armstrong of Moody’s Center for Global Theological
Education). Other early members of the Gatekeepers include James MacDonald
(where Joseph Stowell and his two sons were on staff after leaving Moody),
James Meeks (who is on the Board of Trustees at Moody Bible), Bill Hybels (Willow
Creek Community Church and a prominent initiator of the seeker-movement in
mega-churches). After Tony Danhelka was facilitating/founding other Pastors
networks around the country, Phil Miglioratti became director of the Chicago
network in 2008. In 2019, Miglioratti was Co-chair of the interfaith Chicago
Explore God project in 800 churches. As far back as 2008, Miglioratti was
Lausanne Committee National Coordinator for the Loving Our Communities To
Christ (LC2C) initiative and within a year or two became Chief Operating
Officer of Lausanne Mission America Council (the American branch of the Vatican
2 project) which is now called Table Coalition under Nick Hall. Miglioratti was
U.S. Delegate to the 2010 Lausanne III in Cape Town in partnership with World
Evangelical Alliance, and follow-up gatherings in Orlando and Texas with his
close friend John Armstrong from Wheaton. See also our bio on Moody professor
John Fuder and his leadership in all of these networks and more.
In Chicago, from January 13 through
February 24, 2019, more than 800 “churches” coordinated sermon series and Bible
studies with the Explore God (also written as XG) Chicago 2019 project. The
stated purpose is to introduce answers for skeptical people outside the
churches and for “seekers” inside the churches to help them feel welcome in
church (is that Biblical?). But let’s actually look at the content. Would you
be accepting of your church teaching that people get to decide whether God
exists? Or that God may be a man-made theory to explain unknowable reality? Or
that God is not a “kind” God according to C. S. Lewis? Or that Muhammed received
revelation from God, or that the Big Bang proves that God exists, or that you
can’t really trust the Bible to be useful for personal health, or that
disagreeing with Roman Catholic leadership is equivalent to disregarding Jesus’
prayer that we would be in unity? Or that the earlier books of the Bible are
less historically accurate and can only be believed by faith depending on who
you trust, or that God is just waiting to receive everyone as a son or daughter
after a brief apology for past wrongs and hurt feelings, or that Protestants
center their attention to a pastor whereas Catholics center their attention to
Jesus (in the blasphemous Eucharist blessed by a false priesthood) or that
Muslims worship the same God but perhaps without knowing quite what they
worship as the Samaritans were doing?
Even more interesting is the network
that is promoting this agenda toward one world religious unity thinking in the
Protestant churches. They include the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton, Mission
America Council Lausanne Movement (Vatican 2 partner since 1966), Moody Church
and Moody Global Media, Awana, Navigators, Luis Palau, Outreach, etc. This
network of 800 churches is built on the efforts of Father Dimitri Sala, a
Franciscan Catholic who since about 2008 is deceitfully bringing one world
religious unity in Chicago under the Jesuit (para-military psychological
operations – inquisitions/ crusades) network of Pope Francis. His network of
friends in Chicago includes James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, Bill Hybels
of Willow Creek, Erwin Lutzer and Joseph Stowell of Moody Church and Moody
Bible Institute for example.
On December 3rd, emerging
church figure John Armstrong (a convert from traditional evangelicalism to emerging) and Catholic priest Father Robert Barron spoke at
a gathering at Moody Bible Institute. The event was presented by the Moody
Student Theological Society.
A Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue at
Moody Bible Institute
John Armstrong December 3, 2013
Moody’s involvement in Ignatian Spiritual Formation and
Contemplative Spirituality also paves the way for interfaith dialogue with
Muslim Brotherhood and Sufi Islam.
school is being castigated for Islamophobia, hatred, discrimination, and
intolerance," wrote Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, the senior pastor at Moody, in an essay posted on the Moody Church
online newsletter on Dec. 22.
gone to great lengths to establish that Christianity and Islam are indeed
different religions, though no one suggests otherwise, Lutzer then
pretends he's proved his point, concluding, tellingly:
can befriend Muslims and show them hospitality, respectfully sharing our
beliefs and traditions, and learning from one another. Perhaps in God's good
timing, we can share with them that while Muhammad claimed to be a prophet,
Jesus claims—and had the credentials to prove—that He is actually the Savior of
the world, able to take away our sin and bring us all the way to the Heavenly
We can be good and helpful neighbors
without sacrificing the very truths that bring sinners into the presence of
God. Jesus affirmed, "Love your neighbor," but He did not say that we
had to agree with them doctrinally.
The real reason that the Jesuit program took off
in the 1980’s on Moody campus is that in 1978, Erwin Lutzer had just completed
his Doctor of Jesuit Philosophy training at openly-Jesuit Loyola University
(though he avoided his dissertation in hopes of not getting caught being a
Jesuit). This inspired newly installed Pope John Paul II (who became Pope that
same year) to come to Chicago (1978 or 1979) and “bless” which was secretly to
curse Moody property from the corner of Chicago Avenue and N. Lasalle Boulevard
(where the LifeWay bookstore is that they just shut down this year) to claim this
as his territory. They knew that they had a worthy Jesuit master in The Moody
Church who could cover for a whole fleet of Jesuits taking over at the Bible
Institute, so the Pope pretended to use witchcraft to claim territory that he
knows was dedicated to Gospel Work by Dwight Moody and so many Christians. That
is why and how much the Jesuits hate Moody Bible Institute because of the
community that are friends of Dwight Moody (who is very much alive in heaven).
They see Chicago as their territory as we show in Point #9 below on the sale of
10 acres of Moody Bible Institute that is in the works by Mark Jobe and his
high-Jesuit friend Knights of Columbus Alderman Edward Burke.
an added affect of Lutzer bringing in so many Jesuit faculty members, now both
Moody Bible Institute and Theological Seminary have separate courses
specifically teaching Jesuit Spiritual Formation as required by the two
accrediting organizations which Moody should not be using – Association of
Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and Association of Theological Schools
(Rockefeller-built). The classes are led by Moody Professors Dr. Bill Thrasher
and Psychologist Nancy Kane, but there are several other professors who studied
and also like to teach Ignatian philosophy – Rosalie De Rosset, Kirk Baker
(also a pastor at The Moody Church), Dennis Fledderjohann (Professor of
Educational Ministries with a Jesuit doctorate from Loyola on the subjects of
Curriculum and Instruction), John Koessler (now former faculty), Bob and Pamela
MacRae, Eric Moore (assists Thrasher’s course), Daniel Green (Professor of Master
of Divinity Program), Timothy Downey, Sanjay Merchant, and Laurie Norris. First
is our report on Jesuit Spiritual Formation faculty (that category follows after
the first category of Jesuit Psychologists):
Secondly, Lighthouse Trails researchers Martin and Deidre Bobgan
have been tracking Moody’s Jesuits pushing Contemplative Prayer and other
aspects of Jesuit exercises since 2006.
What do the two
accreditation organizations – Association of Theological Seminaries and
Association for Biblical Higher Education – have in common? Both
associations require schools that wish to be accredited to include
Spiritual Formation within the school’s infrastructure.
This Moody student specifically shares an American Jesuit’s
teachings on technology and Western culture:
This foundational understanding of sense ratios will help us understand
the large-scale view of technology and the church throughout its entire
history. In order to do this, we’ll add to our discussion an American by the
name of Walter J. Ong (1912–2003), who was a Jesuit Catholic priest and a
scholar whose work integrated diverse fields of study. His most well known work
is Orality and Literacy,
in which he builds on the work of linguists, anthropologists, and other
scholars to bring to light the ways in which a culture’s exposure to different
forms of language are definitive. In this book he the differences between
cultures that are rooted in spoken language and cultures that are built on
written or printed language. He argues that almost every part of modern Western
culture, even the way we think, is inescapably conditioned and shaped by the
technology of the written and printed word.
“Spokane has a long
and unique history when it comes to bible schools,” said David Beine, professor
of intercultural studies at Moody Spokane.
Beine said that
history includes Moody wiggling its way out of debt with help from the IRS and
a Catholic priest and seeing its students increase from 40 to over 400 over the
2. Ecumenical Partnerships
Leading Toward Catholic Interfaith Programs
Moody Bible Institute not only has membership in the National
Association of Evangelicals, but also it was Moody President Reverend Will
Houghton who called for the first meeting and helped appoint the chairman who
led the team who helped found it in 1941-1942. We have verification of Moody
Bible Institute’s membership in 2005 (you can no longer see who members of the
organization are on the official website of the National Association of
Evangelicals – sneaky…). And further, it was Moody President Dr. Paul Nyquist
who in 2014 wrote the NAE’s new doctrinal statement called Our Doctrinal Core.
Our local mega-church leader Joel Hunter in Orlando (who was spiritual advisor
to Barack Obama) has been on the board of the National Association of
Evangelicals since 2004 until 2017 and is close friend of Leith Anderson (after
Ted Haggard’s NAE President since 2006 – trying to retire again in 2019 – third
try - after Haggard’s immoral activities were caught), Ted Haggard (former NAE
President), and other NAE board members on all initiatives since their
partnership on how to force solutions to “global warming” in the late 1990’s
with Sir John Houghton (unrelated to Will Houghton). Leith Anderson is a
graduate of Moody Bible Institute and was awarded an honorary doctorate by
Moody President Paul Nyquist sometime in the last five years and Leith also
spoke the commencement addresses for both Moody BibIe Institute and Moody
Theological Seminary in 2014. Joel Hunter has also been a leader in interfaith
dialogue since the 1990’s. Interestingly, former Moody Church pastor of Singles
and Evangelism replaced Joel Hunter as senior “pastor” of Northland Church in
Orlando after Joel Hunter had to resign because of partnership with the local
LGBTQ community in the churches following the Pulse shooting locally. Here is a
short bio on Joel Hunter and the links that show Moody Bible’s involvement and
leadership in National Association of Evangelical initiatives.
AUGUST 19, 2018
In the eighth edition
of the Interfaith Friday Series, the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, vice president
of religion, moderated a number of questions with interfaith advocate Joel
Hunter, who represented evangelical Christianity.
Hunter served as a
spiritual adviser to President Barack Obama from 2008 to 2017. He served on the
boards of the National Association of Evangelicals from 2004 to 2017 and the
World Evangelical Alliance from 2006 to 2017. He participated in the Global
Christian Forum in Bangkok, Thailand; the Parliament of the World’s Religions
in Melbourne, Australia; the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar; and the
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in Madrid, Spain. Hunter was senior
pastor of Northland Church in Longwood, Florida, for 32 years.
Jesus’ example, Hunter said, “I will seek to include the un-included in the
Kingdom,” in three concrete ways: community Bible teaching, assisting the
homeless and building a Christian network. “My experience, relationships, and
apostolic gifting are at their highest potential and I will spend them in the
most productive way possible in this final season of my journey.”
“Part of my role is to be a liaison between the
boards of the National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical
of the tensions between people and communities of different religious
convictions and the varied interpretations of Christian witness, the Pontifical
Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID), the World Council of Churches (WCC)
and, at the invitation of the WCC, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), met
during a period of 5 years to reflect and produce this document to serve as a
set of recommendations for conduct on Christian witness around the world.
The mission of the National
Association of Evangelicals is to honor God by connecting and representing
evangelical Christians.
Our Doctrinal Core
J. Paul Nyquist President of Moody Bible Institute
team of leaders from Moody Bible Institute recently joined approximately 3,000
theological educators at the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers
in Bangkok, Thailand. Hosted by RREACH, the congress examined the current state
of theological education and encouraged educators to train more pastors for the
growing global church.
were encouraged by the opportunities to dialogue with many theological
educators and are amazed by how God has opened doors to expand Moody’s impact
across the globe,” said Moody’s president, Dr. Paul Nyquist, who addressed the
congress. Joining him were Dr. Jonathan
Armstrong, associate
professor of Bible and theology at Moody Bible Institute in Spokane; Dr. Jack Lewis, campus dean in Spokane; and Dr. Tim Sisk, professor of intercultural studies in Chicago.
To address the
tremendous need for pastoral training, Armstrong held a round-table discussion
for 15 seminary presidents and the team from Moody. They discussed ways to
extend the reach of traditional seminaries, creating access for the majority
world to western seminary classrooms. Urged to hold another meeting, “we witnessed
something extraordinary,” Armstrong said. The second meeting, facilitated by
Lewis, drew almost 200 presidents and senior administrators of evangelical
seminaries, including the conference host, Ramesh Richard.
To foster a unified
vision for moving forward, Armstrong is setting up a series of quarterly
teleconference dialogues, beginning with 10 U.S. seminary administrators in
October 2016. Dr. Darrell Bock, research professor at Dallas Theological
Seminary, will chair the first dialogue.
Jonathan Armstrong [@
known Jesuit Fordham University; By his own admission is a leader in ecumenical
Jesuit-led dialogue with leaders from 21 countries since 2011 for theological
education __ Director of Moody’s Center for Global Theological Education (known
as C-GATE) as a project of Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological
Education project __ Director of Aqueduct Project through agreement between
Moody’s Bryan O’Neal and several Lausanne interfaith directors (more in Bryan
O’Neal bio) __ Research assistant to Jesuit CIA agent Cardinal Avery Dulles
S.J., who is nephew of CIA pro-Nazi agent Allen Dulles who partnered with
Harriman Brothers and Prescott Bush (George W.’s grandfather) in funding the
Nazi war machine, stealing from Jewish families, hiding criminal activity, and
smuggling out Nazis afterward __ Dulles also helped Armstrong get a special
Grant from Fordham University to University of Erlanger-Nuremburg in the heart
of Nazi history and a second special Grant for further study at Oxford
University Wycliffe Hall where he became a full-time theology faculty member __
Possibly the connection that brought Jesuit C. S. Lewis Institute and/or
Catholic Thomas Aquinas College to Moody’s Northfield, MA; Thomas Aquinas was
the 13th Century Dominican Patristics scholar who wrote thick volumes
collecting all of “church” history to force separatists, true Christians, and
anyone else who opposed the Catholic Church to submit to Vatican authority __
Possibly brought the Kern Foundation/Acton Institute/Oikonomia Network
connections to Moody Chicago __ Personally mentored by World Council of
Churches partner Wesley Granberg-Michaelson who is involved in
Reformed-Catholic interfaith dialogue – which is what Reformed scholars like R.
C. Sproul and John Gerstner used Thomas Aquinas doctrines for__ Armstrong’s
education is identical to Jesuit agent Erwin Lutzer who obtained the level of
doctorate at Loyola but avoided his dissertation so as to not get caught as a
full Jesuit. But Lutzer’s partnerships with Franciscan Jesuit Father Dimitri
Sala and other prominent Jesuits and the books he has written have fully
completed him as one of the worst Jesuits. Lutzer preaches “unity” with the
Catholic Church as the escape from the anti-christ program which Lutzer and
Armstrong both know is just an attempt to make true Christians complicit with
all of the horrible oppressive murderous history of the Vatican power and
Inquisitions and Crusades including the Nazis who were largely Jesuit and
Catholic which Jesuit Lutzer cleverly avoids mentioning. This is why Armstrong
is tasked with altering Moody’s international missions efforts through this
Center for Global Theological Education project and his Aqueduct Project __
There is so much to say on Armstrong’s connections - see more in full bio]
While at Fordham, Armstrong
was personal Research Assistant to Cardinal Avery Dulles S.J. (S.J. is Society
of Jesuits – not Society of Jesus as they call themselves), son of Eisenhower
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles whose brother Allen Dulles guided
European espionage during World War 2. What that means is that Armstrong
studied under the highest level of satanic agent in the world – Dulles being
both at the top of secret intelligence of world history and the highest level
of Jesuit satanism for the Pope. According to Nazism Researcher/Lawyer John
Loftus, the Dulles family and their banking partners (including Prescott Bush –
father of George H. W. Bush) were involved in Vatican networks hiding Nazi
crimes, smuggling Nazis out of Germany and partnering with Rothschild,
Rockefeller, and Harriman Brothers international banking interests as well as
funding the Nazi war regime and manufacturing, stealing of personal belongings
of Jewish families in Europe, and Arab Muslim Brotherhood oil interests which
all still secretly control American politics in various ways after more than
seven decades. Through Jonathan Armstrong, they are now attempting to
get Moody Global networks involved in and therefore potentially blamed for
participation with the one-world government take-over. That takeover is led by
the International Monetary Fund (we call International Murder Fund), the
“Neo-Conservative” mafia syndicate, and Doug Burleigh’s Jesuit satanic “family”
network in New York and Washington, D.C. that together direct the United
Nations bully system and one-world government strategies through partnership
with the international “Intelligence” Agencies and think-tanks.
then wanted to bring this ecumenical seminary partnership to America and thus
became director of Aqueduct Project after planning conversations between his
boss Bryan O’Neal (Moody VP/Dean of Moody Distance Learning) and several
prominent Lausanne leaders from the Congress like Brad Smith of Bakke Graduate
U., Manfred Kohl of Lausanne, Darrell Bock of Dallas Theological Seminary,
Ramesh Richard general convener of the Global Proclamation Congress (more in
Bryan O’Neal bio). The mission of Aqueduct Project is to provide access to
“quality” theological education for every interested person across the planet under
Lausanne leadership. This is the next level of progression from the 2012 (and
2014) Lausanne Consultation on Global Theological Education (and a follow-up to
the 2010 CapeTown Lausanne III) held at Rockefeller-funded Jesuit-partner (of
Boston College) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, which consulted 63
seminary presidents from 31 countries. The Consultation was led by Dr. Tim
Tennant (Chairman of Lausanne Theological Working Group and President of
Methodist Asbury Theological), Dr. Chris Wright of John Stott Ministries), Rev.
S. Doug Birdsall (Executive Chair of Lausanne Movement), Dr. Darrell Bock
(Dallas Theological Seminary and one of six leaders with Jonathan Armstrong on
Project Aqueduct), Dr. David Sang-Bok Kim (Chairman of World Evangelical Alliance),
Dr. Ashish Chrispal (Overseas Council), Dr. Don Sweeting (son of 16-year
Preisdent/Chancellor of Moody Bible Institute George Sweeting and himself the
President of Orlando Reformed Theological Seminary), Dr. Mark Bailey (President
Dallas Theological Seminary), and Dr. Mark Chan (Trinity Theol. in Singapore). Armstrong
has taught at Theological Seminaries in London, Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia
(reorganized Jesuit state following WW2 genocide against Serbs in Yugoslavia),
Nairobi (capital of Kenya whose President and leaders are Jesuit), and Nigeria.
Armstrong in his classes at Moody Spokane in one year had 56 “visiting”
professors participating/ teaching from sixteen countries via live web-link in
his classroom.
See also Daniel and Amy Koehler bio regarding Moody’s Library
Partnerships with Jesuit Universities and also on Moody’s web-page.
The Members of the CATLA are
(Jesuit-led) Wheaton College and (Jesuit) Billy Graham Center, (Jesuit) DePaul
University, (Rockefeller) University of Chicago, (Jesuit) Loyola University,
(Rockefeller) Northwestern University/United Library, Roosevelt University (all
six of these first ones are Jesuit-led and/or Rockefeller built/funded),
Chicago Public Library, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Harold
Washington College, McCormick Theological Seminary (Presbyterian partner with
Jesuit DePaul U. and Lutheran Seminary and Rockefeller University of Chicago),
(Jesuit-led) Trinity International University, University of Illinois Chicago,
North Park University (John Fuder’s friend and former Moody Professor of Bible
Dwight Perry is President), and Newberry Library. Moody also partners with the
British Library which is the largest national library in the world. Moody
partners with the UNESCO-tasked ecumenical association of European national
Theological Library organizations (BETH).
Moody even partners with Universitat
Tubingen in Germany whose most notable Catholic representative is Joseph
Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) raised in a prominent Catholic family, joined
Hitler’s Youth and anti-aircraft Nazi military forces, then was mentored by
anti-Jewish Cardinal Faulhaber who spent time at Hitler’s private mountain
retreat nearby in Obersalzburg and in 1936 proclaimed Hitler as God’s authority
for Catholic establishment against the Jews of the world. Ratzinger became
Chair of Dogmatic Theology for Catholic Seminary of the University of Tubingen
before advising in the Vatican II council and later becoming Pope Benedict XVI.
Another prominent Catholic alumnus of Universitat Tubingen is Walter Kasper, a
Catholic Cardinal who is a very close advisor to the current Jesuit Pope
Francis who also served as President of the Pontifical (Papal) Council for
Promoting Christian Unity (meaning to force all Protestants under Vatican
authority by hook or by crook as is always the procedure and satanic oath of
the Jesuits and the Dominicans before them through the Office of Holy
3. Homosexuality,
Immorality, Drugs, Alcohol, Etc.
There is a collaborative that welcomes and harbors students who
want to smoke, drink alchohol, do drugs, have sex, and cover the underground
homosexual relationships and individuals since the early 1980’s. One of the
commenters says she is the daughter of a former provost of Biola (Bible
Institute of Los Angeles which is Moody’s approximate equivalent when it was
founded) in California with Talbot Seminary and her mother was Biola’s
Intercultural Studies professor and that she participates in Biola’s LGBTQ closed
Facebook group. She was recommending the Moody network start one for their fellow
LGBTQ students. Here is the post and following comments that express the nature
of that underground network at Moody.
Reviews about Moody Bible Institute on Yelp (This reviewer is
former faculty and gave a two star out of five stars):
I was an adjunct music
teacher at Moody for a number of years. I would just relay this one story and
let you be the judge. My most gifted student became pregnant her junior year by
a student in their aviation program. She was forced to leave school and he was
allowed to complete his degree program.
I'll leave it at that.
also topic of Sexual Harassment and Homosexuality in Moody NMH – MBI Comparison
also Faculty bio for Rosalie De Rosset and Brian Kammerzelt
4. A whole fleet of Jesuit
Psychologists starting with Gary Chapman
5. United Nations Interests
Six or
seven United Nations level of projects for students to venture into that are
active at MBI/MTS. Jonathan Armstrong is leading the Moody Center for Global
Theological Education under Bryan O’Neal’s protection and verbal partnership
agreements with top Lausanne partners/leaders. The Faith, Work, and Economics
Oikonomia Network at Moody led by Sajan Mathews and Tommy Lee is a network of
global corporate leaders combined with religious, political, and family
influencers toward a New World Order actualization in the U.S. with intent to
distribute this program around the world through the Lausanne and Catholic
networks. Similarly, Mark Jobe’s partnerships with top Lausanne leaders are
designing plans for reaching/controlling under-privileged citizens in the
global metro-plexes like in Chicago through community-based control grids
powered by Roman Catholics and United Nations level of projects which would
then be replicated in similarly difficult or uncooperative cities/regions of
the world. Both of these are mentorship programs for lay leaders and students
to encounter United Nations level of “community” rebuilding. A third similar
project though not directly for Moody students, is James Spencer’s Northfield
Mission Center which will be a mentorship program via internet and with
prominent theologians and spiritual leaders toward global partnering with the
Catholic Jesuit network. Similarly, students are introduced to U.N.
Non-Governmental Organization partnerships through Study Abroad programs and
Practical Christian Ministries. Gregg Quiggle and his colleagues are
introducing students to these redirected orders through the Study Abroad
Programs in the Middle East and Europe etc. and Mark Jobe’s Lausanne new world
order programs will work primarily through the PCM’s it seems. And lastly,
Moody Global Media is being transitioned to become a voice for this propaganda
machine to try to discourage world missions and redirect energy and funding
toward United Nations projects and Global Theological ecumenical power over
churches and ministry world-wide centering that power through America under the
authority (secretly) of the Vatican and Pope and Jesuits.
See Sajan Mathews bio and John Fuder bio and Chris Brooks bio
about the Oikonomia Network, Acton Institute of the Jesuit Paulist Fathers and
Lausanne Global Cities project
Mark Jobe Report about Global Cities plans with Lausanne partners
Jonathan Armstrong Bio about Lausanne Global Theological Education network
being built
full Northfield Report about the C. S. Lewis Study Center and Catholic Thomas
Aquinas College partnership in James Spencer’s Northfield Mission Center
project; see also James Spencer bio
Gregg Quiggle bio about Study Abroad programs
This Assistant Professor, Eric Redmond, at Moody has been taught
to think and is teaching others to think that the United Nations is helping
sustain peace as long as we maintain the spiritual health aspect:
The United Nations’ Secretary-General’s
Report on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (2018) outlines an effort
by member states to maintain peace and secure freedom from conflict. They
intend “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” with
“activities aimed at preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and
recurrence of conflict,” and by “emphasizing that sustaining peace is a shared
task and responsibility that needs to be fulfilled by [a country’s] Government
and all [of its other] national stakeholders.” Yet every report of war that we
continue to hear reminds us that sustained, long-term peace is difficult to
6. Corrupt
business-oriented Board of Trustees
Moody’s Board of Trustees has proven over and again with
appointments like Ed Cannon, Steve Mogck, Mark Wagner, Greg Thornton, Mark Jobe
to not really care about ministry. They are focused on business planning and
keeping the Jesuit attack going.
Report on Greg Thornton and Mark Jobe to see why the Board of Trustees keeps
picking men like this for leadership
See Report on Moody COO’s Cannon, Mogck, Wagner
See Board of Trustees category in Moody NMH – MBI Comparison
See Report on former Chairman of the Board Jerry B. Jenkins
7. Jesuit Legal Team at
Moody at least since the 1990s
See Jesuit Legal Team notes in Moody NMH – MBI Comparison as well
as other links provided here for your own evidence. If you research any of
their law firms, university training, and organizations they partner with or
are members of, you find that they serve as Jesuit leadership. Specifically,
the current General Counsel and Assistant General Counsel who are Janet A.
Stiven and Ryan June respectively, are both graduates with high accolades from
Jesuit university and are both active members in leadership positions at those
institutions even while working at Moody. June is a Jesuit Juris-Doctor graduate
of openly-Jesuit Loyola University and member of their Leadership Circle and
was managing editor of the Loyola University Chicago Law Journal. June has a
B.A. in Political Science and Business/Economics from Jesuit-led Wheaton
College. June was also a White House intern and President of the Christian
Legal Society. Stiven is a Jesuit Juris-Doctor from secret-Jesuit DePaul
University. DePaul is founded by a secret Jesuit order from Paris, France
(headquarters of the Jesuits) and is designed on the rules of the Jesuit order.
Stiven is a significant financial donor to DePaul as recently as 2015 or 2016
and has spoken at DePaul events while General Counsel at Moody. Before Stiven,
Elizabeth Brown was General Counsel and has her Jesuit Juris-Doctorate degree
from (elite Jesuit family) Rockefeller-built-and-funded University of Chicago.{%22page%22:16,%22issue_id%22:288057}
8. Partnerships with
Freemason Talmudic Judaism
Here is an ancient torah scroll being donated to Moody Bible
Institute to assist fellowship between Jewish and ecumenical Christian leaders:
Honoring God's Word and the
Jewish people who helped preserve it was the theme of a dedication ceremony
held Dec. 2 on Moody Bible Institute's Chicago campus, marking the donation of a rare 18th-century Tunisian
Torah scroll to the school. Joining faculty, staff and students for the
ceremony were Ken and Barbara Larson who donated the scroll, along with Dr.
Scott Carroll, ancient/medieval manuscript specialist, and Chicago-based Jewish
community leaders, including the Honorable Roey Gilad, Consul General of Israel
to the Midwest.
"We are very grateful
to the Larson family for donating this rare Torah scroll, which is a tangible
reminder of how God has preserved His Word throughout the centuries,"
said Dr. Paul Nyquist, president of Moody.
In his book The New Messianic Version of the Bible – Moses, Tov
Rose says that former Moody Professor Louis Goldberg promotes studying Talmud,
fully aware that the book also blasphemes Christ and destroys many of the
doctrines of the Old Testament. Hopefully, he warned about those aspects if he
was sending students to go read the intriguing arguments of rabbis for truth
mixed with bad doctrine and some corrupted Jewish history. Here is the quote
about Goldberg’s teaching:
Talmud is important for three main
reasons, as my friend and mentor Dr. Louis Goldberg used to say in those very
interesting classes he taught in New York City, after his retirement from being
Chairman of the Jewish Studies Department at Moody Bible Institute. In very
simple terms, Talmud records:
Jewish History
Commentary on the Bible
Jewish Folk Tales
9. Selling off more than
half of the property in Chicago
Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute is
looking cash-in on a 10-acre plot of land on downtown’s Near North Side—a move
that would open a large swath of prime real estate to new development
It is premeditated that the Jesuits would choose to do this both
in Northfield and in Chicago. In Northfield, they consolidated Northfield Mount
Hermon (NMH) school by choosing to cut half of the number of students – a
decision that was made in 2004. And they gave away the entire Northfield half
of the campus to The Moody Center (which is directed by Dave Powell – a
grandson of Moody who has his hands in corrupt deals) and to C. S. Lewis Study
Center and largely (3/4 of the buildings) to Catholic Thomas Aquinas College.
In Chicago, Mark Jobe and Mark Wagner and Gregg Quiggle are trying hard to
convince everyone that selling property (more than half of it) will solve the
financial problems that these Jesuits have created so they can do exactly what
they are doing – destroy and get rid of Moody’s community. If it isn’t clear
that this is the Jesuit agenda, then take a hint from what happened in
Northfield Massachusetts with Moody’s own hometown property. They admit that
they decided to reduce the number of accepted students by half, so they could
consolidate onto one half of the campus. And they freely gave it away to other
Jesuit institutions to take it away from being used by honest Christians when
the Moody community starts getting restored, which they do know will happen in
time and in some shape or form. You can see the details on the Northfield
property in the rest of this article, but let’s go back to Chicago. So you can
see why we believe that the Jesuits thought it would be better in Chicago to
reduce student numbers more tactfully rather than do it openly as they did in
Northfield. Otherwise they would already be totally caught red-handed.
We agree whole-heartedly with Julie Roys’
assessment that the student numbers dropped in direct proportion to the
spiritual and moral decay of leadership/faculty. And they in
turn rejected the most honorable applicants to instead allow luke-warm seekers
and scoffing rebels who were like themselves. This spiritual
vandalism at Moody is a direct result of the Jesuit leadership and faculty
infiltrating and then taking over since 1980, which is the same time that a
homosexual community began to network on campus. One evidence for that fact is
a student review forum discussion where people involved in homosexuality are
talking about the culture and methods by which they hid their activities while
they were students at Moody in the 1980’s. In other words, faculty and Jesuits
intentionally covered so many sinful activities of students to intentionally make
it uncomfortable for Christian students to attend Moody. The culture began to
allow crude joking and bullying and wrong behavior as long as it was hidden
though partially known. Well, guess what is happening now that student numbers
have dropped more than the half – now they want to sell more than half of the
property. Is that a coincidence? Definitely not. We believe this was the
intended result all along – crushing both of Moody’s gospel work training
centers with a culture of interfaith work, Catholic partners, and immoral and
evil student and faculty and leadership behaviors in order to discredit
Protestant evangelists. Reducing student numbers was an essential task before they could
give away half of Moody’s property in Northfield, and it was an essential task
in Chicago before they think they can now sell off more than half of the
property in Chicago.
Furthermore, new MBI President Mark Jobe is an associate of Rahm
Emmanuel in discussing how to “help the children” in the poor communities (we
have picture proof). And Mark Jobe is close friends with Alderman Edward Burke who
congratulated Jobe on obtaining the Presidency of Moody and called him a
“long-time friend”. Burke is Dean of Chicago City Council and longest Alderman
since 1969 – second in power only to the Mayor of Chicago. Burke was raised in a Jesuit high school
founded by a Chicago Catholic Archbishop who threatened anyone in Chicago (specifically
to politicians or aspiring politicians) who would dare oppose the Catholic Jesuits
stealing power and ruling the world through the United States democracy programs
and nation-building (see quote below in links). Yeah, that threat is talking to
you and I who love the gospel and evangelistic work in the world. And we
despise the cruel power of these hypocrites and their false religion and their
partnership with the anti-christ spirit of lawlessness toward one-world
government. But we refuse to attempt to become the bigger bully trying to steal
power by politics since that doesn’t save or help anyone; only changes of heart
in actual people through the Holy Spirit in covenant inside them can change
things. That is where God’s Kingdom is – His righteousness teaches us. As you
can see by his friends, Mark Jobe does not care even slightly about
Moody; Jobe wants power over Moody in the hands of Jesuits. That is the real
reason why in his inaugural speech, he said that D. L. Moody got saved in 1985
which is not even remotely similar to the actual year of 1854 when Moody accepted
salvation in the shoe shop. That was a Jesuit “tell” to the secret
scoffers/atheists who are students at Moody not to worry about his plans
because he is not going to snitch on them because he doesn’t care about the
history of the Moody family. Politicians do this kind of thing all the time. It
was not accidental, in our opinion. This is also the reason Jobe said he has to
remind himself every morning how thankful he is for Moody by looking at the
archway after being so frustrated about the parking situation and trying not to
scratch his fancy car (he literally said that – minus the fancy part). This is
also why Jobe focused on business statistics in his speech: 45,000 alumni, 133
years, Moody preaching to 100 Million people, doubling “impact” by the year
2030 reaching 20 Million and with 6,000 in marketplace roles (Oikonomia
Network), and so grateful that all of this “has been entrusted to me”, and 22
acres of which he wants to sell 10 acres. The purpose of this is to steal
resources from the honest evangelicals and into Jesuit projects for when, by
God’s grace, we are able to put a stop to this Jesuit take-over. In other
words, they anticipate a full push-back against this Jesuit operation, and they
want a weakened push-back from Moody’s evangelical family whenever it happens.
Jobe says he is “praying for a double portion” like Elijah; and like Erwin
Lutzer in 1978, Jobe says he was placed here “for such a time as this” by the
Jesuit rulers of Chicago.
The reason Jobe was placed at Moody to build the
Oikonomia Network and “community impact” is because he believes in the 7
Mountain Dominionism of Francis Schaeffer (L’Abri in Switzerland), Loren
Cunningham (Youth With a Mission), and Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ)
that is distilled down into the Oikonomia Network. He learned this from Global
City Lauanne training at Bakke Graduate University and was personally mentored
by Lausanne Director of Large Cities Ray Bakke himself. In 2013, Moody received
a special grant from Kern Foundation to establish the Faith, Work, and
Economics program directed by Sajan Mathews. Their partners include Oikonomia
Network, Tommy Lee’s Resource Global for business mentoring,
Bilderberg-think-tank American Enterprise Institute, Acton Institute founded by
Jesuit Paulist Fathers, Billy Graham’s Christianity Today International,
Lausanne-partner - The Gospel Coalition, most major evangelical seminaries and
Seattle Pacific University who hosts the John Perkins’ Center (CCDA and Lausanne
America founder). Two other major partners are David Kotter who is Dean of
Theology at Colorado Christian University’s Centennial Institute host of the
Western Conservative Summit where Grace To You’s John MacArthur stumped for the
Donald Trump campaign 2016 (Jesuit Trump spoke also at this event), and finally
Art Lindsley of the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. Lindsley
previously was Director of C. S. Lewis Institute (the one taking up residence
in Moody’s Northfield hometown). And way back in the 1970’s, Lindsley was
director of R. C. Sproul’s Ligonier Valley Study Center which was an American
L’Abri following Jesuit Kingdom-dominionism of Francis Schaeffer/Bill
Bright/Loren Cunningham in the Swiss heart of United Nations power. The purpose
of Oikonomia Network is to collect all Freemason/Jesuit-led Protestant power to
control the four largest sectors of society on behalf of the Vatican – 1. all
Church-life, 2. all Home-life, 3. all Business, and 4. all Government to be
directed/guided by Vatican directives and Jesuit control grids. That is a
simplified program of Kingdom Dominionism built on seven mountains/spheres
(notice the anti-christ reference there) that Schaeffer explained as 1. all
Religion, 2. all Family, 3. all Education, 4. all Government, 5. all Media, 6.
all Arts and Entertainment, 7. all Business. This is why Mark Jobe promotes
himself as helping God’s “Kingdom Come: Unleashing Heaven on Earth” and calls
Christ “King Jesus” by which he approves the Pope’s purpose of forcing God’s
Kingdom and then handing it off to the anti-christ and pretending that he is
the return of Christ. It could seem far-fetched if you have no idea what
Jesuits do conquering Protestants and unbelievers for the Pope. So let’s learn
this lesson well so we can kick out the infiltrators/usurpers and remain
non-Catholic and pro-Bible.
Simply put, if you want to know who ultimately
runs things in a Protestant country (and in the world in regard to religious
life) – look at Rome/Vatican City and her Jesuit partners, and all the
so-called “world” or “global” or “united” organizations, and see who they
control and partner with. It’s a huge tangled web of lies, false promises, and
ruthless tactics and methods to get and maintain control of the world. Jesus
called them out in Revelation 2 and 3 in many ways. But the other key problem
with their lie is they are messing with Scripture. The Jesuits and false
teachers who preach this false gospel are changing God’s Word to allegories and
symbols and stories, because the 7 mountains are (in context) actually just the
7 world empires that rose to fight God from the time just after the flood to
the end of this sinful earth. Revelation 17:9-11 “Here is the mind which has
wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. There are
also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And
when he comes, he must continue a short time. And the beast that was, and is
not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.”
Revelation 17:9-11 Those seven empires starting from just after the flood until
the anti-christ kingdom are these: 1) Nimrod/Tower of Babel, 2) Egyptian, 3)
Assyrian, 4) Babylonian/Chaldean, 5) Medo-Persian, 6) Greek, 7) Roman, and 8)
(which is of the seven and will be ruled by the man of perdition) Revived Roman
Empire. At the time this prophecy was given, the Greek Empire was still fully
active, and the Roman Empire though successful in some regions had not fully become
a world-wide empire. That is why the text says one is – the Greek Empire still
influenced most language and culture around the world, though the Roman Empire
was replacing it but had not yet fully come. The Roman Empire reached its
height in 117 A.D. and then morphed forms into the Holy Roman Empire which
morphed into Colonialism and Jesuit Empire which will become the Revived Roman
Empire – of the seventh original Roman Empire. So by writing the Seven Mountain
Dominionism methodology Schaeffer, Bright, and Cunningham were literally
telling us that this is the anti-christ Kingdom Dominionism built by the Roman
Empire system reviving in attempt to blame Christians rather than Scoffers and
Atheists for the evils of the anti-christ’s kingdom – thereby blaming God for
the anti-christ. This is precisely what Erwin Lutzer does in his book Hitler’s
Cross – he makes the anti-christ as if chosen and protected by God’s authority
and choosing. That is Jesuit work – blame God for their evils. And there is
plenty more evidence of these men being satanists if you look them up. Just
this year, Cunningham called the Holy Spirit “the Great Virus that takes over
all the other viruses.” They literally see faith in Jesus as a mind-virus –
something that is only admitted usually by openly hostile atheists like Richard
Dawkins. But this is the thought-processes of the Jesuits also as these three
men are. They know the devil is caught as their father of lies and is going to
be judged, but they prefer his system. So this is their best attempt to support
it as long as possible in desperate interest that their rising phoenix (satan) will
fulfill their hope out of the ashes of Tribulation and survive God’s judgment.
This is how Mark Jobe knows that his placement is “for such a time
as this” – to build the anti-christ’s kingdom in Chicago before the Christians
notice them and kick them out of the Christian institutions they want to blame
for the rise of the anti-christ. Aldermans have jurisdiction over zoning in the
city, which means that Alderman Burke’s contacts would help his friend Mark
Jobe sell off Moody’s property to Jesuit owners who will further oppress the
Christian Moody family community. They don’t want the Christians to have this
much land resources available and this much platform to speak if we oppose them
and kick them out of Moody. Can you see it now? This land sale, and the “financial crisis”,
and the cutting of 1/3 of Moody’s full-time faculty last year, and the shutting
down of the Spokane campus and Pasadena extension studies, and the cutting of
the music department and deleting the Jewish studies department, and the
building of Chapman Global Center, and the shutting down of The Moody Standard
student newspaper to block information getting out, and getting rid of Music
Thru The Night with Mike Kellogg and Mark Elfstrand, Dave Mitchell, and Monte
Larrick of the Morning Show within a four month span in 2014 and Julie Roys of
Up For Debate in early 2018, and installing two Provosts whose job is to be
spiritual watchmen and they don’t even believe the Bible, and the bribes and
gifts and loans that Jerry B. Jenkins and Paul Nyquist and others are in
question for, and the cutting faculty that Ed Cannon was called into question
for, and the hostile culture at Moody campus against the faculty and Christian
students (as told by Jean Penfound and anonymous faculty and students) – all of
this is because the whole agenda is to destroy Moody’s community. It’s not an
attempt to revive/save a dying Christian community. It is exactly what it looks
like. What is really happening is a reverse-engineered psychological
attack that allows our enemies who hate the gospel (Jesuit agents of the Pope)
to pretend to be heroes while they do exactly the result they planned from the
attack – crushing the Moody Christian community. This is how Freemasons and
Jesuits pretty much always work. The Freemasons (who serve under the Jesuits) operate
on the motto – Ordu Ab Chao, which means order out of chaos. They create the
chaos, then they get to come in as the heroes to save what is left and make a
new order out of it. Are you thinking “New World Order”? Because you should be.
If you apply this principle to just about any “urgent” political agenda or
urgent situation that feels like it is against Christians and/or “lower-class”
citizens, you will find this hidden hand of Jesuits and Freemasons working
behind it. And it would absolutely stun you to know how frequently this
If that doesn’t convince you that this is rigged Jesuit work,
consider the Great Fire of Chicago 1871. Dwight Moody inaugurated the YMCA
Farwell building in 1867 and four months later it burned to the ground
completely. Moody immediately got funds to rebuild it and that is where Moody
and Sankey and their Christian friends were on the night of the Great Fire
which completely burned not only Farwell Building, but also Illinois Street
Church and Moody’s home – nothing was left. This time Moody felt it was
personal. He learned about Freemasons and preached strongly against their
secret ways, so we assume he suspected them. He could not have imagined his
true enemy, though he learned it years later in correspondence with Charles
Chiniquy who explained to him the dark history of Jesuit Catholic power. This
information answered Moody’s searching questions but also may have led to his
untimely death (possibly by secret poisoning which is actually one of the
methods named in the official Jesuit oath). But at the time, Moody just drifted
away from the enemies in Chicago and began to focus his attention to travelling
evangelism and then re-settled in his boyhood hometown of Northfield,
Massachusetts which was the last place he wanted to settle. It was to our
advantage because he built three schools there in Massachusetts that accomplished
much in the hearts of many toward the gospel and life. And this helped him to
assist Emma Dryer who organized/directed Chicago Bible Institute (Moody Bible Institute).
It is also premeditated that in 2018, this same Alderman Edward Burke decided
to write a resolution absolving Catherine O’Leary’s fabled cow of causing the
Chicago Fire. Burke says he has “reliable evidence” that the real cause was her
neighbor Mr. Sullivan who supposedly knocked over the lantern with the pipe in
his mouth while trying to steal a pale of milk for a party nearby. Oh sure,
that sounds like such a reasonable alternative explanation 150 years later. But
why hide the truth if that is all there is to know? It’s because that is not
the whole truth either. We are absolutely convinced that it was the Jesuits who
caused both fires against Moody’s Christian community and the city of Chicago just
got dealt the extended suffering of a Jesuit attack that had to be done
skillfully or it would get the Jesuits thrown out of power in Chicago. Please
hear our evidence.
Alderman Edward Burke is a very powerful voice for the Jesuits in
Chicago. Remember he was trained a Jesuit from his youth at a school founded by
the Chicago Archbishop who asserted that they are seeking power over the whole
world through democracy and threatened anyone who would try to rule against the
Catholic powers in Chicago (we have that quote below). Burke is member of the
Knights of Columbus which is a cross-over network between Free-mason and Jesuit
powers working together. Burke is also the longest-running Alderman in Chicago
since 1969 (which is the same year that Moody acquired Rosalie De Rosset), a
position which he inherited from his father long-time Alderman Joseph Burke.
Burke is also Dean of the Chicago City Council and is the second highest
authority in Chicago after the Mayor only. Burke’s wife is Justice Anne Burke
of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Both Anne and Edward are highly educated
lawyers trained by Jesuits at DePaul University, so they have the legal
knowledge to fend off actual criminal prosecution for their involvement in the
Jesuit network. Interestingly, Moody’s General Counsel Janet A. Stiven has her
Juris Doctorate at Jesuit DePaul University, so the Jesuits have a lock on
Moody’s legal department against prosecution of any Jesuits. DePaul University hosts
an honorary event for the U.S. Supreme Court Justices every year and has them
speak at other events, so you understand how highly connected this program is.
Burke was tax attorney for Donald Trump who is also a high-level Jesuit in their
crime – trained at Fordham University in New York and Wharton School of
Business which are both highly known Jesuit instutions. There is a reason that
so many countries have Jesuits ruling over them right now and that the current
Pope is a Jesuit (supposedly the first Jesuit pope ever which is a complete
lie), and that our U.S. President is a Jesuit. We do not believe it is a coincidence
that Moody’s leadership was overthrown by dozens of Jesuits starting with
Rosalie De Rosset and Erwin Lutzer (if not before). This is a well-played
strategy game to the Catholic authorities to figure out how to reconquer all
Protestants under their one world government setting the stage for the actual
anti-christ eventually.
Apparently, the Pope and the Vatican feel Chicago slipping out
from under the mental control grid. While the facts Burke
lists about the Chicago Fire do not indicate foul-play, the fact that the story
was held intentionally wrong for so long and now is being rectified by a senior
Jesuit voice does. What most people do not know is that the Vatican and Jesuits
keep intensive records on everything so as to not lose grip of power – they
micromanage everything they think they own. So his sources are mostly likely
Jesuit records, never allowed in court of law perhaps even, and would have
probably been highly incriminating in the presence of other facts that also
were not allowed in court records at the time. Burke says Mr. Sullivan (who he
has reliable evidence was really to blame for the fire) had a bad rap sheet of
criminal misdeeds. So why were the Jesuits covering for him for so long until
now? We believe it is an expression of the power of Jesuits (only to those who
recognize the symbols of power) that they are able to hide even the worst
imaginable criminal deeds – so that no one would dare to oppose the current
Jesuit take-over of Moody and other aspects of Chicago life (Police pre-crime
evil experimenting, LGBTQ agenda, interfaith multi-community-head
experimenting, piled-deep racial tension psy-ops against the people, gun
violence that they are directing against gang-members and citizens for national
agendas, weather-modification experimenting, water-supply poisoning, destroying
food production, etc.) So to them, Moody Bible Institute is a natural conduit through
which to conduct their new world order community projects that Mark Jobe is
proposing to redirect Moody students with. Because they see the need to force
Moody to submit one way or another to their authority.
Let us learn these lessons well and very clearly, so we can remain
pro-Bible and non-Catholic. Do not take vengeance against the Jesuits – that is
the Lord’s right only, because we are all guilty sinners who needed His grace
and sacrifice for our sins too. But God has put this Moody Christian community
in exactly the right place to judge the evil deeds of the Jesuits and remove
them from authority over Jesus’ disciples across the country and around the
world. There is a reason the Jesuits are suddenly hunting – apparently
they know that if the information from Moody’s missionary partners about
Catholic activities around the world were to be combined with the history of
Jesuits against Dwight Moody and this forty-year overthrow of MBI – apparently
all of that together would be enough to prosecute them and discredit their
program in the world which would hamper the new world order. But the
information between the two groups (MBI and foreign missionaries) is being
blocked by men like Wayne Pederson (former Moody Radio manager, now on Board of
ECFA and President of Far East Broadcasting which was similarly destroyed by Ed
Cannon), Doug Hastings (Board of Trustees for NRB, as General Manager assisted
the cover-up of reasons for moving Moody Radio into a Global Media Center and
now is promoted to Vice-President), and Ed Cannon (who cut so many Moody
faculty and programs in the past under Stowell and was removed, so he went to
Far East Broadcasting to do the same damage there). Pray diligently with each
topic and stay humble and seek God’s wisdom, not man’s advice. And may God give
us the grace to be free finally from the oppression of the Roman Catholics who
have always tormented His people. We should pave this path to a clear gospel
for the sake of our Jewish brethren who are also equally oppressed by the false
gospel and Crusades and partnerships of the Vatican with cruel governments who
have always hated, slandered, and murdered the Jewish people. Here are a few
links regarding the sale of Chicago Moody property.
“Within twenty years this country is going to
rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the
United States will thake their place… When the United States rules the world,
the Catholic Church will rule the world… Nothing can stand against the
Church. I’d like to see the politician who would try to rule against the
Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.”
— Catholic Archbishop James Quigley, Chicago
Daily Tribune, May 5, 1903.)
Jobe, Gregg Quiggle, and Mark Wagner are working to promote the idea of selling
half of Moody’s property to make up for losses caused by Jesuit destruction of
Moody Chicago reputation and by expensive redirecting of funds for their Jesuit
global projects such as the Chapman Global Media Center. The Chapman Center is
an attempt to destroy the rest of Moody’s reputation around the world through
ecumenical and interfaith programming as if Moody has lost its faith. It is
interesting to see what they want to sell, which involves more than half of the
Chicago campus. The primary targets for sale are dorm housing and parking which
would allow Moody to undo more requirements on student culture since students
would not be living on campus and therefore their personal, private conduct
cannot be seen. Removing athletics from campus would send students to secular
gyms, and the Media/Publishing/Shipping is being reorganized around the Chapman
Center. So the buildings that are up for sale are Jenkins Residence Hall, Dryer
Residence Hall, Solheim Athletic Center, Moon Building (old Moody Publishers
now in Chapman Global Media Center) and two other buildings used for Distribution
and Mailing, Soccer Field, and four parking lots. The consulting company
(RedGate) obtained by Mark Wagner is a secular organization which advises
Rockefeller University of Chicago, Skull-and-Bones/Jesuit-led Johns Hopkins U.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Boston University. Why has Moody
obtained this kind of advice? Because Moody’s Board of Trustees and Jesuit
leaders do not care about ministry and are focused on money and destroying
Moody’s platform. And specifically Mark Jobe was selected for leadership over
this project because of his friendship with Catholic Jesuit-trained Alderman
Burke whose role as an alderman includes zoning issues etc.
Map with highlighted buildings Moody is considering selling:
Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute is
looking cash-in on a 10-acre plot of land on downtown’s Near North Side—a move
that would open a large swath of prime real estate to new development
These Jesuit attacks have caused deep wounds to the Moody Bible
Institute community/family. But we see that God wants to expose their works
done in secret/darkness. And God promised that people who do these evil things
will have their folly shown publicly to all (in Chicago and way beyond Chicago).
The Apostle Paul describes these people with a strong list of evil
deeds explained in 2 Timothy 3 such as that they are lovers of money,
blasphemers, without self-control, despisers of good, and traitors and have a
form of godliness but deny its authority/power to teach them to repent. And
Paul says clearly that we should turn away from such people and that they are
always learning but never come to the knowledge of the truth – they are
imitators, copying Christian life but without the Holy Spirit to teach them.
Then Paul mentions the magicians who opposed Moses by imitating/copying his
power as an example we should learn from, “Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted
Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved
concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will
be manifest to all, as theirs [Jannes and Jambres] also was.” – 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Jesus spoke this about when we find the works of secret satanic
orders like the Jesuits – this is what we do:
“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For
there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be
known.” – Luke 12:1b-2
Paul further said, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful
works of darkness, but rather expose them…
all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever
makes manifest is light.” – Ephesians 4:11
It is also important to understand what is happening at Moody
Bible Institute and Northfield Mount Hermon school because of the two new owners of Northfield property that
was given away for free to a Catholic school and Jesuit followers of C. S.
Lewis. In 2005, the school was
reduced onto one-half of the campus by reducing the number of accepted students
by half. After the reputation of Northfield was ruined, The Moody Center team Emmitt Mitchell, Bill High, and Erwin
Lutzer (who are all Jesuits or close “brothers” to Jesuits) connived how to
give away the Northfield campus to their Jesuit friends the “Evangelist” Green Family
for $100,000 (it is said to be worth
$20,000,000). The
Green family fixed up some of the property for $5 Million. Then came a long
drawn-out process of pretending to give the property to Liberty University,
Grand Canyon University and others. Finally it was given away for free to C. S.
Lewis Study Center and Catholic
Thomas Aquinas College, which they considered worthy Christian Evangelical institutions.
We propose that this is actually what was planned all along and the rest was
just drama to make the conclusion seem less offensive: two Jesuit institutions on
Dwight Moody’s property – one openly Catholic and one deceitfully-called
“Evangelical”. Both of these institutions follow Thomas Aquinas whose “Thomist” doctrine is taught by R. C. Sproul
and John Gerstner as the common doctrines between the Protestant movement and
the Catholic Vatican. Thomas is considered the Catholic Father of Protestant
doctrines – thereby eventually they hope to make Protestants a sub-group of
Catholics. So Thomas Aquinas’ “Thomist”
doctrine is known (because of R. C.
Sproul’s trickery) to be the catalyst for undoing the Protestant movement
because Aquinas is supposedly the Catholic Father of Protestant doctrines –
thereby eventually they hope to make Protestants a sub-group of Catholics. Meanwhile
another dozen buildings are being turned into historic relics to the lost faith
of Dwight Moody that Jesuits hope to let slowly fade out. If we don’t
thoroughly learn the lessons of this Jesuit program at Northfield, it is set to
duplicate identically in Chicago. All of the pieces and sub-cultures and
corrupt leadership and Jesuits are already in place at Moody Bible Institute. The
Jesuits are having so much fun finally being able to tear up D. L. Moody’s
efforts after waiting this long so as to not get caught. If you want to see what
Jesuits do to Protestant evangelistic work, Moody’s Northfield Mount Hermon property is tragically a perfect
example. They are training Protestant young Jesuits for partnership in the United Nations. And they replace
evangelism with the “evangelism” of the
Jesuits – forcing people to bow to the Pope.
NMH students are taught the Thomas Aquinas tradition which would change Moody’s
culture to be producing Jesuits and
ecumenical leaders (“Christian unity” under the Pope). And if/when the partnership between Catholic evangelists (Jesuits) and “Protestant evangelists” (Jesuits) fails,
then it looks like Protestants don’t care about helping the bring a world
“peace” (anti-christ) program. You can
imagine either way what impact this could have on the preaching of the gospel
around the world by Moody partners. We need to be diligent to speak up
about this topic until it is resolved. And we need to pray for the students who
are being taught lies and tricks and evil and living in sin. Another dozen buildings on
Northfield property are being turned into historic reminders of the lost faith
of Dwight until we focus on the gospel and Biblical teaching again. Moody’s Northfield Mount Hermon property is tragically a perfect
example of Jesuit work - training Protestant young Jesuits for partnership in
the Rockefeller United Nations and
replacing gospel work with “evangelism”
of the Jesuits – convincing people to bow to the Pope. If we don’t thoroughly learn
the lessons of this Jesuit program at Northfield, it is set to duplicate
identically in Chicago. All of the pieces and sub-cultures are already in place
at Moody Bible Institute. The students report a hostile culture from Moody
Bible leadership, and there are a lot of people living in the sins mentioned
above who are pretending to prepare for ministry and Christian life by studying
at Moody’s training schools. There are many professors who do not believe the
Bible to be infallible God-given Truth, even though they lie to the Holy Spirit
and take the oath to say they follow Moody’s faith in the Word and in Christ.
They are professors who do not believe the gospel or God’s creation work or
many other essential doctrines for Christ-centered community and they partner
in Ecumenical friendships. If we don’t understand Northfield and understand Moody Bible, and if
we don’t shame and remove the Jesuits, it will get worse and worse for Bible
teachers and followers of Christ who do not bow to the Pope.
this is the short version of this article, we will just provide some links so
you can look up the details and prove to yourself what you think is going on
here on Northfield property. Or you can see our extended report and see how we
figured out all of the pieces and you’ll still have the links so you can look
it up for yourself. Please, friends, let’s become very clear about what is
happening to Dwight Moody’s work of evangelism so we can partner to kick out
the Jesuits and be able to remain non-Catholic and pro-Bible.
bad culture on Northfield campus
that the “Evangelist” Green Family are Jesuits:
"If you have anything or if I
have anything, it's because it's been given to us by our Creator," says
Green, sweeping his hand over the acres laid out before him. "So I have
learned to say, 'Look, this is yours, God. It's all yours. I'm going to give it
to you.' "
says the institution he largely funded is meant to educate, not evangelize,
though critics are dubious. Museum administrators have taken pains to hire a
broad group of scholars as advisers. Lawrence Schiffman, a New York University
Jewish studies professor and Dead Sea Scrolls expert, called the museum a
"monument" to interfaith cooperation. Exhibits are planned from the
Vatican Museum and the Israel Antiquities Authority.
members of the Green family met with the pope, Sheran said, as well as 10
members from the American Bible Society. The meeting lasted 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, Museum of the Bible president
Cary Summers* told the author-scholars he hopes the museum will "become
the premier religious pilgrimage site for Roman Catholics in the United
away the Northfield property to Greens then to Thomas Aquinas
Cardinal Newman
Society: Thomas Aquinas College Continues Catholic ‘Renaissance’ with New
Massachusetts Campus (February
is St. Thomas Aquinas
(exerpts from the full article)
By universal consent, Thomas Aquinas
is the preeminent spokesman of the Catholic tradition of reason and of divine
revelation. In 1239, he was sent to Naples to complete his studies. It was here
that he was first attracted to Aristotle’s philosophy.
By 1243, Thomas abandoned his family’s plans for
him and joined the Dominicans,
much to his mother’s dismay. On her order, Thomas was captured by his brother
and kept at home for over a year. Once
free, he went to Paris and then to Cologne, where he finished his studies with
Albert the Great. He held two professorships at Paris,
lived at the court of Pope Urban IV,
directed the Dominican schools at Rome and Viterbo, combated adversaries of the
mendicants, as well as the Averroists, and argued with some Franciscans about
R.C. Sproul on Thomas Aquinas – Was
He The Most Brilliant of All the Theologians?
The Pope said of Aquinas,
“Thomas, alone, has illumined the Church more than all the other doctors.”
A strong case is made
for Aquinas’s relevance in bridging the gap between Protestants and Catholics. Citing Josef Pieper’s observation that Aquinas spoke for “a still
undivided Western Christianity,”
Newman was revered by C. S. Lewis and Newman’s Society promotes Thomas Aquinas
– which represents the two organizations on campus C. S. Lewis Study Center and
Catholic Thomas Aquinas College. We notice a strong tradition in the C. S.
Lewis neighborhood of Anglican thought of conversions from Protestant
traditions to Roman Catholicism. Cardinal Newman is one of those. Also we
notice and compare Lewis’ evil doctrines with those of Cardinal Newman.
It is no
exaggeration to say that classical Christian education represents a rebirth of
true Jesuit education, but with a more Protestant inflection. That is why classical Christian schools, despite their often strong,
reformed Calvinist orientation, do not hesitate to learn from Augustine and
Boethius, Aquinas and Dante, Erasmus and Josef Pieper—not to mention
Anglo-Catholics like C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, T.S. Eliot, and Catholic
converts like G.K. Chesterton, Father Richard John Neuhaus, Peter Kreeft, and,
above all, Cardinal John Henry Newman.
Fellows of the C. S. Lewis College are worth looking into. This is the
education program being taught on Moody property now. If you look at our long
report, you can clearly see that the majority of C. S. Lewis scholars are
converts to Roman Catholicism who love Thomas Aquinas or Jesuits or are
involved in Ecumenical partnerships. This network of Jesuits see Thomas Aquinas
as a sneaky way of reuniting the Catholics and Protestants.
Catholic converts who were Anglican or Reformed: Thomas Howard (Elizabeth
Elliot’s brother), Walter Hooper, Peter Kreeft, Edward Sparrow. A Knight
Commander in the Order of the British Empire Dr. John Polkinghorne. Six members
of the Board of Advisors for the Center for Culture and Civil Society. Two
known Jesuits: Peter Kreeft and Eleonore Stump and eight presumed to be secret
Jesuits: Thomas Howard, Wilfred M. McClay, Armand M. Nicholi Jr., Reverend Dr.
John Polkinghorne KBE, FRS, Earl F. Palmer, Paul C. Vitz, Dallas Willard
(deceased 2013), Jean Bethke Eshtain (deceased 2013). Church of England
Episcopal/Anglican elite representatives: Os Guinness, Walter M. Hooper, John
Polkinghorne, Francis Warner. Interfaith dialogue/ecumenical partners – pretty
much all of them but specifically: Os Guinness,
Peter Kreeft, Richard Mouw, Armand M. Nicholi Jr., Robert Orr, Robert
Smyth, Eleonore Stump, Earl F. Palmer, Jean Bethke Elshtain. Lovers of and
teachers of Thomas Aquinas doctrines: Thomas Howard, Peter Kreeft, Eleonore
Stump. George Marsden was a recipient of a leadership award from the satanic
Fellowship/ “The Family” in Washington D.C. Os Guinness is a fifty year leader
in Lausanne Vatican II. Two are partners with Rockefellers: George Marsden,
Jean Bethke Elshtain. And all have elite fellowships/partnerships with corrupt
networks. And all are fans of C. S. Lewis doctrine, which if you read much of
him, you discover he didn’t believe in Jesus, he believed in false gods, false
doctrines, followed evil systems, and was a skilled organizer of popular
pseudo-Christian philosophy to create a false Christianity.
evidence of Jesuits in the chaplaincy, leadership and partnerships of Thomas
Aquinas College.