
Problems at Moody – Ed Stetzer




This report here is part of Part 7 of the “Project to Restore Moody Bible Institute to its Roots and Foundation”. This seventh part looks at several leaders and seeks to inform Moody family, alumni, faculty, donors and prayer partners and to warn them about leaders who show by pattern as not believing the Bible and working against it. If you missed the previous parts, you can find them here: www.RestoreMBI.com/web.htm


A key person that we need to discuss that is evil and is causing trouble at Moody right now is Mr. Ed Stetzer. Mr. Stetzer, as some may know, currently holds the interim lead pastor position at Moody Memorial Church, where Mr. Stetzer is filling in for #Jesuit-trained Erwin Lutzer who stepped down before the latest scandal.

> http://www.moodychurch.org/staff-directory/ed-stetzer/

Mr. Stetzer is one of the local central Florida team, along with known liars like #JoelHunter (at #RCSproul's #RTS Orlando). You can read it for yourself here:

> http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2008/march/joel-hunter-reformed-seminary-and-distributed-church.html


And if you need any clarification on who Mr. Joel Hunter is, here is a starting article (I have many others). Joel Hunter is a major false teacher – nationally and internationally known (co-teacher with Mr. Stetzer as well as leader in ecumenical WEA)

* http://www.incpu.org/Who-is-Joel-Hunter-Wolf-Report-Part1.pdf

* http://restorembi.com/Joel-Hunter-and-friends.pdf

* http://restorembi.com/WEA-welcomes-Joel-Hunter-2006.html


> Even Matt Staver can figure out how bad Joel Hunter is (somewhat) - http://blog.faithandfreedom.us/2017/06/evangelical-church-hosting-heresy-be.html#.Woom0IPwaUk


Ed Stetzer is also good friends with liar and wolf Rick Warren – founder of chrislam and promoter of “A Common Word Between Us”. Ed Stetzer reached out to his good friend Rick and let Rick say all of the lies he wanted to, to cover the false religion he’s creating – “chrislam” and “A Common Word Between Us”.

* https://www.christianpost.com/news/exclusive-rick-warren-flat-out-wrong-that-muslims-christians-view-god-the-same-70767/


But, as you’re about to see, facts and Rick’s words and actions show the contrary. Rick Warren did sign the “Common Word Between Us” (Between muslim and “Christian” leaders). But Rick Warren wasn’t alone signing this evil letter from Yale – quite a few “evangelical” leaders signed it, including Joel Hunter, Bill Hybels, and Robert Schuller were among the list.

* http://www.restorembi.com/a-common-word-between-us-evangelical-leaders-sign-document-together.html


* And here’s the list of 138 muslim leaders who signed it too

* And just a few of the “Christian” leaders who signed it (there were hundreds of signers since 2007)


Mr. Stetzer has been working with Joel Hunter and Rick Warren (pastor of Saddleback “Church”) to promote the really evil false teachings and false gospels such as “Chrislam” – the supposed blend of Jesus the Christ’s teachings and those of the false prophet Mohammad & Vatican (Islam).

> https://churchwatchcentral.com/2015/11/19/pulpit-pen-weigh-in-on-stetzers-chrislam-campaign/comment-page-1/

> http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-starts-to-spread-in-america/

> http://exposingchrislam.com/

> https://faith.yale.edu/common-word/common-word-christian-response


Yes, chrislam is not vaguely evil – it is pure evil. And as you can see, Mr. Stetzer is working with it, but Mr. Al Mohler and Mr. Russell Moore both seem to be okay with it too, since they are such good friends of Rick Warren, and Ed Stetzer. This isn’t guilt by association – this is caught by partnerships in evil. Well, even if the so-called “evangelical” leaders have nothing to say about this heresy, God does: “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 18-9)


Speaking of false teachers with a false gospel, there’s another high-powered one that Ed is connected to: Billy Graham and family (BGEA). Mr. Stetzer currently holds the very troubling title and position of regional director of North America for the ecumenical and Vatican-partnered Lausanne Council/Movement. Sadly, even the Baptist press wasn’t honest enough to rightly say how evil this position is... to their shame.

> "WHEATON, Ill. (BP) -- Ed Stetzer has been named as the Lausanne Movement's regional director for North America, according to a news release from Wheaton College.

“Ed Stetzer

The former executive director of LifeWay Research, Stetzer will continue as Wheaton's Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission and Evangelism. He joined Wheaton's faculty in July 2016, serving also as executive director of the college's Billy Graham Center..."

> http://www.bpnews.net/49754/sbc-digest-stetzer-named-lausannes-north-america-director-george-w-bush-speaks-at-union-bgr-releases-annual-christmas-catalog


For anyone who doesn't remember, or who has never heard, the Lausanne Council was one of the Vatican's projects for re-gaining the control of the world's Christian and "Protestant" churches and had Mr. Billy Graham (33rd mason) as the lead for some time there - all the way back to the mid 1940s. If you need more links - just ask.

* http://worldmethodistcouncil.org/whatwedo/ecumenical-organizationsregional-bodies/

* http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2017/october/regional-director-for-lausanne-north-america.html

Ed Stetzer is a close partner with high-level masons and high-level Jesuits. He is not a no-name, but has partnered with the top level of NWO-led leadership that currently controls the Christian industries right now. Examples? Billy Graham – long-known 33rd mason and agent for the Vatican since the mid-1940s.

This video produced by The Most Holy Family Monastery explains evidence that the evangelists Billy Graham and Pat Robertson are members of the Masonic Lodge, and it is also mentioned that evidence exists of Pope John Paul I being murdered by Freemasons.

“It is explained that in a book by Dr. James Wardner entitled ”Unholy Alliances” that it is mentioned that a former high ranking Freemason named Jim Shaw said that when he became a 33rd degree Mason, the evangelist Billy Graham was present to help with his initiation in Washington DC, and a picture of Graham is shown with him giving a Masonic handshake.

“Also the televangelist Pat Robertson is shown on the cover of a 1986 issue of Time magazine giving a Masonic symbol called ”The Lion’s Paw.” [ Note— Other pictures of Robertson giving Masonic symbols exist as well. ] Also Robertson’s book ”The Millennium” has a point within a circle on the top of every page, which is a symbol representing sun worship and is also a symbol of the Illuminati.

“Also explained is a book called ”In God’s name,” by David Yallap, which is an investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I, where a case is presented that the mafia associated ”P-2” Masons were involved. One of the points mentioned in the book is that John Paul served 33 days, with the number 33 having much significance to Freemasons.

* one of many sources – the Vatican system admitting that these two are prominent masons - http://www.newsofinterest.tv/video_pages_flash/environment/haarp/pat_robertson/pat_robertson_freemason.php

billy graham mason book.jpg

This ornate edition of “The History of Freemasonry” book has Billy Graham listed in the front cover as a notable mason. 

> https://www.amazon.com/History-Freemasonry-Its-Legendary-Origins/dp/0517149826/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8

> ISBN-10: 0517149826

ISBN-13: 978-0517149829

> http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/billy.htm

> http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Misc/billy.htm

> http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/graham/general.htm

> Billy Graham denies Jesus is the Christ and preaches that there is a “broad” way of grace - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MZWug3QAvs

> http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/deception_billy_graham.htm

> http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~emcd/AlphaRoots_Graham.htm

> http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Misc/ieg.html

> http://www.incpu.org/graham-a-mason.pdf

> http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/people/evangelistsandapologists/billy-graham.html


Another short key piece to review:
September 28, 2007
“6:51 PM - FEMA/Clergy Alliance

“Not only is the Billy Graham center in North Carolina training pastors for FEMA but other 'Christian' organizations such as the Salvation Army are also involved and apparently the training is expanding. This is teaching spiritual counseling according to FEMA dictates, not the Word of God. Reportedly FEMA forbids talking about Jesus or salvation in counseling. Furthermore this FEMA authorized 'counseling' consists of trained counselors coaxing church members to surrender all God given rights to government in time of crisis, whether real or promulgated. When martial law is engaged deceived clergymen and women will give the orders for church members to obey even tyrannical government. Hitler deceived German churches into accepting German tyranny and terrorism and the same thing is happening in America.

“Billy Graham Chaplain Training Conference
A conference for pastors, church leaders, or anyone interested in learning how to appropriately share God's comfort and hope in times of crisis. You will also have the opportunity to complete an International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) course as recognized by FEMA. This conference will also provide information about our volunteer chaplain ministry and how to become involved in future deployments.


One of the sources http://calltodiscernment.blogspot.com/2007/09/femaclergy-alliance.html


So, how does Ed Stetzer tie into this? Ed Stetzer has been named and currently holds the new “Billy Graham Chair” and is the Executive Director of the “Billy Graham Center” for evangelism at Wheaton College, in Wheaton Illinois.

> https://www.wheaton.edu/news/recent-news/2016/may/dr-ed-stetzer-named-to-new-billy-graham-chair-/

> http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2016/may/excited-to-be-heading-to-wheaton-college-and-billy-graham-c.html


Ed Stetzer has been active helper and friend for the Billy Graham family (and their false gospel) for years.

During the 2015-2016 academic year Stetzer served at Wheaton as an adjunct professor of evangelism and senior fellow of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism…
> source: https://baptistnews.com/article/ed-stetzer-leaving-lifeway-for-wheaton-college/#.WonX1oPwaUk

* https://tinyurl.com/y7zzver4

* http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2017/september/my-visit-to-montreat.html

* http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/about/about.html

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/edstetzer/


Ed Stetzer is one of the team working hard to deceive, leading us back to Rome and the Vatican, with Al Mohler and Russell Moore’s help. They are not the solution – all 3 of them are part of the problem.

* https://www.nae.net/author/edstetzer

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Stetzer

* https://baptistnews.com/article/sbc-to-consider-joining-national-association-of-evangelicals/#.WonBzYPwaUk


Russell Moore

* http://restorembi.com/Andy-Stanley-Russell-Moore-errors-at-ERLC2016.htm

* http://restorembi.com/Andy-Stanley-Russell-Moore-errors-at-ERLC2016.pdf


Al Mohler

* http://apprising.org/2013/08/09/al-mohler-and-sbts-executive-team-visit-rick-warren/

* http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislams-rick-warren-partnering-with-mosques-to-teach-that-god-and-allah-are-the-same/

* http://www.pccmonroe.org/cowardice-or-hypocrisy-john-macarthur-and-albert-mohler.html

* https://tedhaggardblog.com/2013/12/12/suicide-evangelicalism-and-sorrow/

* http://beginningofsorrows.org/2017/01/27/al-mohler-rick-warren-heretic/

* https://faithbyhearing.wordpress.com/category/by-person/russell-moore/

* http://restorembi.com/AlMohler-RickWarren-bad-partnership.htm


One example of many of the top leaders (including Stetzer, Mohler, and Moore) partnered at the top while pretending to be publicly “at odds”.

* https://matthewzcapps.com/2015/05/21/events-at-2015-the-southern-baptist-convention/

* https://thouarttheman.org/2016/10/14/ethicsreligiouslibertycommission/

* http://www.sbcthisweek.com/sbc-pastors-conference-speakers-over-the-past-10-years/


There are still some in the SBC who sometimes hold their leaders accountable – for which we are grateful (even rightly critiquing the lies, half-truths, and deception of Mr. Ed Stetzer

* http://pulpitandpen.org/2017/12/19/pastor-exposes-southern-baptist-deep-state-ed-stetzer-loses-it/


An author by the name of William Still talked to one pastor who was ostracized by the Southern Baptist hierarchy. And, in this interview, Mr. Still quotes this small-town pastor as saying: “‘90% of the Southern Baptist hierarchy are freemasons. And if you wish to excel in the Southern Baptist ministry, you have to be a mason. He said the same was true of, I believe, of both Lutherans and Methodists.’” (this video was posted on December 11, 2007)

>> This is the YouTube video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT1UquRHJwk ***


Another helpful resource on this is Capt. William Morgan’s book: ‘The mysteries of Free Masonry – Containing All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master’s Lodge’(also referenced with the video)


“Free link to read Captain William Morgan’s book online (and save it)-





* http://restorembi.com/Dave-Uth-mason-false-teacher-report.htm

***(the video was deleted by Google-owned YouTube a few years ago)


Another key article on masons in the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) community
* http://restorembi.com/masons-in-SBC.html


Which brings us back to Ed Stetzer again, who was VP of Lifeway from 2007 to 2016 – Lifeway Books being owned and run by the SBC, so close direct partnerships there with high-level masons in the SBC. Mr. Stetzer is also a visiting research professor at SBTS (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) where Mr. Albert Mohler has been president since 1993.

* Lifeway owned/controlled by SBC - http://www.sbc.net/aboutus/entities/lifeway.asp

* https://baptistnews.com/article/ed-stetzer-leaving-lifeway-for-wheaton-college/#.WonX1oPwaUk

* https://www.christiantoday.com/article/lifeway-director-ed-stetzer-to-head-billy-graham-center-for-evangelism/86246.htm

* https://albertmohler.com/about/

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Mohler


And, another key concern: Mr. Stetzer's training at Beeson Divinity School in cooperation with Samford University, a top Rockefeller-funded and controlled "theological school", on par with the evil "Gordon College" and "Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary". When the Rockefeller family controls a school directly, they significantly alter what the college teaches as “truth” and they twist the Scriptures and downplay it’s accuracy and importance.



Not only does Mr. Stetzer know many of these secret leaders and their secret societies, but he downplays the seriousness of satanic secret societies and their influence on culture, business, and the local and national government offices. Mr. Stetzer even makes light of them when speaking to confuse Christians and to work to get honest followers of Christ to stop watching satan’s evil team so closely. You can hear him do that here in this sermon where he’s pleasantly blaming the congregation of Moody Church (and MBI) and trying to coerce them to pay for a huge debt that the MBI top corrupt leadership did – some note it’s in the $8 Million range, and yet it sure sounded like the total, according to Ed Stetzer is $18 Million. We hope to clarify that very soon. Either way, it’s evil of Mr. Stetzer to blame the people to extort money from them to pay a debt they don’t owe and to help coverup the scandals and rampant sins of the top MBI leadership.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0neOfIXgUA&t=7s


Now, let's talk about Lifeway.

"Vice President of Insights Division

Ed Stetzer oversees all activities of the LifeWay Insights division, including LifeWay Research, Corporate Communications and Ministry Development.

“In this role, he also works with LifeWay’s president to assess opportunities that come directly to the CEO’s office and serves as chief strategic executive leader to discover new ministry opportunities.

Stetzer came to LifeWay in 2007 as director of LifeWay Research and missiologist in residence. Prior to his tenure at LifeWay, Stetzer served as missiologist and senior director of the Center for Missional Research at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) in Atlanta.

“He has planted churches in several states and trained pastors across the United States and on five continents. Stetzer has taught at 14 seminaries and continues to serve as a visiting professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill., and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. Author or co-author of more than a dozen books and numerous other publications, Stetzer is a leading voice among today’s evangelicals. He is a contributing editor or columnist for several national publications, including Christianity Today, Outreach Magazine, and The Christian Post.

“Stetzer earned two master’s degrees and two doctorates, a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and a D.Min. from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Ala.


Lifeway is masonry teaching infiltrating the more conservative churches. So what is one of their leaders doing on Moody's staff? And why was Moody's bookstore replaced with a #FreeMasonry #Lifeway store? That is evil and it needs to be corrected. Lifeway sells many non-Christian materials posing as “Bible studies”, etc. We have personally seen their Sunday School “Bible studies” promote such concerning things as mocking the Bible for “light-hearted fun”, and alters the Book of Ruth – inserting things that are clearly not in the text of Scripture. They also include little phrases and teachings and symbolisms of freemasonry as though it’s synonymous with the Bible.  Maybe others haven’t yet written reports on it, but we’re going to need some people to dig into that. They have at least a few masonic-friendly writers on their curriculum board.


Here are other concerns with LifeWay that I see others talking about:

> http://pulpitandpen.org/2015/01/13/the-boy-who-came-back-from-heaven-recants-story-rebukes-christian-retailers/

> http://pulpitandpen.org/2014/12/29/laying-out-a-simple-strategy-for-the15/


I know this man sounds good to some (he’s just a slick storyteller), but his partnerships and his previous roles and activities show there are some huge concerns here that many need to look into. We encourage all who hear him to become Bereans and dig deeper in your Bibles than he does. Study the Hebrew and Greek - test him. You will find his excuses of sins is meant to spread the leaven of sin in Moody and to try to crash it down further than it has already slid. ~ www.Scripture4all.org and Jay P. Green’s interlinear are two good resources, as is Wuest’s interlinear for digging deeper in the Word of God (the Bible).

> https://religionnews.com/2013/09/19/moody-bible-institute-drops-alcohol-tobacco-ban-employees/

> https://theelephantsdebt.com/2013/10/18/world-magazine-reports-on-jerry-jenkins-gambling-with-james-macdonald-and-connects-this-story-to-the-elephants-debt/

> > https://relevantmagazine.com/current/moody-bible-institute-leadership-resigns-amid-whistleblower-allegations/


In conclusion, Ed Stetzer is working as an agent for Billy Graham, the Rockefellers, and the Vatican – one of the leaders in changing all religions to be one all-inclusive religion, including “mainstream Christianity”,*and* partnering with prominent and high-level Jesuits and Freemasons to help the shutdown of MBI.


So, in conclusion to this section, not only do we have Jesuits working to sabotage and destroy MBI from the inside, but the Jesuits are also running the church and looking for another Jesuit to take Jesuit Lutzer’s place as “senior pastor”. We are speaking up to help others join us in praying against it and speaking out against it. Will you join us? Please will you share this info with everyone you know who can help? Thank you.


Please share this information and these prayer points and concerns with all of the Moody team and alumni you can find. Thank you for watching and praying.


You can find the timeline of scandals that we need your help for here:




Will you join us? Will you help us get the word out so the honest employees can get the corruption fixed and Moody Bible Institute can be restored to its roots and foundation? Please share this everywhere you can. It’s going to take a team – and yes, that includes you. Also, consider writing us – we’d be glad to pray and help as much as we can.


Watching, Preaching, Praying,

servants of Christ,

The FEDBP/INCPU ministry team










