Moody Jesuit Faculty Short bios with links
If you haven’t read our research on the
point-by-point comparison of identical problems caused by Jesuits at Moody’s
schools in Northfield Mount Hermon and in Chicago @ Moody Bible Institute, see link
below. The second important article there shows who C. S. Lewis Study Center
and Catholic Thomas Aquinas College represent in Jesuit discussions.
Point-by-point comparison of identical problems at NMH and MBI
Short Northfield property report
Thorough Northfield Property Report
Bios of Jesuit faculty at Moody Bible Institute/Theological Seminary
Jesuits: Please try to grasp how destructive to
faith each of these persons are. They studied at evil colleges and they promote
evil programs. See our introductory explanations in either of the
MBI-Jesuit-Faculty reports as to why these ecumenical and Jesuit partnerships
are built into the education process of these individuals and why they chose to
turn away from Christ and reject the Bible’s authority as the Word of God. The
educational institutions are explained in our Concerns-on-academia report and
many other reports, but we tried also to include some of those details along
the way in this report. There are more details on many bios in the
MBI-Jesuit-Faculty reports that we could not include here (too lengthy), but
this retains the most offensive decisions and partnerships of Moody faculty and
are fully backed by research that has taken right at six months. If the
evidence is not provided in the links, search the key words – that is all that
we did – besides our decades of listening/learning how these networks partner
with Rome and the devil. We are calling for the removal of all of the faculty
below and God will give wisdom to the Moody family to find faculty who do fear
God and trust and obey His Word only.
Name [@ Jesuit
education; ecumenical partners __ ecumenical partners]
- Education:
- Name: and Faculty
Position at Moody
Jonathan Armstrong [@
known Jesuit Fordham University; By his own admission is a leader in ecumenical
Jesuit-led dialogue with leaders from 21 countries since 2011 for theological
education __ Director of Moody’s Center for Global Theological Education (known
as C-GATE) as a project of Vatican II Council Lausanne Consultation overthrow
of Global Theological Education __ Director of Aqueduct Project through
agreement between Moody’s Bryan O’Neal and several Lausanne interfaith directors
(more in Bryan O’Neal bio) __ Armstrong was Research Assistant to Jesuit CIA
agent Cardinal Avery Dulles S.J., who is nephew of CIA/OSS Director Allen
Dulles who partnered with Harriman Brothers and Prescott Bush (George W.’s
grandfather) in funding the Nazi war machine, stealing from Jewish families,
hiding criminal activity, and smuggling out Nazis after World War 2 __ Besides
the Ph.D., Avery Dulles helped Armstrong also get a special Grant from Fordham
University to University of Erlanger-Nuremburg in the heart of Nazi history and
a second special Grant for further study at Jesuit-led Oxford University
Wycliffe Hall where Armstrong became a full-time theology faculty member in the
year or two before coming to Moody Bible __ Possibly the connection that
brought Jesuit C. S. Lewis Institute (partner of Ravi Zacharias’ program in
Oxford Wycliffe Hall) and/or that brought Catholic Thomas Aquinas College to
Moody’s Northfield, MA; Thomas Aquinas was the 13th Century Dominican
Patristics scholar who wrote thick volumes of Catholic “church” history to
assist cornering separatists and true Christians under Vatican authority
Probably brought the Kern Foundation/Jesuit-founded Acton Institute/Oikonomia
Network connections to Moody Chicago which are led by Sajan Mathews (see
Mathews bio); we say this because Armstrong’s mentor Dulles was a known contributor
in Acton Institute’s research/writings __ Personally mentored by World Council
of Churches partner Wesley Granberg-Michaelson who is involved in
Reformed-Catholic interfaith dialogue to conquer Protestant Evangelicals for
Rome/Pope – which is what Reformed scholars like R. C. Sproul and John Gerstner
used Thomas Aquinas doctrines for __ Armstrong’s education is identical to
Jesuit agent Erwin Lutzer who obtained the level of doctorate at Loyola but
avoided his dissertation so as to not get caught as a full Jesuit. But Lutzer’s
partnerships with Franciscan Jesuit Father Dimitri Sala and other prominent
Jesuits and the books he has written have fully completed him as one of the
worst Jesuits in our country. Lutzer preaches “unity” with the Catholic Church
as the escape from the anti-christ program which Lutzer and Armstrong both know
is just an attempt to make true Christians complicit with all of the horrible
oppressive murderous history of the Vatican power and Inquisitions and Crusades
including the Nazis who were largely Jesuit and Catholic which Jesuit Lutzer
cleverly avoids mentioning. This is why Armstrong is tasked with altering
Moody’s international missions efforts through this Center for Global
Theological Education project and his Aqueduct Project – to attempt to ensnare
Moody’s missionaries into partnering with the Vatican for world dominance __ There
is so much to say on Armstrong’s connections - see more in full bio]
- Education:
Cornerstone University (current President is Jesuit Joseph Stowell), Jesuit-led
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and M.A. and Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) in “Church History” at openly Jesuit Fordham University (in
New York – Jesuit usurper “President” Donald Trump is also an alumnus).
- Jonathan
Armstrong is Moody Bible Institute Director of Center for Global
Theological Education trying to spread his evil philosophy as far as possible.
Armstrong is/was Associate Professor of Bible/Theology at MBI Spokane.
James Spencer [@
Jesuit-led Harvard University and @
Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Vice President of MBI and a prominent spokesperson/cover-up
agent for the Jesuit overthrow during the shutting down of Moody Spokane campus
and cutting of 1/3 of Moody full-time faculty __ Spencer was Dean of Moody
Distance Learning which was handed to Bryan O’Neal so O’Neal could partner both
with James Spencer in his new Jesuit retreat Northfield Mission Center project
and with Jonathan Armstrong in C-GATE and the Aqueduct Project for Vatican
overthrow of Global Theological Education __ Spencer is now Moody Online
Director of Strategic Development for new Northfield Mission Center project as
an interfaith Jesuit “Body, Mind, and Spirit Retreat Center” which actually
claims Catholic Thomas Aquinas College as its “Mind” (in The Moody Center promo
for the new NMC project). This is important because Thomas Aquinas is the
scholar used by Reformed Evangelical scholars to undo the Reformation to force
us back under Rome/Vatican authorities. Jesuit Erwin Lutzer, former pastor of
The Moody Church, calls this partnership with two Catholic-led Thomas Aquinas
inspired institutions – C. S. Lewis Center and Catholic Thomas Aquinas College
– “Standing Where D. L. Moody Stood and Reviving His Legacy”, which he knows is
not even slightly true – but is spoken as a true Jesuit who “evangelizes” by
forcing people back under the Pope
Spencer is a mentor with Tommy Lee’s Resource Global – a partner of Kern/ Acton
Faith, Work, and Economics program (more in Sajan Mathews bio) __ Commission on
Accreditation member with Bryan O’Neal for Association of Biblical Higher
Education which is requiring Jesuit Spiritual Formation to be taught at MBI (more
in William Thrasher bio) __ Spncer is adjunct faculty at Right on Mission led
by Jesuit Harvard United Nations “global Change Agent” Sarah Sumner (that is
what she calls herself) who is former staff at Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek __
Partner in the cover-up of sale of half of Moody’s Chicago property which
includes Residence Halls – Spencer said that a shortage of residence dorms was
the cause of so few students being selected to Moody Bible Institute (see more
in Northfield Short Report point #9 or Moody NMH MBI Comparison point #1) __
There is so much more to say about Spencer’s partnerships as well as about the
C. S. Lewis Distinguished Fellows – see more in full bio]
- Education: Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit-led Trinity International University, M.A. from
Jesuit-led Wheaton College, a M.Div. from Moody Theological Seminary, and
certificate from Jesuit-led Harvard Institute for Education Management.
- James Spencer was
Vice-President and Dean of MBI Distance Learning (online and non-traditional
learning) since 2012, then was Vice-President and Dean of Moody Bible Institute
(2016). Spencer is now Online Director of Strategic Development for Northfield
Mission Center.
Sajan Mathews [@
ecumenical Prairie Graduate School
and @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School __ Elder in Brethren
Church __ Moody Theological Seminary Professor of Systematic Theology and
Director of Moody Bible’s Kern/Acton Institute Faith, Work, and Economics
studies. Their partners include Oikonomia Network, Tommy Lee’s Resource Global
for business mentoring, Bilderberg-think-tank American Enterprise Institute, Acton
Institute founded by Jesuit Paulist Fathers, Billy Graham’s Christianity Today
International, Lausanne-partner - The Gospel Coalition, most major evangelical
seminaries and Seattle Pacific University who hosts the John Perkins’ Center
(CCDA and Lausanne America founder), David Kotter who is Dean of Theology at
Colorado Christian University’s Centennial Institute host of the Western
Conservative Summit where Grace To You’s John MacArthur stumped for the Donald
Trump campaign (Trump spoke also at this event), and finally Art Lindsley of the
Institute for Faith, Work and Economics who previously was Director of C. S.
Lewis Institute and R. C. Sproul’s Ligonier Valley Study Center which was an
American L’Abri following Jesuit Kingdom-dominionism of Francis Schaeffer/Bill
Bright/Loren Cunningham in the Swiss heart of United Nations power
The purpose of Oikonomia Network is to collect all Freemason/Jesuit-led
Protestant power to control the four largest sectors of society on behalf of
the Vatican – 1. all Church-life, 2. all Home-life, 3. all Business, and 4. all
Government to be directed/guided by Vatican directives and Jesuit control grids
__ That is a simplified program of Kingdom Dominionism built on seven mountains/spheres
(notice the anti-christ reference there) that Schaeffer explained as 1. all Religion,
2. all Family, 3. all Education, 4. all Government, 5. all Media, 6. all Arts
and Entertainment, 7. all Business __ This is why Mark Jobe promotes himself as
helping God’s “Kingdom Come: Unleashing Heaven on Earth” and calls Christ “King
Jesus” by which he approves the Pope’s purpose of forcing God’s Kingdom and
then handing it off to the anti-christ and pretending that he is the return of
Christ. They want our whole lives, our whole country and our whole future for the
Pope and the Jesuit murderers/crusaders toward anti-christ new world order, so
let’s learn this lesson well so we can kick out the infiltrators/usurpers and
remain non-Catholic and pro-Bible __ more about Oikonomia Network and F,W,E in
full bio]
- Education:
prestigious, historic University of Madras in India, as well as ecumenical
Prairie Graduate School, and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) Jesuit-led
Trinity Evangelical Divinity. Prairie Graduate school hosts Anglicans,
Christian and Missionary Alliance, Evangelical Free Church, Anabaptist,
Wesleyan, and Reformed leadership. Ralph Winter – President of the U.S. Center
for World Missions (actually are being used as Catholic Crusades) – is a notably
dangerous graduate of Prairie Graduate.
- Sajan Mathews is
Professor of Systematic Theology at MBI/MTS as well as Program Director of the
Faith, Work, and Economics (FW&E) Initiative with a grant from Kern
Foundation (the Generac company owners).
-“Brother Mathews” is Evangelist and Elder of New Life Bible Chapel and his wife “Sister
Grace Mathews” was Spiritual Integration Lab facilitator for women’s
studies at Moody Theological Seminary and is now Coordinator for the
Student Wives Fellowship at MBI since 2010. Both Sajan and Grace Mathews
have spoken at the Indian Brethren Families Conference.
Chris Brooks [@
Jesuit-led Biola University and @ Jesuit-led Harvard University; Brooks is an Acton
Institute Fellow – founded by the Jesuit order of Catholic Paulist Fathers -
which is a partner with Faith, Work, and Economics program at Moody Theological
Seminary; To explain how powerful the Paulist Fathers are – they were the first
Catholic community ever placed in America in the 1700s because they tried to
sound Protestant and were in charge of interfaith relationships before the
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity existed; even now they lead
pro-life, theological, and interfaith dialogue constantly in religious settings
and through their media wing The Broken Halo with Dave Dwyer; the goal of Acton
Institute is to write apologetic arguments for the open partnerships between “free-market”
global corporations and the networks of inter-religious dialogue to improve global
“democracy” __ Brooks is Executive Pastor of Evangel Ministries/Woodside Bible
Church after being mentored his whole life by Senior Pastors George Bogle/Doug
Schmidt who are top Jesuit leadership in Detroit. Detroit is a powerful Jesuit
hub with two Jesuit high-schools, one Jesuit college – University of
Detroit-Mercy, a former Chief of Police/Deputy Mayor who is a Jesuit Father,
and a special Jesuit church because they already infiltrated all of the others,
so the extra Jesuits needed their own Jesuit church. In fact, the former Jesuit
Provincial over Chicago-Detroit district of Jesuit command is now President of
the entire U.S. Jesuit Conference (more in John Restum bio) __ Brooks is a
ministry partner of Jesuit ecumenical Detroit ministry networks such as inner-city
trouble youth ecumenical program and community action/prayer programs __
Faculty of Summit Ministries along with Josh McDowell and Moody’s Christopher
Yuan, Winfred Neely, and Matt Heard (who was a Moody Pastor of Singles/Evangelism
then founded Moody’s sister mega-weed “church” Park Community and now is Lead
Pastor in place of Joel Hunter who is a partner and friend of John Fuder’s
friend Noel Castellanos – see more in John Fuder bio) __ Lecturer for interfaith
spokesperson Ravi Zacharias in his Urban Ministries & in the Centurions
Program of Chuck Colson __ Co-director of Detroit Council of 50 and Evangelical
Pastors Network (that is what they call it) with Doug Schmidt __ Possibly the
connection that brought Jesuit C. S. Lewis Institute to Moody’s Northfield, MA
and possibly is the connection that brought Kern Foundation/Acton Institute to
Moody Chicago, since he is a fellow of the Acton Institute __ (Re)Founder of
Detroit Bible College after collapse of William Tyndale College]
- Education: MA Biola
(Bible Institute of Los Angeles) University (which is Moody Bible’s equivalent
in L.A.), additional certificates from Jesuit Harvard Institute for Management
and Leadership in Education and from Ravi Zacharias’ Oxford Centre for
Christian Apologetics (OCCA) at Wycliffe Hall (where Jonathan Armstrong was on
theology faculty in 2007).
- Chris Brooks is
Moody Theological Seminary Dean of Michigan campus.
John Fuder [@
ecumenical Prairie Graduate School
and @ Pepperdine University and @ Jesuit-led Biola University; Fuder is Dean of
Global Cohorts for Tommy Lee’s business mentorship program called Resource
Global. Lee is a partner with Moody’s Kern Foundation Faith, Work, & Economics
which is a Roman Catholic attempt to conquer American Protestant freedoms
through Jesuit leadership over all aspects of human life; Fuder is a top
interfaith community organizer in Chicago with Vatican II Council’s program
called Lausanne Movement; Fuder’s Jesuit co-authors and partners are Phil
Miglioratti, Tony Danhelka, Joseph Stowell, Gene Crum, John Perkins’ Christian
Community Development Association (CCDA) leaders, Bill Bright’s Campus Crusade
leaders, and World Vision Canada __ Miglioratti was director of Erwin Lutzer
and Franciscan Father Dimitri Sala’s Pastor Network called G11 Gatekeepers and
has served as Chief Operating Officer of Lausanne’s Mission America Council
(now called Table Coalition under Nick Hall – see more in Winfred Neely bio) as
well as Co-Chair of the interfaith program called Chicago Explore God 2019 that
was used in more than 800 churches (see more in our Chicago-Explore-God-report
or in our Northfield-Short-Report point #1) __
John Perkins and Bill Bright were co-founders of the Lausanne Mission
America Council with Billy Graham in 1995; Perkins also founded the Christian
Community Development Association which is a sister organization to Mark Jobe’s
New Life Centers (see more in our Mark Jobe report)
Fuder’s books and networking is endorsed by Steve Roa of U. S. Center for World
Missions whose founder Ralph Winters is also a graduate of Prairie Graduate as
is Moody’s Sajan Mathews who leads Moody’s Faith Work and Economics __ Fuder’s
students who are fans call him the modern D. L. Moody based only on Fuder’s
community networking and social programs though he does not preach against sin or
organize events to share the gospel or equip others to understand and teach the
Bible on practical every-day life __ Fuder attended (and his book was a
resource for) the 2010 Lausanne III Cape Town Commitment which was the third
Lausanne covenant since the original in 1974 (the second was in Manila,
Philippines 1989) __ Fuder has co-authored two books with Obama advisor Noel
Castellanos, a close friend of Obama’s spiritual advisor Joel Hunter who was
disgraced by welcoming LGBTQ into Northland Church and then appointed as the
new lead pastor his long-time friend in the Orlando spiritual mafia Matt Heard,
who is a former Moody Church Singles/Evangelism Pastor; Castellanos was a
long-time board member and then President of John Perkins’ Christian Community
Development Association to control inner-city social ministries with Vatican
Lausanne agendas; this is exactly the same work that John Fuder does __ Fuder
is founder of Pray Chicago and Together Chicago which are two ecumenical and
interfaith religious programs to assist the Catholics and Jesuits in
controlling all of Chicago’s churches also through Miglioratti’s Pastors
Network and Tommy Lee’s Resource Global and World Vision, which holds the
highest status of United Nations consultation world-wide __ With all of these
notably ecumenical and interfaith partners, how is John Fuder still a professor
at Moody, much less being called a modern D. L. Moody?]
- Education: Prairie Bible College
(more in Sajan Mathews bio), MA in Religion from Pepperdine U., and Doctorate
in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from Biola University.
- John Fuder was Professor of Urban
Evangelism Studies at Moody Theological Seminary and now is adjunct Professor.
more in Mark Jobe Report
Ashish Varma [M.A.
and Ph.D. @ Jesuit-led Wheaton
College; Varma’s assistant Amar Peterman attended Interfaith Youth Core’s
Leadership Institute with his approval __ Peterman learned that all of the
world’s religions were already working together to solve the world’s problems
and was surprised that Evangelical Christians had the audacity to avoid “helping”
by choosing to boycott interfaith work. Obviously Peterman is ignoring the fact
that false religions were created to allow sins and evils that Creator God was
not condoning. So this “togetherness” is really just avoidance of real truths
that would solve problems and instead they double the contradictions and evil
power-struggles __ Varma teaching at Moody and having his assistant involved in
Interfaith Dialogue carries out Erwin Lutzer’s purpose started in Parliament of
World Religions 1993 “Unite or Perish” to try to force the Moody Christian
family into interfaith partnerships led by Catholics/Jesuits to save the world
from global problems that are caused/maintained by the Catholics/Jesuits who
then want to be the solution to the very problems they forced
Varma was raised Hindu and is still very likely a closet Henotheistic Hindu
based on his life and teaching – we thought this even before we knew about Amar
Peterman __ Ashish Varma views his teaching to his students as interfaith
dialogue based on his own words in his introduction to his students where he
says “What really excites me about training the next generation of ministry
leaders is the opportunity to creatively wrestle while being faithful with
where the church has come from as we engage in new possibilities in the world”
– by which he means training interfaith “community” leaders over a new world
order __ This also makes sense with why Varma initially said he could not sign
the Chicago Biblical inerrancy statement and did not agree with a
“correspondence view of truth” until an unnamed Jesuit faculty friend such as
Bryan O’Neal explained to him a way of thinking about it that allowed him to say
he could agree to sign it (see more in Bryan O’Neal bio and John Jelinek bio)
__ Varma is also possibly the unnamed Moody Distance Learning Professor who
personally believes that Adam and Eve had soul-less brutish ape-like
predecessors whom Cain married – otherwise perhaps it was David Rim who was
caught and removed already __ David Rim and Ashish Varma were the two
professors that Julie Roys and Rich Weber named in the original questions about faculty who did not
believe the Bible]
- Education: Two M.A.’s in
Theological Studies and History of Christianity and a Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Jesuit-led Wheaton College.
- Ashish Varma is Moody Professor of
Theology (Philosophy, Systematic Theology, and Apologetics) at Moody Bible
Institute with Amar Peterman as his assistant. Timothy Heyward and Amar
Peterman are the Moody students who
connected with Interfaith Student Council and are hoping to raise
awareness of the need for Interfaith cooperation to solve the world’s problems
caused by the abuses and lack of moral truth of the very same networks with
Jesuit and Roman Catholic guidance world-wide since the 1500’s. This is
following Jesuit Erwin Lutzer’s example in attending the 1993 Parliament of
World Religions whose theme was “Unite or Perish”, because satanists
increase/maintain the world’s problems to discredit God as being unwilling or
unable to help (pretending that God does not exist or else is the source of
evil – something that Jesuit Lutzer also promotes in his expose about Hitler)
until the world agrees that God seems as bankrupt as all of man’s false
Rosalie De Rosset [@ ecumenical Bryan
College where her parents were on faculty/staff and @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical
and M.A. in English at Northeastern Illinois University and Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy of Language, Literacy, and Rhetoric from University of Illinois at
Chicago; Rosalie De Rosset is a bigger problem than the Christians think she is
– like a queen hornet trying to establish a hive – Rosset has the longest term
as faculty member @ Moody Bible Institute – since 1969, which shows that she is
the most consistent partner in Erwin Lutzer’s Jesuit take-over at Moody. Rosset
has seen all of the steps along the way since back when Lutzer was still going
through Jesuit philosophy training at Loyola University and before he was a
pastor at The Moody Church. And Rosset knows all the secrets of MBI/MTS
faculty/ leadership/ students through the decades and she hides the truth of
the Jesuit attacks and sins and crimes with the skills of European royalty/
Jesuit Mothers like the satanist Queen Elizabeth II does for her Anglican
Jesuit kingdom that has partnered for centuries in the Vatican’s modern
Crusades (Jesuit operations through colonialism and sharing Freemason
enlightenment only to the leaders who will partner with them) until the sun
never set on Britain’s “kingdom” which it has ruled on behalf of Rome – a
kingdom which secretly still includes America. For example, Queen Elizabeth’s
personal Jesuit Chaplain John Stott was co-founder of Lausanne International
with Billy Graham to control international missions under the Vatican
operatives. On a local scale in the Moody Bible family, Rosalie’s role has been
to weave stories and social networks on campus that make the Catholic Jesuit
attack seem like unintended consequences or even just coincidences which has
somehow worked since the Jesuits were never really caught and removed by the
alumni and friends of the Moody evangelical community until now it is just
starting to come to light.
This is the truth behind why Lutzer stepped down from The Moody Church – his
Jesuits are now getting caught (which he must avoid at all costs) and he is
pledged to serve a higher international Jesuit role in the threats they are
making against the United States and our Christian missionary work if we refuse
to submit to Roman Catholic authority in control of our government. Rosset has
served the Jesuits almost perfectly in guarding all of Erwin Lutzer’s friends
around campus __ Now Pamela MacRae is being personally mentored this year by
Jill Briscoe – who is a 40-year Jesuit partner of Billy Graham on his trustee
boards etc – in order to take Rosset’s role when it comes time that she must
retire __ Rosset is a Gifted For Leadership writer and Editorial Advisor for Billy
Graham’s Christianity Today
If it wasn’t clear that Rosset has top-level Jesuit social/public relations
director status at Moody based on her education alone, it is certainly clear
when you see all of the Jesuits and Jesuit-partners that she recommends and
reprints __ Rosset is Senior Editor for Moody Classics which includes her
re-prints of Jesuit Catholic priest Henri Nouwen and pre-Jesuit Catholic
Fathers Thomas A. Kempis and St. Augustine. Thomas Kempis laid the groundwork
for the Spiritual Exercises so that Jesuit order’s founder Ignatius Loyola
studied his writings consistently in designing his governing and philosophies
which then inspired Heinrich Himmler (nephew of a prominent Jesuit Canon at the
Court of Bavaria) to found the Nazi Gestapo based on these principles of the
Jesuit order __ St. Augustine laid the ground-work for Islam to take over in
Africa and the Middle East by spreading hostility against the Jewish people and
by organizing international Catholic councils to argue which doctrines would
best control the regions. Muhammad, the founder of Islam 180 years later,
studied St. Augustine’s writings and was personally mentored by Catholic
priests and married the wealthy merchant cousin of one of those priests __
Henri Nouwen was trained by Jesuits in the Hague (Netherlands seat of
government which now houses the International Criminal Court), then became
scholar-in-residence at the Pope’s Pontifical North American College in Rome,
Italy, and was a Fellow at the Ecumenical Institute and served as professor
also at Notre Dame and at Jesuit-led Universities Yale and Harvard. Nouwen is
lauded for his frequent speaking to Anglican and Evangelical audiences
evangelizing for the Pope, which is exactly what Jesuits do in peace-time in
any Protestant country __ Rosset also recommends works by other prominent
Jesuit spokespeople such as Eric Metaxas, C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, J. I.
Packer, Os Guinness, James Dobson, and Chuck Colson. In summation, Rosalie De
Rosset is an expert spokesperson for the Jesuit take-over of Moody and America
and she is skilled as a cover-up agent and United Nations Change Agent]
- Education:
ecumenical (William Jennings) Bryan College, Northeastern Illinois State
University, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Jesuit-led Trinity
Evangelical Divinity.
- Rosalie De Rosset
has just celebrated 50 years at Moody Bible Institute since 1969 as Professor
of Literature, English, and Homiletics. Literature is a broad path to every
evil fiction and teaching in world history.
Brian Kammerzelt [@ Jesuit-led Trinity International University; Former Professor of
Media and Society at known Jesuit Loyola University __ Self-proclaimed
“Romance” expert who allows all types of sexual sins and talk other than
assault __ Chair of Communications at MBI and a dangerously skilled Jesuit
Psychologist who diligently avoids calling anything sin and promotes
human-centered philosophy for success/self-preservation as the focus of most of
his work __ Believes in interfaith cooperation for a nation built on shared
morality since he says religion is the foundation of morality – meaning new world
order. The plan for the new order is to reject separation of personal and
public life in attempt to make an openly religious bully system to enforce
“morality” except that each religion has its own “morality” to enforce in its
segregated region or group. Those groups are led by interfaith leaders who can
partner with other faiths in implementing new religious rules/ social changes/
carbon-tax rules/ health-eugenics rules/ segregating rules/ digital data and
security rules/ police abuses/ and so many other United Nations-appointed hypocritical
rules they intend to keep making and imposing worse still until they control
literally everything about a person’s life __ Legacy Chicago Minister with specialty
emphasis on his Jesuit theology of communications and interfaith culture __
Contributing author to Charisma Magazine’s younger partner Relevant Magazine __
Signer on at least one ecumenical statement on the Clean Air Act and Mercury
air pollution __ Spoke at Chapel at Jesuit-run Judson University
Kammerzelt says in his articles that he has always been a confidante to many
friends after they have been in immoral situations, but mostly only admits to
knowing stories involving friends who were assaulted. Kammerzelt also says he
was the friend of a popular guy in school who assaulted other youth and was
sentenced to juvenile detention. Kammerzelt says he didn’t know that was
happening but that he and the friend always went together places to meet girls
and that people questioned him because of it. We assume that Kammerzelt’s
telling of these stories is his way of inviting victims of assault and
remorseful students who were involved in immoral activity as well as “snitches”
to come talk to him, because he will know how to cover-up sins and protect the
rebellion and minimize the information to “help” them and be a “friend” to
them. This is an interesting choice of leadership positioning on campus since
there has been an undercurrent/ underground network (doing their worst
activities off-campus mostly) of homosexuality and immoral activities present
at Moody campus since at least the early 1980’s with a secret approval from the
leadership. There are also clear testimonies of Moody students who are offended
by the crude joking and conversations etc that are happening around campus
frequently. We are convinced that Kammerzelt knows these activities and “helps”
hide them as a “friend” to those who confess to him or tell him their concerns.
This is the true work of a old-school Jesuit confessor (in Europe or among
royalty) – who receives confessions on behalf of the Catholic Church and then
doles out methods of penance and absolution; they are known from history to be
very disgusting. Kammerzelt’s promoting/enticing students into sexual sins is a
strong tool of the devil to ruin Moody Bible institute; sexually perverted
Bible teachers are strongly condemned in 2 Peter 2 and Jude __ Kammerzelt is a
second-tier Jesuit partner to collect data for Rosset, and there are definitely
other professors who fill this role also]
- Education: Computer
Information Systems B.S. from Bradley University, M.A. from Trinity
International University.
- Brian Kammerzelt is
Chair and Assistant Professor of Communications at MBI.!92e0d
Gregg Quiggle [Jesuit myth-maker and “Official Historian” for Moody Bible
Institute on the Life of Dwight Lyman Moody; Quiggle is B.A. Jesuit
Psychologist from Jesuit-led Wheaton, also has M.A. from both Jesuit-led
Wheaton and openly Jesuit Marquette University in Church/Theological History
__ Quiggle believes that Vatican II and the Jesuit-led Charismatic movement
(founded in Rome in 1906) were helpful for dialogue between Catholic and
Protestant leaders. It works for them that both movements confuse God’s truth
__ Quiggle
promotes/lauds Billy Graham’s and John Stott’s Lausanne movement as if it were
based on Dwight Moody’s example of ministering in England/Scotland with
Anglican ministers. But actually Stott was personal Anglican Jesuit Chaplain to
the highest satanist in Britain – Queen Elizabeth II and Billy Graham was
personal friend of Pope John Paul II (who called him sincerely his “brother”)
since 1977 when Bill Bright and Billy Graham partnered in Krakow with then
Archbishop Karol Wojtyla and Graham filled his pulpit on the day that Wojtyla
was appointed Pope John Paul II
Quiggle likes to serve as fake Protestant opposition in media and debates with
Jesuits/Catholic “evangelists” in order to give them a voice on Protestant
Evangelical platforms to open the door to interfaith dialogue as Erwin Lutzer
is doing. “Evangelists” from the Roman Catholic religion are just preaching
forced submission to the Pope. One example of this is with Julie Roys’ former
show at Moody called Up For Debate in which she welcomed Devin Rose of St.
Joseph’s Vanguard one time where Quiggle and Roys hesitantly agreed that his
speech sounds almost Evangelical “born-again” __ Jesuit Quiggle pretends – just
as Jesuit Erwin Lutzer is also doing – that St. Thomas Aquinas-inspired C. S.
Lewis Institute (which is led by Roman Catholics and many Jesuits, Anglicans,
and partners of Lausanne, Rockefellers, and satanic Fellowship Foundation in
D.C.) on Moody property restores Moody’s Biblical foundation there __ Considers
Carl F. H. Henry to be a hero and was glad to meet his son Congressman Paul
Henry who recommended that Quiggle teach an apologetics course at Moody open to
the public
In Quiggle’s Ph.D., he makes a word-smith’s effort to reshape Moody’s work as a
social program rather than just gospel preaching for example he states that
Moody “never fully embraced the Calvanistic goal of a righteous republic” and
“Thus from Moody’s perspective, political or structural reforms divorced from
evangelism were ultimately doomed to fail”. In another example, rather than
recognize that Moody got his theology from the Bible and talking with God,
Quiggle suggest Moody’s theology came from personal circumstances, experiences,
and temperament. Quiggle also quotes authors who frame Moody’s social views as
if discussions about industrialization, immigration, and urbanization were
against the gospel and that Moody’s purpose of ministry was reactionary to
socio-economics. We are absolutely confident that Moody’s focus was on the
gospel and ministry perhaps to a neglect of some social topics, but to frame
him as reactionary or pridefully self-centered or ignorant is quite hurtful.
And certainly, Moody was not agreeable to building a false kingdom on earth as
if it were for God – as the Catholics and Jesuits like Quiggle pretend it is.]
- Education: Jesuit
Psychology (BA) Wheaton College and an MA from both Wheaton College and
openly-Jesuit Marquette University in Church and Theological History. Quiggle
earned a PhD at Open University in U.K. with a Doctoral Thesis on the subject
of Dwight Moody’s Urban Social Vision which he sees closer to Mark Jobe’s and
Lausanne’s vision which is nothing like D. L. Moody’s actual gospel work.
- Gregg Quiggle is
Professor of Theology and Dean of Moody Study Abroad program. Quiggle has
taught at Moody Bible for 32 years.
- Gregg Quiggle is
the Official Historian and spokesperson on the life of D. L. Moody for MBI for
example in the book A Legacy of
Preaching which includes Catholic “Fathers” - St, Augustine and St.
Francis of Assisi, Jesuit founder of the first attempt at World Council of
Churches Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Four Square Pentecostal founder Aimee Semple
McPherson, Catholic-led Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell, and Jesuit 33
degree Freemason “Evangelist” Billy Graham and Anglican Chaplain/advisor to
Queen Elizabeth II Mr. John Stott CBE who are both founders of the Jesuit
Lausanne Movement for Vatican II Council partnership (Moody’s Jonathan
Armstrong also contributed a chapter on the life of Ephrem the Syrian Deacon
and mystic hymnographer who wrote against heresies).
Bryan O’Neal [M.A., Ph.D. @ Purdue University; Associate Provost which is a role
that puts him in charge of the spiritual foundation and Biblical accuracy of
the entire of Moody Bible Institute teaching, but as we show here, he does not
believe God’s Word and even defends Muslim’s beliefs as an equal voice to
historic Christian theology on knowledge of God’s thinking __ Replaced James
Spencer as Dean of Moody Distance Learning so that Spencer could work on the
Northfield Mission project; nominated Jonathan Armstrong to be future Director
of Aqueduct Project in the planning (Dallas Gathering) conversations with Brad
Smith of Bakke Graduate University (Ray Bakke mentors Mark Jobe) and Darrell
Bock of Dallas Theological and Manfred Kohl who is a leader of Lausanne
Movement since before the 1966 Berlin event started the international project
__ Debater with prominent Atheist Dan Barker at Loyola University and Unitarian
Universalist platforms in Chicago and Florida
__ Debates also with Chicago Tribune’s Eric
Zorn articles – in which O’Neal particularly stated in 2014 discussion that the
flood could be “figurative or mythical”. The primary reasons O’Neal gave for
why he couldn’t agree that it is mythical is that it would raise the question
of why would Christians tell stories to scare people into good behavior and
secondly because he says Jesus and New Testament writers “seem to regard it as
historical”. At a late point in the email exchanges, O’Neal answers Zorn’s
question about whether God knew “that his first iteration of mankind would go
so wrong that he’d have to summarily destroy… life on earth?” O’Neal’s response
is “Yes. At least I think so. I think the large majority of historic and
contemporary Christian theology agrees with me, but I recognize that there is a
minority voice in opposition. And of course, I don’t speak for Jews and Muslims
who also confess the accuracy of the Biblical text.” This was still touted by
Moody staff as a strong defense of the Bible being the inerrant, inspired Word
of God
O’Neal does not believe the Word of God to be infallible and given and
preserved to us by God, and he covers for so many other faculty who think
similarly saying that the accusations about MBI allowing faculty members who
deny the authority of the Word of God are “false. All of our faculty affirm
inerrancy annually when they sign their annual contract. It’s explicit… There
is no drift. It is always possible that an individual within an institution
does drift or lean, and then that has to be examined and corrected.” __ So
O’Neal gets all faculty to sign the inerrancy statement by which all faculty who
do not believe in God’s Word are found lying to the Holy Spirit __ But then
just to be sure this lie sounds believable, O’Neal co-wrote Standing Firm: The
Doctrinal Commitments of Moody Bible Institute with John Jelinek who is Interim
Provost __ They also added an additional factor to confuse everything by now
requiring faculty to sign onto the ecumenical Jesuit-written Chicago Biblical
inerrancy statement which O’Neal said is only one definition of inerrancy which
is an admission that he is allowing faculty their personal loopholes __ It is
very telling that O’Neal could consider Muslims as defenders of the “accuracy
of the Biblical text”. That tells us everything we need to know, since the
Quran actually rewrites the flood account and also the creation account in at
least three ways (besides many other passages of Scripture that it rewrites).
The Quran says that God told Noah to take more than the eight named. And
regarding Creation, the Quran says God used a sexual element in the making of
Adam; the Quran created a lie about God requiring all the angels to bow before
Adam and that the angel “Iblis” disobeyed (a lie which was adopted by Kabbalah
Judaism), and that God creates all souls and introduces Himself to them up
there and makes them swear that they know who He is and that they understand
that He will judge them in the after-life before He places them into a body on
earth. Furthermore, in dozens of places, the Quran accuses the Jews and
Christians (meaning Catholics) of changing the Scriptures to serve their own
interests (and so the Quran retells the story with their alteration from the
True God-given Scriptures), thereby repudiating the accuracy of the Biblical
Text – contrary to what O’Neal has said. If that doesn’t do enough to show
O’Neal to be an interfaith spiritual overseer (provost), there’s probably
plenty more to see or hear
Former Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Evangelical Theological Society Midwest
and has networked in ecumenical conversations with Jesuits such as from Loyola
__ Presbyterian Church planter and friend of Mid-America Reformed Seminary
staff Alan Strange __ Member of 2019-2023 Commission on Accreditation of the
Association for Biblical Higher Education, nominated by James Spencer (more in
James Spencer bio) – this is the accreditation program requiring Jesuit
Spiritual Formation to be taught at Moody Bible Institute __ There is actually
far more on all of this in the full bio with the quotes from the very long
conversations etc.]
- Education: Master
and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Purdue University.
- Bryan O’Neal is
former Moody Professor of Philosophy then Vice President/Dean of Moody Distance
Learning, and is now Vice President and Associate Provost of Academic Affairs
and Assessment as well as faculty development and educational innovation.
Bryan Litfin [@
Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas
Theological and @ University of Virginia; Son of Duane Litfin, a popular former
President of Wheaton College who is a close partner with Moody in conferences
and community events. Duane has Jesuit Doctorates from Purdue University (where
we got Bryan O’Neal from) and Jesuit-led Oxford University in Britain. Duane
was previously a Professor at Free-mason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary
after being a student there in classes with Jesuit Erwin Lutzer who mentored
him in Homiletics class of Dr. Haddon Robinson. Both Duane and Bryan Litfin
were contributors to Proclaiming Jesus: Essays on the Centrality of Christ in
the Church in Honor of Joseph M. Stowell (who was also a student at the time of
Lutzer and Litfin at DTS and knew them a little and Stowell has also served on
the Board of Trustees for Wheaton College)
Bryan Litfin is a “Protestant Patristics Scholar” which is the study of almost
entirely Catholic Church Fathers. Litfin is author of Getting To Know The
Church Fathers 2007 book for Evangelicals to accept and get used to the “authority”
of Catholic Church Fathers, though he avoids the history that shows all of the
deadly threats and torture, Inquisitions and heresy hunts, and constant
oppression. By doing this, Litfin joins his hand in the interfaith dialogue
that the Roman Catholic Church is leading as he tries to convince Protestants
that most of our beliefs from the Bible are held in common with the Vatican
authorities. But he knows quite well that the Vatican adjusts/adapts to
whatever religion it is trying to infiltrate and control for worse plans of the
devil. The Scripture clearly says that it should be no surprise that the
devil’s worst partners pretend to be the best angels of light/truth/honesty,
since that is what the devil himself does. In this book Litfin says (for
example) “We are small figures inevitably carried forward by the weight of the
holy catholic church, whose sails are filled by the mighty wind of the Holy
Litfin was the professional host of the “Evangelical and Catholic Ecumenical
Dialogue” on Moody Bible campus in 2013 with Erwin Lutzer’s close friend John
Armstrong from Wheaton College and Jesuit Father Robert Barron – a Thomas
Aquinas Catholic scholar __ Litfin is a member of The Gospel Coalition which is
a Lausanne Vatican II partner __ Litfin was inspired to write religious fiction
by Catholic J. R. R. Tolkien (among other similar Jesuit inspirations) who is
one of the most subtly anti-semitic and anti-christ voices speaking for satan
that has ever been accepted by “Christians” as harmless fiction as he entirely
rewrote the prophecies of Ezekiel and Revelation to make the anti-christ a hero]
- Education: Dallas Theological
Seminary and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) in ancient church history
at University of Virginia.
- Bryan Litfin is Professor of
Theology at MBI
Marcus Johnson [@
Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and @ Jesuit-partnered
University of Toronto; Deacon of The Episcopal Church of the Church of England
__ Apologist for Roman Catholic dogmas/emphases, Catholic Catechism, Vatican II
Council rewrites, and for using historical narrative to shape most
disagreements between the Pope and true Christians as old and unnecessary __
Laying the ground-work for interfaith dialogue __ Writes arguments to shape
future interfaith dialogue with Vatican __ Johnson liberally quotes from Thomas
Torrance who was an organizer for World Council of Churches and
Reformed-Catholic dialogue __ Theologian friend with many people who are
artificially changing the conversation for Jesuit Roman Catholic benefit to
sneak in among us pretending that the Catholic “Church” really did change their
heart of unbelief and antagonism toward Christians __ Marcus was raised Roman
Catholic, then transitioned to Lutheran then settled in The Episcopal Church –
of The Church of England and is a Episcopal Deacon etc. __ Johnson has spoken
at events alongside Episcopal scholars including his church’s Rector Amy Peeler
who is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Jesuit-led Wheaton College
Marcus Johnson writing on behalf of the Calvin Theological Journal wrote a
review of the book Is The Reformation Over? By Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom in
which they argue that the theological differences have reduced between the
Catholic Church and Reformed Protestants and no longer involve discussions of
how to be saved, but only relate to how the church functions. In Johnson’s
review, he says, “Noll and Nystrom have provided a clear, cogent, and
evenhanded presentation of their topic, particularly to be commended for its
attention to the historical circumstances that shape religious antagonism… This
book is recommended as an admirable example of a well-balanced, reasonable,
historically sensitive, and sympathetic call for ecumenical engagement and
appreciation.” In other words, Johnson believes it is time to figure out how to
reverse the Reformation, as we will show through his other writings and
endorsements and partnerships.
Johnson and Clark begin their book with their inspiration from John Williamson
Nevin. John Nevin is the close colleague and defender of Philip Schaff in their
Mercersburg Theology who agreed with Roman Catholic doctrines such as infant
baptism (as a step toward salvation), “spiritual real participation” presence
of Christ consumed with the sacraments (as taught by St. Augustine and Martin
Luther, though not a belief in substance change of the sacraments), the
principle of church authority given to Peter to be expressed through a Federal
or Confederate Union of “Christian” denominations (though he didn’t quite agree
to Papal succession from Peter), and a mystic union between Christ and all His followers
toward a Catholic human kingdom (though he supposedly didn’t believe that flesh
and blood could inherit the kingdom of God). Philip Schaff spoke at the 1893
Parliament of World Religions promoting these teachings from a Protestant
Presbyterian point of view in hopes of reuniting with the Catholic Church if
Pope Leo XIII would reverse papal infallibility. In fact, Schaff was an early
endorser promoting voice for the Parliament of World Religions which General
Committee was Chaired by fellow Presbyterian John Henry Barrows of First
Presbyterian Church in Chicago.
There are many interesting aspects of this Parliament. First of all, D. L.
Moody refused to attend the Parliament because to do so would suggest that all
religions are approximately the same and can walk together toward world
solutions because they are agreed. Dwight Moody instead acquired as many
preachers of the gospel as he could find to preach to the guests of the World’s
Columbian Exhibition (Chicago World’s Fair), among which the Parliament of
World Religions was included as one of many congresses/events. So Moody saw all
of this false religion being preached to Chicago and saw the need to preach the
true gospel. But Schaff not only attended and spoke at the Parliament but was
also a promoter of the event and spent time with the Catholic delegates etc. ]
- Education:
Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit-partnered U. Toronto School of
Theology (University of St. Michael’s College) whose partner graduate school
Regis College is the theological study center for Society of Jesuits in Canada.
Moody Professor John Clark also graduated along with Marcus Johnson at
University of St. Michael’s College.
- Marcus Johnson is
MBI Assistant Professor of Theology whose Teaching Assistant in 2009-2010 Paul
C. Maxwell (who was also teaching assistant to Brian Kammerzelt) made the
September 2018 statement/prediction to pave the way for Dr. Mark Jobe being
presented as the champion to rescue Moody Bible Institute.
John Jelinek [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas
Theological Seminary; Provost which is a role that puts him in charge of the
spiritual foundation and Biblical accuracy of the entire of Moody Bible
Institute teaching, but as we show here, he does not believe God’s Word __
President of Michigan Theological Seminary before its merger with Moody Theological
Seminary in 2011 __ His assistant Randall Dattoli is a Jesuit __ Member of
three ecumenical societies – International Society of Christian Apologetics
founded by Jesuit Norman Geisler, Evangelical Theological Society (of course),
and Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics __ Jelinek has written on
Catholic-Orthodox ecumenical dialogue __ Partner since the beginning in Moody’s
Kern Foundation/Acton Institute Faith, Work, and Economics program and
partnered with Barnabas Group strategy session on how to “improve” the program
run by Sajan Mathews (see Mathew bio) __ Former faculty of Alaska Bible
College, a partner of the Intnl. Society of Christian Apologetics of which
Jelinek is a member __ Friend of and spokesperson for every new incoming Jesuit
at Moody Bible such as Deborah Gorton and Chris Brooks __ Spokesperson in the
cover-up of scandals and questions, having recently said “there is no
corruption or illegal or unethical activity”, but then co-wrote Standing Firm:
The Doctrinal Commitments of Moody Bible Institute with Bryan O’Neal; Son Micah
Jelinek is a pastor and is Branch Librarian at Moody Theological Seminary
campus in Michigan]
- Education: is
graduate of William Tyndale College (now Detroit Bible College), Theological
Seminary, and Grace Theological Seminary.
- John Jelinek is Interim
Provost and Dean of Moody Theological Seminary and Professor of Theology and was
ten year President of Michigan Theological Seminary before the merger with
Moody Theological Seminary in 2011.
Jack Lewis [Spokane campus teacher before it was a
Moody campus – when it was Inland Empire School of the Bible __ Lewis serves as
Dean for the Spokane Moody campus __ Lewis is a Jesuit with a Doctorate in
Jesuit Philosphy from and is a long-time partner of known Jesuit Gonzaga
University located only a few blocks from campus __ Lewis is also a graduate of
Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary. Inland Empire School of the
Bible founded by Greater Spokane Association of Evangelicals in partnership
with Multnomah School of the Bible __ Lewis is likely the contact or is close
friends with the contact that brought about a library partnership between
openly Jesuit Gonzaga University and Whitworth University and Moody – Spokane
as still listed on Moody’s website under Other Library Catalogs __ Other
programs at Spokane campus over which Lewis is Dean include partnership with
National Association of Evangelicals’ World Relief and Red Cross __ Lewis was
three-year Dean of The Global Proclamation Academy in concert with
Freemason-led Dallas Theological Seminary for Global Theological Education
which led to the partnership between Jonathan Armstrong and Bryan O’Neal in
Aqueduct Project with DTS and Lausanne leaders (more in Jonathan Armstrong bio
and Bryan O’Neal bio). There is a lot more to be said about Lewis’ friends and
connections in Spokane and their effect on Moody.]
- Education: ThM
Dallas Theol., Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit Gonzaga U.
- Jack Lewis is
Moody Bible Institute Campus Dean in Spokane and Professor of Biblical Studies.
Daniel and Amy Koehler [Representatives at Moody to the ecumenical Jesuit-led Chicago Area Theological
Library Association; Moody Archives Researchers __ Amy is Moody Distance
Learning Librarian]
are also both involved in the Moody partnership of Crowell Library with the
Chicago Area Theological Library Association (CATLA) which you can see on Moody
Bible Institute Other Library Catalogues. There are likely other librarians
doing this networking, since there are One of the Koehler’s specific tasks
(that they are allowed to tell us about) is working with Jesuit Billy Graham
Center Archives to digitalize all of D. L. Moody’s history for online
readability. But the purpose/founding of this program is an ecumenical library
sharing program for students to access wide sources of information. It is one
of the major programs set by Carl F. H. Henry and Harold Ockenga for
establishing secret leadership partnerships with top Jesuit networks toward
rejoining all American Protestant education under the Roman Catholic Vatican
propaganda pathways. The Members of the
CATLA are (Jesuit-led) Wheaton College and (Jesuit) Billy Graham Center,
(Jesuit) DePaul University, (Rockefeller) University of Chicago, (Jesuit)
Loyola University, (Rockefeller) Northwestern University/United Library,
Roosevelt University (all six of these first ones are Jesuit-led and/or Rockefeller
built/funded), Chicago Public Library, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary,
Harold Washington College, McCormick Theological Seminary (Presbyterian partner
with Jesuit DePaul U. and Lutheran Seminary and Rockefeller University of
Chicago), (Jesuit-led) Trinity International University, University of Illinois
Chicago, North Park University (John Fuder’s friend and former Moody Professor
of Bible Dwight Perry is President), and Newberry Library. Moody also
partners with the British Library which is the largest national library in the
world. Moody partners with the UNESCO-tasked ecumenical association of European
national Theological Library organizations (BETH).
let’s come back to Chicago and talk specifically about the founding of the
Chicago Area Theological Library Association (CATLA). CATLA started with
planning in 1960’s and three other programs, the Association of Chicago
Theological Schools and the Librarians’ Council of the Chicago Cluster of
Theological Schools established in 1970
and the Chicago Theological Institute established 1969 partnering
secretly together attempting to connect Roman Catholic, Jewish, Catholic
Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Christian networks of sharing information.
This program was sponsored by the Lilly Endowment which is known for funding
research in dangerous psychological experiments and utopian societies like the
Shakertown Pleasant Hill Kentucky and their psych drug experimenting and New
Harmony/State of Indiana program and inter-faith hospitality partnerships of
United Way as well as ecumenical forced programs such as the Association of
Theological Schools and other Rockefeller Brothers partnerships since 1964. In
1980-1981, the Association of Theological Schools (Rockefeller built agency
which accredits Moody Theological Seminary and is requiring Jesuit Spiritual
Formation which is written/taught by William Thrasher) used their accreditation
visit to partner with Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools study to figure
out how to require the schools to work together. This same year, the Chicago
Jesuit School of Theology dissolved to give way to strengthening Loyola U. and
the Jesuits refocused on St. Louis University (an official Jesuit institution
founded in 1818) and partnered more closely with the Jesuit School of Theology
in Berkeley as well as Jesuit Loyola University and their Arrupe House Jesuit
Community (Retreat House) which in May of this year (2019) graduated its
inaugural class (from 2015 with four year degrees) of the world’s first Jesuit
Community College for a less-expensive Jesuit education to entice a broader
audience to participate in Jesuit games against Chicago (since non-Catholics
and even uninitiated poorer Catholics are not aware of how evil and cruel and
hidden the global conquer tactics of Jesuits are and just tend to follow what
they are told). The result of all of this is intended to slant information (by
hiding past aggressions/abuses against true Christians and divisive splits to
conquer all churches and forcing/mass-distribution of new groups of blatant and
intentional false doctrines rather than repenting of them) toward ecumenical
agreements by intentionally ignoring false doctrines and focusing on similarity
of doctrines only. (see one more paragraph of details on partnership with University
of Tubingen in Full Jesuit Faculty bio)
Doug Hastings [not
faculty – Moody Radio Vice-President __ Serving at least two terms as Board of
Directors at National Religious Broadcasters (notice admittedly ecumenical
Religious and not Christian Broadcasters, because there are so many large cults
and Freemason voices in the mix). NRB is recently caught having lied about their
financial condition and using the Evangelical Council for Financial
Accountability (ECFA was founded by Billy Graham’s network of friends) to hide
its dishonesty and corruption. It was such a scandal that it required ECFA
President Dan Busby to resign just a few days ago __ The 75th Anniversary of
NRB held in 2019 in Anaheim, CA was an ecumenical interfaith party which welcomed
such strange speakers together as John MacArthur (Grace To You and Master’s
Seminary), Rick and Kay Warren (Purpose Driven false gospel), Roma Downey and
Mark Burnett (Roman Catholic mystics who wrote the Bible Miniseries and are in
leadership of the Roman Catholic Shrine in Washington D.C. called the Museum of
the Bible), Bobby Schuller (grandson of Robert Schuller), Greg Laurie (Harvest
International who is trying to revive the Jesus Movement), Kirk Cameron (Left
Behind and Saving Christmas), Alex Kendrick (Sherwood films like Fireproof),
Tony Evans and his daughter Priscilla Shirer, Charles Stanley (In Touch), Mike
Huckabee (Arkansas Baptist Governor assisting the North American Security and
Prosperity Partnership with Mexico and Canada) – needless to say some of these
people would have serious credibility issues with their followers if it were
known they were all working together (which they are, but they can’t let you
understand that), so some changed plans (such as John MacArthur of course). But
Hastings has no problem supporting the Jesuits’ conglomerate of religious
broadcasters and giving and receiving awards at their event.]
- Education: graduate
of Columbia College
- Doug Hastings is
Vice President of Moody Radio after serving as General Manager assisting the
move to the newly built Chapman Global
Media Center.
Winfred Neely [@
Jesuit-led Wheaton College and
Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical
Divinity School and in progress of an advanced Research Ph.D. at the old
Jesuit-hub at University of Bristol __ Neely served as Teaching Pastor at
Lawndale Community which is the church that co-founded the Christian Community
Development Association with John Perkins – a sister organization to Mark
Jobe’s New Life Centers (see more in our Mark Jobe report). Perkins is also
co-founder of the Vatican’s Lausanne Movement Mission America Council with Bill
Bright and Billy Graham – all three were mentored personally by Jack MacArthur
and Henrietta Mears who co-founded the Hollywood Christian Club that made Billy
Graham famous. John Perkins was actually mentored and funded by John
MacArthur’s (of Grace To You and Master’s Seminary) dad Jack MacArthur as well
as by Billy Graham in the civil rights’ leadership and in Freemason lodges which
is where John MacArthur admits he and Perkins were on the night that Martin
Luther King Jr. was assassinated (in the NAACP office located there). Billy
Graham was a 33 degree Mason according to an old printed edition of the Free-mason
Bible and Graham was personal friend to Pope John Paul II since when Bill
Bright and Graham worked together in Krakow where Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul
II) was resident Cardinal. Graham even filled Wojtyla’s pulpit the week that he
became Pope. And John MacArthur is proud fifth generation “pastor” and boasts
of his great grandfather Fullerton who was a Rosicrucian Grand Master Mason in
Prince Edward Island. MacArthur also boasts of being a cousin of General
Douglas MacArthur who was also a 33 degree Mason and Shriner. Even after all of
Billy Graham’s talk about people just following the best light they have in
their false religion and still getting into heaven without knowing Christ, John
MacArthur still defended his family friend saying, “He preaches the true
Neely was invited to speak or did speak at the Lausanne Conference in the
National Mall, D.C. called Together 2016 __ Neely has spoken at conferences
recently alongside John MacArthur, Al Mohler (MacArthur’s Baptist friend),
Charlie Dates, Paul Nyquist (Moody President), Jack Hayford (life-long friend
of John MacArthur who is a Four-Square Gospel preacher), and at Gordon Conwell
Theological Seminary and also in their Distinguished Ockenga Preaching Series
__ Neely wrote a book called How To Overcome Worry which he promoted on the
official Jesuit-order Paulist Fathers media called The Broken Halo with Father Dave
Dwyer __ Neely commented on one of Julie Roys blogs about scandals of
leadership and decided to cover for Paul Nyquist and COO Steve Mogck during the
“financial crisis” which really is just the visible effects of the Jesuit
take-over __ Neely is now a leader in professional media training with
Theovision International and HCJB Global and Wycliffe Translators in several
- Education: Trinity College, Wheaton
College Graduate School, D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity and working
toward an advanced research Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from the
University of Bristol.
- Winfred Neely is Professor of
Pastoral Studies at MBI.
Samuel Naaman [@ ecumenical Jesuit Chongshin
University and Bachelor in Social Work (Psychology) from University of Sind and
@ Asbury Theological Seminary and @ ecumenical Asian Center for Theology;
Worked for Franklin Graham’s Operation Christmas Child in Pakistan __ Graham’s
Pakistan network saw interfaith potential in Naaman and sent him to South Korea
for theological training then for a Doctorate in Missions. However, most
missions leadership at the doctoral level are focused not on gospel work, but on
interfaith dialogue which almost sounds the same except that it focuses on AGREEMENT
with LEADERS of other faiths rather than sharing the gospel to the actual
people in other religions/countries who have not had the chance to hear the
gospel) __ Naaman was Professor of World Missions and Evangelism which title
has now been changed to Professor of Intercultural Studies – do you see the
difference? Now they are being more honest about what he really does.
As further solid evidence of Naaman’s interfaith work, we noticed the
partnerships and activities of his leaders in the South Asian Friendship Center
(SAFC). Naaman is President of SAFC – a community organization that besides its
“Christian” format to reach the Hindu, Muslim, Sikh (combination of
Hindu/Muslim) neighbors is also being used for shaping Chicago’s interfaith
leaders __ Chris Castaldo, Naaman’s friend who spoke at the 2016 SAFC annual
banquet has for seventeen years led at College Church on Wheaton College campus
and as director of Wheaton College Ministry of Gospel Renewal at the Billy
Graham Center devoted to “equipping evangelicals for constructive engagement
with Catholic friends and loved ones” as a former Catholic himself. Castaldo
has authored in three books about Catholics completing the Reformation and
reuniting as One Catholic Church, as well as many writings in popular publications
like Billy Graham’s Chrsitianity Today and Lausanne-partner The Gospel
Coalition. Castaldo also co-authored in a book with Francis Beckwith (Catholic
former President of Evangelical Theological Society), Brad S. Gregory (Roman
Catholic), Lyle Dorsett (Anglican), Wilbur Ellsworth (Eastern Orthodox), and
Dr. Robert Plummer from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The book was
endorsed by Bryan Litfin (who led the Catholic dialogue on Moody campus) and
Mark Noll (friend of Marcus Johnson who believes the disagreements between
Protestants and Catholics are not on salvation issues, but only on right of
authority in the church – see more in Marcus Johnson bio). Another book written
about what divides and united Catholics with Protestants was endorsed by Ed
Stetzer (Pastor at Moody Church), Gerald Hiestand (CPT Fellowships – see more
in Eric Redmond bio), and Bryan Litfin. Castaldo’s book called Holy Ground:
Walking With Jesus As a Former Catholic was endorsed by even more prominent
voices including Norm Geisler, J. I. Packer, Lon Allison, Kevin DeYoung, and
Philip Ryken (Wheaton President).
into leadership of Interfaith partnerships, Naaman’s SAFC Director of Hindu
Ministries since 2007 is Anil Yesudas who has been organizing interfaith
dialogue networks between Hindus and Christians since well before 2004, and has
performed regular (weekly or bi-weekly or even more often sometimes) dialogue
at Kalamazoo Hindu Temple and Vivekananda Retreat Center at least as recently
as 2010. It is pretty much impossible that he didn’t know something of the
problems Yesudas was creating since Yesudas refers to Christ as Lord Shri Jesus
which is the Hindu sacred word for receiving purity and power from deities and
denotes their connection to the Mother Goddess. It is doubtful that Naaman
never bothered to know what activities Yesudas was leading especially since he
was born in Pakistan with a sizeable Hindu population
Additionally, there is clear testimony from someone who was frequently involved
(or worked) at the center that Naaman has shut down much of the regular activities
and has moved the center and is just using his new center actitivities as a fund-raising
gimick. There is no open-daily Christian hospitality center anymore like the
coffee-house used to be and now the only events are scheduled meetups at the
new location. They reduced the tutoring from 45 children to 6 or 7, and Naaman moved
to a new home away from the community. Obviously, with any gospel preacher
there would be a possibility that he was loudly rejected and chased away by the
people of false religions. But that is not what is happening here, since Naaman
was attracting and training interfaith leaders and even the activities before
sound like worldly parties to attract the people of the world and not so much
about gospel or ministry. But at least there was apparently ministry before.
Naaman has either gotten caught by the Christians in his interfaith networking or
else was getting caught for something else and decided to scale back. __ Naaman
partners with Jesuit-led Wheaton campus College Church and Lon Allison’s
Wheaton Bible Church (more in Andrew Schmutzer bio)]
- Education:
University of Sind, ecumenical Chongshin University, Asbury (Methodist)
Theological Seminary. Master of Divinity (M.Div.) graduate of ecumenical Asian
Center for Theological Studies (Asia United Theological University). Chongshin
University (Pyongyang Theological Seminary) was involved in the Korean Federal
Council of Churches ecumenical leadership and the coercing pastors and
Christians to bow to Shinto temples in Korea under Japanese occupation
pre-World War II.
- Samuel Naaman is
MBI Professor of Intercultural Studies and previously was Professor of World
Missions and Evangelism.
Sanjay Merchant [@ Jesuit-led Biola University and @ Biola’s Jesuit-led Talbot School of Theology and @
Jesuit-led Claremont Graduage University; Merchant has taught at least one
class on Understanding (Jesuit) Spiritual Formation in a church __ Merchant has
written on and participated/taught in many Interfaith discussions with Mormons,
Buddhists, Muslims, Roman Catholics at the University of Southern California
Muslim Student Association, at Brigham Young University (top Mormon school in
Utah), the 2011 Interfaith Series at Grand Canyon University, the 2010 Dialogue
between Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism, as well as two of the annual
meetings of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology __ One of Merchant’s
specialty topics of study is Thomas Aquinas doctrines (see more in Jonathan
Armstrong bio) __ Merchant is a member of four ecumenical societies –
Evangelical Theological Society, Evangelical Philosophical Society, College
Theology Society, Canadian Evangelical Theological Association and also member
of the interfaith American Academy of Religion]
- Education: Biola
University and Talbot School of Theology as well as a Ph.D. from Claremont
Graduate University School of Religion. Claremont hosts the Peter Drucker
School of Management. Drucker was a leader of the Mega-church and Community
Church movements which was carried on by Rick Warren and Leadership Network
- Sanjay Merchant is
Associate Professor of Theology at MBI
Tim Sigler [former faculty; Education @ Jesuit-led Trinity International
University; Taught at John MacArthur’s Masters College IBEX program __
Scholar-in-Residence of Christian Jew Foundation Ministries __ Member/Partner
with Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE). Sigler’s Church – where
Sigler is an Elder – hosted the LCJE Conference in 2014 at Billy Graham Center
in Wheaton. Sigler was a contributor with this same network of Lausanne on
Randall Price’s What Should We Think About Israel?: Separating
Fact From Fiction in the Middle East Conflict. Contributors included Walter
Kaiser (former President of Rockefeller-built Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary), David Brickner (graduate of Fuller Theological School of World
Missions and founder of Jews for Jesus), Michael Brown (Brownsville Revival
leader and visiting professor at Fuller Theological School of World Missions),
Mitch Glaser (Chosen People Ministries, a partner of Charles Feinberg), Meno
Kalisher (Friends of Israel Institute of Biblical Studies), Justin Kron
(founding coordinator of the Kesher Forum), Michael Vlach (Jesuit John
MacArthur’s Master’s Seminary), Paul Wilkinson (International School of Holocaust
Studies at Yad Vashem), John Piper (Desiring God and Bethlehem College and
Seminary), Randall Price (Research Professor of Biblical and Judaic Studies at
Liberty University, board of Friends of Israel, 20 year archeologist in
Israel), Jim Melnick (President of Friends of Russian Jewry and former U.S.
Department of Defense Russian Affairs analyst), and Tuvya Zeretsky (founding
member of Jews for Jesus and President of the International Coordinating
Committee of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism)
__ Sigler is speaking partner with Jesuit Erwin Lutzer at various events
including this year at Sigler’s new home as Dean of Shepherd’s Theological
Seminary in Raleigh, NC for the Shepherds 360 Conference 2019 and the Summer
Series at Colonial Baptist Church which founded Shepherd’s Theological Seminary
with John MacArthur’s network of friends (more about MacArthur in Sajan Mathews
and Winfred Neely bio) __ Member of four ecumenical societies – the Evangelical
Theological Society (of course), the Society of Biblical Literature, the Near
East Archeological Society, and the American Schools of Oriental Research (of
which John MacArthur’s mentor Charles Feinberg was member)]
- Education: Triple
graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, earned a
Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Jesuit-led Trinity International
University, and a M.S. in Higher Education from Grace College and Seminary.
- Tim Sigler was
Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Studies and is new Provost and Dean of
Shepherd’s Theological Seminary.
Michael Wechsler [@ Rutgers University and @ Jesuit-led Trinity International
University and Ph.D. @ Rockefeller-built University of Chicago with F. M. Cross
Doctoral Fellowship __ Member of Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies __ Member of
advisory board for Mormon BYU initiative __ Partner in interfaith history
research, particularly with Kabbalah Judaism]
- Education:
prestigious Rutgers University, Trinity International University, and with a
Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) in Near Eastern Judaica/Judaeo-Arabic
literature cum laude from Rockefeller-built Jesuit-led University of Chicago
with a F. M. Cross Doctoral Fellowship.
- Michael Wechsler
also briefly was Adjunct Instructor of Old Testament studies at Jesuit-led
Trinity International University. Then in 2001, Wechsler became
Professor of Bible at MBI.
Eric Redmond [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas
Theological Seminary and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy from Interfaith
Jesuit-led Liberty University __ Ten-year Council member of The Gospel
Coalition which is a Lausanne partner __ Calvary Memorial Church Pastor __ Signed
onto Reforming Catholic Confession __ Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)
member __ Center For Pastor Theologians (CPT) Fellowship and contributor to
Becoming A Pastor Theologian written by Calvary Memorial Senior Pastors (one
former, one current) Todd Wilson and Gerald Hiestand __ Calvary Memorial Church
had Louis Talbot as its first pastor who was Youth For Christ leadership that
built Billy Graham’s national network and founder of Talbot Theological Seminary.
Billy Graham spoke the commencement address of Calvary’s new church and Ray
Pritchard (sixteen year pastor at Calvary) is calling for a new Billy Graham to
rise up]
- Education:
Washington Bible College, Dallas Theological, and Ph.D. from Ecumenical Jesuit
Liberty University.
- Eric Redmond is
Association Professor of Bible at Moody Theological Seminary.
Kirk Baker [Doctorate
in Jesuit Spiritual Formation from Jesuit-led Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary __ Pastor at The Moody Church after being an Elder at Calvary Memorial
Church and leader in ADELPHOI young-adults ministry (more in Eric Redmond bio)]
- Education:
University of New Brunswick, MABS from Moody, and Doctorate in Jesuit Spiritual
Formation from Jesuit-led Gordon-Conwell Theological.
- Kirk Baker is Moody
Bible Institute Professor of Applied Theology and Church Ministry for nineteen
years and has taught in India, Vietnam, Middle East, and Canada.
- Baker now serves
Pastoral Staff at Moody Church since a year ago (July 2018).
Michael Milco [@ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and @ Jesuit-led
Wheaton College and MSW and PhD from known Jesuit Loyola University; 13-year
Pastor at The Moody Church __ Business partner with Jesuit Jenny Conviser as
Staff Therapist]
- Education: Trinity
College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity, Wheaton, and double graduate with Master
in (Jesuit) Social Work (MSW) and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) in
Social Work from openly Jesuit Loyola University.
- Michael Milco was
pastor at The Moody Church since before he was a Professor at MBI – thirteen
years as Pastor of Families and Small Groups under protection of Loyola Jesuit
Pastor Erwin Lutzer who perhaps is the one recommending that Milco go to
- Milco is MBI
Professor of Human Services and Pre-Counseling.
- Milco is a licensed
relational (Jesuit) Psychotherapist and Licensed Clinical (Jesuit) Social
Daniel Cameron [@ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Ph.D. @
University of Aberdeen; Ordained by and pastoral resident and Youth Leader at
The Moody Church __ Writer/ Representative/ Proponent for Thomas Torrance
Theological Fellowship whose leader was an organizer for World Council of
Churches and Reformed-Catholic dialogue as R. C. Sproul laid the pieces for
using Thomas Aquinas doctrine to reverse the Reformation and unite all under
the Catholic “Church” __ Cameron wrote Flesh and Blood with foreword by Dr. Myk
Habets, dean of faculty at Carey Graduate School who is also member of at least
seven ecumenical societies including the Thomas F. Torrance Theological
Fellowship of which Cameron is a member.]
- Education: Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School and a Ph.D. graduate (Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy) of Systematic Theology at Scottish Anglican University of Aberdeen.
- Daniel Cameron is
Adjunct Professor of Theology at MBI.
- Cameron is ordained
by and is Youth Minister at The Moody Church.
Tim Sisk [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @
Jesuit-led Fuller Theological Seminary; developed curriculum with Interfaith
Professors from Liberty University and Calvin Theological Seminary __ One of
those professors Michael Goheen teaches on Islam,
Hinduism and Buddhism as part of the course along with how to properly study
world religions.]
- Education: graduate
of Tennessee Temple University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Doctorate in
Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit-led Fuller Theological Seminary.
- Tim Sisk is Chair
and Professor of World Missions and Evangelism and Intercultural Studies
Professor at Moody Bible Institute. In this capacity, Sisk partnered with the
Global Proclamation Congress that led to Dallas Theological Partnership with
Jonathan Armstrong and Bryan O’Neal on Aqueduct Project and C-Gate (more in
their bios).
Dennis Fledderjohann [@ Jesuit-led Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School and @ known Jesuit Loyola University; Director of
General Education at MBI through eyes of Doctor of Jesuit Curriculum and
Instruction __ ABHE member __ Fledderjohann co-authored a thesis on the life of Herman Harrell Horne
with Purushotham Burgula, a graduate student at Talbot Theological who was also
studying Christian Education and Jesuit Spiritual Formation.]
- Education: Toccoa
Falls College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity, McCormick Theological, and a
Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy from openly Jesuit Loyola University.
- Dennis Fledderjohann
is Professor of Educational Ministries at MBI and his Doctorate of Jesuit
Philosophy from Jesuit Loyola U. is in the subjects of Curriculum and
Instruction – so he really is acting as a Jesuit in this capacity for sure.
John Clark [@
Free-mason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @ Jesuit-partnered
University of Toronto and is a Presidents’ Circle donor to University of
Toronto __ Co-author with Marcus Johnson on The Incarnation of God attempting
to redefine Catholic and Protestant doctrines as nearly the same __ Signer on
the Reforming Catholic Confession]
- Education: Spring
Arbor University, ThM Dallas Theological Seminary, Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit-partner Toronto School of Theology University of
St. Michaels.
- John Clark is
Assocate Professor of Theology
Michael Vanlaningham [former faculty; M.Div. @
Jesuit-led Talbot Theological Seminary and Ph.D. @ Jesuit-led Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School; Theologian in Residence at James MacDonald’s
Harvest Bible Chapel trying to cover for the G11 Pastor friend of Erwin Lutzer,
Joseph Stowell, Mark Jobe, and Jerry Jenkins Vanlaningham is on staff at James MacDonald’s
Harvest Bible Chapel as Theologian in Residence. Vanlaningham recently preached
a sermon at Harvest Bible Chapel where he taught that forgiveness requires four
promises: “I promise I will not dwell on this incident”, “I promise I will not
bring up this incident and use it against you”, “I promise I will not talk to
others about this incident”, and “I promise I will not allow this incident to
destroy our relationship” __ Vanlaningham has written articles for John
MacArthur’s The Master’s Seminary Journal __ Co-editor of The Moody Bible
Commentary with Michael Rydelnik and chose to include Catholic and U.N. leader
John Hart to write the Gospel of John and Letter from James commentaries]
- Education: M.Div. in Systematic Theology from Jesuit-partnered Talbot
Theological Seminary, and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) from
Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
- Michael Vanlaningham was Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute.
Michael Rydelnik [@
Free-mason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @ Jesuit-led Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School and @ Azusa Pacific University; Adjunct faculty at
Dallas Theological Seminary and at Pasche Institute of Freemason Criswell
College and at Talbot School of Theology, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School __ Director of Jewish Studies department at Moody for twenty-five years and
has now been shown to be Director in the attempted dismantling of that
department __ Rydelnik is a member of the organizing committee of the Alliance
For The Peace Of Jerusalem alongside Jesuit Joel Rosenberg (known for
predictions of 9/11 six months before it happened presumably because he is
friends with those who planned it), Jason Elam (current liaison of
Illuminations – think Illuminati – at the Vatican Shrine called the Museum of
the Bible), Samuel Rodriguez of National Hispanic Christian Leadership
Conference (influential interfaith leader), Helene Dallaire (Director of
Messianic Judaism Programs at emergent and ecumenical Denver Seminary), Dr.
Darrell Bock (executive director of Jesuit Howard Hendricks’ Center Cultural
Engagement and Jonathan Armstrong’s partner in C-GATE), and several others
affiliated with Freemason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological. Rydelnik has also
spoken at conferences alongside Joel Rosenberg, Dr. John Feinberg (son of
Charles Feinberg who personally mentored John MacArthur), Dr. Mitch Glaser
(Chosen People Ministries), Dr. Barry Leventhal (of Jesuit Norman Geisler’s
Southern Evangelical Seminary) and others __ Rydelnik was a founding member of
Olive Tree Congregation and ten-year member of Chosen People Ministries]
- Education: Azusa Pacific
University, Dallas Theological, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity.
- Michael Rydelnik was
Professor of Jewish Studies and is now MBI Professor of Intercultural Studies.
Eugene Mayhew [@ Freemason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @
Jesuit University of Detroit; member of Evangelical Theological Society __ Contributor
to Jesuit Luis Palau Study Bible. Luis Palau is intimate friend of the current
Jesuit Pope Jorge Bergoglio – both are from Argentina __ Mayhew was a partner
in Jesuit-led Qumran Excavation with University of North Carolina (Colleagues
of famous Moody-atheist-grad Bart Ehrman) and Tel Qasile finding Philistine
temples __ Missionary with ecumenical SEND International and an instructor at
Alaska Bible College (more in John Jelinek bio) and on Board of Directors for
Encouragement Inc. __ Author for Swindoll Leadership Library at the request of Jesuit
Swindoll __ Co-authored with Gary Habermas of University of Detroit alumnus who
is Professor at Interfaith Liberty University]
- Education: Detroit
Bible College (William Tyndale College), Dallas Theological Seminary, Grace
Theological Seminary, and has done post-graduate study at Jesuit University of
Detroit, and American Institute in Jerusalem.
- Eugene Mayhew is
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic (Hebrew, Aramaic, Jewish etc.) Languages
at MTS.
Laurie Norris [@
Cedarville University and @ Free-mason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological
Seminary and Ph.D. @ Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Chair at Evangelical
Theological Society Midwest as ecumenical networker with Jesuits __ Member of
ecumenical CPT Fellowship]
- Education:
Cedarville University and Dallas Theological and a Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from Wheaton College.
- Laurie Norris
teaches Spiritual Formation and Homiletics at MBI.
Ernest Gray Jr. [@
Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor __ Member
of Evangelical Theological Society and Center for Pastor Theologians Fellowship
(more in Eric Redmond bio)]
- Education:
Jesuit-led Wheaton and McMaster Divinity College.
- Ernest Gray is
Assistant Professor of Bible at MBI.
Junias Venugopal [former Provost of
MTS; Education @ Free-mason and @ Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @
Jesuit-led Trinity International University; Associate Dean and Professor of
Evangelism and Leadership at Jesuit-led Wheaton College __ Former Dean of Asia Graduate
School of Theology founded by Campus Crusade staff in Philippines; Former VP of
Educational Affairs @ Columbia International University]
- Education: Birla Institute in India, Dallas Theological Seminary, and
Trinity International University.
- Junias Venugopal former Provost and Dean of Education at MTS.
Randall Dattoli [@
Jesuit-led Wheaton College and @
known Jesuit Loyola University; wrote history of Wheaton College]
- Randall Dattoli is Assistant
to John Jelinek - Interim Provost and Dean of Moody Theological Seminary.
Ron Sauer [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas
Theological Seminary and @ known Jesuit U. of Manchester]
- Education:
Mississippi College, Dallas Theological Seminary, and has a Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit University of Manchester (their chaplains are
entirely Jesuit).
- Ron Sauer is
Professor of Bible at MBI.
Mary Martin [@ Jesuit-led Judson University; Author for Wheaton Academy Press
__ Promotes a John Maxwell team-member (from which Team Mark Jobe received the
2018 Top 10 Transformational Leadership Award)]
- Education: Baptist
Bible College, Philadelphia Biblical University, and Jesuit-run Judson
University (who hosts the annual World Leaders Forum – speakers have included
George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Condoleeza Rice, Newt Gingrich, Eric Metaxas,
Caroline Kennedy). (more in Brian Kammerzelt bio)
- Mary Martin is
newly appointed Chair of Education and Counseling; Professor of Christian
School Education; and Program Head of Educational Ministries at MBI
Chris Rappazini [@
Jesuit-led Rockefeller-built Gordon-Conwell and PhD @ known Jesuit Gonzaga
University near Moody Spokane campus in Washington state __ Wrote his doctorate
on Dr. Haddon Robinson __ On Board of Directors for ecumenical – Evangelical
Homiletics Society]
- Education:
University of Edinburgh, Jesuit-led Rockefeller-built Gordon Conwell
Theological, and has a Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy at openly Jesuit Gonzaga
University who partners with Moody Bible Institute’s library. Rappazini’s
doctorate at Gonzaga is on Dr. Haddon Robinson who was nineteen year professor
at Freemason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary, twelve year President
of very ecumenical and emergent Denver Seminary as well as Harold Ockenga
Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Rockefeller-built Gordon-Conwell
Seminary in Boston who partners with openly Jesuit Boston College.
- Chris Rappazini is
Assistant Professor of Applied Theology and Church Ministries and Program Head
of 5-year BA/MA Pastoral Studies at MBI/MTS
Larry Davidhizar [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas
Theological Seminary and @ known Jesuit Loyola University; Association of Biblical
Higher Education member and is Consultant, Evaluator, and trained Team Chair of
the Higher Learning Commission]
- Education:
University of Houston, Dallas Theological and has a Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from openly Jesuit Loyola University.
- Larry Davidhizar is
Vice-President and Associate Provost of Faculty at MBI
David Tae-kyung Rim [@ former faculty and @ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical
Divinity School and @ known Jesuit Loyola University; Rim is also possibly the
unnamed Moody Distance Learning Professor who personally believes that Adam and
Eve had soul-less brutish ape-like predecessors whom Cain married – otherwise
perhaps it was Ashish Varma who is still on faculty __ David Rim and Ashish
Varma were the two professors that Julie Roys and Rich Weber named in the
original questions about faculty who did not believe the Bible]
- Education:
Carnegie-Mellon University, Dallas Theological, and a Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy (PhD) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity and was working on his MA in
Jesuit Philosophy at openly Jesuit Loyola University.
- David Rim was
Professor of Theology and Philosophy and Apologetics for fifteen years at MBI.
Michael McDuffee [@ Jesuit-led Wheaton College and M.A. & Ph.D. from Kabbalist/Jesuit-led
Brandeis University]
- Education:
University of New Hampshire, M.A. from Wheaton and M.A. and Doctorate in Jesuit
Philosophy from Kabbalistic Jesuit-led Brandeis University.
- Michael McDuffee is
former Professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute and Theological Seminary
since 1994 (retired May 2018).
Christopher Yuan [@
ecumenical Bethel Seminary and @ Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Has spoken at
Jesuit-led Yale University __ Faculty at Summit Ministries (more in Chris
Brooks bio) __ Legacy Chicago Minister – as is Brian Kammerzelt]
- Education: Wheaton
College, and Bethel Seminary which is the Baptist Seminary founded as the
Swedish Baptist Theological studies at Rockefeller-founded University of
- Christopher Yuan is Bible
Professor at MBI.!
Benjamin Wilson [@ Jesuit-led Cambridge
University and @ Jesuit-led Biola Talbot School of Theology; member of two
societies – Evangelical Theological Society (and has presented at ETS) and
Society of Biblical Literature and has written for Catholic Biblical Quarterly]
- Education: Ph.D.
graduate (Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy) of Cambridge University who partners
closely with both Anglican and Roman Catholic institutions and keeper of the
Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits. Wilson has his Master’s degrees from Talbot
- Benjamin Wilson is
MBI Assistant Professor of Bible.
John Goodrich [@ Jesuit-led Biola Talbot School of Theology and Ph.D. @
Jesuit-led University of Durham; member of four ecumenical societies –
Evangelical Theological Society, Society of Biblical Literature, Institute for
Biblical Research and Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research]
- Education: Talbot
School of Theology and has a Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy from Anglican/Jesuit-led
University of Durham.
- John Goodrich is Associate
Professor of Bible; Program Head at MBI
Jesuit Psychologists:
Name [Jesuit
education; ecumenical partnerships]
- Education:
- Name: and Faculty
Position at Moody
James M. Wood [M.S., Psy.S., and Ph.D. @ Jesuit-partnered University of Detroit;
Member of four societies - American Association of Christian Counselors,
Christian Association for Psychological Studies, American Psychological
Association, American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists __ Former
staff psychologist at Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Hospital – a Reformed
Church in America network where Moody Center for Global Theological Education
Director Jonathan Armstrong’s father is Vice President and Chief Medical
- Education: Wayne
State University and a triple graduate (MS, PsyS, PhD) with a Doctorate in
Jesuit Philosophy and Specialist Degree in Jesuit Psychology from Jesuit-led
University of Detroit.
- James Wood is
Associate Professor of (Jesuit) Psychology at MTS.
- Wood is a Licensed
Jesuit Psychologist.
John Restum [M.A. and Psy.D. in Jesuit Psychology from Jesuit-partner George
Fox University and @ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary __
Partner in mental health and clinical consultation for the staffs of Detroit
Police and Wayne County Sheriff Departments who are Jesuit-led (more in Chris
Brooks bio). This partnership is also part of the interfaith chaplaincy
initiatives being pushed in the prison reform __ Advisor to Amazing Grace
Counseling Outreach since when they were his students; they openly support
LGBTQIA+ community and are involved in the LGBTQ Center of South Bend. ]
- Education: Western
Michigan University, William Tyndale College, Dallas Theological Seminary, and
Master (MA) and Doctorate (PsyD) in Jesuit Psychology from ecumenical and
Jesuit-partner George Fox University.
- Restum is Associate
Academic Dean at Moody Theological Seminary Michigan campus under Moody
Academic Dean Chris Brooks.
- Restum is a
Licensed Clinical (Jesuit) Psychologist.
Scott Robinowitz
- Education: Master
of Social Work (MSW) from known Jesuit Loyola University.
- Scott Robinson is
Moody Head Coach for Men’s Basketball
- Robinowitz is a
(Jesuit) Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Therapist. Robinowitz utilizes
narrative approach as well as Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior
Therapy, Acceptance Commitment, mindfulness and positive psychology.
Robinowitz led a Young Life basketball ministry for three years.
Nancy Kane
- Education:
University of Illinois and Jesuit-led Gestalt Institute of Chicago.
- Nancy Kane wrote
the (Jesuit) Christian Spiritual Formation curriculum for the Moody Bible
- Kane is a Licensed
Clinical Practical Counselor.
Roslyn Jordan
- Education:
Jesuit-led Trinity International University and a Jesuit Spiritual Formation
and Discipleship degree from Moody Theological Seminary taught by William
Thrasher and Eric Moore.
- Roslyn Jordan is a
counselor at the MTS Counseling Center and before that worked in Moody
Publishers Marketing Department. Roslyn Jordan is the sister of Michael
Jordan (professional basketball player).
John Trent [Chapman Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry at MTS; inventor of
“Christian” stereotypes by which to psychologize people; Professor at
Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary; member of three societies -
American Association of Christian Counselors, the Christian Association for
(Jesuit) Psychological Studies, and the American Marriage and Family Ministry
__ Tent has been a speaker at Promise Keepers and to corporate leaders of Walt
Disney Corp, Universal Studios, Interstate Battery, Chick-fil-a, 2005 Young
Presidents’ Organization Conference in D.C., West Point Military Academy, Coast
Guard Academy, Restaurant Leadership Conference, and many others.]
- Education: Texas
Christian University, Freemason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary, and
North Central Texas Federation of Colleges and Universities, and Doctorate in
Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Texas Women’s University.
- John Trent was the
First Chapman Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry and Therapy at the Moody
Theological Seminary before Deborah Gorton.
Deborah Gorton [M.A., Ph.D. in Jesuit Psychology from Rockefeller-funded Jesuit-led
Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate School of (Jesuit) Psychology; Very full
list of psychological specialties to control people with __ Mentor with Tommy
Lee’s Resource Global (more in John Fuder bio and Sajan Mathews bio)]
- Education: Master
of Arts and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (M.A. and Ph.D.) specifically on the
topic of Jesuit Psychology from Rockefeller-funded Jesuit/Freemason ecumenical
Fuller Theological Graduate School of (Jesuit) Psychology.
- Deborah Gorton is
the newly appointed Gary Chapman Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry and
Therapy following John Trent. Gorton is also Associate Professor and
Program Head for the M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) at Moody
Theological Seminary and is director of Moody’s Counseling Center. Her variety
of specialties also cover pretty much every topic.
Rick Manabat [@Jesuit-led Trinity
International University and in Mental Health and Psychology @ Jesuit DePaul
University; Manager at MTS Counseling Center __ Sex-addiction therapist __ Member
of one society – American Association for Christian Counselors __ Manabat was a
Therapist on staff at ecumenical and Jesuit-led Cornerstone Counseling Center
of Chicago. ]
- Education: Trinity
International University in Mental Health Counseling, and Jesuit Psychology
from Jesuit DePaul University (whose founding is by a secret Jesuit order from
Paris where Jesuits got started, and is designed on the rules of the Jesuits).
- Rick Manabat is
Moody Theological Seminary Counseling Center Manager under Dr. Deborah Gorton.
- Manabat is a
certified sex-addiction therapist mentored under Patrick Carnes, is certified
in Prepare and Enrich marital counseling and Level One Emotionally Focused
Couples Therapy, and a Licensed Professional Counselor. Manabat is
certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy.
Andrew Schmutzer [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and Ph.D. from
Jesuit-led Trinity International University; Writer and contributor to a number
of articles, thesis, and journals on Jesuit Spiritual Formation and included
Paul Maxwell as a contributor. Paul Maxwell gave the prediction of needing what
Mark Jobe was then appointed to fulfill as a self-fulfilling prophecy for the
Jesuits __ Member of five ecumenical societies __ Speaker on MK, PK abuse
topics with Wm. Paul Young (author of books - The Shack, Eve, and Lies We
believe about God) and Boz Tchividjian (grandson of Billy Graham who is
Professor of Law at Interfaith Liberty University and Executive Director of
GRACE which is pretending to be a Jesuit champion dealing with church sex-abuse
scandals) as well as other prominent Jesuits like Elaine Heath of John Perkins
Center at Seattle Pacific University __ Attends Wheaton Bible Church whose
pastor is Lon Allison who is Honorary Director of Billy Graham Center at
Wheaton and long-time board member at National Association of Evangelicals and
Billy Graham’s Christianity Today International __ Co-edited ecumenical Psalms edition
with prominent ecumenical contributors __ Led panel discussion at Evangelical
Theological Society where he is a member – with Jesuit Loyola Professor of
Philosphy Dr. Moser]
- Education: Dallas
Theological and Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy from Trinity International
- Andrew Schmutzer is
Professor of Biblical Studies at Moody Bible Institute.
Ashley Schmutzer [Jesuit-led
Wheaton College]
- Education: Wheaton
Graduate School
- Schmutzer is a
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.
Jill White [@
Jesuit-led Wheaton College in Jesuit Psychology and @ Jesuit DePaul University;
Staff advisor to The Moody Standard which is the Student Newspaper that was
recently shut down. Since Jill was faculty advisor to The Moody Standard we
have strong reasons to believe (Jesuit DePaul Juris-Doctor Janet Stiven as
Moody’s General Counsel of the legal team at MBI, for one example) that Jill is
playing the controlled opposition to shutting it down knowing that it is her
role to pretend to help the students while really just helping implement the
decision of the higher Jesuits. ]
- Education: Wheaton College
BA in Jesuit Psychology and Jesuit DePaul University whose founding is by a
Jesuit order from Paris where the Jesuits got started and is designed on the
rules of the Jesuits.
Mary Hendrickson
- Mary Hendrickson is
Assistant Professor of Pre-Counseling and Human Services at Moody under Jesuit
Michael Milco.
- Hendrickson is a
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.
Steve Brasel [Jesuit-led Wheaton in Clinical Psychology; leader of ReNew
Partnerships’ Ethnic Diversity Survey to force Moody to accept a broader scope
of individuals (these programs are not for expanding ethnic diversity – they
are for expanding ideological and religious diversity) not for spiritual
education but for cultural appropriateness and destroying the spiritual
foundations of D. L. Moody’s education strategies.]
- Education: Wheaton
College in Clinical (Jesuit) Psychology.
- Steve Brasel is a
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and teaches Introduction to (Jesuit)
Psychology Specialties.
Holly (Hart) Porter
- Education: Adler
School of Professional Psychology.
- Holly Porter
specializes in Jesuit Spiritual Formation and is a Licensed Clinical
Professional Counselor and teaches Jesuit Psychology and Counseling.
Valencia Wiggins [Walden University and Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Counselor at
Wheaton College; Board of Directors for ecumenical and Jesuit-led Cornerstone Counseling
Center of Chicago; Active member of three societies - American (Jesuit)
Psychology Association, American Counseling Assocation, and American
Association of Christian Counselors __ Wiggins spoke at the Christian
Counseling Professionals of Chicagoland 2018 August Member brunch.]
- Education: Walden
University and Wheaton Graduate School.
- Valencia Wiggins is
a clinical Jesuit Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor at
Jesuit-led Wheaton College.
Elizabeth Smith
- Education: Indiana
University and Jesuit-led Trinity International U.
- Elizabeth Smith is
Program Head and Associate Professor of Children and Family Ministry at Moody
Bible Institute.
- Smith is Licensed Clinical
Professional Counselor.
Amy Baker
- Education:
ecumenical Taylor (Methodist) University and Asbury (Methodist) Theological
- Amy Baker is a
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.
Dr. Freddy Tung
- Education:
Jesuit-partner University of Wisconsin – Madison, and has a doctorate in Jesuit
Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
- Freddy Tung is a
Licensed Clinical (Jesuit) Psychologist.
Patty Vander Sande
- Education: is a
graduate of Jesuit-led Wheaton Graduate School.
- Patty Vander Sande
is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Wheaton Graduate School
Collquium Instructor.
Rosanna Sierra-Sweich
- Education:
Northeastern Illinois University in Family Community Counseling and gained
additional Complex Trauma certification from Divine Mercy University, a
Catholic Jesuit-led psychology university in Arlington, VA. Sierra-Sweich
is certified in Couples and Family Counseling and in Level One Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy.
- Rosanna Sierra-Sweich
is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.
Barbara Hill
- Education:
(Baptist) Luther Rice University. Hill has worked with Christine Caine’s
A21 Campaign and Naomi’s House (Human Trafficking victims program of Moody
Church). Hill also shares articles to Relevant Magazine and Christine
Caine’s Propel Women. Hill is trained in Mindfulness, Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, Didactical Behavioral Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy.
- Barbara Hill is
editorial advisor to Moody Theological Counseling Center.
Hill is a Nationally Certified Counselor.
Debralyn Bryant
- Debralyn Bryant is
Editorial Advisor to Moody Theological Counseling Center.
Jesuits in Spiritual Formation:
Name [Jesuit
education; ecumenical partnerships]
- Education:
- Name: and Faculty
Position at Moody
William Thrasher [@ Freemason-founded Auburn University and @ Free-mason/Jesuit-led
Dallas Theological Seminary; Professor of Jesuit Spiritual Formation at Moody
Theological Seminary __ Thrasher is mentor to Mark Jobe’s best pastor friend
John Palmieri since when Jobe and Palmieri were in Culbertson Hall together
Thrasher is endorsed by a long list of high Ecumenical and Jesuit influencers
such as Jesuit G11 Gatekeeper Joseph Stowell, Nancy Leigh DeMoss (close friend
of Moody leaders whose brother Mark DeMoss was 11-year Chief of Staff to Jesuit
Jerry Falwell as well as 25-year Board of Directors for Interfaith Liberty
University and then served as spokesperson for the Billy Graham library and
Evangelistic Association), John Palmieri (Mark Jobe’s pastor/partner/friend),
Vicki Anderson (assistant to John Piper who is leading everyone back to Rome
and is on U.S. Council of Lausanne Movement), both Heather and Stephen Olford
(Billy Graham’s personal confidant of whom Graham said “the man who most
influenced my ministry”), Luis Bush (coined the 10/40 Window of evangelistic
efforts, Fuller Theol School of World Missions partner with U. S. Center for
World Missions, former International Director of AD2000 and Beyond, a sister
organization with Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance and is now
facilitator of Transform World Connections with its international headquarters
three miles from Wycliffe Global Associates headquarters in the miniature
country of Singapore), J. I. Packer (Anglican Lausanne member Theologian and
Executive Editor of Billy Graham’s Christianity Today), Lyle Dorsett (Billy
Graham Professor of Evangelism at Rockefeller-funded Beeson Divinity), Paul
House (Beeson Divinity), Don Currin (Paul Washer’s HeartCry Missionary Society
Eastern European Coordinator), Kevin Howells (Park Community Church Pastor of
Small Groups), Peter Grant (Alumni Board at MBI and Charter member of American
Association of Christian Counselors and grant recipient of Lilly Endowment
National Clergy Renewal Program), and Moody leaders Paul Nyquist (former President), Wayne Hopkins
(Dean and Professor Emeritus), Charlie Dyer (Bible Professor at Large), Paul
Enns (author of Moody Handbook of Theology), Chris Fabry (award-winning Moody
Radio host), Richard Yook (Board of Trustees), Paul H. Johnson (Chairman
Emeritus of Board), John Jelinek (VP, Academic Dean and Provost at MTS), John
Fuder (Urban Studies and Dean of Global Cohorts for Tommy Lee’s Resource
Global), Bryan Litfin (Jesuit Catholic Fathers scholar), Dan Green (Master of
Divinity Program MTS), George Mosher (Registrar at MBI), Brian Tucker (former
Professor of New Testament). ]
- Education:
Mason-founded Auburn University, and two degrees from Free-mason and Jesuit-led
Dallas Theological Seminary.
- William Thrasher is
Professor of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship for Moody Theological and on
faculty since 1980.
Tim Arens [@
Azusa Pacific University; Consultant Evaluator for 25 years for Association of Biblical
Higher Education where Assoc. Provost Bryan O’Neal and Northfield Jesuit
Mission Center’s James Spencer are both on the Commission on Accreditation.
This is one of the two Moody Accreditors that require the Jesuit Spiritual
Formation degree so Arens and Spencer should have warned Moody to get out of
ABHE, but they aren’t, so they are responsible for walking Moody into that trap
and are complicit with teaching students to be Jesuits __ Executive member of
Association for Christians in Student Development __ In 2011, Arens had Moody
students observe the National Day of Prayer which now is accompanied by
anti-christ psychologist Shirley Dobson’s Task Force (led by Ronnie Floyd of
Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory board) to give initiatives and national
prayer networks directives through the program.]
- Education: Grace
College, Ball State University, and Azusa Pacific University.
- Tim Arens is
MBI/MTS Vice-President and Dean of Student Life at Moody Bible Institute in
charge of student development, counseling, etc. Arens is member of the
Moody campus Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Team (BETA).
John Koessler [former
faculty; Education @ Jesuit-led Trinity International University; follower of
Catholic Thomas Aquinas and Catholic Josef Pieper doctrines; partner with Billy
Graham network leaders; has spoken at C. S. Lewis Institute __ Follower of
Jesuit spirituality in Thomas Aquinas (Catholic scholar of “Church” Fathers)
and Josef Pieper (German Catholic philosopher) and longs for a rejoining of the
Catholic Church “sacred mysteries” and “scent of holiness” in unity with the
Protestant Church “consistently positive” “hope of the cross” and “chipper”
“business”-like approach to ministry __ In 2000, Koessler co-authored How To
Preach A Sermon/Biblical Preaching with Haddon Robinson (former twelve-year
president of ecumenical and emergent Denver Seminary and nineteen year faculty
at Dallas Theological and ecumenicist Harold John Ockenga Distinguished
Professor of Biblical Preaching at Billy-Graham-built Gordon-Conwell
Theological Seminary) and Steven Albrecht (Jesuit-trained at openly Jesuit
Creighton University and a web team leader at Moody Bible Institute) __
Koessler has spoken for the C. S. Lewis Institute in 2018 at Delta Farm; the
same institution that is setting up a Study Center on Moody Northfield campus. ]
- Education: Wayne
State University, two degrees from Biblical Seminary, and a doctorate from
Jesuit-led Trinity International University.
- John Koessler was
Chair and Professor of Pastoral Studies Department at Moody Bible Institute
(retired May 2018).
Bob MacRae [@
ecumenical Bethel Theological Seminary and @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical
Divinity School; Teacher of Jesuit Spiritual Formation to Youth Ministry
graduates __ Promotes Jesuit Catholic Henri Nouwen (more in Rosalie De Rosset
bio) and Jesuit-founder Howard Hendricks at Dallas Theological Seminary and
Contemplative Prayer Jesuit Larry Crabb and several other Jesuit spiritualists]
- Education: Bethel
Theological Seminary and Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity. Bethel
Seminary is the Baptist Seminary founded as the Swedish Baptist Theological
studies at Rockefeller-founded University of Chicago.
- Bob MacRae was
Professor in Educational Ministries and is now MBI Professor of Youth Ministry
Program Head.
Pamela MacRae [@
ecumenical Bethel Theological Seminary and @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical
Divinity School; Mentored by Jill Briscoe who is prominent Billy Graham partner
since his Crusade there in 1979 and spent twenty years on Board of Directors
for Billy Graham’s CT as well as NAE World Relief and WEC Intnl. and a regular
speaker at Graham’s Cove Retreat Center __ This mentorship is so MacRae can
take on Rosalie De Rosset’s role as the Jesuit queen hornet over the hive on
campus whenever Rosset has to retire (more in Rosset bio)]
- Education: Bethel
Theological Seminary and Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity. Bethel
Seminary is the Baptist Seminary founded as the Swedish Baptist Theological
studies at Rockefeller-founded University of Chicago.
- Pamela MacRae is MBI
Professor of Ministry to Women – Program Head and Professor of Ministry to
Victims of Sexual Exploitation.
Timothy Downey [Jesuit Master of Arts in Religious Education; PACT Certified
Coach, writer for LeaderTreks Youth Ministry]
- Education:
University of Memphis and Mid-America Baptist Seminary with a Master of
Religious Education – a relatively new degree given by Jesuit schools U of
Toronto, Loyola, Liberty U., Newman Theological College, Unification
Theological Seminary (Unification Church), etc.
- Timothy Downey is
MBI Associate Professor of Youth Ministry under Bob MacRae with focus on
discipleship and leadership.
Eric Moore [@
Free-mason and Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and @ ecumenical and
emergent Western Seminary; assistant to Jesuit Spiritual Formation degree with
William Thrasher __ Council Member of SEND International and member of Evangelical
Theological Society]
- Education: Michigan
State, University of Michigan, Dallas Theological, and Western Seminary.
- Eric Moore is MTS
Assistant Professor to William Thrasher in the Jesuit Spiritual Formation
Moore serves on the U.S. Council of SEND International. Moore is pastor and
co-founder of Tree of Life Bible Fellowship Church. Moore is a member of
the Evangelical Theological Society.
Daniel Green [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and Doctorate
from Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Green is Moody’s Master of
Divinity Program Professor and focuses on Jesuit Spiritual Formation __ Member
of two ecumenical societies – Evangelical Theological Society and Evangelical
Homiletics Society]
- Education: Michigan
State University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and a doctorate from Trinity
Evangelical Divinity.
- Daniel Green is
Professor of Master of Divinity Program at MTS and focuses on homiletics,
biblical theology and Jesuit spiritual formation.
Ecumenical, Maybe Jesuit:
Name [Jesuit
education; ecumenical partnerships]
- Education:
- Name: and Faculty
Position at Moody
Carol Anderson [Wycliffe executive director of personnel in Papau New Guinea –
Wycliffe controls ALL MISSIONS regulations world-wide in partnership with State
Department, National Security Agency, and Department of Homeland Security at
their facilities and overseas __ Faculty of Great Northern University made up
of faculty from the old Moody Spokane campus that got shut down]
- Education: Azusa
Pacific University and Eastern Washington University.
- Carol Anderson is
Intercultural Studies Professor at Moody Spokane.
Kyeong Sook Park [@
Jesuit-led Wheaton College and Jesuit-led Biola University and Ph.D. @
Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity edited by ecumenical leader Robert
- Education: Hankuk
University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea, MA Wheaton Graduate School,
Doctorate in Missiology from Jesuit-led Biola University, and Doctorate in
Jesuit Philosophy (PhD) from Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity edited by
Robert J. Priest (President of Evangelical Missiological Society and and
American Society of Missiology, a member of the American Anthropological
Association, and graduate of UC Berkeley and University of Chicago).
- Kyeong Sook Park is
Professor of World Missions and Evangelism at MBI and is now Professor of
Intercultural Studies.
Mary Cloutier [PhD @ Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Twenty-year
missionary worker with Christian and Missionary Alliance and taught at L’Institute
Biblique de Bethel __ Member of American Society of Missiology __ Board Member
of TEAM]
- Education:
University of Wisconsin-Stout; M.Div. at Alliance Theological Seminary; Trinity
Evangelical Divinity with a Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy.
- Mary Cloutier is
Professor of Intercultural Studies at MBI
Craig Hendrickson [Th.M.,
PhD and is Adjunct faculty @ Rockefeller-funded Jesuit-led Fuller Theological
Seminary and is faculty at North Park University __ Coach with Arrow Leadership
Program founded by Moody alum and National Association of Evangelicals
President Leith Anderson]
- Education: Master
in Theology and a Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy (Ph.D.) from
Rockefeller-funded ecumenical Fuller Theological Seminary where he also serves
as adjunct faculty.
Craig Hendrickson is Assistant
Professor of Pastoral Studies at MBI and Evangelism and Discipleship Program
Head. Hendrickson and his wife also serve on faculty at North Park
University where John Fuder partner and former Moody Professor Dwight Perry is
Tim Stafford [@
Rockefeller-built Northwestern University; producer with musicians who are
partners with Billy Graham, Willow Creek Church, Word of Life, and Jesuit-led
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School]
- Education:
Northwestern University.
- Tim Stafford is on Music
Ministry Staff at The Moody Church since 2001.
- Stafford is Professor of
Music Ministries since 2008 and adjunct faculty in MBI Sacred Music Department.
Andy Pflederer [@ Freemason/Jesuit-led Dallas Theological Seminary and Ph.D. @
Jesuit-led Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; member of two ecumenical
societies – Evangelical Theological Society and Evangelical Missiological
Society __ Speaker for Frontier Ventures Perspectives Course in IL, which is
Frontier Ventures in Point Loma (theosophical headquarters), CA – formerly
called the U.S. Center For World Mission (see more in William Thrasher bio) __
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches International Ministries partner and
missionary __ Attended and spoke at the Dallas Gathering planning session for
the Lausanne-project Moody’s Global Center for Theological Education led by
Jonathan Armstrong and Bryan O’Neal (more in their bios)]
- Education: Dallas
Theological and has a Doctorate in Jesuit Philosophy from Jesuit-led Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School.
- Andy Pflederer is
Chair and Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies at MTS.
Desiree Hassler [Bynam Fellow at Jesuit-partner Gordon College; full-time opera
- Education:
University of Illinois and has served on the faculty of University of Illinois
and Eastern Illinois University in addition to being a Bynam Fellow at Gordon
College (partner of Jesuit Boston College).
- Desiree Hassler is
Adjunct Instructor in Voice at MBI. Hassler also joined in the leading
of the ecumenical gathering for giving a Tunisian scroll to Moody Bible
Institute through Paul Nyquist.
- Hassler sings
full-time chorus for the Lyric Opera of Chicago.
Heather Shalley [@ Olivet Nazarene University; former Finance Director at Valley
Forge Military Academy and Assembly of God-affiliated Valley Forge Christian
College; committee member for Association of Student Financial Aid
Administrators for Pennsylvania and Illinois]
- Education: Cappella
U. and Olivet Nazarene University.
- Heather Shalley is Vice
President and Dean of Student Enrollment Services; Executive Director of
Admissions and Financial Aid at Moody Bible Institute.
Ryan Cook [@ Asbury Theological Seminary and Member of Evangelical
Theological Society]
- Education: Grand
Rapids Theological Seminary and Asbury (Methodist) Theological Seminary.
- Ryan Cook is
Assistant Professor of Bible at MBI; Program Head MA Biblical Studies
Jim Conrad
- Education: Ohio University
and Moody Aviation Spokane to which he was directed by Campus Crusade.
- Jim Conrad is newly
appointed Moody Aviation Program Manager
Clive Craigen [former faculty; professor of Intercultural Studies as described
anonymously in complaint letter by graduate which was posted on BrokenTwig
about the chaos of leadership at Moody]
- Education: Grace
College and Northeast Illinois University and has served as a career missionary
in Chicago for the Grace Brethren North American Missions.
- Clive Craigen was
Associate Professor of World Missions in Urban Ministry and Program Head until
May 2019.
Myron Kauk [former
faculty; Education @ Jesuit-led Biola Talbot School of Theology and Westminster
Seminary; faculty at interfaith Liberty University __ Member of three
ecumenical Societies – Evangelical Theological Society, Society of Biblical
Literature, and World Bible Translation Center]
- Education: Talbot
School of Theology and Westminster Seminary.
- Myron Kauk was
involved in distance-learning at Moody Bible Institute, as well as for Liberty
University and Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.
Stephen Clark [former faculty; Education @ Jesuit-led Wheaton College; Teaches
Summer Institute of Linguistics Applied Language Skills __ Stephen and Dawn are
partners with Rockefeller-built Summer Institute of Linguistics work in Papau
New Guinea which is literally a focused Rockefeller project on how to control
Aborigines people and how to convince other people that they might be
less-evolved ancestors – which is disgusting horrible ideology. The Clarks
should be exposing that criminal evil of the Rockefellers rather than
partnering with it __ Members/staff of College Church on campus at Wheaton University]
- Education: Wheaton
College and Universities of Kansas and North Dakota.
- Before retiring in 2019, Stephen
Clark taught applied linguistics in the Missions Department at MBI since
[former faculty; Education @
interfaith Liberty University and Signer on Reforming Catholic Confession]
- Education: Liberty
- Wesley McClure
served as Dean of Students at MTS and now is Admissions Director at Hargrave
Military Academy.