Martin Luther – Leader of the Separated Ecclesial Communities or of the Psychological Warfare for the Roman Catholic Empire?
This report has two pieces – one right after the other. The first step is important to understand that Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic representative all his life long. Luther preached and affirmed most of the Catholic false doctrines throughout his life. The second step is important to see Martin Luther acting as a Roman Catholic representative in threatening violence and murder against the Anabaptists and Hebrew people and the peasants of Europe. Luther’s anger was against anyone who would not approve of the illegitimate “authority” of cruel Roman Catholic-led “authorities” in their lands.
What I want to show you in the next succession of quotes is that Martin Luther was still secretly of the Catholic brotherhood in Europe his whole life long. I have Martin Luther’s quotes and then statements from the official Catechism of the Catholic Church in order to make this case clear. Many of the following quotes from Martin Luther are not from his early life or even from the time immediately following the posting of the 95 Theses. Many of these are quotes from ten to twenty years after the 1517 posting of the theses. Luther and his friends among the Princes of Europe wanted to make sure that the Roman Catholic Empire stayed in power all over the world. Prince Frederick of Saxony, who protected Martin Luther in his Wartburg Castle and throughout his life, had been the first choice desired by the Pope and Cardinals of Rome to be the Holy Roman Emperor. But Prince Frederick and Martin Luther saw the need for Frederick’s participation in a “rebellion” against the Catholic rulers. So Rome’s Cardinals were persuaded to choose Frederick’s second cousin Charles V to be Emperor, so that Frederick would be free to play with the idea of “Reformation” of the Catholic “Church”.
There were so many painful issues dividing the people of Europe since The Great Schism in 1054 A.D. and the murderous Crusades which followed. The Roman Catholic Empire tried to impose feudalism to take extreme taxes from the people to fund all of their wars and expansion projects; and it caused constant suffering. The outrage of the people spread across Europe against feudalism and Roman Catholic thieving through taxation. And many peasants were set on overthrowing the cruel Catholic lords one way or another. In fact, the people’s questions about Rome’s secret criminal activities could not be silenced by mere political threats anymore or by state politics and wars. Rome had already tried plagues, murder, and genocide against northern Christian communities. Rome had tried threats of “barbarian” invaders acting on secret orders from Rome. Rome had tried having Catholic states send unhappy people and even children on pilgrim death quests to faraway lands. Catholic Cardinals conducted Inquisitions with severe punishments against people who dared to speak openly against the Catholic empire. And many medieval methods were used to stop people from leaving their Catholic state and/or vocally opposing the Rome Church.
These methods still did not give Rome enough advantage to conquer the world under Catholicism. So now Rome knew that even keeping their European states would require help of leadership from people who were thought to be outside of Roman Catholicism as Prince Frederick and Martin Luther pretended to be. Rome saw that it had to have religious help that would partner with state governments to act as if they were joining the people’s fight against Rome. So the Cardinals plotted how to develop a system that was under Catholic domain, but separated enough to allow “freedom” to those who were insistent on escaping the Roman Catholic grip. As long as this new “rebellious church/state program” would be led by doctrines similar enough to Catholicism, then the Reformation could simply be reversed at some point in the future or so they thought… even now Rome is still waiting for the right conditions to reverse the Reformation and reconquer all of their expanded “Christendom”.
Martin Luther was supposed to lead this rebranding or “Re-formation” of Roman Catholicism that was still Roman Catholicism but without the parts that were causing Rome such trouble. Luther was willing to do this experimental “rebellion” to keep Roman Catholicism in world power by any means necessary, even if he had to speak against the Popes and call them devils. This first quote is from Luther’s Works (designated as LW) showing that Luther didn’t care whether the Emperor Constantine did gift the entire empire to the Popes or if the Popes stole that power inappropriately somewhere along the way. Luther didn’t care about that history because he believed it was God’s plan for the Roman Empire to become the Roman Catholic Empire and then to become the Holy Roman Empire. Luther further says that the German Roman Catholic Princes should rule the world and retain this global Empire under their control. Following that, we show you several of Martin Luther’s Catholic doctrines here in part one. Part two will deal with the strategy behind Martin Luther’s work.
Do not worry about Jesus’ Church. Jesus is building His Church. If you think that the Reformation was the separation point, just look at history of the many Christian cultures that rejected Catholicism. What most people do not understand is that many false labels were used against many groups of Christians even when these terms did not describe their actual beliefs. The intent by the Catholic authorities was to use labels to actually kill their opponents, including Christians. Catholics stuck terms such as “Heretics”, “Jews”, “Arians”, “Paulicians”, “Albigenses”, “Waldenses”, “Lollards”, “Hussites”, “Cathars”, “witches”, etc. In other words, Roman Catholicism did not care about the truth, only about retaining their position of power. Catholics would send false teachers to misdirect a whole community so that Christians and Jews in the area could be labeled with a heretical doctrine label. There were frequent lies used to attack and conquer those real Christians in the area who were being oppressed by both the Catholics and the false teachers sent by Catholics to discredit and mislead them. There were millions of real believers who were persecuted and put to death over several hundred years before the Reformation. Those Christians were the real Church which has always been separate from the world and the Roman Catholic Empire as much as possible.
Part One
Catechism and Luther on the Catholic Empire centered in Europe….
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