Girl Power From God

Girl-Power-From-God.jpgYou have power from God to judge men who lust at you or your friends. When you see a man lusting and you pray about it, God will teach them a lesson to quit treating women that way. I have used that prayer many times. I have seen this is a powerful prayer that God answers every time. This prayer will either help that man grow up and be more obedient in how they treat women, or it will enact God’s power to put barriers around that man to protect other women from him. Don’t be afraid to pray about that, I know for sure that if that man is innocent, then nothing tough will happen to him. There are many Bible verses that teach this truth, but here we quote a few key verses.

My name is David. I’ve been a serious follower of Christ for at least 48 years, a serious Bible student for 47 years, following the qualifications of a pastor for 33 years, and a Bible teacher calling people to turn from sin to Jesus for at least 33 years. The USA needs more men and women who follow Christ to stand against sin and abusers.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28 “You have heard that it was said to Israel of old; ‘You shall not commit adultery’. But I teach you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already started committing adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus quoted the original commandment from Exodus 20:14 and added to that teaching. And the 10th Commandment is similar; “You shall not covet your neighbor’s …wife.” Paul further explained that teaching in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 “…you should abstain from sexual immorality… (do not live) in the passion of lust like the Gentiles do who do not know God; that no one should defraud his brethren in this manner, because God is the avenger of all such…” God’s revenge doesn’t destroy people or we would all be dead. No God uses His power to teach lessons to the saved and the unsaved, Romans 1:18-32.

OK, what should we all know from those verses? (1) God wrote the 10 Commandments with His own finger, and I’m absolutely sure that (2) all violations of those 10 Commandments are written in the judgment books at the Great White Throne Judgment” in Revelation 20:11-15 for unbelievers. John “saw a Great White Throne and Him who sat on it… (and) I saw the dead small and great standing before God, and the books were opened… the dead were judged according to their works which were written in those books…” (3) We know that neither you or me are that Judge – God is active and final Judge. But I’m simply pointing out that God opposes “lust” and “coveting”. (4) Jesus judges lust almost as tough as He judges actual adultery. When Christians pray against sin, God enacts some teaching lessons here on earth to make a person think about their actions, words, thoughts and motives.

I have been a construction worker for four decades. I have shopped in the big box hardware stores for many years. When I see a man looking at something interesting, I look at what he is staring at. Sometimes they are looking at the latest tools. But many times I find they just stared at a woman. I have prayed and judged many men through the years for doing that. Most of those men I never see again, but the men I have seen and recognized later; it was obvious that God forced them to change. Many times my prayer created a money hardship for them, so they had to work much harder to survive, so they didn’t have the energy or spare time to think and plan about sins, Genesis 3:17-19. That trouble called “weeds” is more than irritating green things with roots in a garden or crop of food, as Galatians 6:7-9 teaches. “Weeds” show up in every type of work in life. If you pray against the sins you see; that man or woman will have to work harder. They will be too busy solving weeds to have time to dream of sins.

This is also a problem in most Churches. Of course there are many women trying to impress people with how pretty they are, and maybe they don’t realize their clothing styles are the devil’s tool to create problems. But when you are at Church, please observe what the men are looking at, including the pastor and judge anything suspicious. If they are innocent, nothing will happen; but if they are guilty, God will make them quit sinning that way. The same teaching applies to the unsaved men at the stores you go to. If you pray against the sins you see, God will take action against any and all men lusting or coveting a woman. Please do your Church and your country a favor, but also pray against the women trying to get attention by their clothing.

Many wives of men who go to Church know this is a problem, and the wife doesn’t know what to do. If she asks the pastor what to do, his advice or prayers didn’t seem to change anything. And in many cases, the pastor plays with the same sins. In 1 Peter 3:7, God gives you the wife a perfect answer for many marriage problems, including a lustful husband. These verses even apply for any ways your husband is treating you wrong. Simply pray and then believe God hears your prayers. Peter taught: “Husbands, dwell with your wife with understanding, giving honor to your wife as a weaker vessel, as being heirs together of the grace of eternal life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” If you pray to God about a problem with your husband, God will teach that man to quit it. What happens is this: a Christian man gets worried when God refuses to hear his prayers. God will also correct a non-Christian husband too. Please write down that Passage from 1 Peter 3:1-7, and read it often and obey it. Practice and learn God’s Word in your own life, it will give you power from God. That is why we called this Bible study; ‘Girl Power From God’.

Some wives don’t know if lust is a sin problem in her husband. It is time for her to find the answer and make a life change. Go to stores with your husband, any and all stores will help. You can call it a date and try to make it fun. But also observe what he looks at closely. If you see a problem, you may say something to him if you want, but that isn’t necessary. All you need to do is pray and let God take care of that problem. Some husbands will use their self control to hide this problem at first, so to find the truth make this a life change and go to stores with your husband. Please find this problem before the devil makes it a very big problem.

If you discover your pastor is lusting over women, that might be a very bad decision for him. When a man makes a pastoral covenant with God; 1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9, that man receives extra grace so he can try and learn how to teach and correct problems. That pastor almost feels invincible. But some of those pastors decide to use God’s gift to have extra money 1 Timothy 6:10. Some men use God’s grace as an opportunity to fill his sexual lusts. Peter condemned that evil behavior in 2 Peter 2:1-22 and Jude the half brother of Jesus condemn that as evil. Maybe that pastor can repent with holy fear. But maybe that pastor has decided to become a lustful animal who “turned the grace of God into lewdness.” Jude 1:4. A Christian can’t lose his salvation covenant, unless he never completed his salvation covenant with Jesus, and is not saved yet; Matt. 26:28 & 2 Corinthians 13:9-11 & James 1:4. If your pastor is lusting then he has rejected the fear of the Lord, and you need to quit calling that man your pastor.

Why don’t we ever hear of this as a sermon topic? It’s because strong and honest preaching reduces the amount of money given in the offering plate. We plead with you to give a copy of this Bible study to your pastor, and your husband. If your pastor or husband still watches TV or listens to rock music or country music or etc, then you already know that he is lusting over other women about sexual things. Maybe it will give your pastor or your husband some new sermon topics for Father’s Day, or any other Bible studies he teaches. But maybe this Bible study will give your pastor a new dose of holy fear of God’s wrath; so he can win his race before God with victory. Pray about this sin concerning other religious leaders and government leaders. This prayer will show who’s who.

Please print this Bible study and read it again next week or sooner. And please take time to look at all of the Bible verses we listed. Keep trying to understand all of those verses, and ask God to help you (James 1:5-7). God wants you to become a great woman of faith and we are cheering for you to become mature with Jesus’ help. Do it for Jesus. Please share this Bible study with your friends. The USA needs to get these sexual sins right with God. If you have any questions, e-mail us.

(Barbara and I have been married for 40 years, we are servants of Christ, David and Barbara)