About Us

Our mission
To train the average common citizen and peasant, of any country, to become a better student and scholar on the Bible, than the so-called Vatican and Rockefeller “experts” (they are all very evil and very sneaky liars)
Our Story
The Bible has been our foundation and guide for years. Many years ago, God taught our family to throw out the “trash vendor” (TV) and to get into the Bible. We thought we were going to be bored 20+ years ago… that was when life began. Each day, we find God teaches us a little bit more about His beautiful character, His pure and holy ways, and His call for repentance and salvation through the Covenant of the Cross (CotC). We look forward to Heaven… till then, we have a lot of work to do serving Him and serving others – turning many from sin to Jesus and the Bible. We are constantly looking for fellow laborers to work beside or pray with. Want to join us? Check out our contact page!
About the Team
Just a small team of evangelists, Bible students and teachers, and citizen journalists – working daily to call out evil and lies, and help people work through whatever satan had used to stop them and stump them, to help them take their next step closer to God, and in serving Him faithfully till He returns.
How to help? Pray for us! Contact us! Read God’s Word and share it. It’s pretty simple. If you are genuinely saved and have the Holy Spirit, than you have God’s call on you and you can seek Him anytime/all the time to find out what you can do next for Jesus’ eternal Kingdom (not the fake one that Rome and her evil servants are building).
~ Watching, Preaching, Praying ~ The RestoreMBI team