Restore Moody Bible Institute to its roots and foundations

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Repost – Jesuits started the “Chicago Fire” of 1871

There were three fires that the Jesuit/Catholic-cult team started against DL Moody and his God-fearing teaching and ministry in Chicago, within several years. The one that is most remembered is the “Great Chicago Fire” of 1871, and at the same… Continue Reading →

Martin Luther – agent of Rome, pt 2

Here is a short quote from our second article. These are very important quotes, and needs to become a gracious, but very important conversation among the modern body of Christ, worldwide. *** Luther Article, Pt2 …. So what happened at… Continue Reading →

Martin Luther: Separatist Leader, or agent for Rome?

Martin Luther – Leader of the Separated Ecclesial Communities or of the Psychological Warfare for the Roman Catholic Empire? This report has two pieces – one right after the other. The first step is important to understand that Martin Luther… Continue Reading →

2 Chicago Conferences, Same Team, Same problems

Coming soon (Oct 2023) – 2 false teaching conferences, in Chicago. Remember, no false teacher gets *everything* wrong, but they always twist the truth or leave out essential truths. There is some clear evidence to show that lady-Jesuit Julie Roys… Continue Reading →

Free Monthly Bible quizzes page

We have the last 2+ years of Bible quizzes up, for whoever is interested in a 1-page, 10 (or more) questions to use as a Bible study topic, discussion time, or individual devotional. All free – and you can find… Continue Reading →

New Skit – “Hello I’d Like to Work for God”/Moody Founder’s Conference

>>> New Skit just in time for Moody Founder’s Week October 2023 Moody Founder’s Week Conference is being scattered away by the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. Let’s review some quick history:From 1880-1886, Evangelist Dwight Moody started conferences… Continue Reading →

excellent Parshall radio episode

An audio that is worth your time, if you are concerned about the problems at Moody Bible Institute, and the Roys network of anti-Biblical friends. We have been saying Neal and Julie are wrong for a while now, we tried… Continue Reading →

Tribulation – Proofs, Not Yet

Proofs that we are *Not* in the literal Biblical Tribulation yet (but do get ready, refining trials are coming) September 2023 Bible study Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, and unsaved friends who want to know where we… Continue Reading →

Heaven and Angels Study (2023 update)

What Did God Do For Millions Of Years, Before HeMade Earth & The Cherubim Angels? (2023 update) (a deeper study by David Henry, feedback requested) Our God, the real God is eternal; God has always existed, forever. But God created… Continue Reading →

Analyzing the new false Christianity of “The Chosen”

Analyzing the new false Christianity of “The Chosen”

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