Restore MBI (website)

Restore Moody Bible Institute to its roots and foundations

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“The Chosen” Lies – short list

“The Chosen” Lies: the Short List PDF:

Julie Roys is Wrong

Julie Roys is Wrong Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow prayer partners, and RestoreMBI team, December 2022 >> In this report, we have to talk about sexual topics that Julie is promoting wrongly. <<>> Parents and adults only… Continue Reading →

MBI Scandal List 2022

Fresh off the presses – please get the word out! Moody Bible Institute is crashing and the Moody alumni needs to know. We can’t get some larger groups to share this, so please do. God will restore MBI, but it… Continue Reading →

“Girl Power from God”

“Girl Power From God” You have power from God to judge men who lust at you or your friends. When you see a man lusting and you pray about it, God will teach them a lesson to quit treating… Continue Reading →

Intro to “Silas Wrote Hebrews”

A Brief Summary Of This Study: “Silas Wrote Hebrews” Hello friends, brethren and fellow Bible students, (September 2021) We wrote a quick list of 130 important facts about Silas wrote Hebrews and the history surrounding Hebrews, for those who are… Continue Reading →

Warning: Coming Famine. Read more 4 info

[Picture caption: God allowed a dust bowl/famine in 1930s, and He is sending this coming famine on the US now. This is the church age (Revelation 2 and 3), not the literal Tribulation. This is a direct rebuke from God…. Continue Reading →

Open Reply to Warren Smith’s article on Z-radio

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ and fellow laborers, May 2021 Our team is very happy to see citizens reporting more and people speaking up more about abusive leaders, and especially crimes, scandals, and immoral activities. We know that those… Continue Reading →

#MBI staff caught again

In wake of a sex abuse scandal, @Moody_Bible Pres @markjobechicago this week presented a seminar on successful crisis leadership. MBI abuse survivor Megan Johnston calls seminar “tone deaf.” @mbisurvivors urging MBI to release results of investigation.

Rome and the Black Plague – a peculiar history

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow prayer partners, and friends, Here is some odd history you don’t hear much… many roads still lead back to Rome – caution and double-checking is always a good thing

Daniel (MBI student) being mistreated on MBI campus by evil MBI Jesuit leadership

#FreshOffThePresses #MBI #Jesuit #wrongful #expelling of #honorable #student #RemoveJesuits from #MoodyBibleInstitute #ExposeJesuits #RestoreMBI “Urgent prayer update! This young man, Daniel, needs your help. Daniel wants to stay in the USA and keep studying the Word of God and being active… Continue Reading →

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