America’s Favorite Idols – Entertaining themselves into Hell
America’s favorite idols: Entertaining themselves into Hell
You know, it’s funny. America is so full of idols, that Americans actually *have* to excuse them easily and makes jokes about it… But you know what’s sad? People claiming to be followers of Christ who imitate them, and then pretend they have no idols. Well, God’s not fooled, and satan sure isn’t – you can’t serve God and the world.
So, how do we find what shadows people are hiding in, and call them out of sin into God’s pure and holy light? Well, one easy way is to investigate what people spend their money on as their source of comfort, encouragement, and protection. Let’s look at what Americans (and including some who call themselves “Christians”) spend their money on, ie: their idols. How many of the idols does your heart hold onto? How many of them has a hook into your heart?
Please keep these verses in mind as you read: “lovers of themselves, lovers of money… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying it’s power…” (2Timothy 3:1-5)
And please think on this – there are two ways to solve idolatry; throwing it out doesn’t always solve it. The person has to have a heart change and make an agreement with God about it – that is when it changes. Do you know the two main ways/methods to solve idols?
Parental note: Most categories in this are fine, but the last section is *not* for the little kiddos.
(See conclusion for answers to these questions and concluding thoughts)
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