A Note To Our Brethren Trying to Sort Truth From Lies And Deception
(open letter style)
Hello brothers and sister and fellow prayer partners,
As some of you have noticed, in the news these days is Steve Lawson’s moral failure/affair. This is a more serious problem than his friends are saying. Steve’s moral failure is a rejection of Jesus’ authority as Titus 1:16 judges “They profess to know God, but in their actions they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.“
The Christians in America need to see what God’s Word says. We need to notice that Steve’s friends are trying to hide the facts of Steve’s failure falsely simplified by calling it “an inappropriate relationship”. We need to explore why Steve’s friends are trying to cover over his failure. Let’s start with what God’s Word says about Steve’s affair.
The apostle Paul teaches in 1 Timothy 5:20 that when a pastor is found to be sinning; “Those pastors who are sinning, rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear God’s righteousness.” The Greek word “hamartemo” points to all sins. But we believe Paul’s focus is on the more destructive sins, the sins that ruin a Church. God’s Word requires those sins to be exposed to the whole congregation, not hidden and covered over, and secretly tolerated.
What is the meaning of “…rebuke in the presence of all” in 1 Tim. 5:20? The Biblical Greek word for rebuke in 1 Tim. 5:20 is “elengkhos“, it means: strong disapproval, reprimand, admonish, or reproof. The word “all” in the verse “in the presence of all” is “pas”, it means all, everyone, the whole assembly. In 1 Tim. 5:20 our holy God requires all pastors and ministry leaders who were working with Steve Lawson – to rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reproof, show strong disapproval against his sins. And give that strong rebuke in the presence of all, everyone, the whole assembly.
But instead the Trinity Bible Church of Dallas (TBC) has quietly removed Steve “indefinitely” – for an undefined length of time, and they sent an e-mail to the Church members saying that. But they did not rebuke Steve in the presence of all. The Masters Seminary (TMS) did not rebuke Steve in the presence of all, either. Instead they secretly removed all references to Steve Lawson from their web-site because they do not want people to know the actual behavior of this man who they have been promoting as if a “great teacher”. Steve Lawson has been and is a close friend of John MacArthur for decades. When those pastors and teachers at TBC and TMS help hide and cover-up Steve’s sins, they violate God’s command in 1 Tim. 5:20. All of those pastors who help cover-up Steve Lawson sins, make themselves an accomplice to those sins. When the leaders at TBC and the TMS leaders disobey God’s command, they show their loyalty is to their fellow rebels. And they also reject Jesus, because their heart is to cover-up that type of sins. That disobedience proves against their soul that they reject Jesus’ authority.
God’s prophets and evangelists, the real prophets and evangelists at TBC and TMS get their authority from God in Eph. 4:11. Prophets and evangelists have the highest authority at TBC and at TMS, not the so called pastors. The prophets and evangelists there need to perform their office before God. They need to investigate Steve’s sins, and that will clear their name before God that they are not accomplices by covering-up Steve’s sexual sins. They must get clear of this cover-up
Steve Lawson has a reputation as a mean person, he is abusive to people. Steve did not make this confession of his sexual sins until there was no more ways to hide the sins. Did the woman with whom he had an affair try to speak out, but the cover-up team silenced her? If she hasn’t, that woman needs to repent. But she also needs to speak out and clear her name so she can move forward with her life. Proverbs 28:13 says “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confess their sins and forsakes them will find God’s mercy.” Proverbs 28:13. Then she can be sure God will bless the rest of her life if she will love righteousness enough to stand against sin. The-good-old-boys want to minimize the sins and sweep it away like other times. Please do not miss this point; they have made themselves accomplices of Steve’s sexual sins.
We are asking God-fearing women to speak out and tell what they have seen with Steve. The truth will shame the good-old-boys. The Churches need to shame the good-old-boys in many Churches, and get them out of the Churches. The apostle Peter describes sinful pastors in 2 Peter 2:11 as “having eyes full of adultery and cannot cease from sin.” Their eyes filled with lust they “… entice unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children.” Peter says those types are covetous for the world’s glitter, and their eyes look for and want sexual sins. God has given many women a keen sense to notice when they are being targeted for sexual sins.
Since the good-old-boys are hiding the information they know, we need godly women to give their reports about Steve’s “eyes full of adultery” and other sexual sins. The Christians in America also need to hear about other times of inappropriate contact. Sexual sins among pastors are doing serious and frequent harm to America’s Churches.
Please write and tell us what you have observed. You must include your name, but you can ask us to keep your name a secret. We want to print your words exactly, or also print your name with your story if you request us to. When you stand with Jesus against evil, then Jesus will proclaim your name as blessed to all of the angels, in Luke 12:8. I have received that reward several times. You will like the blessings of that reward from Jesus. Our concern is to stop the sexual sins in the Churches before those leaders harm more Christians.
Contact us at: davidh(at)nthome.net

When Steve committed this adultery, and other inappropriate relationships, he forfeited his position before God as a pastor, Jesus rejected Steve from being a pastor. Jesus rejects Steve as an unbeliever in Gal. 5:19 who will not inherit the kingdom of God. Another serious matter is Steve’s sexual sin also broke his marriage covenant. Jesus allows Steve’s wife to divorce Steve because he broke their marriage covenant. These are both major failures.
Steve’s wife is free from the law of their marriage in Romans 7:3-4. She is free to find a godly husband Matt. 5:32, Matt.19:9, Mark 10:11, 1 Cor. 7:39.
Steve Lawson went to seminary, he knows the promises Jesus required from him to become a pastor. Then Steve made his oath to Jesus, he promised to be a pastor and teach Jesus’ Word. The spiritual leaders at his ordination witnessed his promises to Jesus. Then they anointed Steve to become a pastor. That is what Paul teaches in 1 Tim.6:12
Let’s look at Steve’s violation of his oath to Jesus as a pastor. When a pastor makes that oath to Jesus, they receive a large measure of grace and they can feel that extra grace. That grace allows them to practice several teaching methods to find what works best with their assignment. God gives grace as they make mistakes, so they can learn to find the best way to teach. That grace feels so safe that some pastors have a hard time remembering the dangers of sins. Some men decide to misuse God’s grace, they “turn the grace of our God into a license for lewdness” in Jude 1:4.
That decision to become lewd also “denies the authority of the only Lord God, and rejects our Lord Jesus Christ.” Their lewdness is described in Jude 1:16-19 “…walking according to their own lusts, they speak great flattering sermons, soothing peoples conscience to gain control over them… remember the apostles… how they told you there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Holy Spirit.” After their decision to live for lust, that type of pastor lives for their sensual lusts.
The apostle Paul warns against those type pastors in 2 Tim. 3:1-9, “in the last days… pastors will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters… without self control… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of Christianity but denying its authority. Turn away from such pastors. For of their sort are those who creep into households and make captive of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning but never able to embrace and submit to the knowledge of the truth.“
That means those so called pastors learned the Bible as if it were another language. Their business career is like Hollywood actors. They do what they must do to make easy Church money. Their private life and conversations tell their real heart.
The prophet Silas gives a strong warning in Hebrews 10:26 “For if we rebel and reject Jesus willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for their sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour God’s adversaries…“
The leaders at TBC say they will continue to come along beside Steve and pray for him, with the ultimate goal of his personal repentance. That idea is really ignorant. How do they not know about the oath a pastor makes to Jesus? How do they not know that when a pastor rejects Jesus’ authority, they can’t be restored, “there is no longer a sacrifice for their sins”? Jesus will not receive an evil pastor back. They can’t come back. Their return would put Jesus to open shame in view of the devil and demons. After they tasted of salvation, and then forfeited that forgiveness, “there no longer remains a sacrifice for their sins”. They would need Jesus to die for them a second time, but that will not happen.
When Silas wrote Hebrews in Rome around 67AD, he had the strong blessing from Paul and Peter. Silas added in Hebrews 10:26-30 “if we rebel willfully after we received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment… how much worse punishment do you suppose will be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counting the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace… It is a fearful thing to fall into the judgments of the holy and angry God.“
Steve Lawson can never come back to Jesus. That would be like trying to sacrifice Jesus a second time. Jesus now holds Steve under punishment for the day of judgment, in 2 Peter 2:9. Do we believe the good-old-boys club doesn’t know those Bible verses? Sure they know, but they hope you can’t read those verses.
What happens in real life is when those types of apostates decide to reject Jesus, some of them stay in the Church to ruin the Church from the inside. Someone needs to write a list of people who in the past were called a pastor or Church leader, but then something happened to change their mind. Then they decided to be against Jesus. It would be a really long list of many famous and many unknown pastors all across this country.
There are at least several hundred people active in the Churches today, but they decided to become enemies of Jesus while their speaking almost sounds good.
We ask you to share this information with your Christian friends,
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