The apostle Paul, by the power of the Holy Spirit, described most members of your Church 2,000 years ago in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 (amplified w/context); “In the last days betrayal times will come, Church people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud and boasting about themselves, and boasting how they disobeyed their parents. They will blaspheme Jesus many different ways, un-thankful, not obeying God’s Word, no love for souls, unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, brutal toward obedient Christians, despisers of good, secretly traitors against Jesus, headstrong, self minded, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, pretense of Christianity while actually denying God’s right to be their Savior and Lord to teach them and lead their life. Get away from those types of people.

You’ll find I (David) added some more words to the verses of the English translation of God’s Word to help the baby Christians to understand what Jesus was trying to teach.

One of the American pastors who lived 100 years ago asked from God the impossible – to visit a Church in America (in 2024) and see how they are doing. The guy’s name was Dwayn (sounds like gain). He was not a strong Bible teacher back then, and you’ll see that he is still too soft spoken when he talked to one of the deacon’s wives.

We are glad that deacon’s wife recorded their conversation. We found their conversation insightful and inspiring. We hope you will too. Let’s listen in.

>> The conversation:…

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