Fresh off the presses 🙂 ~ this is huge info for me/us and we’re pretty sure it can help a lot of people figure out things from the last few hundred years. Please consider sharing it with any and/or all of your friends. ~ SH with the RestoreMBI team
List of prominent religious, Catholic, or Catholic-influenced schools in the USA (plus 2 from UK, 1 from PR, plus 1 from Canada, and 1 from Switzerland) (1600s to today)
You are here (state list) >>
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-state.htm
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-state.htm
— Other lists:
–Major Cities
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-major-city.htm
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-major-city.htm
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-alpha.htm
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-alpha.pdf
A quick reminder of the Jesuit oath that these trainees are secretly agreeing to – and it’s a blood oath too, meaning they make this oath to the Vatican and satan with their own bloody fingerprint. [Warning – it’s graphic, we’re sorry. We are only quoting a short part of it. They do literally say this and yes they are that evil – it’s awful… but it’s them.] This only a short clip that they pretend is part of an “ancient old out-dated oath”, but we and others have been able to prove that “official story” line is a lie – simply put, this is not the old Jesuit oath, this is the active official Jesuit oath. “… I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do so… and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive… rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls… That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons… at any time I may be directed to do by any agent of the Pope…” (see more from helpful sources like www.BibleBelievers.com, etc.)
Quick notes on that satanic “oath” – when they say “protestants”, they mean that they wish/want to murder all of those who reject the rule of the Roman Catholic church (Vatican), or reject the control of the Vatican. Notice that they say that they will do these evil things “when directed to do so”, meaning the agents of Rome (aka Jesuits, and/or their Jesuit-trained helpers) are working on what Rome wants them to do at that given time. Rome has a progression of plan to destroy the world and bring it under her rule again, it just takes time so that they can do it sneakily and not get caught – but God the Holy Spirit promised in 2nd Timothy 3:8-9 to expose their evil deeds and make them plain to the common people, just as Jesus also teaches in John 3:16-21. Jesuits rely on your lack of knowledge of the Word of God (Bible) and your lack of knowledge about their evil plans, and/or your lack of strength of character to stand on the Word of God against their evil deeds, schemes, tricks and cover-up stories. The best way to combat the evil satanic agendas is to grow in holiness, stay spiritually alert, grow in spiritual discernment, watch out for those who flatter you with some sort of hidden agenda, and expose the evils and sins that you can – from God’s Word, not quoting the teachings of man.
The Jesuits have infiltrated (or really invaded) every Christian organization in the US – that includes churches, Christian schools, Christian colleges, Christian seminaries, and the largest Christian “ministry” organizations. In 1975, the Jesuits boasted that they had infiltrated and conquered all of the religions and all of the denominations of “Christianity”, including the cults. When you find a Jesuit person (man or lady) at a college or church or authority positions, just understand that they are the top evil leader in that organization or college or university, etc. If you find a Jesuit college, they rule the other colleges around them – in a variety of ways. If you find an unofficial Jesuit college, they control the other colleges around them (and/or in their denomination) but not openly, in secret. At the top of the Catholic colleges is the USJ (unofficial Society of Jesuits) college called the “Catholic University of America” – the only one with the distinction of having 3 “popes” (aka Jesuits, whether known to the public or not) to have not only visited but also spoken there. They are the secret Jesuit leader in the US. Which is typical of them, because as you read above, about 95% of the actual Jesuits will intentionally hide their identity, and use that secrecy to protect their “brothers”. The Jesuits pride themselves as being the pope’s “marines” and “the company” (their own words). Yep, their conspiracy against the world is that mean and that abusive and that dangerous. No wonder over 83 countries and city-states have openly rejected + thrown out + banned Jesuits from being allowed in their territory.
There are 4 (sort of 5) types of Jesuits, and we expect to explain this in further detail in the near future. They are listed in order from highest to lowest.
1> Jesuit Teachers, 2> Jesuit Brothers (official, full Jesuits), 3> Jesuit Fathers, 4> Jesuit Priests, 5> Novices/Pupils/Disciples (from the college students to the not-quite-knowledgeable “deacons”)
Quick notes: what you are about to see is that almost every Roman Catholic institute for “higher learning” is controlled by the Jesuits, and/or is unofficially or officially a Jesuit school. There are only a few who cannot be proven to be directed by Jesuits, and those few are schools only for lady Roman Catholics. If you have forgotten how evil the Jesuits are or their cruel demonic blood-oath that they take to enforce the rule of Rome and the Vatican and the so-called “pope”, we suggest you read the info on https://www.RestoreMBI.com/web.htm and https://www.RestoreMBI.com/books.htm ~ If either of those links stop being active, expect that the Jesuits hacked or attacked them to silence the truth, as the freemasons have done with other reports that we have published. ~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, the RestoreMBI team
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— This list below is in order per 50 states (plus a few in other countries), and has the list of the colleges that we could researched and that we could prove. If you don’t see a college you expected to be on this list, try looking for the name written in a different order – for instance, “College of City”, could be called instead “City College”, etc. If you still don’t see it on the list contact us through the website, or through face-book or email, or phone call. Also, you will find a quite a few colleges listed here that completely try to hide their Roman Catholic and/or Jesuit identity and agenda, but they are indeed directly working with, or directed by Jesuits. Or if you see a typo or a college you would like us to research, please also contact us for that – we are glad to serve the genuine body of Christ, as time and life allow. Also, you will find a quite a few colleges listed here that completely try to hide their Roman Catholic and/or Jesuit identity and agenda, but they are indeed directly working with, or directed by Jesuits.
This list is by no means exhaustive, and with that understanding, we intend to update it periodically as we uncover more influential colleges that are proven Jesuit-directed, or training unofficial Jesuits. Each type of college, whether JD (Jesuit-directed) or USJ (Unofficial Society of Jesuits) have been researched individually and proven in at least 3 ways before adding them to this list. The SJO (Society of Jesuits) are the known and publicly-admitted official Jesuit colleges/universities. There are supposedly only 28, but you will find in the list below. Here are the 28 “officially admitted” Jesuit colleges: Boston College in Chestnut Hill, MA; Boston College School of Theology and Ministry in Brighton, MA; Canisius College in Buffalo, NY; College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA; Creighton University in Omaha, NE; Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT; Fordham University in New York City, NY; Georgetown University in Washington DC; Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA; Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, CA; John Carroll University in University Heights, OH; Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY; Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA; Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL; Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore, MD; Loyola University New Orleans in New Orleans, LA; Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI; Regis University in Denver, CO; Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO; Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA; Saint Louis University in St, Louis, MO; Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ; Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, CA; Seattle University in Seattle, WA; University of Detroit Mercy in Detroit, MI; University of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA; University of Scranton in Scranton, PA; Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, WV; Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.
You have our permission to copy and share this information everywhere and with all of your friends – the honest Christians need to become very aware of this dual physical and spiritual problem and danger.
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The list below is a list of most of the official Roman Catholic and Jesuit colleges, universities and seminaries in the US, as well as some other major colleges, universities, and seminaries that are prestigious and related to religious discussions, usually “Christian” or “Protestant” subjects, as well as some prominent (even “Ivy-League” college).
Key: Coed – both genders; TJ – trained by Jesuits; RC/DJ – directed by Jesuits; USJ – Unofficial Society of Jesuits training; SJO – Official Society of Jesuit training; strikethrough = closed; “SJ/DJ” = the only official Jesuit retreat centers in the US; “Coord” or “coordinate” = dual college partnership, 1 for guys, 1 for ladies; “pr.” or “private” = not admitted as being run by the Vatican or a “Protestant” denomination; “state” = college run and paid for by the government of one of the 50 United States; RC = Roman Catholic; “Bap” or “Baptist = Baptist, the “Protestant” denomination; “Meth” or “Methodist” = Methodist, the “Protestant” denomination; “Naz” or “Nazarene” is the “Protestant” denomination; “Epis” or “Episcopal” = the “Protestant” denomination; “Ref” or “Reformed” = the “Protestant” denomination; “Wes” or “Wesleyan” = the “Protestant” denomination…
You can find this list, here:
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-state.htm
> https://www.RestoreMBI.com/RC-list-state.htm
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