Mary Against Rome
Who is the real Mary? The Roman Catholic church makes up stories about some people and most of their followers do not fact check the stories/legends of the “saints”. They teach that Mary was a super hero, but they hope that you will not read the Bible and learn about the real Mary. Most people do not take the time to find these verses and understand them. And the Catholic church avoids reading these verses in their services. We want to help our friends, so we took time to find those verses and I also explain what it means. An introductory thought; Jesus did not look up to Mary with great respect.
We hope you will look at the Bible and read each of the Bible Passages we quote. We have proof in Scripture about things Mary did wrong to Jesus. If you have a Catholic Bible, some of these verses have been removed and replaced with Catholic opinions. You are allowed to read a King James Bible, and that will help you see all of these verses. I mostly quote from the NKJV New King James Version Bible. There are many free Bibles on-line. Let us start with the truth about Mary in this report. We also have a report showing Paul’s writings, and we have a report showing what Peter taught. In this report we will be also talking about Jews at Jesus’ time. Many of the Jews in Jesus’ days were great people, but you will also notice that we mention a few Jews who worked in the temple with Herod the Arab. King Herod was bad and the Jews who worked with Herod to control the temple were bad like him. Herod was a power hungry monster, and his relative Herod took over after the first Herod died, he was just as evil as the first Herod.
There was not a happy friendship between Jesus and Joseph & Mary. Luke 2:41-52 tells us…
[You can read more at the links above]
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